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Earth Hour 2009: Jom tutup lampu! :)

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Post time 18-3-2009 11:57 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homesand businesses turning their lights off for one whole hour. Only a yearlater and this event had become a global sustainability movement withup to 100 million people across 35 countries participating. Globallandmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome抯Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood indarkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by thehour.

In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, we are asking peopleacross the world to turn off their lights for one hour atleast and join together in creatingthe vital conversation about the future of our precious planet. EarthHour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make adifference.

                                        On March 28 you can VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights for one hour.
                                        Or you can vote global warming by leaving your lights on.
                                        Theresults of the election are being presented at the Global ClimateChange Conference in Copenhagen 2009. We want one billion votes forEarth, to tell world leaders that we have to take action against globalwarming.

It抯 as simple as a flick of the switch.  Join us for Earth Hour 2009.

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Post time 18-3-2009 12:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 jane_doe123's post

Adehhh.. bnyk jua thread ko buka jane doe

kul brpa kan ditutup lampung ani kian?

mlm sja bah... sama jua tutup lampung 5-6 jam pun bulih... tido kaliahhhh

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Post time 19-3-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
saturday ; 8.30pm - 9.30pm

lau ada futbol match, grenti inda dapat

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Post time 19-3-2009 11:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 reddots's post

lampong ganya ditutup kah cubby?

tb..?  laptop?  patut tutup semuha karan.. baru ya... ganya bnyk tia plng karang maksiat

atu satu... dua.. pencuri.. pasal durang tau udah lampung kana padam..

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2009 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Biarkan bumi berehat selama satu jam

Tutup semua lampu anda pada masa berikut,
Tarikh:28 March 2009
Masa: 8.30PM - 9.30PM

Lebih 1000 bandar di seluruh dunia telah mengesahkan penyertaan program ini. Di malaysia, Kuala Lumpur telah memberi kesediaan untuk bergelap selama satu jam. Antara organisasi yang telah menyataan kesediaan mereka untuk bekerjasama ialah KL Tower, dimana pihak KL Tower akan menutup semua lampu di menara kuala lumpur pada masa tersebut.

Selain itu, pihak 8tv juga telah menyatakan akan menghentikan siaran mereka selama satu jam pada masa tersebut sebagai tanda sokongan. Dijangkakan lebih ramai lagi badan2 korporat serta organisasi akan menyertai program ini.

Pihak earthhour juga telah mengesahkan mendapat sokongan dan kebenaran daripada Perdana Menteri Malaysia Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi untuk menganjurkan program ini di Kuala Lumpur.

Saya dengan ini menyeru semua rakyat malaysia (terutama warga KL) untuk sama-sama memberi sokongan terhadap program ini.

Apa yang boleh saya lakukan?
- Menutup semua lampu (kecuali yang benar2 diperlukan sahaja)
- Menutup semua peralatan elektrik yang tidak perlu
- Berehat la di rumah bersama2 keluarga, x perlu keluar

Anda juga boleh mencadangkan kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan di kawasan anda, pihak pengurusan tempat kerja anda, mahupun sekolah2 atau asrama2 tempat anda tinggal untuk sama2 menyertai program ini.

Untuk maklumat lanjut,

Official Website:

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Post time 20-3-2009 08:25 PM | Show all posts
mmmm kalau brunei join, kan bagus.. cam siuk jua... dpt tani buat 'kandid' tu hom

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Post time 21-3-2009 01:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #6 reddots's post

Ada match bola pakah mlm atu cubby eh...lampung stadium sure marak tu

tapi cam siuk jua kan.. apa jua tutup lampung sejaham ganya tu... bawa meliat tv - AF7 meliat dlm gelap

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Post time 21-3-2009 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Lights Off For Earth Hour
By James Kon

Bandar Seri Begawan - Hsbc Brunei will join millions of businesses and homes worldwide today in switching off the lights for Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an annual campaign led by the WWF that calls for worldwide action on climate change.

This year, every light switched off between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on Saturday March 28 will count as a vote for action. The results of this vote will be presented by WWF at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen later this year, according to a press release from HSBC.
In total, selected HSBC facilities in more than 40 countries or territories will be turning off their lights for Earth Hour. In Brunei, all non-essential lights will also be switched off at the main HSBC branch in the capital.

In addition to its Climate Partnership, which aims to encourage individuals, businesses and governments worldwide to act on climate change, HSBC has committed to spending US$90 million over five years to make sure that all its buildings use as few of the earth's resources as possible.
Meanwhile, Sheraton Utama Hotel yesterday announced on KristalFM that they would also be taking part in Earth Hour.

Sheraton Hotel will mark the event by turning off its lights and taking other energy-saving measures for one full hour, underscoring the Starwood Hotels and Resorts' commitment to environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, Sheraton is launching an Environmental and Energy Saving Week starting this Monday to create awareness on climate change, including arrangements for candlelight dinners.-- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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Post time 21-3-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-3-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Earth Hour: Join us for a candlelight picnic on 28.03.09

Join WWF, Nadya Hutagalung and Gold 90.5FM DJs, as we celebrate Earth Hour with a candlelight picnic and concert. Bring your bee wax candle, your friends and family.

Show up early! We have prepared a series of exciting activities.

Green Carnival & 'Blackout'

Bring your picnic rug and food basket to enjoy a simple and fun time with us, as we witness the first ever blackout of buildings in Singapore!

