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poetry class + event + slam 2018
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Edited by seribulan at 27-8-2018 08:37 AM
hi geng
nk tanye kt mesia ni wujud ke klas poetry?
aku sejak akhir2 ni byk bace sajak2 oversea dgn local
minat plak nak tau lebih lanjut psl mende ni
sesape ade info thanks!! |
hmm x penah dengar plak pasal poetry class..
obachan pandai tulis puisi tak..??
lemon lak ade gak teringin nak mesti ended up jadi x sedap..kdg2 tu xde idea langsung..
tp lemon mmg ske sangat baca sajak or poem..  |
poetry class kt malaysia ni mcm xde dgr pulak ada.
atau kalau adapun dia mcm x berapa exposed.
if anyone yg ada info boleh share sbb berminat nak pergi |
Ni gi dengar -KOBEK FEST AKAN DIADAKAN PADA 14, 15 dan 16 SEPTEMBER NI! Ada film indie, seni fabrik, bacaan sajak atau puisi, mini gig, wayang kulit, pertandingan skateboard, Panggung Buku, Pick Up atau Bike Show, Doodle Jam, Demo atau talk session bersama aktivis, Open Mic dan banyak lagi!
Pink Quill - Memoirs of the Heart
Poetry Family / Kids Kids Education Writing Bootcamp Kids Education
18 Dec - 21 Dec 2018
[ Tue ] - [ Fri ]
10:00 - 18:00 MYT
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ME.REKA Makerspace
Lot 1C, Level G1 (A4 Entrance) Publika Shopping Gallery, Solaris Dutamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia |
Malaysia’s first National Poetry Slam to take place at George Town Literary Festival 2018.
THE SEARCH for Malaysia’s brightest voices in spoken word poetry begins as the inaugural Malaysia National Poetry Slam is set to take place in November this year.
Built on the art of performance poetry, the competition will see 12 shortlisted poets showcasing their best work at George Town Literary Festival 2018 (GTLF 2018), which will take place from 22-25 November. The competition is open to all Malaysian citizens 15 years and above, and submissions will be accepted in English and Bahasa Malaysia.
A poetry slam is a competition that combines the performative elements of poetry recitation and theatre to discover the brightest voices in Malaysian spoken word. This platform will allow the winner of the National Slam to compete at international poetry platforms.
GTLF Festival Director Bernice Chauly said the the national poetry slam is a timely affair with the country’s successful exercise of democracy and is also aligned with the festival’s theme this year ‘The State of Freedom’.
"The National Slam is aimed to showcase the best in Malaysian spoken word and the GTLF is ready to host the finals of the very first national slam.
“In the same spirit of celebrating free speech and expression, the GTLF continues to support necessary and emerging voices in a rapidly transforming country,” said Chauly.
From now to September, the Malaysia National Poetry Slam will have it’s preliminary rounds where keen participants can submit a 3-minute video of their performance.
Video entries can be submitted until midnight of September 16.
Entries will then undergo a selection process by a panel of local judges, out of which 12 participants will be shortlisted to compete at the poetry slam finale at George Town Literary Festival on Nov 26.
Helmed by GTLF co-curator Melizarani T.Selva and Australian poet William Beale, the poetry slam is designed to be both online and offline as a live event to reach out to spoken word poets around Malaysia. |
TQSM Seribulan 
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Category: Belia & Informasi