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Asal Usul Bangsa Cina

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Post time 20-5-2009 09:24 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Originally posted by lanunkota at 18-5-2009 18:24

The Truth Revealed (with evidence)!

In June 1998, the government of Malaysia had hired a team of experts
from all over the world to be gathered here in Mala ...1) They finally found the graveyard of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and
others, their skeletons had been analized and samples of DNA taken
with the results showing: Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and mates
were NOT MALAY!!! They were CHINESE origins (islamic) from China!!!
Why were they here in Malacca? If you go back in history, you would
know that they were on a mission to protect the UNGRATEFUL MALAY
Sultanate from the frequent attacks by the Kingdom of SIAM (Thailand).
So Hang Tuah was not a Malay hero! They were the protectors of the
useless and ungrateful Parameswara (who was from INDONESIA) landed in
Malacca and claimed that the land belonged to him!...

Yang dema duk sibuk-sibuk bincang pasal nama MELAYU ni kenapa tak bincang sama macam mana orang-orang CINA mendapat nama CINA/CHINA mereka...mereka pun macam Melayu juga asalnya tidak dikenali dengan nama bangsa mereka sekarang.

[ Last edited by  amazed at 23-5-2009 13:39 ]



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 Author| Post time 20-5-2009 09:38 PM | Show all posts

Sejarah China[/td][/tr][tr][td]Tiga Tokoh Mulia & Lima Maharaja[/td][/tr][tr][td=7,1]Dinasti Xia[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dinasti Shang[/td][/tr][tr][td=4,1][/td][td=1,3]Zhou[/td][/tr][tr][td=3,1,12%]Musim Bunga & Musim Luruh[/td][td=1,2]Zhou Timur[/td][/tr][tr][td=3,1,12%]Negeri-negeri Berperang[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dinasti Qin[/td][/tr][tr][td=4,1]Han Barat[/td][td=1,3]Han[/td][/tr][tr][td=4,1]Xin[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td=7,1][/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,12%][/td][td=3,2,20%][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td=2,1,12%][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td=7,1][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Dinasti Tang
(disela oleh Zhou Kedua)
Dinasti Qing
Republik Rakyat China

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Post time 20-5-2009 10:34 PM | Show all posts
ko ni obses sangat la dengan bangsa melayu..

x dpt terima kenyataan ker kalau pendekar2 tu semua bukan melayu?

x abis2 dengan melayu

mcm la mati esok Allah tanya ko bangsa apa?


[ Last edited by  slier81 at 21-5-2009 02:42 ]

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Post time 20-5-2009 10:38 PM | Show all posts
yuhuuu......! aku cina......! cina dah mai.......!

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Post time 20-5-2009 10:38 PM | Show all posts
cina non-muslim blh mkn hampir semua benda yg berkaki 4.......

kecuali meja kaki 4, kerusi kaki 4, bangku kaki 4.......

nie antara contoh menda yg cina tak makan......

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Post time 20-5-2009 10:45 PM | Show all posts
stau aku cina dapat name CHINA from orang putih...

zhongua ren  okay

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Post time 20-5-2009 11:06 PM | Show all posts
ala ape gado2...
skrg ni habaq la lagu mana pun benda tu dah jadi HISTORY..

bdk2 zaman skrg bkn jenis kisah pun..klu ye pun jap je obses tu..pastu senyap la..tu kan pesen org mesia..mcm psl kes bunuh sharlinie ke..jap je siap polis negara kecoh nak kantoikan tu sume hangat2 je..skrg dah dpt tangkap ke mangkuk tu? tak jugak..:@

aku lagi kisah psl skrg sbb skrg bangsa kita tgh dahsyat dijajah pengaruh barat..sana sini mcm2 hal dorang nak tiru..

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Tak perlulah gaduh2 tapi sapa yang tak marah bila ekonomi disapu licin, sejarah bangsa pun mau diubah juga. Tengok buktinya:

1) Hang Tuah dikatakan bangsa Cina

2) Komunis Cina dikatakan pejuang kemerdekaan


Lepas ni apa lagi?? Mereka akan kata orang Melayu Hindu telah diIslamkan oleh pendakwah Cina Muslim?

Cukuplah .... Jangan cuna cucuk kesabaran orang Melayu

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Post time 21-5-2009 06:10 AM | Show all posts
Betul tu Wonbin..... Ada perlunya rasa sensitiviti bila bercerita tentang MELAYU-CINA mahupun  INDIA ... kita cuba utk tidak usik isu2 baik dalam forum mahupun diluar ...

teruskan topik ini..... mari belajar tentang bangsa ini...mmg mereka ni hebat..... boleh hidup dimana2 ... 'campak' saja mereka tak kira timur, barat utara dan selatan..... pasti boleh hidup dan berjaya.....

nota:  maksud campak diatas jgn disalah ertikan....... nanti jadi isu pulak...

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Post time 21-5-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
(eropah juga apart of malay world...tu lepas depa mengada2 nak attack nusantara laa)

elaborate pls.......

