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[Disney+] Kiss Sixth Sense - Yoon Kye Sang, Seo Ji Hye, Kim Ji Suk

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Post time 28-5-2022 01:59 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Drama: Kiss Sixth Sense
Native Title: 키스식스센스
Also Known As: Kiss Sixth Senses , Sixth Sense Kiss , Kiseusigseusenseu
Director: Nam Ki Hoon
Screenwriter: Jeon Yoo Ri
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural

Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Aired: May 25, 2022 - Jun 29, 2022
Aired On: Wednesday
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Since she was little, Ye Sool has held a special ability. Whenever her lips touch someone else, she is able to see that person's future. But, she has no idea if her premonition is a month, year, or several years into the future. Ye Sool currently works at an advertising company. She enjoys her work, but she hates her boss Min Hu. One day, by accident, Ye Sool's lips make contact with Min Hu's neck and she sees them in bed together.

(Source: AsianWiki)

Yoon Kye-SangSeo Ji-HyeKim Ji-Suk
Cha Min-HuHong Ye-SoolLee Pil-Yo
Hwang Bo-RaKim Ki-DooKim Mi-SooYoon Jung-HooKim Jae-Hwa
Jang Eom-JiKang Sang-GooKim Min-HeeKim Ro-MaJo Sun-Hee
Yoo Jung-HoJo Hee-BongPark Jung-PyoKim Joong-Ki
Yeom Kyung-Seokexecutiveset crew chiefediting engineer (ep.1)
Oh Ji-Young's Group
Lee Joo-YeonKim Chang-HwanAhn Je-Na
Oh Ji-YoungOh Ji-Young's managerOh Ji-Young's staff
Daehan University Hospital
Tae In-HoMoon Hak-Jin
Oh Seung-Taekhospital resident (ep.2)
Hong Ye-Sool's Family
Kim Ga-Eun
Ban Ho-Woo
Billy Bed Co.
Jeon Jin-KiJeong Tae-YaJung Sae-Rom




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Post time 28-5-2022 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-5-2022 03:12 PM

I watched the pilot episodes. Well, it's okay, i mean , quite interesting plot-wise.

She is bestowed with the ability to foresee certain things like life events, the fate of anyone who touches her lips. Tu dia punya  main gift .

Mula mula citer n start dengan a gril fell into a lake, dan dia timbul dan suasana macam mimpi.
Dia pun tak sedar macam mane dia dapat abillity tu. She said when she was 5.

Then dia , she had a few failed relationship, sebab? haha , dia boleh nampak kekasih dia tu curang. kire fade uplah minah ni dengan man.

She works in one of the top advertising company called - Billie, gitu. CEO billie ni macam watak cold, aloof, smart alec but deep down he cares about her mental well  - beinga lot. Mamat CEO ni ade kawan kat Hospital - guess who? mamatu yg jadi Assitant Director kat dalam drama ghost doctor tu, hahaha kelakar lah mamat ni best pulak. so this Dr rawat dan jadi kawan baik , kawan best friend Mamat CEO billie ni, so dia tahu rahsia .banyak lah jugak about mamat CEO tu...tu yg best , so kena tengok macam mane he knows about minah ni ...

so yes citer pasal minah ni , cabaran dan kekawan dia kat advertising company yg memerah segenap keringat mereka tu, dan best jugak.

