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Post time 1-4-2007 02:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Arkitek Perancis bongkar misteri binaan piramid Giza

PARIS: Arkitek Perancis mendakwa membongkar misteri bagaimana piramid Giza di Mesir dibina



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Post time 1-4-2007 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Bukan makhluk asing yang tolong bina piramid ke?

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Post time 1-4-2007 04:30 PM | Show all posts
A French architect said on Friday he had cracked a 4,500-year-old mystery surrounding Egypt's Great Pyramid, saying it was built from the inside out.

Previous theories suggested Pharaoh Khufu's tomb, the last surviving example of the seven great wonders of antiquity, was built using either a vast frontal ramp or a ramp in a corkscrew shape around the exterior to haul up the stonework.

By flouting previous wisdom, Jean-Pierre Houdin said advanced 3D technology had shown the main ramp which was used to haul the massive stones to the apex was contained 10-15 meters beneath the outer skin, tracing a pyramid within a pyramid.

"This is better than the other theories, because it is the only theory that works," Houdin told Reuters after unveiling his hypothesis in a lavish ceremony using 3D computer simulation.

To prove his case, Houdin teamed up with a French company that builds 3D models for auto and airplane design, Dassault Systemes, which put 14 engineers for 2 years on the project.

Now, an international team is being assembled to probe the pyramid using radars and heat detecting cameras supplied by a French defense firm, as long as Egyptian authorities agree.

"This goes against both main existing theories. I've been teaching them myself for 20 years but deep down I know they're wrong," Egyptologist Bob Brier told Reuters at the unveiling.

"Houdin's vision is credible, but right now this is just a theory. Everybody thinks it has got to be taken seriously," said Brier, a senior research fellow at Long Island University.

Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities was not immediately available for comment. Dassault said Brier and other Egyptologist attending the ceremony were supporters of Houdin's theory but had no financial links to him or the firm.


Houdin began working full-time on the riddle eight years ago after a flash of intuition passed to him by his engineer father, and five years before actually visiting the site.

He found that the frontal, mile-long ramp would have used up as much stone as the pyramid, while being too steep near the top. He believes as external ramp was used only to supply the base.

An external corkscrew ramp would have blocked the sight lined needed to build an accurate pyramid and been difficult to fix the surface, while leaving little room to work.

"What characterized the Egyptians was their sense of perfection and economy. We talk of durable development now, but it was the Egyptians who invented it. They didn't waste a single stone. They relied purely on intelligence," Houdin said.

Houdin also claimed to have shed light on a second enigma surrounding the purpose of a Grand Gallery inside the pyramid.

The Frenchman believes its tall, narrow shape suggests it accommodated a giant counter-weight to help haul five 60-ton granite beams to their position above the King's Chamber.

He thinks that no more than 4,000 people could have built the pyramid using these techniques rather than the 100,000 or so assigned by past historians to the task of burying the pharaoh.

Houdin, 56, brushed aside concerns about the popular curse which is supposed to punish those who penetrate the secrets of the pyramids, dating back to the opening of Tutankhamun tomb.

"Why should I be worried? I'm just explaining that the people of the time were architects of genius and that Khufu was a genius to order the pyramid's construction. What could happen to me, except that Khufu would thank me?," he told Reuters.

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Post time 1-4-2007 11:11 PM | Show all posts
dia duk nampak piramid yang besar...tapi diri dia sendiri tak nampak...betapa ajaibnya penciptaan manusia....malah penciptaan semut itu lebih menakjubkan dari piramid...

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Post time 2-4-2007 05:50 PM | Show all posts
haha ... makhluk asing bina piramid ...dr mane korang dpt teori tu yg mengatakan demikian seolah olah memandang rendah pd keupayaan manusia sendiri seolah olah manusia ni tidak mempunyai kemahiran dan ilmu utk membuat ciptaan yg menakjubkan ....

mungkin 2000 tahun akan dtg ...jika manusia masih menghuni bumi .... mungkin mereka akan menjumpai klcc dibawah timbunan tanah ... dan mangata teori yg sama.... makhluk asing yg membina klcc... lg pon ade tak bukti mengatakan makhluk asing ni wujud ...

