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guna EPIDURAL ketika bersalin normal

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Post time 6-1-2010 04:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
nk tanye pendapat2 korang yg pernah ade experience bersalin mgunakan suntikan epidural..ade kate suntikan tu ade effect berpanjangan seumur idup..ade kata tak ade ape2 effect dan sesuai utk yg tidak tahan ape pendapat korang..kalo ade doctor2 yg bole explain pun lg bagus..coz sy bercadang nak amik suntikan tu nanti..thanks



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Post time 6-1-2010 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Aku amik epidural setiap kali bersalin...
Aku tak tahan sakit, sebab tu saya amik.
Doktor kata tak der side effect.. kalau tak cam ner kementerian kesihatan bley luluskan bende tu.
Aku dengar orang tak cucuk epidulal pun berlambak yang sakit pinggang bagai...
Buat masa nie tak de lah saya sakit pinggang teruk tahap cipan...
setakat sakit pinggang sekali sekala tu biasa lah.... duduk pejabat lelama.. bila bangun lenguh pinggang.... sapa tak cucuk pun rasa cenggitu gak kan...
Misalnye masa tua baru ada effect sakit bagai...... takkan ler anak yang kita dok meneran tu sorang pun tak bley nak bela..
heheh.. pandangan aku

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Post time 6-1-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Takde masalah... ambik je la.  Sesekali belakang rasa kebas. Tak tau psl epi ke apa..

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Post time 6-1-2010 05:09 PM | Show all posts
2# huji sy pun pernah amik .... tak rasa sakit langsung... siap leh bersalin sambil baca majalah...tak yah teran pun... elok je baby tu kuar.... tp kena msk labour room awal....

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Post time 6-1-2010 05:14 PM | Show all posts
member yg amik nie ...dia kata kadang2 tu dia rasa ngilu2 jugak..sampai skang....mungkin dia tak immune punya org kot

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Post time 6-1-2010 05:41 PM | Show all posts
me tak penah amik epidural...tapi ni pengalaman kakak mamy....
anak ke3 dia dia sesaje jek nak mitak epidural.....
pas tu dia kata cam x best jek...sbb tak terasa nikmat sakit nak bersalin......
ni kakak mamy la yg ckp....

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Post time 6-1-2010 11:11 PM | Show all posts
It is not a documented as a COMMON side effect of epidural procedure----BACKPAIN.

Tapi, kalau ikut pengalaman aku menghadap ramai patient yg telah menjalani procedure ini, majority nya for C-Sect, ramai yg mengadu sakit belakang/lenguh belakang badan...ada yg lama & kronik sakitnya, ada yg sekali sekala. Ada juga yg langsung takde apa apa pun selepas epidural tu.

As for epidural in normal delivery, ada yg report sakit belakang jugak.

Antara 'risiko' ambil epi time normal vaginal delivery ialah 'tiadanya rasa /urge nak push'..sebab kurang, boleh membawa kpd prolonged labour. Bila jadik prolong labour, risiko instrumental delivery tinggi, contohnya forcep/vacuum delivery..ataupun ends up as emergency Caesar.

Ni aku tepek kan article ni, menarik utk dibaca..kalau ada yg tak faham, boleh tanya..ada masa Insya Allah aku jawab / or other doc jawab:

Labor Epidurals and Long Term Back Pain

The question often arises as to whether epidurals cause long-term back pain in patients. This is an issue that is especially troublesome in labor analgesia, where patients are often young and problems with back pain are unexpected. Anesthesiologists are quick to point out that many other factors contribute to back pain. What is the truth about this topic?

First of all, patients need to realize that an epidural does involve the insertion of a fairly sizable needle into the body. Anytime the body is injured in such a way, whether intentional (as with an epidural) or unintentional (as with an accidental injury), there is a local tissue reaction to that insult. Therefore, it would not be unusual for the area that the epidural is done in to be sore, swollen, etc. for a few days after the surgery.

Another issue to remember is that if a patient already has problems with chronic low back pain, an epidural is not going to make this better or worse. Many times, patients with pre-existing back conditions have a worsening of their symptoms "around" the time of their epidural - however, this may just reflect the normal cycle of symptoms.

