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With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power

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Post time 29-9-2007 05:15 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
We always heard the phrase, "with great power, comes great responsibility"...

popularized by Stan Lee, the writer of Spiderman comicbook franchise...

But what if, the opposite is actually the truth, and the truth is...  

Power actually comes from responsibilities and not the other way around. That "With great responsibilities, comes great power"

True power, can only comes from total responsibilities

We can only make the most of our life by accepting total responsibilities of whatever things that comes in our life...

That we are totally responsible for anything, and everything, that comes through our life. Everything that comes to our attention, our perception, our reality, our life... The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly... All. No exception. Then, we ran out peoples, and things to blame.

What will we do? How will we act?

p/s: this might be a total counterthread to the "Why me, why me?" thread.

[ Last edited by  Agul at 5-10-2007 09:04 AM ]



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Post time 30-9-2007 05:43 AM | Show all posts
ohhh....deliberately twisted the quote

as far as stan lee concerns, i think he wanted to stress more on the POWER itself....the power of being different from others is to help others...

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Post time 30-9-2007 07:57 AM | Show all posts
Spiderman got his power first. When Uncle Ben was shot dead, he realised that he had to use his power to become responsible person.
When I became a husband and father, (which is power) I learned to become a more responsible person.
I think Stan Lee was right. Thor was sent to Midgard to help the mortals. He used his power to become a responsible godling.



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Post time 30-9-2007 02:30 PM | Show all posts
aku pun rasa macam tu..
i don't know how to say, but experience told me so..

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Post time 30-9-2007 06:23 PM | Show all posts
With great power, comes great responsibility

Bila kita memegang tampuk kuasa, kita mempunyai tanggungjawab.
Bukan mudah untuk memegang kuasa ini. Kita perlu memikirkan
apa sahaja yang berada dalam bidang kuasa kita - benda, manusia,
wang dll.

Seperti spiderman. Bila dia memiliki kuasa, baru dia sedar bukannya
mudah. Berbeza bila dia adalah manusia biasa.

Keadaan yang agak serupa bila seseorang menjadi selebriti @ terkenal kerana
katanya diri sudah menjadi milik peminat. Segala tindak -tanduk menjadi intaian
dan ikutan, mahupun umpatan.

='with great popularity, comes great responsibility'

Kalau pemimpin, diri sudah menjadi milik rakyat.

='with great power, comes great responsibility'


With Great Responsibility, Comes Great Power

Konteks ini pula boleh dikatakan bila banyak tanggungjawab, banyak
pula yang boleh dikuasai. Contoh menjadi suami, berkuasa atas isteri.
Menjadi bapa berkuasa ke atas anak-anak. Jangan lalai akan kuasa yang
diberi, maka akan menjadi tanggungjawab pula bila berlaku akibat yang buruk.

=With great power, comes great responsibility

pi mai, pi mai, tang tu...



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Post time 30-9-2007 06:52 PM | Show all posts
baby yg diajar bertanggungjawab pd dirinya akan menangis bila lapar, tapi dia juga berkuasa...iaitu kuasa utk diri sendiri...



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Post time 2-10-2007 02:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Agul's post

That we are totally responsible for anything, and everything, that comes through our life. Everything that comes to our attention, our perception, our reality, our life... The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly... All. No exception. Then, we ran out peoples, and things to blame.

I'm in total agreement with us being RESPONSIBLE enuff and tough enuff to be able to face ourself in the mirrored EVERYTIME something bad happen ( as that is when we're most likely will run for cover and look for a scapegoat to blame our misfortune on ) and take it all in, that is the only way that we can say that we've the power over ourselves and thus able to exercise the power that come with being responsible



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Post time 3-10-2007 03:00 PM | Show all posts
responsibility itself  is power 'in justice'

irresponsibility is inaction in delivering power in justice due to many factors, could be incapacity, could be disability etc..

in an ideal situation, it is 'I love'

in reality situation, it is 'I love you( being selective)'

ideal situation we call it karma, for an ounce good or bad there is equivalent response. In reality there will be 'manipulation'



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Post time 3-10-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts
I'm sorry - just my 2cents ya...

I see it THE OTHER WAY ROUND - instead of with great responsibilities comes great powers, the way I see it, with great powers (titles) comes great responsibilities...



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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:05 AM | Show all posts
I just edit the spelling mistakes...

Will reply when I have the time.

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2007 05:41 AM | Show all posts
yeah... I deliberatly twisted the quote...

