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6 Not-So-Secret Secret Societies

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Post time 3-7-2010 10:50 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by abgsedapmalam at 4-7-2010 00:32

1. The Freemasons

This is the granddaddy of all not-so-secret secret societies. Freemasonry, or “The Craft” as its members call it, most likely has its roots in 17th-century stoneworkers’ guilds. Mason lore, however, extends its origins back to biblical times, linking the society to the building of the Temple of Solomon. Freemasonry is split into numerous subgroups and orders, all of which consider God the Grand Geometrician, or Grand Architect of the Universe. At their hearts, these groups are all means of exploring ethical and philosophical issues, and their rituals and symbols are famous (or infamous). Take, for instance, the square-and-compass logo often seen on the backs of Cadillacs. Or the use of secret handshakes, passwords, and greeting postures/gestures called “due guards,” all collectively known as the Modes of Recognition. The list of famous Masons is massive, a virtual Who’s Who of modern history, explaining the many conspiracy theories regarding the Masons’ influence and intentions. Mozart, FDR, Harry S. Truman, George Washington, Mark Twain, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, John Wayne, W. C. Fields, and Douglas MacArthur were all Masons. But perhaps the Masons’ greatest strides have been made in fast food: KFC’s Colonel Sanders and Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas knew how to secret-shake with the best of ’em.
2. The Illuminati

Over the centuries, lots of groups have called themselves the Illuminati (“Enlightened Ones”), but the one we’re talking about here began as the Bavarian Illuminati. A radical product of the Enlightenment and offshoot of the religion-based Freemasons, the Illuminati espoused secular freethinking and intellectualism and proved a threat to Europe’s old order. Although they were officially banned by the Bavarian government in 1784, some claim that they live on to this day in other guises. So, what’s the Illuminati’s goal? To establish a new world order of capitalism and authoritarianism, of course! They’ve been accused of manipulating currencies, world stock markets, elections, assassinations, and even of being aliens. One common myth is that the eye-and-pyramid image on the dollar bill is a symbol of the Illuminati watching over us. Nope. It’s a symbol of strength and durability (though unfinished, symbolizing growth and change), and the all-seeing eye represents the divine guidance of the American cause. Or so the government says.
3. Opus Dei

This organization has a $42 million, 17-story headquarters building on Lexington Avenue in New York City, claims 85,000 members in 60 countries, and was featured in Dan Brown’s bestseller The Da Vinci Code. Now that its existence has been significantly unsecretized, this ultraorthodox Catholic sect has definitely raised its share of eyebrows. Founded in 1928 by Saint Josemaría Escrivá (a Spanish priest who bore an uncanny resemblance to Karl Malden), Opus Dei is the short name for the Prelature for the Holy Cross and the Work of God. The sect (some would say cult) stresses a return to traditional Catholic orthodoxy and behavior, especially celibacy, with members falling into one of three levels. Numeraries live in Opus Dei facilities, devote their time and money to the prelature, attend mass daily, and engage in mortification of the flesh (wearing a spiked chain around the thigh called a cilice, taking cold showers, or flagellating themselves with a knotted rope called “the discipline”). Next come Associates (kind of like Numeraries, but living “off campus”), then Supernumeraries (the rank-and-file members). The group did gain the praise of Pope John Paul II, and has engaged in a lot of charity work. Yet, critics accuse the group of being linked to fascist organizations like Franco’s government in Spain, and of anti-Semitism and intolerance, even of other Catholics. [Photo courtesy of]
4. Skull and Bones

Top dog among all the collegiate secret societies, Yale’s Skull and Bones dates to 1832 and goes by other spooky names like Chapter 322 and the Brotherhood of Death. With a large number of Bonesmen who have attained positions of power, including the president and the head of the CIA, it’s no wonder that rumors abound that the society is hell-bent on obtaining power and influencing U.S. foreign policy. The fact that they meet in an imposing templelike building on the Yale campus called (what else?) the Tomb doesn’t really help. Bonesmen are selected, or “tapped,” during their junior year and can reveal their membership only after they’ve graduated. But they can never talk about it. The Bones have been accused of all sorts of crazy rituals and conspiracies, including drug smuggling and the assassination of JFK (a hated Hahvahd man, after all). It’s even rumored that the skull of Geronimo resides in the Tomb, stolen from its resting place by Prescott Bush, Dubya’s granddad. In one of the more commonly known rituals, the initiate spends all night naked in an open coffin, confessing all his sexual experiences to the group. So, who’s lucky enough to have made such a confession? George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, John Kerry, William Howard Taft, McGeorge Bundy, William F. Buckley, and Henry Luce are just a few.
5. The Bohemian Club