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 slier81's post

aku rasa dia bukan obses dgn bangsa melayu, tapi menyampah dgn racist yg tulis artikel psl hang tuah cina yg dia quote tu. sapa2 pun akan rasa menyampah, melayu poyo perasan Islamik je yg tak menyampah. mmg la Islam tak mementingkan bangsa, tapi takdela Islam suruh org jadi bacul sampaikan tak sensitif hal2 bangsa sendiri

anyway, smpai skrg takde bukti pun hang tuah and the gang tu cina. ujian DNA yg dia tulis kat artikel tu btul2 satu lawak jenaka. kalau btul pun depa cina Islam seperti yg didakwa, depa tetap bersaudara dgn melayu Islam sebab sama agama, bukan bersaudara dgn cina kapir, jadi cina kapir tak perlulah tumpang semangkuk.

[ Last edited by  rimau_manja at 21-5-2009 13:15 ]

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:54 PM | Show all posts
- edited -

[ Last edited by  rimau_manja at 21-5-2009 13:12 ]

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2009 02:50 PM | Show all posts

Balas #12 rimau_manja\ catat

Ya betul tu bang RIMAU...memang la engkau hebat. Bukan tujuan saya bukak tajuk ni untuk menghina mana-mana bangsa. Cuma nak bagi tau CINA di CHINA dulupun TERPISAH-PISAH ikut suku dan daerah...Bangsa Cina tu lahir hasil dari PENYATUAN suku-suku tadi. Macam juga MELAYU...ia lahir dari PENYATUAN...yang diikat oleh ISLAM...LANGIT YANG DIJUNJUNG !

Jadi sekarang sepatutnya thread ini membincangkan bagaimanakah sejarah kelahiran bangsa CHINA yang bersatu...kuat dan hebat ??? Itu yang saya hajatkan. Dulu saya pernah melihat dokumentari dalam ASTRO membincangkan tentang sejarah kelahiran bangsa CHINA...ia ada kaitan dengan pembinaan tembok besar China itu sendiri.

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2009 02:53 PM | Show all posts
The Ch'in

   Ancient China had always been a collection of more or less independent states in the north of China. The Shang and the Chou dominated the political landscape as the most powerful of those states, but they did not exercise uniform rule over neighboring regions. When the Chou began to weaken around 500 BC, these independent states began to war among themselves over territory and influence. So chaotic was this period that the Chinese refer to it as The Warring States period, and it did not end until the whole of north China was unified under a single empire, the Ch'in dyansty.

   In Chinese history, the Ch'in are the great, evil dynasty, but Western historians often stand in awe of the Ch'in. They were repressive, autocratic, and frequently cruel, but they were also brilliant political theorists and reformers who historically brought about one of the most energetic periods of Chinese government. Their story, however, is a very brief one. For from the time the Ch'in unified China in 221 BC, to the time of their fall fifteen years later in 206 BC, not even a generation had passed. For all that, so massive was their accomplishment that our name for China is derived from the Ch'in.

   The Ch'in were a small state in the western reaches of the Wei River. As with all states during the Warring States period, the Ch'in pursued an aggressive policy of territorial expansion. The Ch'in, however, had one great advantage: they had adopted a new style of government based on the principles of the Legalists. Ultimately based on Confucianism, Legalism held that human beings were fundamentally base and selfish and had to be strictly controlled through laws. These laws were effective only if punishments were severe and certain, so the Ch'in kingdom was frighteningly autocratic. But Legalist philosophy also demanded a strong central government, a strong military, a tightly controlled economy, and the strict regimentation of the citizens of the state. As a result, the Ch'in kingdom grew powerful and wealthy in a very short time.

Ch'in shih-huang-ti

   We traditionally date the start of the Ch'in dynasty to 256 BC, although the unification of China did not occur until 221 BC. By 256 BC, the Ch'in had become the most powerful state in China, and in 246 BC, the kingdom fell to a thirteen year old boy, Ch'eng. As a young man, he surrounded himself with brilliant Legalist ministers. His most powerful and trusted advisor was Li Ssu, one of the foundational theorists of Legalism. Under their advice, in 232 BC, King Ch'eng, at the age of twenty-seven, began a vigorous campaign to unify and centralize all the northern kingdoms. The surrounding kingdoms were no match for the wealth and military power of the Ch'in, and by 221 BC, Ch'eng conquered all of the northern kingdoms.

   He assumed the title, Ch'in shih-huang-ti, or "The First Exalted Emperor of the Ch'in." Under his guidance, and the advice of Li Ssu, Ch'in shih-huang-ti created the form of government which served as the model for all future Chinese dynasties. First, the government was centralized around the emperor and his ministers. In order to facilitate that centralization, the Ch'in replaced the old, feudal system in which territory was controlled by more or less independent nobility with a strong, hierarchical bureaucracy. All the members of this bureaucracy, as well as the ministers of the state, would be appointed by the central government. In order to break the power of the aristocracy, he confiscated their lands and distributed them to the peasants. To facilitate the taxation process, government taxes were taken directly from the peasants rather than passing through the hands of the aristocracy.