I believe Stan Lee got it backward...

Power, can only comes from accepting responsibilities.

Never, the other way around...

Even for someone who is born as a king.

It may appear that power comes first, but in my opinion it is responsibilities爐hat爂ive燽irth爐o爌ower.

Yes, some people may argue that some people got powers, then they are suddenly shoved with so much responsiblities...
have to do this, have to do that... etc.. etc...牋

But I think that we comes into our position in our life because of our act of accepting responsibilities, little by little bits by bits.
We accept more responsibilities, then we get more power. We study well, then we get good result, we et a good job, a good pay, we accept responsibilities of marriage, we got the power to procreate, to educate, to mould our offspring with good values, it goes on and on....
This is the foundation of countries, dynasties and empires...

There are much more example we can see in life...

Accepting more rsponsibilities, our power grows...

In high school physics power is equal to energy over time

Power = Energy/Time.

Power is the rate at which energy is transferred.
It is measured in Watts. 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second.牋

We must not confuse power with energy...

Extending high school terminologies to life terminologies...
roughly power is our own power...
and energy can be considerd as human potential (inherent in everyone of us)...
Anyone can only speculate how much power does the average person wield...
Who knows what's the limit?

[ Last edited by  Agul at 7-10-2007 05:53 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2007 06:07 AM | Show all posts
In our own personal life, the more we accept personal responsibilities for everything that comes our way, good or bad, the more empowered we become. We are no longer a helpless victim of circumstance. Altough it's really hard at the beginning to control how we think, how we act and most importantly how we feel at ANY moment in time. This is the hardest work in the Universe. Bar none.

In Huna tradition, a person is totally responsible for爀verything爐hat爃appens爄n爃is爈ife.燣iterally.燬o爄f燼爌erson爄s爄n燼燽ad爏ituatuon,爁or爀xample爄n燼燽ad爎elationships,爀tc...



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 Author| Post time 7-10-2007 06:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dutchy at 2-10-2007 02:34 PM

I'm in total agreement with us being RESPONSIBLE enuff and tough enuff to be able to face ourself in the mirrored EVERYTIME something bad happen ( as that is when we're most likely will run f ...


And could it be that, this爏tatement is爁ar more literal爐han爓hat most of us believe to be true.

It's like, only when we燾an totally accepts responsibilities for everything爄n爋ur爎ealities燾an爓e爎elease爐he燵b]power爐hat爈ies dormant爓ithin爑s...

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Post time 8-10-2007 11:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 ajinomotonosuga's post

in an ideal situation, it is 'I love'

in reality situation, it is 'I love you( being selective)'

how different is the two situation aji? the way I see it is such...
its there love or not...there is no buts, nor is there no ideal or reality situation

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2007 12:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 dutchy's post

It's natural to be selective.

Could you love everyone?

Well, of course you could.

Really needs practise though.

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Post time 9-10-2007 03:33 AM | Show all posts
power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely


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Post time 9-10-2007 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dutchy at 8-10-2007 11:31 PM

how different is the two situation aji? the way I see it is such...
its there love or not...there is no buts, nor is there no ideal or reality situation

the absence of love  is the denial of self worthy

idealism serves as ultimate goal, achieving is not as much important as realising or enjoying spur of any moment(destination)

from beginning to the end, despite whatever, it must be loving , at least in the core, outside life u can translate in many ways but keep holding to the core, that is love, an ideal

reality makes u wonder that there is 'another power' govern the intangible i.e. in ur helpless state, since in the beginning u agreed 'everything must be IN ORDER' otherwise the system is FALSE

so u begin in state of order, or RIGHT or perfect or in truth.

there is no TWO of anything, it is always the ONE, that makes u feel , think, there are two three four..etc. in life.

i dont exist, it is u who exist, u see urself in my inexistence. it is u, the only one who exist..nobody but you, yes u r all alone



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Post time 9-10-2007 07:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 7-10-2007 05:41 AM
yeah... I deliberatly twisted the quote...

I believe Stan Lee got it backward...

Power, can only comes from accepting responsibilities.

Never, the other way around...

Even for  ...

Is any newborn baby , power OR powerless?

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2007 10:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 LimpBizkutMerri's post

IMHO opinion, power don't really corrupt.

Those who get into position of power and do questionable things... They already have the corruption in them. Their inside are already corroded, it's intheir blood.

Being in position of power is just an outlet for them to realize their corruption in massive scale...

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2007 10:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 ajinomotonosuga's post

Subjective reality?

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