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edit:tapak tgn & kaki masalah terpencil ku.....ngeeeee : )
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Post Last Edit by bintang_hati at 24-2-2011 15:48
aku ni normal je... tp rs x normal aku ni mslh terpencil je kot...
aku ni jenis kulit berpeluh... tgn berpeluh, tapak kaki pn... dl aku x pnh hiraukan psl mslh ni .. rs cam biasa je..
tp aku tersentak bile membce 1 artikel psl mslh cam aku ni kire penyakit yg kritikal klu org tu alami kuat berpeluh yg berlebihan spi dia ade mslh malu dan xde konfiden diri... aku x ingt la nama saintifik jenis mslh yg aku hadapi ni ape...
ms aku bace artikel tu, tahap aku blm kritikal lg...msh diperingkat biasa tp gejala yg dinyatakan tu mmg aku rs iaitu:
1)ms kapel dl (aku x kasi pakwe pegang tgn)... aku segan la, malu, risau dia x selesa dgn tapak tgn aku yg berpeluh/ sume pakwe aku ms tu x kisah pun.aku je rs rendah diri.
2)aku rs segan nk bersalam dgn org, klu tgn aku berpeluh.
3)nk pegang pen ke, akn berpeluh.. time berpeluh ni aku akn rs bile tghari sllnye..time panas...
4)nk drive aku perlukan tisu, sbb bile tgn aku mudah berpeluh, nk pegang stereng pn mcm licin.(x la slalu, kdg2)...
kdg2, ms drive kete, aku sanggup benti kat hentian mn2..semata2 nk basuh tgn n kaki.... tu je ubatnye.. tisu pn kdg2 x guna gak..
cara aku sendiri nk atasi : bile aku dah rs tahap cipan x selesa kat tapak tgn n kaki... aku pi basuh kaki n tgn.. ni lah mslh aku bile berdepan dgn situasi mcm ni.. aku akn sesekali pi bilik air, bkn nk buang berak or kencing.. tp hnye nk basuh tgn n kaki je.. skang, ini je care aku nk atasi mslh aku yg blum kritikal lg ni..
sbb tu la aku x leh pki losen...melekit2 je aku rs ...
gejala yg amat kritikal, pengalaman org la...
1) dia menjadi amat rendah diri bile bersalaman dgn org (terutama lelaki yg bekerjaya yg memerlukan dia berurusan dgn client).
2) ari2 dia akn tukar stokin dia ms nk g kije.. spi leh perah la stokin dia tu. (ni yg aku kate tahap kritikal).org mcm ni, mmg kelenjar peluh dia besar. asik berpeluh je tapak kaki n tgn dia...
tp nk atasi mslh ni, dgn care pembedahan mengecil kan liang pori ( x pasti mana pembedahan ape).sape tau, bitau laa..
ade jg, dr artikel tu ckp, ms remaja ok lagi, tp bile seseorng tu dah dewasa,lg teruk..
mungkin korang ade mslh cam aku ni kan...
adakah korang msh tahap biasa2 je atau dah kritikal..
ape care korang atasi mslh ni...
note:...aku msh lg di tahap biasa... tp kdg2 benda ni mengganggu jg... |
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kesian kt ko..aku ade gak kawan mcm ni..err..sori xjawab soklan ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
name penyakit tu Hiperhidrosis
What is hyperhidrosis?
Every day, the human body perspires to maintain constant internal body temperature. Perspiration is regulated by the Sympathetic Nervous System, which controls about five million sweat glands in the body. Sweating is controlled by branches of the sympathetic chain that is located within the chest cavity.Hyperhydrosis is a medical condition that causes perspiration far greater than the physiological needs of the body. Although no one knows why some individuals sweat excessively, it is known that the sweating is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Excessive sweating may be episodic or continuous.
You are about to go on a job interview, to church, or to meet someone new and you notice that your hands and underarms are sweating. Or, you’ve just completed an aerobic workout and your whole body is soaked in sweat. Your body (Sympathetic Nervous System) naturally secretes sweat to cool down the body. But, in some cases, up to 1% of the population has excessive sweating where the body (Sympathetic Nervous System) overworks to cool down the internal body temperature. The condition is known as hyperhidrosis.
