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Earth Hour 2009: Jom padam lampu! :)
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Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homesand businesses turning their lights off for one whole hour. Only a yearlater and this event had become a global sustainability movement withup to 100 million people across 35 countries participating. Globallandmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome抯Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood indarkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by thehour.
In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, we are asking peopleacross the world to turn off their lights for one hour atleast and join together in creatingthe vital conversation about the future of our precious planet. EarthHour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make adifference.
On March 28 you can VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights for one hour.
Or you can vote global warming by leaving your lights on.
Theresults of the election are being presented at the Global ClimateChange Conference in Copenhagen 2009. We want one billion votes forEarth, to tell world leaders that we have to take action against globalwarming.
It抯 as simple as a flick of the switch. Join us for Earth Hour 2009. |
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masa earth hour sydney 2008 .... aku baru smpai sydney dlm 1 tak tau menau pasal earth hour ni....mlam masa earth hour tu kitoran kluar minum2 coffee...skali aku herean apsal smer rumah ni ca gelap...bangunan kat city pun gelap jugak....aku ingat black out satu sydney...rupe nye diorang tutup lampu save the energy used....heehehhe.... |
konsert AF kena pospon ler gini |
mana leh on menda2 letrik kan....kipeh pun takleh la.
ate semua org leh la lepak bwah rembulan malam tu... |
Reply #6 nde's post
Rasanya off lampu jek
yang lelain bleh on
lelah ler kalau peti ais sumer pong off jugak |
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ala...kalau nak ikutkan...yg contribute paling besar pada kepanasan dunia, ialah negara2 besar kan....kereta byk atas jalan....pakai paper plates utk makan dan minum....jadi dorang yg patut buat benda nie at least 4 kali setahun
kita nie bukan besar mana, dlm satelit tak nampak pun cahaya negara kita...cuba tgk negara2 lain tue???
adakah saya akan join? tak tahu lagi |
Earth Hour nie bukan kat Malaysia ajer. Satu dunia amik bahagian |
jenuh le haku nak meraba hero kecik tu yg suka nyorok... masa dia kecik bila blackout dia jerit..skrg dia diam.... |
kl takat lampu je i join hal la sejam tp penuh makna |
Reply #12 220796's post
hehehhe....sila kasi pakai gelang loceng kat kaki dia...jadi boleh carik kalau blekout...hehehehe |
Reply #14 yaneng's post
kalau nk afdal lagi...gelang tuh selain berloceng, kene buat dari material yang glow in the dark tu |
Reply #13 nde's post
yup, light off ajer...mukan power off |
jgn lupa boh kat kaki suami jugak ya |
rasanya teman tak join.........anak2 takut gelap.........cemana pulak dgn shopping kompleks ya? |
Balas #17 nde\ catat
betoi..betoi..betoi..kang bila udah bergelap kojenye tak lain...
jadi drakula...
wakakaka! |
sonok pencuri kat pasaraya..time ni la nak amik peluang sakan....... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara