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Gang, sori dah lama tak menjelma...i got something to share tat happened to me two weeks ago.. It was on my youngest aunt's hari nikah and dia buat majlis dia at her brother's house. Sebenarnya from the start dah memang banyak cock-ups regarding the majlis.. her mum(my nenek sedara) mintak tolong lasti minute about doing all the gubahan and gifts, then bila kita da tolong, she kasi alasan no money untuk jamu kita makan. Bukan tak berterima kasih but as a gesture for us helping, apa salahnya. Lagi last minute mcm ni semua sanggup tolong, takkan tak boleh. Nak kata dia takde duit, memang cannot be lah. Then,masa tu pun dengar cerita my aunt's bakal hb is an instructor yg badan banyak tattoo..Ini pon my nenek sedara yg bilang kita but we can only not judge, dengar je. But ada lagi benda kurang enak berlaku but we try not take it too hard lah.
So the next day pulak, wedding dia kita hadir, itupun weird jugak. My nenek sedare yg sepatutnya mak pengantin, stayed in the kitchen instead of pegi depan pintu, sambut rombongan pihak lelaki. Instead she asked my mum to do it. Orang sana manalah kenal my mum rite.. Tapi after a long while barulah my nenek sedara ni emerge utk sambut dorang. Then,pihak lelaki yg hadir ni, ramai sangat makcik and nenek and they duduk dekat depan(kawasan lelaki sepatut duduk, depan pengantin,wakil and kadi), pihak lelaki duduk belakang. Kan weird. Then semasa selesai bacaan doa dari kadi serta upacara pernikahan, alih2 suara2 makcik2 ni makin kuat baca doa dorang that they were readin from a book or its written, im not sure. Kita semua pelik sebab doa pon tak pernah dengar(banyak gunakan ayat 'masyallah') and lagipon, perumpuan mana boleh buka suara depan yg bukan mahram? Kita semua pelik, including wakil pihak kita tapi we are no one to stop them lah kan. Selesai upacara, makcik2 ni mcm menunjuk-nunjuk cakap kuat2 sedare ni yg tu yg ini dari KL lah, Jakarta lah, London lah.. Abang pengantin lelaki plak, siap perintah2 pihak kita to do things here and there, angkat barang. And as it turns out, even pengantin lelaki himself was cocky.
Okaylah, mungkin terlalu banyak sangat benda tak bagus happen and people start to get kecoh, something strange hapen malam tu jugak. My elder sis who's pregnant and me had nightmares for two nights straight. i mimpi the same scenario of goin to the wedding, tapi aft tat mcm orang kejar I, and i had to close the door dua kali barulah dia takde. after tat terus i terbangun. my sis just felt uneasy and couldn't sleep, macam rasa ada benda kat situ. We told our mum, and she juz knew something after a phone call from my aunty(adik my mum). Dapat tahu dari my nenek sedara,rupanya mak si pengantin lelaki ada ilmu hitam.. Coz my aunty(the pengantin) ever complain to her mum, the guy's mum pernah ajak dia pergi Batam untuk "ambik barang". And she also found some strange things berkaitan dgn ilmu tu masa dia tolong kemas rumah pihak lelaki untuk majlis kawin tu. My aunty even pernah nampak dia "turunkan ilmu" kat orang; makcik tu was possesed lah, or "menurun" eh kata orang kita.Bila kita da tau, my dad pun sarankan baca surah2 sebelom tido, and since then me n my sis dah boleh tido. But next day, it happened to my parents pulak. My dad selalu sembahyang sunat and zikir sementara tunggu waktu solat subuh. So masa dia zikir, dia mcm nampak bayang from the corner of his eye got black figure berjalan ulang-alik depan pintu bilik. And bulu roma dia pon berdiri. He buat bodoh aje, but he said bila masuk waktu subuh terus benda tu hilang. My mum plak dia mimpi mcm mine, we all goin to the wedding tapi kita kena kejar by this unknown "thing".. It was lucky masa tu terus my mum could hear my dad calling her, yg rupanya waking her up.. My mum kata mungkin dia mimpi sebab dia terlupa nak baca doa before her nap as she was tired. Lagi satu, barang yg ada dlm rumah mcm main sembunyi2. Small things lah i mean. Like before my dad went for the wedding and tgh bersiap, dia letak dua butang baju kurung of the same color atas dressing table. Bila nak pakai, he found one of it missing. Bila cari and went to my bro, my bro cakap pergi tukar aje pada lain butang. He returned to the table and the butang yg dia tgh cari was there where he last saw it. Duit pon sama, my dad letak kat atas meja tu tapi both my mum and bro tak nampak. Bila my dad there and was like "Ah ni duit ni, kan saya dah cakap saya letak kat sini", then both my bro n mum can see padahal they went thru tat same spot so many times but couldn't find.