So, satu hari tu depa kena buat shooting kat luar , shooting iklan katil, dan depa pilih satu lokasi ni yg cantik, tapi malangnya depa tak check weather dan malam tu hujan, so habislah set , props , peralatan depa tu dan CEO tu rupnya nampak je macam acuh tak acuh tapi a caring boss pada pekerjanya so, da pi dulu set tu sebenarnya dan bagi depa dinner meals...then bile hujan dia call minah ni
so minah pi pun tergocoh gpcph pi lah set tu , semasa kelam kabut nak bawa barang ke nearby shade, atau bangsal besar jugak tu, minah ni trip over something and she fell on the bed dan masa tu CEO tu pun dekat dan depa jatuh dan jadi macam business proposal dan dia nampak bayangan itu, dia terkejut ...tapi she recalled of seeing a car on his back etc..

so dia jdi macam takut dan dia tahu dia tak leh elak fate tu...dia sebelum ni pun asyik dapat bayangan , prmonition tu secara rambang tapi dia tak make sense of it ...cuam tulah ep 2 tu ...
so ,it 's about her and her discover cam ne fate dia ..

dan that guy CEO tu pun ade masalah mental - i mean dedua ni ade masalah tido hahaha insomni...
so dedua kaki teguk pills je...
so this guy ni dia alami , i think hyperacusis , dia very sensitive to acoutics stimuli i.e best juga ..tengok dia terganggu dengan bunyi riders yg bising bising memalam...

so yes , of course adelah second male and female lead etc...
for me - i want to see whether
a) she just give in to the fate
b) she did something to delay or to avoid him
c) apa rahsia yg Dr tu tahu pasal mamat CEO tu...sebab Dr kat hospital tu macam tahu something...mamat ni ade actress yg minat kat dia, kire rapatlah so minah ni dok kacau daun , annoying sket..tapi adelah episode kelakar...

so what 's the secret..



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Post time 31-5-2022 08:24 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 28-5-2022 03:10 PM
I watched the pilot episodes. Well, it's okay, i mean , quite interesting plot-wise.

She is bestowe ...

x silap hero & heroin tu company ads, Zoe ads xsilap. Billie tu klien diorg. Actually, Ye Sool tu dh cek cuaca mlm tu, tp yg problem En. Yeom tu, malas nk dtg awal pg tu, dok berjimba2 mlmnya yg insist nk set up mlm tu gak.

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Post time 31-5-2022 01:14 PM | Show all posts
miss_wawa replied at 31-5-2022 08:24 AM
x silap hero & heroin tu company ads, Zoe ads xsilap. Billie tu klien diorg. Actually, Ye Sool tu  ...

oh yes, you are right.
Ye Seol tu and machu tu Zee. Ads camtu  yups..i terconfused mana iklan bed , mana com depa hahaah

dan depa dua miliki ability yg special

Ye Seol tu boleh tengok future
CEO Cha tu ade hyperperceptive ability dia supersensitive hyperacute sensoriperceptive ability...boleh tahu tu plat motor , boleh bau different bau, sebab tu dia boleh tahu kan yg benda nak collapsed, Yeom gi mane..

citer ni i suke lagu music intro dia tu nice and lagu , music closing credit..memang nice

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Post time 2-6-2022 01:26 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 2-6-2022 01:49 AM

ep 3
wow, last 5 mins, to the point and very direct of Ye Sool to actually tell the whole of her premonitions to CEO Cha...well , i mean they hcome a long way since 5 years back, so, it is pretty likely she feels quite comfy with him, despite his eccentric demeanor really.

So, yeah, what do we know ...hahaha baik je Mamat Cha tu macam percaye je, and i think he could guess that  Ye Sool is going to be a bit  drunk  after the party. He knew kot about her past relationship. hmm Yes ool stress sebab dia ada isu berbangkit yg dia sendiri kene hadapi dengan Lee pilyo ( Ji -Sub ) ...keje drunk je depa ni...asyik asyik drunk..

okaylah , many cute things happened and  to be really honest.

i like the opening theme song tu and the song in full after he kissed her...lagu opening theme tumuncul lagi  dalam ep 1-3 and last ep 3 tu niceee....

the song ..i dah cari i tak dapat the whole lyrics and the whole song on you tube?

i love the  music , the orchestra- like violin tu masa nak crescendo to chorus tu.....tones niceee....OST lain tak ctachy sangat to my ears so far ah...dalam drama ni...