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Post time 3-4-2007 02:29 PM | Show all posts

illustration of French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin's new theory to explain the building of the Great Pyramid is unveiled in Paris, March 30, 2007.

This 3-D computer image illustrates French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin's theory on how the Great Pyramid could have been constructed using a corkscrew-shaped inner ramp.


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Post time 3-4-2007 02:37 PM | Show all posts
agak2 kalo aku ckp jin yg tolong buat...lojik tak?

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Post time 3-4-2007 04:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 pisang69's post

logik. :ah:

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Post time 3-4-2007 08:42 PM | Show all posts
hmmm interesting theory there... in theory it might juz works... heck i work in architecture works myself, but this one here, by theory, could be well more throughly thought.... kudos Jean-Pierre Houdin... now the have to make a btter simulation on probably try to build one mini piramid themselves to prove it? perhaps

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Post time 4-4-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts
apa2 pun piramid ni tetap sesuatu yg misteri.. dgn sumpahan nye dan pembinaan nye

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Post time 4-4-2007 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fish_o7 at 2-4-2007 05:50 PM
haha ... makhluk asing bina piramid ...dr mane korang dpt teori tu yg mengatakan demikian seolah olah memandang rendah pd keupayaan manusia sendiri seolah olah manusia ni tidak mempunyai  ...
sebab wujudnya teori ni pun disebabkan masa tu teknologi ancient Mesir terlalu primitif nak bina piramid. Kalu x salah, bukan semua firaun Mesir di makamkam kat dlm piramid. Kenapa plak tetiba je diorang minat nak kubur firaun dlm piramid. Satu yg saya baca, tulisan hieroglyphs Mesir kat dlm piramid masih baru berbanding ngan usia piramid. Bermakna org Mesir menggunakan piramid lepas pembina asal piramid dah x ada.

Apa kaitan patung Sphynx ngan piramid??



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Post time 4-4-2007 03:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 pisang69's post

Boleh juga kalau nak dikatakan jin atau makhluk ghaib lain yang tolong buat piramid atau manusia guna ilmu sihir untuk membina piramid.Logik pula hanyalah merupakan fikiran manusia yang biasa2 saja pengetahuannya.

Dalam al-Quran Surah Al-A'raf pun ada dinyatakan kisah Nabi Musa berlawan dengan ahli2 sihir Firaun.
Maka,pada zaman mesir waktu itu,sihir bukanlah perkara yang luar biasa bagi masyarakat Mesir.Silap2 diorang
menggunakan teknik2 yang susah untuk dicapai logik akal seperti telekinesis untuk membina piramid.Apa yang
disebut dalam al-Quran itu tidak logik,bukan?Ia memang tidak logik,tapi benar2 berlaku...

Kita sepatutnya mengkaji bagaimana mereka membuat piramid dan dalam masa yang sama jangan biarkan logik
akal kita menghadkan pemikiran kita.Berfikirlah secara terbuka untuk menerima idea atau teori orang lain.
Janganlah hanya kerana seseorang percaya bahawa alien yang bina piramid maka dia dicantas atau dikutuk oleh
mereka yang merasakan ia bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam,ajaran Hindu,hukum fizik atau sebagainya....

Sejarah Bumi dan alam semesta memang sesuatu yang menarik untuk dibicarakan.Dalam apa jua keadaan
sekalipun,jangan berpandukan logik semata2 untuk mengadili sesuatu kebenaran..

Definisi logik: Apabila kejadian itu boleh diterangkan oleh hukum2 yang bersifat jisim dan hukum alam(sains),
                  maka kejadian itu bersifat logik.



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 Author| Post time 4-4-2007 07:39 PM | Show all posts
pyramids at giza -

cheop (khufu')



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Post time 6-4-2007 03:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 dexa's post

Tak mustahil owang2 dulu hebat2 belaka ...

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gabanzack This user has been deleted
Post time 6-4-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya Piramid tu dibina oleh golongan manusia dari tahun 2230. Mereka telah menemui teknologi pintu cahaya masa yg membolehkan mereka travel ke masa lampau dan masa akan datang.

tak percaya korang tgk citer Doraemon

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Post time 6-4-2007 12:55 PM | Show all posts
aku rase org zaman dulu besar2. tgk je la kuil tu. besar gile.. kan nabi adam pon besar kan kan??

