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My Father= My Grandfather ....ewww
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Penyakit masyarakat ...dah lama ada gak kt Malaysia .. cuma tak declare kt public jek...kesian la kt baby tuh .. cam ne dia?? sure confuse bagai...
Cam ne laa.. tak leh nk bayangkan..
so kepada bapak2 yg dah lama tinggalkan anak tuh jgn la jadikan mamat ni contoh... anak merata2 last2 jatuh chenta kt anak sendrik...  
Father, daughter have child together
April 06, 2008
A SOUTH Australian father and daughter have revealed they are a couple, and have had a child together.
Incest ... South Australian couple John and Jenny Deaves with their daughter, Celeste. Picture: Channel 9 screengrab
John and Jenny Deaves reunited 30 years after Mr Deaves separated from Jenny's mother.
Jenny was 31 and just two weeks after meeting, father and daughter had sex.
"John and I are in this relationship as consenting adults," Mrs Deaves told the Nine Network's 60 Minutes tonight.
"We are just asking for a little bit of respect and understanding."
Their nine-month-old daughter Celeste, shown on TV, appears fit and healthy.
Mrs Deaves said soon after reuniting with her father she began to see him as a man first and her father second.
"I was looking at him, sort of going, oh, he's not too bad," she said.
"Like you might look at a man across the bar at a nightclub."
Mrs Deaves brought two children, Samantha and Alex, into the relationship after splitting from her former partner.
Mr Deaves admitted that he "initially" thought having sex with his daughter was wrong.
"Emotionstake over, as people no doubt realise, there are times during your lifewhere emotions do rule the heart, it rules the head," he said.
"I knew it was illegal, of course I knew it was illegal but you know, so what."
Mrs Deaves said the physical relationship with her father was like "a sexual relationship with any other man".
For Mr Deaves the sexual relationship was "absolutely fantastic".
A South Australian police media spokesman said "the couple is being monitored". |
tu pasal la Islam dah tetapkan garis panduan yang sewajarnya.
tapi bape kerat sangat yang nak ikut kesemuanya... |
my mother = my grandmother ada tak ? |
itu la namanya desperate..
tak da org lagi kat dunia..
paksa cari dlm family masing2 |
anak tu mesti cacat ngan bodo piang |
ni mesti tpengaruh filem porno 80-an, Taboo
inbred |
isk.....  |
yaaaa...... teruknyer.... |
Reply #10 datingersang's post
siot je cakap tak pikir otak.
but its ok if u r free-thinker.. |
Reply #10 datingersang's post
this was either said sarcastically, a joke or she really is sick and couldn't hold her fantasies within herself org putih cmni la, asal jumpe, mabuk2 sket, trus ke blk..xde selidik ape dh..aleh2 ade hubungan darah..ish2 na'uzubillah.. |
Reply #16 PoningPalo's post
go to teen and sex edu. board
she's spreading her incestuous philosophy there |
ishh bodoh piang tul omputih ni....dah takde lelaki2 lain ke kat australia tu...dah la cari orang tua....iskkk tarak otak punya orang....
Dah takde hukum kemanusiaan ke diorg ni...semua main belasah je....Free pun ada batasnye...sick people!!!
:@ :@ |
ape nak jadi...!! jauhkan dari anak-anak dan keturunanku ya-Allah. |
apa nk jadi la
tada org len ke |
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