Date: 28th March 2009
Time: 5:00pm-9:30pm
Venue: Esplanade Park


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Post time 22-3-2009 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by holmes at 21-3-2009 01:34
Ada match bola pakah mlm atu cubby eh...lampung stadium sure marak tu

tapi cam siuk jua kan.. apa jua tutup lampung sejaham ganya tu... bawa meliat tv - AF7 meliat dlm gelap

  awu ah, banar ta jua. mun ganya off lights.. dpt jua dgr radio, liat tb tu.menyasah pun wokey tu.

tp hom, lau kan driving mlm atu payah tia.. udah ta street lamps off, lampung keta tutup jua.  apa bisainya, driving kai dian... hahahaha

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Post time 25-3-2009 02:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by reddots at 22-3-2009 12:44

  awu ah, banar ta jua. mun ganya off lights.. dpt jua dgr radio, liat tb tu.menyasah pun wokey tu.

tp hom, lau kan driving mlm atu payah tia.. udah ta street lamps off, lamp ...

.. jgn tah driving time atu cubby....

Brunei Shell pun support this Earth Hour ah...   so maknanya org yg keja Operation 24/7 will be working in the dark for an hour

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2009 08:47 AM | Show all posts
The energy saved by turning off the lights for an hour "won't make an enormous difference." So, if it won't cut carbon emissions, why bother then with Earth Hour, or Earth Day or Earth Live, last year's daylong concert for the environment?Because climate change is essentially a political problem, and the language of politics is symbolism. Just because an act is symbolic doesn't mean it empty. The only way to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to take the pressure off global warming, is an international regime that puts a cap and a price on climate pollution. And the only way that will happen is if politicians around the world become convinced that climate change is an issue that matters to people, one that will make them change the way they live, buy and vote.Unlike most of the issues that we grapple with, climate change is global. The pressure is on us to do the right thing." If shutting off the lights for an hour on a Saturday night makes that political support, well, visible, then Earth Hour will have been worth it.

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Post time 28-3-2009 07:17 AM | Show all posts
Lights off Brunei!
By M K Anwar

Brunei will be "switching off" this Saturday night in support of the Earth Hour 2009 campaign.

The Department of Electrical Services is calling on the public to take the opportunity to be part of this global campaign.

Initiated by the World Wide Life Fund for Nature (WWF), this collective participation from people all over the world to save energy for one hour will start from 8.30pm local time tomorrow.

In a press statement yesterday, the Department of Electrical Services said that Brunei's energy sources are non-renewable and are highly carbon-based. Towards ensuring that the future generation's needs are not compromised, it is crucial that smart steps are taken to conserve energy.

Energy saving and conservation were implemented in Brunei nationwide last year through the eSaving (electricity-saving) programme. This year, it will again be implemented in conjunction with the country's Energy Day on May 24.

Both HSBC and Sheraton Hotel have already joined the Earth Hour bandwagon in doing their part to increase awareness on climate change.

Sheraton Hotel has already launched their energy saving week and associates of the hotel have been invited to sign a commitment to pledge in assisting the hotel in achieving its target of five per cent reduction in energy consumption this year.

They have also called Noor Dina Zharina Yahya, Special Duties Officer from the Energy Division, to provide tips on saving energy and its importance. Throughout the week, the hotel will also be organising various activities for its associates to create more awareness on climate change and will also have a mini-exhibition at the hotel lobby.

This Saturday, the hotel during the Earth Hour will turn off exterior lighting, dim or turn off non-essential interior lighting and use candlelight in appropriate public areas.

They are also inviting the public to have candlelight dinner with loved ones at the Tasek Brasserie, Deals Restaurant and Pizza Connection in support of this worldwide event.

The United Nations (UN), meanwhile, will also be observing Earth Hour this Saturday as part of its efforts to mobilise global support for a new agreement on climate change expected to be put forward in December in Copenhagen.

Earth Hour was launched two years ago and this year's combined efforts bring in more than 1,000 cities with close to one billion people taking part.

Many cities have come up with different ways to celebrate the global event. Some television networks during Earth Hour will also be off the air.

So far Amman, Bangkok, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, New Delhi, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Manila, Moscow, New York, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Suva and Warsaw have committed themselves to the cause.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called Earth Hour as a way for the citizens of the world to send a clear message that they want action on climate change.

The DES said that energy saving efforts should be made on an ongoing basis and should not be done so exclusively in a short-term campaign. Locals interested in the Department's energy saving drive can get more information at

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Post time 29-3-2009 12:06 AM | Show all posts
cecepat hom balik rumah tadi... sampai rumah right on time before 2030...

tutup lampu... layan tv dlm gelap... hingga le skrg.. mengantuk lak.. nak tido daaa..

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Post time 29-3-2009 12:01 PM | Show all posts
last nite, i switched off everything except for lights.. heee

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Post time 29-3-2009 12:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 khyree's post

apesal lights tak off?

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Post time 30-3-2009 02:15 PM | Show all posts
tutup lampu jer.. aircond, kipas & tv on sampai pagi..!!

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Post time 30-3-2009 02:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 miezarra_27's post

tu le kan... motif tutup lampu jerkk??

kalo nak ikut... lights takde le consume bnyk energy... those aircond, fridge, tv and other stuffs consume more energy than lights..  lein le spotlights esp kat stadium ke.. or those buildings yg menggunakan nya..

Use magic Report

Post time 30-3-2009 02:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 holmes's post

yes... u r right...!!

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