View: 3965|Reply: 21
Haku nak tukar camera wa
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memula haku ingat nak amik D80 utk gantikan D70 wa nie, tapi sebab Canon punya accessories lagi banyak kat mesia nieh, murah plak tu, ingat nak tukar brand ke Canon, amik 400D ker..
haku lum servey pro & con atau review kat internet lagi, nak tengok review dari korang dulu.. |
apsal tak nak beli nikon? |
Fast, kalau you masih belum memiliki koleksi lensa Nikon mount, sekarang adalah masa yg sesuai untuk bertukar.
Lens Canon mahal oooOOOooo  |
Betul tu ...lens canon and Nikon mahal..sebab ada VR..
beli lah SONY ALPHA..:love: :nyorok: |
welkam to the Canon Club:pompom: :pompom: |
fireunicorn_85 This user has been deleted
aku pun tgh dilemma ni, nak angkat D80 ke D70s.. ada sape2 leh bagi cadangan? |
fireunicorn_85 This user has been deleted
aku ingat nak amik d80 gak.
tapi bila fikir blk, aku leh dpt d70s dgn tele dan flash utk harga satu d80. (ye ke?)
apa pandangan otai2 sekalian?:nyorok: |
fast ko punya d70 ker d70s? nak let go ker dah?? |
D70 pun dak ok...tak larat nak shoot sket |
tapi kalau ada duit lebey job plak tak henti2 Ambik je la D80 |
fireunicorn_85 This user has been deleted
tu la. aku baru je nak berjinak dgn dunia digital slr ni, utk hobi je pun. nanti le aku test on-hand d80 dan d70s. susah nak buat keputusan. :hmm: |
Originally posted by tuah_r at 23-1-2007 04:18 PM
fast ko punya d70 ker d70s? nak let go ker dah??
hakunyer D70 jer, huruf S tarak..
sebab nak tukar, tention tengok kengkawan tukar..eheheh.. |
ikutkan je nafsu tu... janji puas... :bgrin: |
boleh puas ke..
org kata..ikut hati mati,ikut nafsu lesu  |
fireunicorn_85 This user has been deleted
aku skrg dah berbelah bagi.. d70s ke d80.. aduiii~~
kalau aku beli d80, budget cukup2 je.
kalau aku beli d70s leh ada sen spare nak beli lens lama2 ke..  |
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 24-1-2007 03:46 PM
hakunyer D70 jer, huruf S tarak..
sebab nak tukar, tention tengok kengkawan tukar..eheheh..
FAst.... ko nak let go ker?
Berapa ko nak?
Leh kasik spec kat aku tak?
Kalau dalam budget aku, leh gak aku sambar....
p/s : Ko pun leh tersesat sampai bod nih? hehehhehehe... |
body tu xde hal.. bleh tukar.. yang penting lense beb...
walau canggih mane pun body ko.. kalu takat lense kit je.. x best laaaa... |
Nicholas-see This user has been deleted
D80 is worth to buy. dun compare the price but compare the spec.
canon is cheap on body but expensive on accesory.
nikon body is expensive but body is cheap.
If you interested, you can call me. or email me.
i'm working on official dealer shop.
016-6697302 , [email protected]
Sure Include many stuff for you! M.card, tripod, beg.... |
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