So lagi satu munculnya So Ji Sub - and jeng  jeng jeng = Ye Sool i think yg buat depa break up sebab she couldn;t see the future kot with him...but still he is going back to her and this time with a ringggg....

wow Ji sub cayalah played as The Director lee Pilyo - he is going to be in the team , making shots for their next project - iklan kenderaan mopix ...hahahaha



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Post time 2-6-2022 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Episode 4

wah, kali ni , Piyo ni ex bf Yeesol memang kacau daun, dia muncul dan bertekad mahu memilii Ye Sool dan that 's it.
Tapi dia masih blur apa kes Yesool tu break up with him last time. Ye Sool tak bagi tahu yang she has seen no future with him dah....

but yg bestnya this time for CEO Cha....
sejak he kissed her, his hyperperceptive illness tu kurang....dia tak rasa lain macam , dan dia pun pelik ..and he asked her about her premonition tu...
so hahah  she has to kiss  his hands a few time and tell him what she sees, so yeah  apa yg dia cakap bebetul berlaku

tapi adengan lain jealousy CEO cha and Pilyo  dah muleee..

and tha Jinyoung the annoying gf yg perasan tu tarjumpa lipstick HeeSol dalam bilik Cha...

okay now, Epiosde ni berakhir dengan Cha bertemu kat tangga office depa and both begins to talk about their future etc and feelings ni best

and then ...ketika he suggest they should be in the relationship, then a lady just walked into the hall and looked up ...

and ends....

siapakah that lady...

i mean yg bestnya she is honest about her issues and cha is very okay amiable , he listens and just  KIV , dia tak dismiss or undermined her  explanations

he bought her an office attire hahahaha

anyways..nice ...episode...

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Post time 3-6-2022 10:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cantik betul r Sjh ni

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Post time 8-6-2022 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-6-2022 01:49 PM

Finally the song , the catchy opening theme!!!
i love the melody , the crescendo pattern of the music , orchestra  , the tunes of the violin towards the chorus  aah crescendo dia niceee...wowww..nice then decrescendo .. ...  


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Post time 9-6-2022 02:37 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 9-6-2022 02:48 AM

ep 5 and 6

alaa kesian YeeSool sebab jahat lah lelaki yg ep 1 tu yg tak buat keje tu , ream production tu ...naya Yee Sool..
banyak yg menimpa Ye Sool  tapi tak pe..

best episode ni , we learnt  more about CEO Cha Minhu nyer ability, untung police tu hahaha

so enjoy the song by suran.... nice song , pretty dancy...

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Post time 17-6-2022 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 18-6-2022 06:14 PM

Ep 7 and  8

oleh kerana drama ni hanya ade 12 episodes in total, so  the  conflicts are seen in these two episodes , then.

Lee Pilyo tu cabar pulak sama ada premonitions Ye Sool tu betul ke;  or are the  seen so called 'future events" just , merely and mistakenly interpreted by Ye Sool      as the actual events which could befallen on the person him/herself???

so ade konflik kat situ bila Lee pilyo tunjuk yg baby and the girl who likes him as seen in ye Sool's premonitions tu adalah org lain and dah ade family pun..

so Ye Sool dah conflict dalam dirinya. Banyaklah bende yg memeningkan kepale YeSool berlaku dalam 2 eps ini. dan jahat juga Lee Pilyo ni, sebab - dia actually percaye yg Ye Sool ni boleh tengok masa depan , sebab dia curi dengar perbualan YeSool dalam tangisan yeSool kat dalam garden rumah Ye sool tu one nite, Ye Sool namgis selepas broke up with Lee pilyo tu  kat the current housemate  Banwoo tu...hmmmso mamat ni tak nak kalah rupenye....jahatlah .