This is a weird one. In the majestic forests of Sonoma County north of San Francisco lies the Bohemian Grove, the 2,700-acre wooded retreat of the Bohemian Club, the nation’s most exclusive men’s club. Every July since 1879, the “Bohos” have gathered at the Grove for a two-week encampment, where they’re divided into more than 100 residential camps with names like Owl’s Nest, Cave Man, and Lost Angels. Membership has included, well, just about everybody important: Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon (who once called it “faggy”), Gerald Ford, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, and many CEOs and wealthy business leaders like Malcolm Forbes. Each encampment opens with a robed-and-hooded ceremony called the Cremation of Care, in which an effigy called “Dull Care” (symbolizing worldly concerns) is burned before a 40- foot concrete statue of an owl, symbol of wisdom and the club’s mascot. Throughout the week, plays are staged (called High Jinx and Low Jinx), there’s lots of eating and drinking (and, reportedly, urinating on trees), and members are treated to speeches called Lakeside Talks. Some opponents go so far as to accuse the group of Satanism, witchcraft, homosexuality, and prostitution, while more reasonable observers object to the Lakeside Talks as national policy discussions to which the public is not privy. But above all, it’s seen as a way that some of the elite meet others of the elite, thereby ensuring that they’ll all stay elite. All this makes the club’s seemingly anticonspiratorial slogan—“Weaving spiders, come not here”—that much more ironic. [Photo of Reagan & Nixon at the Bohemian Club courtesy of Wikipedia.]
6. The Trilateral Commission

While not, on its face, as juicily sinister as some of the other societies on this list, the Trilateral Commission has been accused of all sorts of underhanded shenanigans by its critics. Formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller, the Commission includes over 300 prominent citizens from Europe, Asia, and North America in a forum for discussing the regions’ common interests. But conspiracy theorists hold that the Trilateral Commission, along with the Council on Foreign Relations and others, is really just a front for a larger, more sinister order called the Round Table Groups, founded in London over 100 years ago and bent on the creation of a new world order, a global capitalist police state. Yikes! (For the record, some say the Round Table Groups are themselves just fronts for another society, the Illuminati, so who knows?) American members of the Trilateral Commission have included Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Dick Cheney, and Dianne Feinstein.

This article was excerpted from the mental_floss book ‘Forbidden Knowledge.’

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2010 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by abgsedapmalam at 4-7-2010 00:33


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Post time 3-7-2010 11:24 PM | Show all posts
copy paste yg cukup teruk!

aku kira baru ade 5... another missing one?

by the way, mengapa gambar freemason tuh mcm sialan je aku tgk..
paste yg original la bro.. kasi buang itu mata jin afrit laa..

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2010 12:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# system_failure

selesai sudah..

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Post time 5-7-2010 06:43 PM | Show all posts
pekida x dak ka..

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Post time 6-7-2010 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# atomicman
apa yg

    rahsianya lagi pasal pekida
sana sini budak2 duk pukul buah
ayah itu ayah ini
adoi...jauh myimpang

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Post time 6-7-2010 05:10 PM | Show all posts
buah ker, abang long kerr, ayahanda kerr... aku langgar jerr.... pedulik aperr aku...

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Post time 6-7-2010 05:58 PM | Show all posts
laa..tajuknya Not So Secret kan...

depa gangster ngn melayu je la brani...ngn bangsa lain ikut telunjuk..

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:03 PM | Show all posts

abg edy

Post Last Edit by shiri at 6-7-2010 18:04

hahaha...langgar jangan tak langgar abg ed
geng membuat onar bertopengkan memperjuangkan bangsa

sumpah punye baik beradab
last2 lain lak jadinya hahaha..pekida ooo pekida...

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# atomicman

    my bad..tersilap baca tajuk hehe

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:06 PM | Show all posts
jom bincang tajuk tu..
still wondering pasal freemason tu
why lately depa menonjol sgt ek..

ke nak jadi cam pekida gak...hehehe

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:13 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnye freemason tu bawah pekida..kuat wooo pekida..


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Post time 6-7-2010 06:13 PM | Show all posts
menonjol sebab nak kaburkan mata pihak2 lain dan pihak2 yang sepatutnya....

Off topic jap.....

perasan tak masa perlawanan world cup dah berapa kali dah terperasan camera zoom pada pemain tapi kat belakang ada orang kibar bendera israel.... dan kalau perasan jugak, masa perlawanan Argentina dan juga Germany.... (wa mesti GErmany..heheh..) kat bendera Argentina masa penyokong pegang... bahagian atas.... ada tertulis 'JURUSALEM'.....

maybe aku salah pandang ke aperr.... kalau rajin tgk ulangan laa....  ini serius nihh.... mmg jelas kelihatan.... untuk apa???? apa kaitan world cup dengan israel dan juga perkataan JURUSALEM (baitulmaqdis)......... gilerr siott...

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:14 PM | Show all posts
menonjol sebab nak kaburkan mata pihak2 lain dan pihak2 yang sepatutnya....

Off topic jap.....

edy137 Post at 6-7-2010 18:13

sebab kes mavi marmara la kot..

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:18 PM | Show all posts
hurmm mungkin... tapi kalau nak kata penyokong Argentina tuhh menyokong penuh usaha2 'kutukan' terhadap yahudi tuhh kenapa perlu tulis 'jurusalem'..... dan kenapa camera ZOOM masa 'gerak perlahan' tapi kat belakang ada kibar bendera ISRAEL.... betul2 tak sedap dipandang.... bukan sekali dua kali.... beberapa kali perlawanan... coz aku tgk hampir semua perlawanan..... mesti masa zoom 'gerak perlahan' ada penyokong kat belakang beriya-riya kibar bendera israel....

takkan israel pon ada kena mengena dengan FIFA... itu wallahualam laa kann... kita semua tahu YAHUDI akan masukkan fahaman dia hatta SPORT sekalipon.....

