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Post time 4-5-2007 11:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
why do we hate??

where do hate come from??

every religion ask us to love, to care........ but often ahte is ignored and it developes slowly without us knowing it...

what say you about hate??
you have it?

how to unhate??

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:08 AM | Show all posts
hate is a negative energy. Siddartha must be smiling to my answer because it is a right one eh?

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 03:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 ajinomotonosuga's post


not quite......... it is the effect of desire and hope......

You hope for something, you scare it is gone, you hate who want to take it away......

what say you in islam?? is it craeted by Satan???

By the way.... those negative emotions in islam.... is created by satan??

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 4-5-2007 11:11 PM
why do we hate??

where do hate come from??

every religion ask us to love, to care........ but often ahte is ignored and it developes slowly without us knowing it...

what say you abou ...

hate is a feeling, that needs to be cultivated, we're not born with hate in our heart

when bad things happen, that is when hate starts to seep in our heart, and take place....

and that is why, no religion taught us to hate   

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 03:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 dutchy's post


But why it developes faster than love???

In chinese there`s this saying:

"you need three years to be good; you need three days to be bad"

which is damm true.......

btw...... tak payah tidor?? tak ada kerja jer???

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:26 AM | Show all posts
u r running too fast  Mr Wei ,  when u are running too fast the water u carried is spilled

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 wei_loon5063's post

sok tak work ler

don't u agree, that whatever is bad is always ten fold?

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 03:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #6 ajinomotonosuga's post

If the water is spill......... who shall I hate?? ME???

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:33 AM | Show all posts
there is no hate in this world Mr Wei, there is only love.

ppl hate because they just dont know lot of things.

so u must tell them in ur best way , the way of the prophets

Satan does not create anything, they cannot do any harm whatsoever to human. Satan only live what they are programmed to live. They can check out of the hell anytime but they cannot leave the hell (sound familiar yah? but where did i hear this???  Ooooo i c, The Eagles, Till Hell Frozen Over and they did freeze the hell many times after the first unplugged tour hahahahahahahaha humannn...

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Post time 5-5-2007 03:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 5-5-2007 03:30 AM
If the water is spill......... who shall I hate?? ME???

why need to hate in the first place.

u ran too fast, so u water bottle goncang2..then its amount spilled a bit, that sound logic or common sense kan?

why need to hate u self? u ran fast because there is this mad dog kejar u..dia nak gigit kaki wei yang cantik macam kaki perempuan tu so u ran fast and as a result ur water spilled a bit..why hate urself?

hate the mad dog? why need so? he is a mad dod..berapa hari tak makan u pun tak tauu so dia lapar ..logic lah dia kejo u

hate the owner of the dog tak kasik anjing dia makan? are u sure this is right? he himself pun takdak makanan, silap hari dia makan that mad dog so mad dog pun larik kejor wei

[ Last edited by  ajinomotonosuga at 5-5-2007 03:42 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 03:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 5-5-2007 03:33 AM
there is no hate in this world Mr Wei, there is only love.

I know........ there wont be happy if there are no sad as well..........

But how to you unhate???

Eagles??? their only song I know is Hotel Carlifornia........

Not my era........

P.s. Call me wei loon...... not wei.........

wei is like "wei, kau buat apa?"

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Post time 5-5-2007 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Hate , the feeling, is there for a good reason but some humans have the tendency to abuse it . Hate is important in certain cases like we must really hate evil deeds in order to not to indulge in doing them, we must hate oppressive people for their oppressive actions in order to not to be like them, we must hate negative thoughts in order to not to let our mind be controlled by such thoughts because if we hate something deeply enough then we will avoid it at all course ... so hate if use positively can produce great virtue but when we abuse it like we hate people who do good, we hate good deeds etc then it will produce bad result to our own soul and well being.

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 07:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #12 free2rhyme's post

would that hate indirectly turned to be hating good things???

you hate greedy peoples........ but the greedy peoples are often richer and let you live in poverty........

in the end, you hate being nice guy.....

this example infact applies.........

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Post time 5-5-2007 10:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #13 wei_loon5063's post

would that hate indirectly turned to be hating good things???

you must be able to differentiate between good deeds and evil deeds to be able to hate 'evil deeds' or else you will fall into hating what is actually good thinking it to be evil out of ignorance.

you hate greedy peoples........ but the greedy peoples are often richer and let you live in the end, you hate being nice guy.....

this example infact applies.........

I don't hate people, I hate their greediness , its the evil attitude they choose to adopt that I hate, I don't hate them personally. Greediness can enter into anyone's heart and its usually an evil of opportunity and not necessarily rich people only, ordinary people who are not rich also can be greedy thats why corruption are rampant among those who are constantly being presented with the opportunity for example policemen in other word people who have the authority over something are likely to be greedy and indulge in corruption / abuse of power.


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Post time 5-5-2007 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by free2rhyme at 5-5-2007 07:28 AM
Hate , the feeling, is there for a good reason but some humans have the tendency to abuse it . Hate is important in certain cases like we must really hate evil deeds in order to not to indulge in ...

yup do agree with ur posting here free, in order for us to recognise what is hate, we got to understand it
in order for us to refrain from doing the things that we hate

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Post time 5-5-2007 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 5-5-2007 03:42 AM

I know........ there wont be happy if there are no sad as well..........

But how to you unhate???

Eagles??? their only song I know is Hotel Carlifornia........

Not my er ...

and therein lies the equilibrium in life, check and balance

oopsssss~~ me too called you wei

Can i call u WL, too lazy to type out all the letters  

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 02:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 dutchy's post

what is hate then??

How do you differentiate hate; and revenge?

sat.... no go shopping??
y at home forum??

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Post time 5-5-2007 02:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 wei_loon5063's post

hate is the feeling of uneasiness, it can manifest itself in different form

revenge is when you want to act out the hate factor

aha~prefer to brush up on my argumentative spirit

told u, not all girls/ women are alike     

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2007 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 dutchy's post


I sometimes hate... I better ignore it as hate makes you feel pain...

more pain than disappointments and sorrow.........

you must be one of a kind female who escape the desire of shopaholic then

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Post time 5-5-2007 11:08 PM | Show all posts

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