dan dia pun pening and somehow a bit emotional...dah lah tu sikap CEO Cha tu pun hahah tak membantu sangat pun dalam episodes ni, sebab dia pun dah envious of Lee pilyo sebab asyik dok jumpe Ye Sool je so macam macam lah , dan jin young tu pulak dah buat hal dengan Ye Sool untuk sabotage the newly developed relationship between YeSool - CHa couple pulak , so kecoh . Depa pulak kene buat penggmbaran semula advert MoPIX car tu kat Jeju. so actually in teh background, Ye Sool ni ade stalker yg suka ganggu dia and suka cerobih masuk rumah dia pulak dan bukan burglar  yg sering pecah masuk rumah kejiranan depa tu.. there is someone else , yg ingin cederakan Ye Sool...

so , dalam konflik ye _ sool and Cha...ade mamat ni yg dok stalking her and ini  bersambung minggu depan...

dan yes , Jin Young tercakap dedpan ye Sool and Cha  yg , adakah Ye Sool tahu rahsia Cha minchu, Tapi Jinyoung tak tahu yg simptom Cha lebih baik and improved bila Cha is with dia jahat lah Jin young ni ( actually kan these two ladies tak tahu yg simptom Cha ni improved bila Va is with Yessol. Ye Sool  pulak tahu apa ap rahsia Cha tu , cume dia boleh agak agak sikit dan found it pelik kenape Cha boleh tahu apa yg dia cakap about him etc bila dia tahu dan pasi ketika dia cjo Cha tdak berada di situ?!!!)  , masa tengah gaduh tu she touched  his ilips and yes ool ternampak and meradanglah...
so Ye sool lari , dan ketika tu Cha dah jatuh sakit dah sebab he was harassed by Jin young in a way lah sbb jin young pi kissed him he sensed something wasn't right about ye sool and the ambience that nite..dia juga dengar kete dok ikut ye suspens.


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Post time 18-6-2022 02:18 PM | Show all posts
hero heroin suit sangat .. both matang and good looking . hahah tp boleh ship dalam drama je la .. huhu .

cerita ni ringan je kan .. rasanya dorg pun saja create conflict 1st love ye sool dan oh jiyoung tu .. lee pilyo tu oky lagi ... tak suka oh jiyoung .. sibuk jek grrrrr

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Post time 18-6-2022 06:17 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 18-6-2022 02:18 PM
hero heroin suit sangat .. both matang and good looking . hahah tp boleh ship dalam drama je la .. h ...

i suke tengok kematangan Cha tu , dalam situasi yg memang dia boleh gune judgement dia degan waras.and caring dia tu...mature...dia marah marah jugak, dia geram geram jugak tapi cara dia geram tu dia tak over sangat macam citer Noh Gojin dalam crazy love disney...

i love the song , the OST no 4, niceeeee

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Post time 18-6-2022 08:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 18-6-2022 06:17 PM
i suke tengok kematangan Cha tu , dalam situasi yg memang dia boleh gune judgement dia degan waras. ...

yep..tengok cerita ni sbb mature couple..semua org ada yg xperlu nk simpan, ngaku je...dah suka, ckp je mmg suka..jeles pun ngaku je jeles..dedua hero heroin pun padan&semenggah

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Post time 18-6-2022 10:33 PM | Show all posts
rukia2 replied at 18-6-2022 08:43 PM
yep..tengok cerita ni sbb mature couple..semua org ada yg xperlu nk simpan, ngaku je... ...

yep mature couple, so cara communication pun matang...ade part dep straigt forward and direct open commn ad eyg depa gune banyak non verbal ...tapi mature lah tak lah macam budak budak ..overdo itu ini. cha ni tahu pangai e sool ni tanya berjela jela haha dia dengaq je , then dia respon dah habis tanya? dia mula bagi point satu satu hahahahahah

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2022 12:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah abis marathon 8 episod…x sedar tiba2 dah abis…nasib baik versi drama diorg upkan umur watak2 jadi lebih matang sebab iols dengar watak2 dlm versi webtoon are younger…dlm drama xdelah nampak cringe sgt sebab guna pelakon2 yg lagi matured…

