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Allah is God of Christians and Jews Too

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Post time 12-7-2013 03:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode  By Dr. Adel Elsaie
Allah is God of Christians and Jews Too

The western media and fundamentalist Christians promote the idea that the God of the Muslims is different from the God of Christianity. They advocate that Allah is not a real God but an idol! Have you ever seen a statue of Allah or Muhammad? As a matter of fact, Muhammad destroyed 360 idols in Mecca. The fundamentalist Christians do not realize that Allah is the God of Christians too! Arab-speaking Christians and Muslims recognize Allah as the only name of God. Any Arab-speaking Christian, when asked about the name of God, would answer Allah!

The English Old Testament Starts:

      In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.”

The Arabic Old Testament Starts:

      “In the beginning, Allah created the heaven and earth.”

Below is the first page from

The name of God throughout the Arabic Old and New Testament is Allah. Consequently, it is ironic that the western Christians are unaware of the name of God of their Arabic brothers.

Critics of Islam usually present translated Verses of the Quran that are taken out of context, or they pick up a translation that advances their biased point of view. The Office for the Non-Christian Affairs at the Vatican published a document under the title “Orientations for a Dialogue between Christians and Muslims.” It is a very important document in that it shows the Vatican position adopted towards Islam. In the third edition of this study (1970), this new position calls for “a revision of our attitude towards it (Islam) and a critical examination of our prejudices” ... “We should first set about progressively changing the way our Christian brothers see it. This is the most important of all” ... “We must clear the way the out-dated image inherited from the past, or distorted by prejudice and slander” ... “and recognize the past injustice towards the Muslims for which the west, with its Christian education, is to blame.”

The same document stresses that Allah is the True God and not an idol:

      “It would seem pointless to maintain that Allah is not real God, as do certain people  in the west!”

There is no better way of illustrating Islamic faith in God than by quoting the following extracts from Lumen Gentium, produced by the second Vatican Council (1962-1965):

“The Muslims profess the faith of Abraham and worship with us the sole merciful God, who is the future judge of men on the Day of Reckoning.”

However, some of the TV Evangelists insist that Allah is not the same God of the Christians. They refuse to recognize that the Vatican and all the Christian Arabs accept Allah as the Only God because Muslims do not believe in the Trinity. Their argument ignores millions of Christians who do not believe that Jesus is the son of god or in the Trinity.

Furthermore, Islam is the only religion that declares Mary as the holiest woman ever, the Holy Quran, Surah (chapter) 3, Ayah (verse) 42, - not Muhammad’s mother, daughter, or wife. One complete Surah in Quran is devoted to Mary with her name as the title of Surah 19. Surah 3 has a title of the family of Imran (the father of Mary). The Bible does not give Mary the same honor.

So Islam is not the enemy of Christianity, but the closest religion to Christianity, and for those who are interested, can read the book of Bill Baker, More In Common Than You Think, The Bridge between Islam and Christianity,” Defenders Publications, 1998.


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Post time 12-7-2013 06:39 PM | Show all posts
You better tell this to the christian bigots like 'truth.8' , 'nightlord' and 'wkk5159'.

Maybe these 3 should joint forces with Perkasa and Jati. Something in common - bigotry

Allah in Hebrew (right to left) :   אללה                  alef lamed lamed heh
Allah in arabic (right to left)  :    الله                         alif laam laam haa      

Last edited by sam1528 on 12-7-2013 06:54 PM


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Post time 13-7-2013 01:08 PM | Show all posts

Hence Eli, Elah, Ilah, Allah is the same definitive,

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Post time 13-7-2013 10:02 PM | Show all posts
memang lah Allah ni Tuhan yang sama pada jews dan kristian.....

takkan baru tahu...?

zaman IT sudah lama masuk malaysia, bro

below is translation, because nowadays, malaysians dont like to speak malay....

Allah is instead the same God of jews and christians , it is known long time already...

how come you didnt know?

the information teknology era has lbeen ong enough setting itself in malaysia, abang.....

sorry for my english. hehe
Last edited by ussopp on 13-7-2013 10:09 PM


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Post time 14-7-2013 01:42 PM | Show all posts
This is nothing new as this also echoed by Christian Federation of Malaysia(CFM) which is headed by Catholic by the way. Still remember that Allah fiasco in which Catholic church insists in using Allah in their publiation, Herald and the East Malaysian Catholic of using Allah in their prayer. This of course led to legal battle between Catholic church and Malaysian government, which to many Christians are something superfluous in the frst place.