The real question is not the soreness associated with a needle stick that lasts a few days or in the patient that already has back problems. The real question is whether epidurals increase the risk of long-term back problems. It is important to draw this distinction in order to talk about the issue clearly and precisely.

A study released on February 6, 2001 in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found no evidence that the use of epidurals increased the incidence of backache in the first three months or in the first year.

Utilizing two groups of patients, one of which received epidurals for their labor pain and the other which received pain relief in another form, the researchers compared the amount of backache at three months and then at twelve months. Interestingly, while the rate of back pain was high (about 20% at three months and about 35% at twelve months), there was no difference between the two groups.

This study lends more weight to the statement that backache is multifactorial. The high incidence of back pain in these patients suggests that back pain is real - but that it is due to other factors associated with pregnancy. In addition, it suggests that epidurals play no detectable role in the development of back pain.

These conclusions are important, as many patients wonder if the back pain they experience was somehow caused by a mistake in placing their epidural, or even from a normal epidural. While it is not unheard of to have complications associated with any anesthetic technique, including an epidural, it does not seem that backache is a common problem related to epidural anesthesia.

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Post time 6-1-2010 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Xde bukti yang mengaitkan epidural dengan masalah sakit pinggang. Tapi rata2 yang guna epidural, akui ada masalah sakit pinggang beberapa tahun selepas guna epidural ni.
Wife aku bersalin 3 january baru ni, alhamdulillah, x pakai epidural, dia bergantung kat ubat tahan sakit dengan gas entonox je.. alhamdulillah..

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Post time 7-1-2010 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by penampar_jepun at 7-1-2010 19:08

aku lagi best.....aku cucuk epidural......masa nak bersalin aku tdo.... sbb aku memang alah dgn ubat.....siap boleh berdengkur......doktor suruh aku push....aku push skali pas tu aku tido balik sdgkan kepala baby dah disebabkan aku sambung blk tido baby masuk balik............... last last skali anak aku terpaksa vacuum sbb dah lemas..... tp aku still tido....... pkul 8.00 pg masuk pukul 5.30 petang baru kluar dr labour room...... suami aku kelam kabut. doktor Hosp. klang kata ari ni dalam sejarah org bersalin boleh tdo.

tapi dlm masa 3/4 bulan aku dapat rasakan pinggang bagai nak patah nak tido straight pun payah. anak aku skarang umur 4 tahun tapi sakit pinggang tu masih ade tp ckitckit aje......
benda ni bergantung pada antibodi masing-masing...... aku memang spesis alah ubat....mkn panadol 1 bji 2 hari tak boleh bangun........

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Post time 7-1-2010 03:35 PM | Show all posts
bergantung pada orang jugak. Aku amik masa anak sulung tahun 2004..anak ke 2 2005 ang anak kecik tahun 2008. Alhamdulillah.. tak de lah macam sesetengah orang yang kita dengar sampai sakit teruk... aku rasa faktor lain kot.. mungkit tak cukup kalsium..
Heheh.. kalau aku tak amik epidural.. aku rasa anak aku sorang jer ler...

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Post time 8-1-2010 09:49 AM | Show all posts
aku pun amik gak epidural ni... ms ada contraction tu..aku rilek akhirnye operate gak,,,msuk labour room kul 8 am,,kul 1pm,,bukak 3cm jek,,,spi kul 5 pm,,still doc tknk amik risk,,tkut baby lemas..operate la..sian aku kn,,sepatutnya bsalin 23.01.07 dh kena paksa bsalin huhu..nk buat cmne,,byk noo penyakit nye

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Post time 8-1-2010 02:48 PM | Show all posts
1# kert.notty

aku plak memang jenis tak tahan sakit..nak minta epidural tapi hari ahad,dorang tak release kan epidural..tapi aku menjerit nak gak..dorang still tak kasi..maser tuh dorang kasi aku ubat sakit supaya cepat bersalin,tapi aku jadi depressed and baby jugak..lastly kener ceaser ,emergency operation..cian baby aku..tapi mase operate tuh dorang cucuk juga pinggang kasi kebas,maser tuh lega sangat..tapi aper ubat yang dicucuk tu erk>>aku pun tak tahu..coz aku tak raser tu epidural...tapi sampai skang aku ader sakit pinggang..tapi skali-skala jer lah ataupun lepas bersalin semua org ader possibility tuk sakit pinggang??anybody knows??

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2010 05:08 PM | Show all posts
7# RedDevils

ermm..explain pls..ade certain thing x phm..based on my antie (she is a doc) kalo doc tu buat betul..x de timbul sakit2 pinggang..

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Post time 11-1-2010 05:43 PM | Show all posts
7# RedDevils

ermm..explain pls..ade certain thing x phm..based on my antie (she is a doc) kalo doc tu buat betul..x de timbul sakit2 pinggang..
kert.notty Post at 11-1-2010 17:08

part mana yg u tak faham?

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Post time 11-1-2010 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by penampar_jepun at 7-1-2010 19:08

aku lagi best.....aku cucuk epidural......masa nak bersalin aku tdo.... sbb aku memang alah dgn ubat.....siap boleh berdengkur......doktor suruh a ...
penampar_jepun Post at 7-1-2010 15:12
tu bukannye sbb ubat ke ape..
sbb memang tido mati tak ingatnyer..

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2010 09:54 PM | Show all posts
14# RedDevils ooo its ok..i dah paham..thanks...

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2010 10:36 PM | Show all posts
9# penampar_jepun

u delivered hospital mane? setahu i goverment sector ssh nk bg suntikan epidural ...

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Post time 12-1-2010 12:35 AM | Show all posts
I sakit pinggang for one whole year lepas c-sect with epidural.  Plus migraines.  I was told its a common side-effects of epidural.

My advice, if you are going for normal delivery, try to do it without epidurals.  My second son was born natural without pain-relief because he was a preemie.  Memang labour pain sakit azab.  But as soon as baby dah keluar hilang semua sakit.   Its so worth it.

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Post time 12-1-2010 05:08 PM | Show all posts
17# kert.notty

Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya boleh tau....

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Post time 12-1-2010 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by anasaze at 12-1-2010 18:14

ana amik jugak epidural sbb a nite b4 tu contraction every 5 mins & last for 50 sec for each time.  so mmg tak tido. pg esok bila ward round, air ketuban pecah, tapi baru bukak 3 tolak masuk labour room. so mmg decide amik epidural sbb takut tak de tenaga nak push since nite b4 tak tido langsung.

doktor bagi epidural kol 10am...then bantai tido sampai 2pm...haha. bahgia sungguh idup mase tu. on n off la tidonyer since diaorg ader dtg utk check. so at 3pm check...mmg dah terbukak full & in fact doktor kate kepala baby dah nampak dah...but ana tak rase pape. ader la rase  mcm nak terberak but manje2 jerk la rasenyer..hahaha. so ingatkan blom la lagi.

ana mmg tak rase contraction langsung so susah nak tau biler nak push but doktor tu akan inform la sbb dier boleh tgk contraction daripada CTG machine (try jugak tgk haram aku paham..hahahaha). jenuh jugak la push..hahaha..1st time la katakan.

nurse sound 3.30 if baby tak kuar..mmg dier akan vacum. aiseh...dgr tu..terus push sekuat ati..sehabis tenaga la. alhamdulillah dpt lahirkan baby secara normal at 3.20pm..hehehe.

setakat nie tak de masalah. alhamdulillah takde rase back pain pon. but ms b4 amik tu ader doktor explain la. anyway...ader jugak yg bgtau..if doktor tu tak pakar, ms procedur cucuk kat tulang belakang tu..kite akan rase sakit. sometimes if doktor tu tak pakar or kite amik epidural lambat...kite still akan rase sakit contraction tu. maybe nerve2 yg patut dikebaskan tu tak kene. as for me...tak rase sakit langsung ms procedur tu & the doktor was very gentle & understanding.

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