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:29 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnye freemason tu bawah pekida..kuat wooo pekida..
5229 Post at 6-7-2010 18:13

apa kena mengena lak pekida. tak intelektual langsung komen.

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:39 PM | Show all posts
mungkin ada penyokong2 pro-zionis yg nak amik kesempatan atas kemeriahan world cup..dan 'kebetulan' camera zoom kat situ..aku xpasti kat SA tu ramai jehud ke x?tapi pengaruh jehud kat sana agak kuat..

p/s : aku ade tgk satu filem SA tajuk dia jerusalema..xtw kenapa dia letak tajuk cm2..walhal cite tu pun bkn pasal jerusalm pun..

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Bagi aku yang logo yang paling banyak aku jumpa illuminati laa...x silap note mata wang negara tertentu ade logo illuminati...

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 11# shiri

   ni mmg ape yg diaorg nak sebenarnyer..bermula sebagai 1 secret occult at the end mereka memperkenal kan siapa diri mereka..

Untuk memahami Freemason secara mendalam, pada dasarnya diperlukan suatu kajian yang intensif. Mempelajari seperti apa organisasi Freemason bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah oleh kerana:

1.Bersifat simbolik. Terdapat berbagai simbol-simbol yang dirujuk dengan Freemason. Dan, setiap simbol yang ditampilkan memiliki makna, sejarah, dan penjelasan.
2.Freemason dijalankan oleh berbagai tingkatan (degrees) yang ada dalam struktur organisasinya. Jadi, setiap level tidak selalu dapat mengetahui tingkatan-tingkatan yang berada di atasnya.
3.Aktivitas Freemason selalu bersifat rahsia dan rahsia adalah kekuatan utamanya. Semakin sedikit kita tahu tentang mereka, semakin kuat posisi mereka di atas kita. Dan keadaan ini semakin memotivasi para Mason untuk semakin merahsiakan aktiviti mereka. Hal ini juga yang menyebabkan mengapa selalu ada salahtafsir mengenai organisasi Mason. Selain itu, banyaknya tingkatan yang ada pada Freemason menyebabkan informasi yang keluar dari setiap anggotanya selalu berbeza-beza.

Dan sesungguhnya Freemason bukanlah SUMBER UTAMA dari teka-teki ini. Freemason hanya merupakan sebuah batu loncatan untuk masuk ke dalam komuniti rahsia yang ada dibelakangnya. Keanggotaan adalah kunci utama bagi kita bolehmemahami bentuk organisasi rahsia berikut game of power.

Untuk diterima sebagai anggota Freemason, ada keyakinan yang harus diterima, yakni adanya “Bapa dari segala Tuhan”, “Persaudaraan”, dan “Keabadian jiwa”. Pada awalnya, keyakinan tersebut seperti terlihat indah, namun ketika bergabung seseorang akan diminta untuk melepaskan keyakinan atau agama kita, baik itu Kristian, Muslim, maupun Yahudi. Jadi, keyakinan yang ditawarkan, seperti sebuah coklat yang mengandung racun didalamnya.

Tiga prinsip utama Mason antara lain:

1.Cinta pada kemanusiaan atas dasar persaudaraan (Brotherly love to the whole human species)
2.Menghilangkan penderitaan (Relieve the distressed)
3.Kebenaran sebagai sifat agung (Truth as a divine attribute)

Tiga prinsip utama ditambah keyakinan kepada Tuhan nampak begitu mempersona. Akan tetapi, banyak tindakan para Mason yang dilakukan lebih kerana sifat rakus dan melebihkan kepentingan golongan, baik secara sosial, politik, maupun ekonomi. Keadaan ini membuat Freemasonry tidak lebih dari sekedar perkumpulan para mafia Inggeris. Sebuah persaudaraan dalam persaudaraan (Brotherhood inside The Brotherhood).

Di kalangan gereja sendiri, Freemason telah dikecam keberadaannya oleh 8 paus: Tahun 1738 oleh Clement XII dalam “In Eminenti”. Pius IX mengeluarkan 6 kecaman yang memburukkan Masonry. Leo XIII tahun 1884, dalam “Humanum Genus”, mengungkapkan bahwa tujuan utama Freemason adalah menyiksa Kristian dengan penuh kebencian, dan tidak akan pernah beristirehat sampai mereka berhasil menghancurkan institusi-institusi keagamaan yang didirikan oleh Paus. John Paul II tahun 1983 mengatakan “Anda tidak boleh menjadi seorang Katholik dan Mason secara bersamaan!”  ni aku copy paste jer..aku sendiri pn tengah menambah kan lagi ilmu2 tentang persatuan nih..

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Post time 6-7-2010 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 18# shahtar

    duit amerika la ader logo illuminati yg paling ketara..logo dia senang jer,un finish piramid ngan mata yg di panggil all seeing eye..

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