Locations of hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis can occur suddenly or continuously, in the four major areas: hands (palmer hyperhidrosis), armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), feet (plantar hyperhidrosis), and face (facial hyperhidrosis).
palmar hyperhidrosis | axillary hyperhidrosis | plantar hyperhidrosis |
Symptoms of hyperhidrosis
Having palmer hyperhidrosis, axillary hyperhidrosis, plantar hyperhidrosis, and/or facial hyperhidosis is a profound and dramatic experience. It affects all aspects of life, including work and related professional activities, the activities of daily living and normal, interpersonal social actions.
Sweaty hands can occur while meeting someone for the first time, through nervousness or emotional distress. Even rubbing on a small amount of lotion can trigger palmar hyperhidrosis.
In severe palmer hyperhidrosis cases, sweat is seen to drip literally down from the hands. This is a condition which can be detected in early childhood. Patients with palmar hyperhidrosis disorder are constantly aware of their condition and think they have to live with it. Usually, the sweating of the hands is the most distressing manifestation of primary hyperhidrosis. The amount of sweating varies from moisture to actual dripping. Many patients report, also, that their hands feel cold and clammy.
Because hands are exposed in social and professional settings, many patients with Hyperhidrosis are self-conscious and may avoid social contact. They may be reluctant to shake hands or handle paperwork. Patients have even been embarrassed to hold the hands of those they love.
Axillary Hyperhidrosis , excessive sweating in the armpits, can cause embarrassing wet marks on shirts. People with this condition avoid many colors and fabrics which could show the sweat marks.
Plantar Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating of the feet. It is a known cause of foot odor and athlete's feet. The combination of palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis can create a problem for a driver because the moisture of the hands and feet can build up to make the steering wheel and foot pedals slippery; this, in turn, can cause a lack of control of the vehicle.
Facial Hyperhidrosis, sweating of the face, may be so profuse that it causes the person to be insecure, appearing overly-anxious, when this is not really the case. Along with facial sweating, someone could experience facial blushing, another embarrassing manifestation of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. |
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Alternative Treatments of hyperhidrosis
Ointments or antiperspirants
This is the initial treatment for moderate or light hyperhidrosis. A product such as Drysol® is recommended. Doctors generally recommend applying it to problem areas after drying the skin completely. Wearing it only at bedtime and then washing it off in the morning with plain water reduces the chance of skin irritation. It is somewhat irritating and will stain clothing. Do not use a regular deodorant afterwards. Repeat the treatment, nightly, until the sweating is under control. After it begins to work, use once or twice, weekly, to maintain the effect, and use a regular deodorant on the other days. The medication is less effective on the thick skin of the palms and soles.
Oral Anticholinergic Medication
Certain prescription oral medications can prevent the release of Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for causing the eccrine sweat gland to go into overdrive. Robinul® is frequently recommended and easy to take, once per day. The negative side to this medicine is the list of potential side effects including dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention and palpitations.
This treatment consists of electrical stimulation of the affected areas. The site of choice is submerged in water and electricity is emitted by the device. The intensity is gradually increased until the patient notices a tingling feeling, which some people find unpleasant. After several uses, the person will sweat less for four to six weeks. To really get it to work, it needs to be used one half hour every night, per site. Treatment is repeated until sweating is under control. Drionic® is the product recommended. The results may vary: in cases of light hyperhidrosis, some patients are happy, but others may consider the treatment too time-consuming and expensive.
