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GOLF: Sukan atau trend semata mata?
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Sekarang ni dah jadi trend orang main golf. Sana sini golf.
Ia tak ler nampak macam bersukan sangat.
Dari satu lubang ke lubang lain, naik buggy... tak jalan banyak pun..
Peluh sebab kena panas terik jer...
Dah ler nak start main mahal.. Golf Club tuh, sebatang makan ratus.. ribu pun ader. Bola sekotak RM70++
Kasut, glove... Green fees, etc.. very costly
Siapa sini main golf? What do u think about it? |
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aku nih mmg kaki sukan dari dulu sampai la skrg...
bola, hoki, basketball, volleyball, tenis, squash, table-tennis dll sumer pon aku main...
tapi golf is a very different sort of game...
walaupon nampaknye mcm mudah tapi jangan mudah terpedaya...
it is quite an easy game to learn BUT it is very difficult to master...
golf nih macam gymnastik dll...
u need to master the skill to execute the shot the way you want it to go...
nak pukul bola lurus, bola bengkok, bola tinggi, bola rendah, top spin, backspin, lob, drop n stop dll...
on top of that u need to make sure the ball will go the exact distance yg u dah plan for it...
ko kena practice n practice n practice...
n u have to be fit to get good distance with the ball on top of your skill n technique...
that is the time ko tengok kitorang berpeloh ke tak...
masa baru belajar dulu, everyday at least 200 balls kat driving range...
sekarang nak maintain single handicap still at least 3 times a week kat driving range jugak..
it is a very demanding sports...
not masa main tuh tapi in yr preparation to play good golf...
kalu stakat nak main handicap 24, sumerorang pon boleh...
in 4 weeks i'm sure boleh main nyer...
golf nih lain sket bcause u are competing not against anybody but the course itself...
it's u against nature...
that is why in golf, the most important distant is the 6" between ur ears...
it is a test of yr character n judgement....
masa main golf u can see the true character of a person...
kalu diri dia sendiri pon dia nak tipu apalagi arang lain....
enjoy.... jom pukul..:pompom: |
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Reply #3 kip's post
aku setuju..memula aku rasa mcm senang jerk sebab aku tak berada dlm diri seorg golfer tp bila kita mula menceburi bidang permainan golf nie, baru kita rasa susah..ini bukan permainan org org tertentu tp boleh diceburi semua org...sedangkan tiger wood masih lagi berlatih pukul di driving range..apatah lg kita yg tak master lg nie..kalau kita tgglkan sekejap permainan nie even sebelum tue kita dah hampir menguasai kaedah kedah pukulan tp ada kemungkinan jugak skill kita kembali tumpul... |
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hmm, so far tak penah main golf lagi la
tapi hopefully will learn it one day
coz bapak aku pun ade join golf club kat Shah Alam tu
tapi tak penah pun main golf
gi sane pun just to hang out or dinner jer
sekarang pun dah ramai orang start mencuba main golf nie, tak kira umur
nampak macam interesting and lain dari sports yang lain..
:nerd: |
golf is a sport...
trend skrg mmg ramai yg nak main pon...
which i believe is a good thing...
dulu mungkin it is too expensive n golf courses pon tak banyak..
tapi skrg it is more affordable..
especially for the juniors in school, kalu ada chance bagus kalau cuba join the game..
apart from the physical activity..
u will need to be able to plan yr game ie course management.. it is a thinking game..
u will learn to control ur temperament too..
u will learn to be honest n thruthful to urself..
u will learn etiquette..
u will get a chance to mix with all sort of people..
once u play together.. u will be friends forever...
jom......... :pompom: |
golf x ke seerti ngan:
1. golongan orang lemah fikiran?
2. golongan orang lupa family?
3. golongan orang lebih fulus x pe...
4. golongan orang lebih family? |
Originally posted by alcapone at 25-12-2006 10:11 AM
golf x ke seerti ngan:
1. golongan orang lemah fikiran?
2. golongan orang lupa family?
3. golongan orang lebih fulus x pe...
4. golongan orang lebih family?
1. kalu lemah fikiran susah sket nak berjaya dlm golf..
u need to have good judgement..
math kena bagus.. u need to calculate distance..
physics kena bagus.. u need to judge vector, angle, speed etc..
imagination kena bagus.. u need to visualized your shot n be creative..
mental kena kuat.. u need to have courage to execute difficult shot..
jatidiri kena kuat.. u need to hv confidence that u can succeed in overcoming the obstacle n hazard..
obviously org yg pernah main golf will know that '1' is not true...
2. bergantung pd orang..
i play regularly with my father n sister..
once in a while with my cousin n uncles..
we started golf because we want to play together.. especially on holidays..
3. tak semestinya..
for school children, banyak sekolah embarking on establishing kelab golf..
mga n malga are training school teachers on critical skills for young golfers..
mostly are sponsored by school n association..
tapi kalu ada fulus lebih, u can get better equipment...