Iols speku yg nak kidnap Ye Sool tu ahjussi yg kerja kat bar…mcm dia je…

Oh Ji Young is so annoying…Pil Ho tu walaupun annoying jugak tapi iols x salahkan dia sebab memang patut pun dia tanya Ye Sool kenapa diorg break up & betulkan balik tanggapan Ye Sool pasal vision dia tu…cuma dia kena respectlah Ye Sool skrg dah ada bf…

So Min Hu & Ye Sool ni mcm ada link antara diorg…mcm citer Link tu jugaklah…bezanya Min Hu blh dengar apa yg Ye Sool dengar kalau diorg berada dlm jarak dekat…

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2022 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 20-6-2022 10:43 PM

kalau baca komen2 netizen kat luar drpd malaysia ni ramai yg kritik ye sul sebab indecisive...buat keputusan berdasarkan apa yg dia tgk dlm vision dia je bukannya guna otak...
komen2 diorg tu ada betulnya...mungkin ada yg tak setuju tapi pada iols memang patut dia break up dgn min hu sebab dia buat keputusan utk dating tu bukan sebab dia betul2 suka kat min hu tapi sebab dia nampak the pun macam tak dating, buat separuh hati...takde effort nak jaga perasaan min baguslah pil yo tu tunjuk kat dia yg dia dah salah tafsir future vision dia tu as a wake up call utk dia supaya jgn buat keputusan ikut apa yg dia nampak je...just go with the flow, tak perlu nak gelabah...nanti the future will reveal itself...nilah  sebabnya kita tak boleh tilik nasib...nanti tak pasal2 gelabah...

tapi bila pikir2 balik memang dah tersurat pun dia break up dgn pil yo..kalau tak, pil yo tak perlulah tunjuk yg akak tu sebenarnya kahwin dgn org lain kalau ye sul & pil yo still  together & ye sul pun takkan dpt that vision...masa dgn pil yo pun dia bukannya happy sgt...

lepas ni harap2 ada character development utk ye sul utk dia reflect balik kesilapan yg dia dah buat & restart all over again dgn min hu...takyah dah nak balik semula kat pil yo tu...

pasal special ability diorg tu, iols rasa ada connection dgn apa yg jadi masa diorg kecik2 dulu...


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Post time 21-6-2022 12:59 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-6-2022 01:02 AM

hehee ape ape pun i harap citer ni tak jadi macam GRID nyer ending lah , sebab ade elemen time , futurelah etc ....hehehe, harap mantap and jitu dia punya ending tu ... sama ada ye sool nak pilih sape tu okaylagi .. i hope dia dengan cha lahh. sebab bukan semua premonition dia salah , ada yg betul dalam past relationship 50-50,  harap jgn tergantung laa macam GRID , disney ni kekadang ...mai angin depa isk...i hope sesangat...

crazy love okay jugak ending dalam genre rom com ni ..i hope ini jugak okay...hiihih takut jugak punyalah ikut asyik kan macam grid akhir aiyoo isk bengang je....

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2022 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Preview epi adakah 'Jackson' akan terkorban minggu ni


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 Author| Post time 22-6-2022 10:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apasal baru 1 page je benang ni? X ramai org tgk ke?

Btw puas hati tgk min hu & ye sool berlovey dovey kat epi 9-10…baguslah x drag lama2 misunderstanding tu sebab ada 12 episod je pun…

Nmpk gaya mak ye sool memang tau siapa min hu…cuma ye sool yg x ingat min hu tu childhood friend dia…apa yg iols suka pasal min hu ni suara dia tu…alahai lembutnya bila dia cakap dgn ye sool…

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2022 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg jadi Ms. Kim colleague Ye Sool ni pelakon yg dah pass away tu kan? Kira dah lama jugak citer ni abis shoot sebab dia pass away masa Snowdrop tgh tayang…

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