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Bila Mana Adam Hawa Diturunkan/Manusia Seblmnya [merged:kassimbaba,ijad98]

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AdrianMutu This user has been deleted
Post time 16-1-2004 11:40 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Adam & Hawa diturunkan di mana?
Semua tahu yang Adam & Hawa diusir dari syurga dan diturunkan ke bumi kerana ingkar perintah Allah supaya jangan makan buah khuldi (forbidden fruit).

Daripada yang aku baca dari Internet, ada yang mengatakan Adam diturunkan di India, Pulau Serendip atau Ceylon (Sri Lanka) dan ada juga ulamak yang mengatakan Adam diturunkan di Pulau Sumatera. Sementara Hawa diturunkan di Iraq dan akhirnya Adam & Hawa bertemu di Jabal Rahmah (bukit kasih sayang) untuk bersama-sama menetap dan mengembangkan agama Islam di Mekkah.

Ada info-info tentang sejarah nabi Adam ni tolong ceritakan di sini. Terima kasih.

[ Last edited by riccckyyy at 6-3-2006 09:01 PM ]

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Post time 16-1-2004 11:26 PM | Show all posts
well from what i know from my apernts jabal rahmah kat araafah yg depa meet up .
so boleh tanya apa significantnya kalau tahu?

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AdrianMutu This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-1-2004 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Just forthe sake of knowledge.

Imagine, Adam diturunkan kat tempat jauh ... can u imagine how they met when the fact is there's only two humans on earth at that time

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Post time 16-1-2004 11:55 PM | Show all posts

rasanya kat india...dan saya pun selalu terfikir cam andrian:stp:...bagaimana mereka hidup sampai bertemu semula?

dan ini soklan  masa saya masih kecik lagi..antara org zaman batu dgn adam ..mestilah adam turun kat bumi dulu kan...tapi kenapa org zaman batu tak pandai bercakap macam nabi adam?...

..stupit question..tapi saya nak tahu jugak jawapannya!!!

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winzip This user has been deleted
Post time 17-1-2004 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AdrianMutu at 16-1-2004 11:42 PM:
Just forthe sake of knowledge.

Imagine, Adam diturunkan kat tempat jauh ... can u imagine how they met when the fact is there's only two humans on earth at that time

al-kisah riwayat orang tua2 kononnya manusia zaman dulu semuanya besar2..
tapi apa sangat yang mustahilnya.. sebab semuanya ketentuan Tuhan..

nasib baik depa berdua berjumpa.. kalau tak, tak lahir keturunan manusia,
tak lahir kita semua..

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Post time 27-1-2004 12:21 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by my-alja at 16-1-2004 23:55:

rasanya kat india...dan saya pun selalu terfikir cam andrian:stp:...bagaimana mereka hidup sampai bertemu semula?

dan ini soklan  masa saya masih kecik lagi..antara org zaman batu dgn a ...

Worang zaman dulu hidup beribu ribu tahun... Tak macam sekarang... Worang zaman batu tu tak pandai mungkin pasal depa ni dah tinggalkan ilmu Adam tu... Ye lah... Bila manusia dah berkembang tu mesti ada group yang bawak diri ke tempat lain... Masa tu lah semakin lama semakin mereka lupakan asal mereka... Rasanya lar...

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 27-1-2004 02:17 PM | Show all posts
hmmmm .... interesting soalan alja tu sebab paja pun selalu tertanya2. zaman batu ada orang purba/batu dan dinasour.

mana dulu? zaman nabi adam dan hawa atau zaman batu?

jika mereka di zaman yang sama ... bukan ke dinasour semua tu dah pupus?

ada sesapa yang boleh explain soalan yang memeningkan kepala nih? bukan apa .. anak paja suka tanya yang bukan2 .. karang tak terjawab lak! heheheh

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Post time 31-5-2004 02:51 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Paja at 27-1-2004 14:17:
hmmmm .... interesting soalan alja tu sebab paja pun selalu tertanya2. zaman batu ada orang purba/batu dan dinasour.

mana dulu? zaman nabi adam dan hawa atau zaman batu?

jika mereka di zaman ...

Zaman Batu bukanlah Zaman Dinasor... Zaman tu manusa dah ada kat muka Bumi dah manakala dinasor wujud lebih lama dari kewujudan manusia...

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!

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Post time 31-5-2004 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Yang aku tau ustaz aku cerita masa bebudak dulu, Nabi Adam turun di sebuah gunung di Sri Lanka sekarang dipanggil Adam's Peak dan untuk melintas Selat Palk (nama dia la ni) baginda mencampak beberapa batu besar untuk dibuat 'stepping stone'....sekarang rangkaian pulau2 kecil dan beting pasir yang dipanggil Adam's Bridge.

Siti Hawa pula diturunkan di Kashmir (ada sapa cakap, Siti Hawa ni sangatlah cantik orangnya...jadi berkat dia tu menurun kepada area tu...kepada bangsa keturunan Hindustan:hmm

Kedua2 manusia pertama ini akhirnya bertemu semula di Jabal Rahmah, Arafah pada 9 Zulhijjah (seingat aku, kalau salah tolong betulkan).

