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Keistimewaan Bahasa Tamil
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Post Last Edit by kirhmuru at 8-2-2011 19:56
Beautiful TAMIL
Keistimewaan bahasa tamil adalah ianya merupakan bahasa yang sangat sempurna dan jelas. Ianya tidak mendapat pengaruh dari mana-mana bahasa tetapi ianya asli. Bukannya seperti bahasa melayu, bahasa inggeris yang telah mengambil perkataan bahasa tamil dan mengubahsuai memasukkan dalam tatabahasanya.
Dewa Muruga adalah Dewa yang telah mengasaskan bahasa ini dengan sendirinya. Thiruvalluvar telah menulis thirukkural dengan bahasa tamil klasik. Puranas telah ditulis dalam bahasa tamil. Sebahagian dari Sastra Hinduism telah ditulis dalam bahasa tamil. Tambahan pula, bahasa tamil merupakan bahasa semmozhi yang telah hidup lebih dari 2000 tahun yang lalu...dan masih digunakan sehinggalah sekarang. Bahasa tamil bukannya sembarangan bahasa untuk direndah-rendahkan, ianya mempunyai sebutan yang lebih baik dari mana-mana bahasa. Oleh itu, orang yang tahu bercakap dalam bahasa tamil boleh mempelajari bahasa lain dengan senangnya. Jadi? Apa tunggu lagi? Jom belajar????? |
Kalu nak belajar bahasa Tamil ada kelas tak kat mana2? Cari kelas yang formal x da lah |
Reply 2# genot
Hmmm, setakat nie memang takde kelas khas untuk kita belajar bahasa tamil secara formal tapi sekarang kan kerajaan dah masukkan matapelajaran tamil kedalam silibus dan waktu pembelajaran. Oleh itu, future generations takde masalah, tapi kita ajelah...hmmm...namun begitu, cuba belajar dengan kawan-kawan yang cara nak belajar bahasa tamil dengan mudah...kalau hendak seribu daya, kalau tak seribu dalih. all the best. |
sebenarnya dah start belajar, tapi macam susah lah sebab bahasa Tamil begitu pure. kawan-kawan berbahasa Tamil pun macam tak suka aje nak ajarkan, diorang lagi suka berbahasa English atau Malay je, pelik betul |
Reply 4# genot
itu sebenarnya lupa diri namanya...saya pun tak faham kenapa mereka begitu malu hendak berkomunikasi dalam bahasa ibunda mereka...ish ish...sebenarnya bahasa tamil telah berusia lebih dari 2000 tahun dan ianya dikenali sebagai 'Semmozhi' yang bermaksud bahasa yang amat istimewa...jadi kalau saudara/saudari terjumpa sesiapa orang tamil yang malu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa tamil atau tak sudi mengajar...utarakan fakta ini dan buatkan mereka berasa malu...dipersilakan...1 MALAYSIA. Jangan risau saudara/saudari...dengan keizinan Tuhan, saya akan cuba ajarkan apa-apa yang anda hendak tahu...k? |
Sayangnya kaum tamil ada yang kurang senang berbicara dalam bahasa tamil, dan sesetengah perkataan tamil yang tercatat dalam buku pun nak digantikan dengan bahasa lain. |
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Sayangnya kaum tamil ada yang kurang senang berbicara dalam bahasa tamil, dan sesetengah perkataan t ...
Keyboard Post at 1-4-2011 20:43
Betul...tapi kita tidak boleh menyalahkan mereka juga sebab sistem pendidikan di negara kita memang macam itu, sehingga etnik india tamil tidak dapat memepelajari dan mendalami bahasa ibunda mereka. Namun begitu dengan hasil usaha dan semangat untuk menguasai bahasa ibunda akan tetap membara dalam jiwa setiap orang agar menguasai bahasa tamil juga pada suatu hari nanti. |
Lesson 1: Mengira dalam bahasa tamil...1 hingga 10...good luck...
Ondru - 1
Irandu - 2
Moondru - 3
Naangu - 4
Ainthu - 5
Aaaru - 6
Ezhu (Elu) - 7
Eddhu - 8
Onbathu - 9
Pattu - 10 |
napa lain yg no 1.. wonek rendek |
genot posted on 2-3-2011 01:18 AM
sebenarnya dah start belajar, tapi macam susah lah sebab bahasa Tamil begitu pure. kawan-kawan berba ...
Bukan susah, tetapi bahasa Tamil mengunakan "suara" (sound) sbg basic dia.
Bahasa lain spt Latin, English dsbnya mengunakan abjad di mana sesuatu objek dikenalpastikan dgn huruf tertentu, dan walaupun abjad itu berubah, maksudnya tetap sama, jadi bahasa English dan bahasa asalnya, Latin lebih mudah difahami. Tetapi bahasa Tamil tak macam itu. Setiap objek dikenalpastikan dgn cara ianya disampaikan dan setengah perkataan menpunyai abjad yg sama tetapi maksudnya yg berbeza mengikut cara penyampaian.
Tetapi mereka yg belajar bahasa tamil mampu belajar bahasa2 lain spt Mandarin dan Japanese.
aku setuju..bahasa tamil dan hindi ini bahasa yg sedap di dengar.....
melayu copy b ahasa hindi sikit...contoh:
dan lain
tapi kena ingat...bahasa yg awal dtg ke dunia ia lah zaman nimrod...semua satu bahasa....memandangkan manusia sudah tamak , dengkil dan lain...maka Tuhan 'confused' bahasa tersebut sehingga masing2 tidak paham bahasa yg di pakai oleh zaman nimrod....
maka, runtuh lah kerajaan nimrod ....dan manusia membawa masing2 ke tempat lain dengan bahasa berlainan yg di cipta oleh Tuhan...
ini yg di sebut di Bible...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 17-6-2013 02:08 PM
Truth.8 posted on 17-6-2013 02:07 PM
aku setuju..bahasa tamil dan hindi ini bahasa yg sedap di dengar.....
melayu copy b ahasa hindi si ...