Another treatment is the injection of BOTOX® into the area of excessive sweating. People who find no relief from conventional drug treatment for the persistent problem of sweaty palms or underarms may get short-term improvement from injections of a potent bacterial toxin. Botulinum toxin type A is a powerful chemical that, in its diluted prescription form, BOTOX®, has been used safely in treating eye muscle disorders, wrinkles and other conditions. BOTOX® is nothing more than a protein that acts on the junction of the nerve and the muscle, making the muscle less active. It reduces sweating by blocking release of the chemical acetylcholine, which stimulates secretion of the sweat glands. When a small amount of BOTOX® is injected into the armpits or palms, it stops those areas from getting clammy and sweaty. BOTOX® injections, however, are only temporary and have to be repeated two to three times a year. In addition, they are painful and expensive. Some BOTOX® patients say the treatment has given them renewed self-confidence, while others think the whole process is not worth the trouble. Generally, BOTOX® injections are ineffective in cases of severe palmar or facial hyperhidrosis. |
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Reply 1# bintang_hati
Ni common problem.. selalunya orang Cina yang ada masalah ni. Husband kawan aku ada problem ni. Kalau tangan dia berminyak atau tak cuci dengan betul (pakai sabun), mesti basah tangan dia. And yes, kawan aku cerita, hari2 husband dia tukar socks sebab kalau tak tukar, nanti ada bau.
Tahap kronik - yang sampai dakwat pen kembang bagai tu - memang kena bedah ler. Otherwise, kena sentiasa jaga sebab ada masanya tangan kering.. so ok la kan. |
aku pon de kwn mcm ni.. die x bg aku pegang tgn die even nk salam.. ade yg terok mmg geli plak aku pegang.. buat la pembedahan urat kan? |
Reply 2# Que_9
xpe....aku x kisah laa..sbb mslh aku ni blum la tahap kronik mmg kdg2 ganggu aku.. |
Reply 6# duquesne
tu la psl spi dakwat leh kembang tu pn aku makin risau....
yg klakar bg aku tu... bile bace artikel tu kat paper 1 ms dl...baru la aku tau, mslh aku ni leh jd kronik upanya.
pnh simpan artikel tu utk rujukan mn ntah laaa...berjaman da artikel tuu....
klu dok opis ok laa..x la mslh klu aku berjln seharian ke, klu aku pki high heels...leh gak licin...
nk kuar umh sblm aku pki heels ke, aku basuh kaki dl...xnk rs x selesa bile pki aku blum spi blh perah stokin tu... takat basah2/lembap tu, ade lah......... |
Reply 7# fcl29
tu la psl.... aku fhm ape kwn ko tu rs... dia segan n takot org tu x selesa..
aku sendiri pun klu salam dgn org yg tgn basah,bile tgn aku kering, aku sendiri pn rs x selesa... rasa basah jek kan...huhu
cam tu gak la aku rs...hehehe |
Reply 2# Que_9
kim slm kat kwn ko tu...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
aku pun ada mslh tgn & kaki tu tak la teruk...stil leh salam org...cuma yg kritikal kat ketiak......rasa rendah diri sgt2 sbb aku pompuan....![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
dah mcm2 cara aku buat...deodorant dah bertukar2.....pakai pelapik ketiak (ada jual kat farmasi), pakai baju gelap peluh kat situ ttp nampak jgk...
baru ni aku bljr keta dlm keadaan panas terik, habis lenjun baju aku...nak2 bhgn ketiak n tepi2 badan...mmg malu sgt2......
mcm mana la kalau aku ada bf nanti..malu la kalu dating ngan dia nanti ketiak basah......![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
aku pun ada mslh tgn & kaki tu tak la teruk...stil leh salam org...cuma yg kritikal kat k ...
eira_gurl Post at 14-2-2011 17:34 ![](
suntik botox la![](static/image/smiley/default/sleepy.gif) |
suntik botox la
cik_kiah Post at 14-2-2011 18:17 ![](
botox bkn haram ke??![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Reply 15# eira_gurl
ooo teruk ek peluh kat tiak N tepi bdan?...herm...
aku mslh tiak ok je laa..xla peluh mcm ko ckp tu, tp biasa je.. peluh badan x jd mslh kat aku..
yg jd mslh cume peluh tapak tgn n kaki...huhu.....
ko kne paki la baju yg cerah... at least peluh x la nmpk sgt...
atau ko alami mslh berat badan?...sory tnye laaa...sll klu ko ade mslh bdan mmg pepeluhan kerap berlaku kat badan... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan