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Fathia lawan Maya karin
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bola maya karin lak still maya karin menang |
pjg btl jersey fidah tu |
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aku lebih gelak tgk fida da bole apply jd maskot digi orang kuning.. |
fida tu mmg out tullah...... |
fida pon tergelak tengok diri sendiri  |
wakakakakakakka jersey dibuat jubah...   |
HIHIHIIHIHI mcm2 pesen 
tp maya ttp cantik  |
gula_tebu posted on 9-7-2014 02:56 PM 
fida pon tergelak tengok diri sendiri

harkktuih posted on 9-7-2014 02:52 PM 
aku lebih gelak tgk fida da bole apply jd maskot digi orang kuning..
tgelak guling ak baca!
piao posted on 9-7-2014 03:07 PM 
banana! sedapnyaa...lapor..
ok fida tu lawak. pe kes ? nk jugakkkkk |
amyainsamad posted on 9-7-2014 02:42 PM 
pjg btl jersey fidah tu
jersey muslimah kot..ada ke jual camtu? |
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