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Post time 6-4-2007 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Mcm mne pl dgn kuil yg hmpr bentuk mcm piramid di Mexico tu..?
Yg di buat oleh kaum Maya...?
Hmm..konsep yg sama ke..?

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Post time 6-4-2007 09:03 PM | Show all posts
piramid ni sebenarnya menyimpan rahsia yg lebih besar daripada pembinaan piramid itu sendiri. teori mengatakan selepas benua atlantis tenggelam akibat ombak besar, manusia2 yg terselamat sebelum itu telah membina kapal2 kecil dan melarikan diri ke egypt dan south america. kononnya mereka ni pakar dalm bidang astronomi dan mereka sebenarnya dah tahu tentang bencana yg akan melanda benua mereka (atlantis). kaum maya dan egypt tu adalah sebahagian drpd. keturunan atlantis. kaum maya telah meramal yg suatu hari nanti bumi akan mengalami bencana yg sama seperti yg terjadi pada benua atlantis. dan pada masa itu sebahagian besar kawasan bumi akan terjejas teruk. gempa bumi dan ombak besar yg melanda akan menghancurkan peradaban manusia. tahun yg diramalkan itu adalah 2012. kaum maya memanggilnya " the end of times".

dan sebenarnya pembinaan piramid tu adalah sebagai untuk memberi amaran kepada kita tentang catastrophe yg akan melanda bumi pada tahun 2012. apa yg aku baca, di bawah tanah antara piramid dan sungai nil sebenarnya terdapat satu labyrinth, dan dlm labyrinth tu terdapat secret chamber yg menyimpan pelbagai artifak dan dokumen2 penting tentang sejarah atlantis, peradaban manusia dari zaman lampau dan juga maklumat penting tentang catastrophe seterusnya yg akan melanda bumi, pada tahun 2012.

facts about the labyrinth

Although nobody has ever heard of it, this Labyrinth is indeed the largest building ever made by humanity. Superlatives are lacking to describe it, but let me give you an example:
it contains the "Circle of Gold", a legendary room to which the Egyptian Book of the Dead refers. It is made of granite and covered with gold. Inside there are documents about the history of Egypt, and the astronomical knowledge of their civilization. It was gigantic in size, and therefore its construction took many years. They worked with might and main on "The Double House" of the "Mathematical Celestial Combinations" for 365 years (from 4608 until 4243 BC).
Comparison: the biggest pyramid was built in about twenty years! Therefore it is not so strange that the diameter from east to west is 48,000 Egyptian elbows long (one Egyptian elbow = 0.524 meters), reaching a total length of 48,000 x 0.524 = 25,152 meter!

Should you get lost in the building, you would encounter a sure death, because many walls could move. One of the reasons which made it a real Labyrinth! Old scriptures tell stories about people who got lost and died of exhaustion.

Nobody knows how the present situation is, but considering the superior building style of the Egyptians, we would surely be surprised. Some rooms must be impressively large, with all possible star constellations engraved on the walls or the ceiling. So much for their constructive knowledge and ability.

Besides this, the practical astronomical knowledge of the Egyptians is illustrated on long walls, and can be read in the hieroglyphs. Amongst which the countdown from the previous catastrophe to the one in 2012



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Post time 7-4-2007 05:57 AM | Show all posts
nak tanye..pyramid ni ade diceritekan dalam alquran tak??

ade tak mane2 hadis2 sahih yang mention about pyramid??

aku nak tau sangat

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Post time 7-4-2007 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Dalam al-Quran Surah Al-A'raf pun ada dinyatakan kisah Nabi Musa berlawan dengan ahli2 sihir Firaun.
Maka,pada zaman mesir waktu itu,sihir bukanlah perkara yang luar biasa bagi masyarakat Mesir.Silap2 diorang
menggunakan teknik2 yang susah untuk dicapai logik akal seperti telekinesis untuk membina piramid.Apa yang
disebut dalam al-Quran itu tidak logik,bukan?Ia memang tidak logik,tapi benar2 berlaku...

Banyak cerita.....Puteri Balqis dan jin

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