4. maybe..
banyak famili = banyak problem agaknyer
golf is good in relaxing ur mind..
u can't play golf kalau ur mind is not free... u won't enjoy it...
ini cuma pendapat aku je.......... :love: |
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Reply #9 kip's post
wow.... good komentar though. |
Reply #7 alcapone's post
biasa gak aku dengar phrase tue..maybe phrase tue luahan tak puas hati si golfer yg tewas kat game kot..huhu |
Ayah Ally main Golf, he used to be the organizing team for big Golf Tournament. Masa tuh al his equipment & the expenses to main golf was sponsored by the company. So, takper lah nak main pun.
Yang tak best nyer, weekends dia tak der.. g tournament. Weekdays pulak petang2 g main golf. I think dia dah main kat semua golf course kat Malaysia nih. Dulu dia suruh Ally start main golf. At that time baru Form 4 mak tak kasi. Skang ni Ayah pun dah jarang main sebab kena tanggung sendiri. Dah bersara, siapa nak tanggung cost tuh lagi. Sekali sekala jer main lepas gian.
I used to hate people who plays golf. Sebab ayah terlalu sibuk ngan golf sampai no time with family. Balik golf penat & terus tidur. Skang nih, my bf pun main golf. Seminggu at least sekali mesti teman dia g driving range. Kalau g shopping mesti beli barang golf dia. Thats why I terasa golf ni costly. Bf Ally suruh blaja then boleh main sama, tapi I tak mau. I dun want to start, nanti ketagih.
True kata Kip, main golf nih its about you challenging the nature as well as yourself. Kalau tak sabar & tak concentrate on the game, mesti tak boleh main ngan elok. Mula lah bila bola senget masuk hutan ker, atau masuk bunker tak mo kuar ker.. rasa nak campak club tuh. Wakakkaka...
Kip selalu main kat ner? |
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rugi arr ally tak main dari dulu..
kalu tak skrg dah jd pro..
golfers mmg nak cuba as many courses as possible..
every course has their own character n challenges..
tu yg nak kena try..
banyal gak yg i dah cuba..
tapi ada satu lagi course kat m'sia yg i'm looking forward to challenge..
it was designed by robert trent jr tapi unfortunately tak ramai org tau it's there..
nanti lah bila ada kesempatan...
kip main everywhere bergntung pd permintaan kawan2..
kalu kat kl skrg nih rajin main kat glenmarie, klgcc, sri slangor..
bangi resort n staffield pon rajin gak..
ally baik join skali.. nanti bf keseorangan...:no: |
Originally posted by alcapone at 25-12-2006 12:55 PM
wow.... good komentar though.
sekadar berkongsi pandangan.. :nerd: |
jangan la kip kata cemtu..
Bf Ally tak der nyer keseorgan. I think he need time to be alone & with frenz jugak kan. Kang asyik bersama jer.. boring wei. Kip try Kuala Kubu Golf Club (tak sure nama dia). My father cakap kat situ mmg challenging. Dia panggil comando course. Try laa..
Bf Ally suka g kat Bukit inggi, he said, aman jer situ.. Tak banyak gangguan & sejuk.
Tengok lah, kalau tetiba duit terlebih banyak, Ally start main lah jugak sebab Golf set melambak kat umah nih. |
Originally posted by allymariano at 27-12-2006 06:13 PM
jangan la kip kata cemtu..
Bf Ally tak der nyer keseorgan. I think he need time to be alone & with frenz jugak kan. Kang asyik bersama jer.. boring wei. Kip try Kuala Kubu Golf Clu ...
penah gak dngr orang cakap camtuh..
nnt satu hari kip try kat kuala kubu baru tuh..
yg kat bukit tinggi tuh mmg best, kalu pagi sejuk je..
kalu g ngan gf best arr......
course dia pon quite challenging gak..
kalu golfset dah berlambak, apa tunggu lagi try arr kat driving range ngan bf tuh..
kalu g holiday bolehlah main golf sama2........
jom................ :pompom: |
nanti kalau Ally start golfing , Ally ajak Kip main sama ok.. |
Originally posted by allymariano at 29-12-2006 05:55 PM
nanti kalau Ally start golfing , Ally ajak Kip main sama ok..
kip ok je tapi kena ajak bf ally sama...
nanti kang jealous plak........ hahaha...
kalah belanjer makan k?.......... :nerd: |
ian_hamzah This user has been deleted
golf is definitely is a sport.....
kalo nak kata trend...tak larat wooo nak maintain nanti.....hehehe...
my son started playing when he was bout 4 yrs old....he chose to play...
we just encouraged him....even for kid's set( not even junior set)'s still costly...
but as he was serious...we tried to accomodate him......
but now....he's almost 10 yrs old....and he has choosen other games....
to be specific...ps2 n xbox....:geram:
but it's least he has basics....n if he decides to take up golf again...later....
i'd encourage him as before...but this time....just use daddy's set......wakakaka |
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