Sanskrit merupakan bahasa yang tertua...
kirhmuru posted on 18-6-2013 09:44 AM
Sanskrit merupakan bahasa yang tertua...
Actually no.
In 2009 (if not mistaken) some linguistics went to India (Kerala) to attend and record an ancient ceremony which marked the rebirth of the new World (done once every nine years) - and during this ceremony, the people there would chant ancient mantra which has no one knew what it meant. The "words" they used were not Sanksrit or Tamil but a sort of mimicy of a "bird" language. Yes, BIRD LANGUAGE.
According to Matsya Avatar (Source : ), after Maha Vishnu saved Manu and his descendants as well as the seven Sages, He had given them the Vedas. Maha Vishnu's vehicle was Garuda, an Eagle who may have had some role to play in this event, which include teaching them how to speak the Mantra, thus the Bird Language.
In a more layman's term, it is possible that the oldest language Humans had learnt was by mimicking birds which humans see communicating with each other (much easier than looking at lions, tigers or cows with their limited "vocabularies"). Bird language comes with tone and pitch, easier for humans to mimic, which continued to evolve to Tamil language we have today.
The only reason why Sanksrit was called the "Old" or the "Language of the Gods" was because it offers a "written form" which came to India (from Mesoptamia in around 3100 BC) which then used to translate and write down the Orally perserved Mantras which was older than that.
Story about Nimrod has similar to avatar a bit...dress like jungle peoples and etc
Genesis 10:9 s
He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord.”
Genesis 10:10
Genesis 11:1-32
Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. ...
The Tower of Babel (Hebrew: מגדל בבל‎ Migdal Bavel Arabic: برج بابل‎ Borj Baabel) forms the focus of a story told in the Book of Genesis of the Bible.[1] According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar (Hebrew: שנער‎), where they resolved to build a city with a tower "whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."[2]
God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withheld from them which they purpose to do." "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and Confused their languages, so that they would not be able to return to each other, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth".[3]
The Tower of Babel has often been associated with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk by Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia (c. 610 BC). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon base was square (not round), 91 metres (300 ft) in height, and demolished by Alexander the Great. A Sumerian story with some similar elements is told in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta
Last edited by Truth.8 on 19-6-2013 01:41 AM
Sephiroth posted on 18-6-2013 10:57 AM
Actually no.
In 2009 (if not mistaken) some linguistics went to India (Kerala) to attend and re ...
The sound of Nature = Sanskrit. |
kirhmuru posted on 30-6-2013 12:07 AM
The sound of Nature = Sanskrit.
talking abt nature.....when i was in varansi...while in boat at ganga river....early morning at 6...i was so relax because of the sound of birds, bell, chant of mantra and the OM..
kirhmuru posted on 30-6-2013 12:07 AM
The sound of Nature = Sanskrit.
No, Sanksrit came much later. Tamil already here at least a few thousand years, and maybe the oldest language in the World.
Ancient manuscripes spoke of an Ancient landmass off the coast of India called Kumara Kandam where the first and second Tamil Sangam was held. Matter a fact, a recent undersea exploration have found an entire plateau of the coast of India between Madagscar and Sri Lanka, exactly where Kumara Kandam said to be.
Sephiroth posted on 1-7-2013 11:16 AM
No, Sanksrit came much later. Tamil already here at least a few thousand years, and maybe the olde ...
Sanskrit is the root for Tamizh... i have learned the history of it through a proper i know how it came. It is from the same Agasthiyar Mahamuni who is the scholar of Sanskrit which is later on being a pioner for Tamizh language. Thus from sanskrit it becomes tamizh... do not differentiate follows the internet source, ask the scholars who have studied earlier. Go to India, find out from the Parampara of certain group of sanskrt educated people and do no trust 100% the westerns... they still doubt about their own theory that they came up earlier... CC: Vedic Literature.
kirhmuru posted on 29-8-2013 10:21 AM
Sanskrit is the root for Tamizh... i have learned the history of it through a proper parampara...s ...
Western scholars (like those who found the Mantra chanting in Kerala similar to sound of birds) could be confused at their own origin, discovery and many more, but for now, they offer FACTS and EVIDENCE. And facts shows that Tamil language (and not Sanksrit) were the oldest language on the Planet. Vedic literature does not provide you with dates or era which Sanksrit came from, and therefore, not to be considered to be an absolute proof that Sanksrit was the first language. So far :- Tamil - 1, Sanksrit - 0 in term of acceptable proof. |
Sephiroth posted on 30-8-2013 10:36 AM
Western scholars (like those who found the Mantra chanting in Kerala similar to sound of birds) co ...
To look at this matter, does Sanskrit belongs to westerns or Indians? Thus, who knows better? Pls look into scriptures and do ur personal research before looking at others info on it. I have come from a proper parampara and i know where does it belongs to. Sanskrit is the root of Tamizh, but when comes for the usage and discrimination, it been forgetted. Tamizh is Mother Tongue but the father is Sanskrit. One depends on the other. Dont neglects the facts of knowledge because of language discrimations and refuse to get to knw the knowledge. V already been left back with so many info that most of us DONT KNOW because of our ignorance. Which is not the way it should be!
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