This explanation by CFM is apparently very superficial without in depth study of Tanakh (Hebrew or Jewish Bible)and its arguments are mainly based on secular findings and more ludicrously, Arab and Malay translation of Bible. Bear in mind that translators for Arab and Malay Bible were not scholars in Hebrew Bible and obviously they adopted the name of Allah for easier understanding and  conveniences of masses of whom majority are muslims !

What is the REAL name of Abrahamic God (Judaism and Christianity) ? Of the various names of God found in Tanakh (Jewish Bible), the One which occurs most frequently (6,823 times !) is the Tetragramaton, YHVH . When we add in the vowels in between these consonants, the name of God is most likely Yahweh or Jehovah. Does Yahweh or Jehovah even sound remotely similar to Allah ?? Certainly not ! For references, please refer to

Then who is Allah ?? Allah certainly existed  before advent of Islam but is it the name of Judaism/Christianity God ?? The name of Allah was previously used by pagan Meccans as a reference to a creator deity, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among religious traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters–a concept that was deleted under the process of Islamization. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name, and all other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah. One interesting point to note is Arab Christians today use terms such as Allāh al-Ab (الله الأب, 'God the Father') to distinguish their usage from Muslim usage.
Other references; 1. Is Allah the Name of God?
2. Allah - the Moon God.
3. The True Origin of "Allah", The Archaeological Truth. History.pdf
4.The pagan origin of the word, "Allah".

So, what is the fuss of getting into all the trouble of legal proceedings with Malaysia muslim authority for the usage of the paganic Arabic god by the name of Allah. In fact, the name of Allah should be treated with disdain since it is of pagan origin and let alone be associated with name of Abrahamic God ! It is even more mind boggling when some so called Catholic Christians out there can be so ignorant and pseudodyslexic to the extend that they are totally blind to the biblical facts that name of God is Jehovah or Yahweh or simply just Jesus Christ Himself !


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Post time 14-7-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 14-7-2013 01:42 PM
This is nothing new as this also echoed by Christian Federation of Malaysia(CFM) which is headed by  ...

Actually christians are the odd one out. The Jews / Muslims have this monotheism concept for God but not Christians - the 3 in 1 formula. If we talk about the Tetragramaton, YHVH , the Jews have already lost the name of God. Adam Clarke commentary on 2Cor12
    The Jews thought that the Divine name, the Tetragrammaton Yehovah, should not be uttered, and that it is absolutely unlawful to pronounce it; indeed they say that the true pronunciation is utterly lost, and cannot be recovered without an express revelation. Not one of them, to the present day, ever attempts to utter it; and, when they meet with it in their reading, always supply its place with Adonai, Lord. It is probable that the apostle refers to some communication concerning the Divine nature and the Divine economy, of which he was only to make a general use in his preaching and writing. No doubt that what he learned at this time formed the basis of all his doctrines.

    Cicero terms God illud inexprimible, that inexpressible Being. And Hermes calls him: The ineffable, the unspeakable, and that which is to be pronounced in silence. We cannot have views too exalted of the majesty of God; and the less frequently we pronounce his name, the more reverence shall we feel for his nature. It is said of Mr. Boyle that he never pronounced the name of God without either taking off his hat or making a bow. Leaving out profane swearers, blasphemers, and such like open-faced servants of Satan, it is distressing to hear many well intentioned people making unscripturally free with this sacred name.

In summary :
  • Jews lost the name of God.
  • God never gave His chosen people His name after they lost it.
  • The name can only be discovered through revelation (which is now impossible as Jews consider all revelation to have stopped).
  • How can Christians call God’s name, if they got the divinity of YHWH from Jews? So whose name are they actually calling upon?
  • Christians believe God is an inexpressible being, although they believe He is a man.
  • God is ineffable, although they consider Him to be a man and can describe that man pretty well, as well as they constantly call him by his name (which is by definition, too sacred/ holy to be spoken):
    • Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words: “ineffable beauty”.
    • Too sacred to be uttered.
  • Christians should use God’s name less frequently, so as to revere His nature. That means screaming Jesus at us infidels isn’t the right thing to be doing, folks!

(Points taken from here)

BTW , to some quarters , the etymology of J-E-S-U-S is ..... 'earth pig'. We can choose to accept or reject it. One wonders why christians change the name of Yeshua to Jesus. Isa or Eesa is a more accurate name as hebrew and arabic are sister languages which are nearly identical.


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Post time 15-7-2013 09:28 AM | Show all posts
by Banapore

The western media and fundamentalist Christians promote the idea that the God of the Muslims is different from the God of Christianity. They advocate that Allah is not a real God but an idol! Have you ever seen a statue of Allah or Muhammad? As a matter of fact, Muhammad destroyed 360 idols in Mecca. The fundamentalist Christians do not realize that Allah is the God of Christians too! Arab-speaking Christians and Muslims recognize Allah as the only name of God. Any Arab-speaking Christian, when asked about the name of God, would answer Allah!

