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Lost City of Khmer Empire - Near Tasik Chini -
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Lost city of Khmer empire?

The pyramid-like hills near Tasik Chini have sparked
interest in the legend of a lost civilisation.
PEKAN: The existence of seven pyramid-like hills near Tasik Chini has again sparked interest in the legend of a lost civilisation in the area that could date back to the 12th century.
While there is no proof that the hills are man-made, there is a possibility that it is part of a lost city or may at least shed some light on the mystery.
It is long believed that the ancient city could only be found in the depths of the lake. This is based on a theory that the area was inundated with water after the fall of the Khmer empire, of which the city was a part of in the 15th century.
Although many people have made claims of a sunken city, little effort has been made to unravel the mystery. Based on pieces of porcelain found in the area, the city could have been built when the Khmer empire was at the height of its power.
The Khmer empire was ruled, between 802 and 1432, by a succession of "god kings" and had its capital in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where the famed Angkor Wat temple complex stands.
According to a villager, the "pyramid" was more evident when one of the unique hills in Padang Kerbau was cleared by a plantation company recently.
"Before this, all the hills looked normal. However, the way they were 'positioned' is not natural and that is quite interesting," said Ahmad Najib Mohd Don of Kampung Melayu, Chini.
Ahmad Najib, 57 and his wife, Pauziyah Abdullah, 49, later drove their pick-up truck to the hills and found that the formations stood in a swampy area.
Although she was born in Kampung Melayu, Pauziyah said she never realised the peculiar shape of the hills as they were covered by vegetation.
"The hills are also inaccessible because of the swampy land which surrounds them."
The new development has excited archaeologist, Professor Datuk Dr Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman, who was known for his leading role in the expedition to locate the lost city in 1998.
"There's a possibility as we cannot say for sure its exact location. It can be in the lake or on land," said the senior research fellow at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia when contacted.
He said there was no conclusion during the two-week exploration nine years ago as the team had lacked funds.
"We managed to drain a small part of the lake but the compartment walls collapsed when we were about to clear a layer of mud on top of a rocky base."
whoaa wouldnt that be something!! and a great for historian
for this interesting finding --
gonna pay a close look at this - and who knows it's really a lost
city of khmer empire once upon a time |
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khamer mmng satu kerajaan yg kuat suatu masa dulu.... |
Orkid20 This user has been deleted
Kerajaan tak nak bagi fund ke? Baguih projek ni. |
kerajaan bz gn projekk lainnn
wawawawawa |
Originally posted by arnabkiut at 10-12-2007 02:42 PM 
kerajaan bz gn projekk lainnn
bukan la... takot nnti sejarah tertukar... |
Originally posted by Orkid20 at 10-12-2007 01:48 PM 
tasik chini .... ermmmmm
teringat MYTH --
naga di tasik chini !! --
anyway memang patut sangat kalau kerajaan bagi fund
untuk project ni --- ini satu penemuan yang bersejarah
and whatever comes out would be for the good of our
country's history - |
Reply #6 bubpallo's post
offtopic -
everytime i see your avatar
i laugh so much
sooo funny --- i like it - |
Betul ker Khmer atau Srivijaya atau Kerajaan lain ?
[ Last edited by HangPC2 at 10-12-2007 10:56 PM ] |
Reply #6 bubpallo's post
takut nanti ada lak yg buat KHMERAF buat tuntutan kat Queen... |
Setahu saya Empayar paling berpengaruh di masa dulu kat Semananjung ni Empayar Melayu Champa.Bukan Khmer.Kalau Kerajaan nak kaji pun tak ada apa-apa masalah kerana memang keturunan Melayu itu ramai yang dari Champa. |
Reply #14 bubpallo's post
offtopic: ppuan tu bukan marah laki tu cium bontot dia marah sbb dia terkejut,pelempang tu reaksi terkejut..bukan sbb kes cium bontot.. |
Tak salah aku, melayu champa tu pon asalnya khmer. Ingat lagi mase kecik, tgk majalah 3. Dia kate ade sorang mat saleh yang duduk kat situ. Time dia mati dia bagitau ade ular besar nak mampos kat situ. Mungkin itu la naga tasik chini kot hehehe |
Reply #1 dexa's post
Aku rasa bukan Empayar Khmer tapi Srivijaya. Korang ingat tak dulu pihak media kecoh tentang kononnya ada sebuah kota purba yang ditemui di Johor. Kota tu dipercayai adalah Kota Gelanggi - pusat pemerintahan pertama Srivijaya sebelum berpindah ke Palembang. Bila dorang buat kajian, rupanya tak jumpa pun...
Jadi aku rasa Kota Gelanggi bukan di Johor tapi di Pahang. Kota Gelanggi yang dikatakan hilang tu sebenarnya ada di dasar Tasik Chini. Bukit berbentuk piramid tu adalah salah satu tinggalan Kota Gelanggi...
Itu pendapat akulah....
[ Last edited by ijad_adiputera at 8-1-2008 06:59 PM ] |
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