Semenjak tu i sleep pon baca doa agar ada for the things in my house..entah eh..mungkin makcik tu masa baca doa ada berkaitan dgn ilmu dia, mungkin terpercik kat kita, amongst others.. My family plak the only ones duduk tepi pintu so mungkin lah.. Majlis sanding plak will be held in March tis yr.. Both pihak lelaki & perumpuan combine and its held at the lelaki nye rumah.. I tak berani pergi, after ni semua jadi.. Korang berani pegi if its u guys? Bukan apa, rumah makcik tu kat situ, ntah apa dia simpan, wallahua'lam... |
Originally posted by skgerl at 17-1-2007 01:28 PM
Gang, sori dah lama tak menjelma...i got something to share tat happened to me two weeks ago.. It was on my youngest aunt's hari nikah and dia buat majlis dia at her brother's house. Sebenarnya f ...
ur nenek sedara punya family tak buat apa apa ke? ur aunty cakap apa about the whole thing? |
Originally posted by iansuryani at 17-1-2007 01:45 PM
ur nenek sedara punya family tak buat apa apa ke? ur aunty cakap apa about the whole thing?
so far tak pon..dorang cuma takot to react and my nenek sedare takut to say further |
guvnor This user has been deleted
Originally posted by skgerl at 17-1-2007 01:28 PM
Gang, sori dah lama tak menjelma...i got something to share tat happened to me two weeks ago.. It was on my youngest aunt's hari nikah and dia buat majlis dia at her brother's house. Sebenarnya f ...
dashatz.... ur aunty tu org baik2 ker tak??? |
Originally posted by guvnor at 17-1-2007 02:07 PM
dashatz.... ur aunty tu org baik2 ker tak???
nak kata org baik, she memang make mistakes tapi not the type yg main dgn ilmu hitam tu semua... Tu sebabnya dia pon takot bila cakap pasal mak mertua dia.. |
Makeupfairy This user has been deleted
What is the reaction of tok kadi? Dia tak comment apa2 ker kaum wanita yang baca doa pelik kat depan?
Pada my pengetahuan kalau mimpi dikejar sesuatu memang ada benda yang mengganggu. Seram sey kalau mother in law pakai ilmu itam. |
Originally posted by Makeupfairy at 17-1-2007 03:51 PM
What is the reaction of tok kadi? Dia tak comment apa2 ker kaum wanita yang baca doa pelik kat depan?
Pada my pengetahuan kalau mimpi dikejar sesuatu memang ada benda yang mengganggu. Seram s ...
Tok kadi mcm dungu je... Its the tok kadi yg related to my BIL, Omar Joned.. Kadi ni pon sket nye weird je..mintak bayaran depan2 tanpa segan silu..weird tapi still, he never say anything masa makcik2 ni buka mulut |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
heard this story.
this uncle is a security guard
dia tengah on duty sorang sorang pagi buta.......
dia rasa orang grab his arm...but there's nobody near by |
kat tempat keje aries ada new officer baru masuk keje....
she told me her ex-co di daerah central district haunted....dulu masa dia keje kat sana, mmg dah ada org bilang bangunan tu di tingkat 18, ladies toilet haunted...
one day, one of the staff at 18th floor tender her resignation. On the last day of work, dia dah kemas2 barang dia, then she went home....dlm pukul 8+ malam, that lady went back to her office. Someone saw her took her cup then she went to the ladies. The next day her body was found kat tempat ground floor. Mcm commit suicide. Police pergi every floor to investigate, then reach 18th floor, police terjumpa her hp in the ladies toilet. |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-1-2007 05:41 PM
kat tempat keje aries ada new officer baru masuk keje....
she told me her ex-co di daerah central district haunted....dulu masa dia keje kat sana, mmg dah ada org bilang bangunan tu di tingkat ...
hantu tu tipu dia tak?..
tingkap dia nampak pintu...  |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 23-1-2007 11:36 AM
hantu tu tipu dia tak?..
tingkap dia nampak pintu...
hehe...agaknya lah tu |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
i read pasal cerita2 seram in SAF.....quite scary |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 31-1-2007 02:10 PM
i read pasal cerita2 seram in SAF.....quite scary
kat mana ko baca matz |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 31-1-2007 02:50 PM
kat mana ko baca matz
sammyboy....urban legends |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 31-1-2007 03:04 PM
sammyboy....urban legends
link dia mana? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 31-1-2007 03:12 PM
link dia mana?
deaf,boleh tolong......i don't know how to put the link.sorri's Alfresco Coffee Shop
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Originally posted by matz_rockz at 31-1-2007 03:30 PM
deaf,boleh tolong......i don't know how to put the link.sorri's Alfresco Coffee Shop
ko cut and paste je kat address atas tu matz....... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
thanks blood...for the help |
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Category: Negeri & Negara