Asal kaum India adalah daghi india yg datang meghempat ke Tanah Melayu. Awat Inida india ini malau nak memngaku yg depa kaum IMMIGRAN?  |
Reply #1 PakLongChat's post
cmne nak ngaku... kaki putar belit banyak..siap putar belit sejarah & fact lagi  |
kalau kat dalam hutan jumpa najis dia orang nie.... aku tau dah bangsa nie punya.. sorry lah yer kalau ada sesiapa yang tersinggung. |
adakah ini kisah sebenar ?
Thaipusam Banned in India
A Hindu festival, Thaipusam is a national holiday in Malaysia, and many Malaysians point to it as an example of their country's cultural diversity. Officially, Malaysia is a Muslim country, but the breadth of its racial and religious diversity is truly astounding. Muslim Malays make up about 55 percent of the population of West Malaysia, followed by a sizable population of ethnic Chinese and a smaller, but equally visible, population of ethnic Indians. At the university, students and teachers alike spout the view that Malaysia is a true multiracial, multiethnic utopia.
While the "utopia" part is far from true, the often uneasy mingling of the races and religions results in a fascinating mix. Even in a country on the verge of full development, strong ethnic minorities and the official majority preserve and morph old traditions, creating a volatile Malaysian character.
Participating in Thaipusam is certainly not a requirement for Hindus. It's been banned in India, and most of the people I met in Malaysia will never participate. Still, Malaysia's celebration is among the largest in the world, and it has become less a strictly Hindu affair and more a distinctly Malaysian one, celebrated by Hindus and non-Hindus alike. This is the thing to appreciate about Thaipusam after the shock of the spectacle has eased. An extreme Hindu ritual, no longer practiced in the homeland of Hinduism, lives on as a national holiday in Malaysia, a country dominated by the austerity of Islam. Malaysia may have many rules, but it has just as many exceptions. It took me a while to understand and still longer to embrace, but the exceptions explain Malaysia better than the rules ever could.
[ Last edited by rojaksedap at 28-1-2008 02:39 AM ] |
Reply #6 rojaksedap's post
tak sangka plak, India banned thaipussam nih.. |
bak kata lingam dalam kes video dia laa...
lingam berkata " rupa serupa, suara sama macam saya, gaya macam saya, tapi belum tentu itu saya... saya mahu video itu di hantar ke US untuk di analis..." |
Originally posted by timeoutzone at 28-1-2008 11:27 AM 
tak sangka plak, India banned thaipussam nih..
itulah sikap immigran yg tak tau di untung  |
Originally posted by rojaksedap at 28-1-2008 02:36 AM 
adakah ini kisah sebenar ?
Thaipusam Banned in India
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/01/photoga ...
agaknya india dah nak jadi negeri anti penderaan.... |
mmm... cmner laaa puak2 hindraf ni kata mrk ditindas kt msia ni... kalo kt india pun ada sekatan psl festival ni... |
Reply #14 migdal_bavel's post
India punya bilangan kat Malaysia sama banyak dengan TKI Indonesia.Bukan ramai pun.Kasi hantar balik diorang kat Benua ******. |
Reply #15 sayapghaib's post
i think we are talking about The Tamils here! |
Reply #16 thamrong's post
Di India dimana Hindu adalah dominan,festival Thaipusam diharamkan.Di Malaysia sebuah negara Islam(sebagaimana didakwa)pula Thaipusam diisyhtiharkan sebagai cuti umum utk kebanyakan negeri dan disambut besar2an.Dua senario yg kontras.
Kadang2 kita ni terlebih toleransi kpd org asing,itu yg dah dibagi betis nak peha.
Patutlah ramai bebenor yg datang Batu Caves & Penang sampai dekat 2 juta org(campur dua2),rupanya 'jemaah' luar yg ramai pasal kat tempat diorang sendiri diharamkan. |
Reply #18 Gess's post
Thanks  |
Aku rasa yang kena ban bukan Thaipusam di India, tapi penyertaan BUKAN Hindu...hanya HIndu sahaja yang dibenarkan menyertai Thaipusam kat India. Kalau kat sini, muka Cina pun ramai join!
Baca betul2 paragraph tu!
[ Last edited by alphawolf at 31-1-2008 09:07 AM ] |
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