So Islam is not the enemy of Christianity, but the closest religion to Christianity, and for those who are interested, can read the book of Bill Baker, “More In Common Than You Think, The Bridge between Islam and Christianity,” Defenders Publications, 1998.

And yet, Bill Baker and whoever else making such claims have forgotten that Muslims and Christians had fought the longest war in history of Mankind (the Crusaders) all in name of showing whose religion is true and whose god is real.

Fact is this - Judaism have NOTHING in common with Christianity and Christianity has NOTHING in common with Islam and Islam have NOTHING in common with Judaism. Muhammad stole some of the ideas from other religions but he used his own perspective and ideals to forge Islam for Muslims. Therefore, all three religions are different.

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Post time 15-7-2013 03:12 PM | Show all posts
by banapore

The English Old Testament Starts:
      “In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.”
The Arabic Old Testament Starts:
      “In the beginning, Allah created the heaven and earth.”

Common sense ... of course they will write Allah in Arabic book. In Hebrew version of the New Testament, the name for God is Yahweh, not Allah.

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Post time 24-7-2013 10:01 AM | Show all posts
isu Allah juga adalah Tuhan pada Yahudi dan Nasrani bukan patut dituju pada Kristian, tapi dituju pada orang Muslim di Malaysia. Merekalah yang katakan Allah bukan Tuhan pada Yahudi dan Nasrani.

Kristian yang katakan Allah adalah idol hanyalah beberapa sect tak terkenal yang bukan mainstream saja. Tapi Muslim di Malaysia mengatakan mereka termasuk dalam mainstream Islam iaitu ahli sunnah wal jamaah. Jadi apa2 pendapat ulama Malaysia adalah juga mewakili sunnah wal jamaah. Maka dengan jelas bahawa Allah bukan Tuhan Yahudi dan Nasrani mengikut Islam

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Post time 26-7-2013 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 15-7-2013 03:12 PM
by banapore


Yahweh................baik juga
Allah............baik juga

ada lagi ke NAMA NAMA yg baik2
dengan banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nama yg baik2

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Post time 26-7-2013 08:48 PM | Show all posts
God spoke Hebrew  not arabic...hence God name not allah....GOD name Jehovah, Elohim, Yaweh and few others.....but surly not allah


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Post time 27-7-2013 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-7-2013 08:48 PM
God spoke  Hebrew  not arabic...hence God name not allah....GOD name Jehovah, Elohim, Yaweh and few  ...

emmmm.......Bani Isarel berasal dari Nabi Ibrahim yang berasal dari wilayah yang sekarang ini digelar sebagai "Iraq" orang "Iraq" inilah lahirnya Bani Isarel dengan,kalau pk logik Bani Israel ni berasal dari leluhur,bahasa yang dituturkan oleh Bani Israel berasal dari Bahasa Arab....


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Post time 27-7-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
manap77 posted on 24-7-2013 10:01 AM
isu Allah juga adalah Tuhan pada Yahudi dan Nasrani bukan patut dituju pada Kristian, tapi dituju pa ...
isu Allah juga adalah Tuhan pada Yahudi dan Nasrani bukan patut dituju pada Kristian, tapi dituju pada orang Muslim di Malaysia. Merekalah yang katakan Allah bukan Tuhan pada Yahudi dan Nasrani.

Kristian yang katakan Allah adalah idol hanyalah beberapa sect tak terkenal yang bukan mainstream saja. Tapi Muslim di Malaysia mengatakan mereka termasuk dalam mainstream Islam iaitu ahli sunnah wal jamaah. Jadi apa2 pendapat ulama Malaysia adalah juga mewakili sunnah wal jamaah. Maka dengan jelas bahawa Allah bukan Tuhan Yahudi dan Nasrani mengikut Islam

sori la,aku bukan gomen supporter...

cuma menjadi kepelikan dikalangan umat islam di Malaysia,kenapa sekarang baru nak timbulkan isu kalimah Allah ni???setelah sekian lama orang-orang kristian menjunjung kitab yang di dalamnya tidak tertulis walau satu kalimah "Allah"..

kenapa kalimah "Allah" tidak digunakan di dalam kitab bible dari dulu lagi....tu pun kalau betullah kristian ni akui Allah itu tuhan mereka....yang aku tau kristian arab je yang tulis kalimah "Allah" dalam bible diorang...kristian eropah sorry to say la,bro....

pastu ada ura-ura kat sabah dulu pun guna kalimah "Allah" dalam bible.tapi yang tu pun aku rasa xsampai 100 taun pun....

Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 27-7-2013 11:13 AM


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Post time 27-7-2013 03:36 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-7-2013 10:50 AM
emmmm.......Bani Isarel berasal dari Nabi Ibrahim yang berasal dari wilayah yang sekarang ini dige ...

Menurut Old Testament, "Bani Israel" datangnya dari Mesir, bukan Iraq atau kawasan sekitarnya. Malahan, bila kaum Yahudi sampai ke kawasan ini, mereka mendapati kawasan itu sudah ada penghuni yg menyembah batu berhala dan menberikan gelaran "Gentiles" kpd mereka. Orang Iraq (dan Arab) adalah kaum Gentiles menurut Old testament.

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Post time 27-7-2013 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 27-7-2013 03:36 PM
Menurut Old Testament, "Bani Israel" datangnya dari Mesir, bukan Iraq atau kawasan sekitarnya. Mal ...

memang la diorang datang dari mesir,tapi bukan dari keturunan mesir...senang cite diorang bukan orang asal sana la....sebab tu ada  term "penghambaan" dalam sejarah diorang masa diorang kat mesir tu.....


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Post time 29-7-2013 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Allah is god for everybody...muslims, christians, jews etc.....but not for corrupted charistian & jew today..

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Post time 29-7-2013 06:26 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-7-2013 10:50 AM
emmmm.......Bani Isarel berasal dari Nabi Ibrahim yang berasal dari wilayah yang sekarang ini dige ...

Ibrahim bukanlah Yahudi atau Nasrani kerana beliau wujud sebelum mereka. Quran sendiri menegaskan. Ibrahim merupakan orang Ibrani dari Chaldea, salah satu kaum semitik. Arab sudah wujud sejak zaman nabi Nuh. Ibrahim hanya menurunkan keturunan Arab Musta'ribah (Arabized people) melalui nabi Ismail. Manakala beliau menurunkan keturunan Yahudi melalui nabi Ishak (melalui keturunan Yaakub). Sewaktu Ibrahim dan Ismail berada di Mekah, kaum Arab telahpun wujud iaitu Arab Jurhum yang mana merekalah yang mengahwinkan anak perempuan mereka kepada nabi Ismail. Ibrahim bukan bangsa Arab. Dia adalah orang Ibrani-Kaldani.

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Post time 29-7-2013 06:31 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-7-2013 11:09 AM
sori la,aku bukan gomen supporter...

cuma menjadi kepelikan dikalangan umat islam di Malaysia ...

Nama Allah telahpun tertulis dalam Bible bahasa Melayu/Nusantara sebelum wujud negara Malaysia/Indonesia. Jadi isu ini telahpun sebati dalam kalangan penganut Kristian Nusantara. Kita generasi baru yang telah sebati dengan anggapan Islam=Melayu tidak boleh menafikan hal tersebut. Jika Bible bahasa Inggeris yang mahu gunakan nama Allah, itu baharulah suatu kepelikan. Tapi di Sabah Sarawak, kaum2 pribumi yang bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu (di samping bahasa dialek etnik masing2) memang gunakan Allah sebagai nama tuhan mereka. Jadi menafikan hak mereka seperti menafikan tradisi mereka yang lebih tua dari umur kita sendiri.

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Post time 29-7-2013 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Tapi isu ini telah membuktikan bahawa menurut Islam, Allah bukanlah Tuhan bagi Yahudi dan Kristian. Ia juga memberi impak negatif kepada dakwah Islam sendiri di kalangan Yahudi dan Nasrani. Ia juga menguatkan lagi "tuduhan" atau "Dakwaan" yahudi dan kristia kepada Allah sebagai lanjutan daripada berhala purba rantau Mesopotamia yang bernama Ilu - Dewa Langit yang kemudiannya disimbolikkan sebagai dewa bulan

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Post time 30-7-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-7-2013 04:23 PM
memang la diorang datang dari mesir,tapi bukan dari keturunan mesir...senang cite diorang bukan or ...

Itu apa yg orang Muslim cakap. Tetapi dlm Old Testament pula, sudah ada dua kaum yg jelas berbeza - kaum Yahudi dan kaum Gentiles (mereka2 yg tidak menganuti kepercayaan kpd Yahweh). Oleh itu, adalah jelas menunjjukan bahawa orang2 Yahudi tidak menerima kaum Gentiles (Arab dan kaum lain) sbg sebahagian dari mereka.

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