   In order to cement the centralization of government, Ch'in shih-huang-ti embarked on an ambitious campaign of standardizing money and weights and measures. The Ch'in emperor also put the most severe of Legalist doctrines into practice as well. The laws of the unified empire were strict and harsh, particularly if you were in government. The penalty for any corruption at all among government servants was death. The Legalists also believed in centralization of thinking, fearful that any non-Legalist ways of thinking could lead to disruption and revolution. So all the other schools of philosophy were outlawed, especially Confucianism, and their books were burned and their teachers were executed. The Ch'in were also hard on commerce. Seeing it as a form of infection or parasitism, the Ch'in severely restricted trade and mercantilism, taxed the merchants heavily, and executed merchants for the most trivial offenses.

   The Ch'in, however, set their eyes on more than the administration of the northern territories. They turned south and steadily conquered the southern regions of China all the way to the Red River in north Vietnam. Their greatest enemy, however, was to the north. Called the Hsiung Nu, these nomadic, Hunnish people, had been making constant incursions into the northern territories all during the Chou period. The peoples north of China had originally developed as hunters and fishers, but when the region began to dry out and the forests receded, they turned to keeping flocks. As a result they learned horsemanship and began to wander nomadically; they also began to fight among themselves. This constant fighting made them highly skilled at fighting on horseback, and when they began to wander into the northern states of China, they made extremely formidable opponents for the infantry-based northern states. In response to these incursions, the northern kingdoms all during the Chou period built walls and fortifications along their northern borders. The Ch'in began a massive project of joining many of these walls and fortifications. Although the Ch'in did not build the "Great Wall" as historians used to claim (the Great Wall was built during the Ming dynasty), this fortification and building project during the Ch'in period was in itself truly amazing.

The Fall of the Ch'in

   Ch'in shih-huang-ti died in 210 BC at the age of forty-nine; the amazing thing about the empire he had founded is that it collapsed only four years after his death. While the Legalist government of Ch'in shih-huang-ti was ruthlessly efficient in its control over the state and the bureaucracy, that ruthlessness proved to be its undoing. The emperor, who had hoped to found a dynasty lasting over ten thousand years, had alienated many people, particularly the landed aristocracy. The building projects of the Ch'in demanded forced labor and heavy taxation; people all throughout the empire were on the verge of revolt. Finally, the Ch'in had created a government that virtually ran without the emperor, who remained aloof from day to day governing. Upon Ch'in shih-huang-ti's death, the two most powerful administrators, Li Ssu and Chao Kao, covered up his death and took over the government. They installed a puppet emperor, but for the most part all Chinese government rested in their hands. Both Li Ssu and Chao Kao ruthlessly enforced penalties on lower administrators; because of this, regional administrators kept secret the revolts and uprisings in their territories for fear of punishment. Eventually, Chao Kao eliminated Li Ssu, and the territorial uprisings became so severe that they could no longer be kept secret. By that point, it was too late, and the dynasty that was to last ten thousand years disappeared only four years after its founder died.

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Jadi kesimpulannyanya Maharaja Ch'in Dynasty Shih Huang Ti (259–210 bc), menjadi emperor pertama China (221–210 bc)...dialah BAPA segala CHINA...pengasas WANGSA dan BANGSA CHINA. Walaupun hayatnya serta hayat empayarnya singkat...mungkin disebabkan KEKEJAMANnya...tapi namanya tetap ABADI selama "10 000" tahun selepasnya.

[ Last edited by  tongkatali at 21-5-2009 15:00 ]

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Post time 21-5-2009 08:47 PM | Show all posts
hhhmmm....itu tamadun cina.....tamadun kita ?

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Post time 21-5-2009 10:06 PM | Show all posts
bila pulak laa ada BUKTI KUKUH yang mengatakan HANG TUAH tue CINA... tah ape2 laa..

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Post time 22-5-2009 10:47 AM | Show all posts
hang tuah tu cina.....

HANG PIIIIII RAHHHHH.................

sejarah pon tak tau sapa itu hang tuah 5 bersaudara.....
pandai jer wat buku sejarah sendiri.....

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2009 03:06 PM | Show all posts

Balas #19 edy137\ catat

Apa nak kisah Hang Tuah and The Gangs tu Cina....ini menunjukkan bahawa kita iaitu Melayu ni HEBAT...seluruh dunia datang nak berkhidmat dan berkerja dengan kita. Hebattt Melayu !

[ Last edited by  tongkatali at 22-5-2009 15:07 ]

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Post time 22-5-2009 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Ada pulak cerita yang kata Wali Songo yang mengislamkan Jawa itu pun rupa-rupanya orang Cina Muslim.  

Abis segala watak dalam sejarah dah ditukar jadi orang Cina

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