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Post time 31-5-2004 08:57 AM | Show all posts
nabi adam di turunkan diantara India dan sri lanka sebab kawasan tu dah jadi laut  (Aku dapat info dari jejak rasul)

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AceHand at 2004-5-31 02:51 AM:

Zaman Batu bukanlah Zaman Dinasor... Zaman tu manusa dah ada kat muka Bumi dah manakala dinasor wujud lebih lama dari kewujudan manus ...

hmmm aku masih lagi konfius, ace.

bukan ke keturunan Adam ... berkembang, pastu muncul nabi2 dan rasul2. jadi aku susah nak faham kenapa ada orang batu di zaman selepas nabi Adam a.s ... bukan kah Allah dah berjanji yang setiap keturunan manusia akan ada nabi sebagai pembimbing. maknanya tidak ada satu bangsa keturunan Adam yang akan terumbang ambing tanpa guidance.

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 01:08 PM | Show all posts
dari website ni:

Nabi Adam dan Siti Hawa diturunkan ke muka bumi, mereka diturunkan di dua lokasi berbeza iaitu Nabi Adam di benua kecil India dan Siti Hawa di Jeddah.

Ini seperti yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Abbas dan dikeluarkan oleh Imam Ibn Saad dan Imam A’Sakir. Untuk satu tempoh yang tertentu, mereka bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mencari satu sama lain.

Pergerakan ini bolehlah kita anggap sebagai proses globalisasi yang pertama dalam sejarah manusia kerana membabitkan pergerakan di antara dua lokaliti berbeza. Akhirnya Nabi Adam dan Siti Hawa ditakdirkan bertemu kembali di Muzdalifah.

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Adam's peak

Though not the highest mountain of Sri Lanka, the striking pyramid of Adam's Peak (7,360 ft) is certainly the most remarkable. A depression in the rocky summit resembles a huge footprint, which has been venerated as a sacred sigh from remote antiquity. This was identified by Buddhists as the Buddha's footprint, by Hindus as that of Shiva, and by Muslims as Adam's. Later the Portuguese attributed it to St. Thomas the Apostle.

The Mahawamsa tells how the sacred footprint was imprinted by the departing Buddha on his third visit to Lanka, but the site did not become an object of regular Buddhist pilgrimage until the Polonnaruwa period, when Vijayabahu I built resting houses for pilgrims and King Nissankamalla himself, in the year 1201, climbed to the top and worshipped the spot.

The Muslim tradition of a footprint of Adam, first of the prophets, goes back to gnostic sources as early as the Mahawamsa itself. According to the legend, Adam was hurled from Paradise for his disobedience and stood in penance for a thousand years on one foot at the top of Adam's Peak, after which he was reunited with Eve on Mt. Arafat overlooking Mecca. By the ninth century, this footprint was consequently considered one of the most sacred sites in the world.

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Adam's Bridge



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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 31-5-2004 01:21 PM | Show all posts
orang hindu percaya yang adam's bridge ni di"jadikan" oleh dewa mereka ramayana.

The island of Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean, about 400 miles (645 kilometers) north of the equator. It is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait. Millions of years ago Sri Lanka and India were bridged by a strip of land, remnants which are still visible. Space images taken by NASA reveal this mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge currently named as Adam's Bridge is made of chain of limestone shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.

The bridge's unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana. In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Sri Lankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.

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Post time 31-5-2004 02:24 PM | Show all posts
hmm,  bagaimana jikakalau Adam & Hawa berkulit coklat-latin?

~ jadi tamparan kpd orang yg berkulit puteh sebab diorang ingat kaler ddiorang bukan ori aper

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fyrdd This user has been deleted
Post time 1-6-2004 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 27-1-2004 14:17:
hmmmm .... interesting soalan alja tu sebab paja pun selalu tertanya2. zaman batu ada orang purba/batu dan dinasour.

mana dulu? zaman nabi adam dan hawa atau zaman batu?

jika mereka di zaman ...

me too..
kalau zaman nabi & zaman batu seiring.. then, masa zaman nabi mana yg ada dinasour..?.. tlg ler leraikan kemusykilan saya nih..tq

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Post time 1-6-2004 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 31-5-2004 02:24 PM:
hmm,  bagaimana jikakalau Adam & Hawa berkulit coklat-latin?

~ jadi tamparan kpd orang yg berkulit puteh sebab diorang ingat kaler ddiorang bukan ori aper

adalah diriwayatkan...bahawa warna kulit adam dan hawa (dalam syurga)adalah putih seperti warna kuku...wallahualam...

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Post time 1-6-2004 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 31-5-2004 01:21 PM:
orang hindu percaya yang adam's bridge ni di"jadikan" oleh dewa mereka ramayana.

The island of Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean, about 400 miles (645 kilometers) north of the e ...

tapi kawasan tu pihak buddha sri lanka tidak membenarkan org hindu melawat kawsan tu tetapi org yg beragama islam dibenarkan melawat di sana

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Post time 1-6-2004 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Thanks for the very informative pics about Adam's bridge.

This is just my theory. I think the stoneage man exists before Adam. In my shallow opinion, they are not gifted with the ability to think i.e 'akal'. They may resembles man but without the ability to think, they are just like animals. They may create havoc in this world before they become extinct. Adam on the other hand, is the perfect creation, and the highest ranking creature ever existed in this universe because the gift of 'akal'. Based on that theory also I think that there is no intelligent extraterrestrial being, because human is the most intelligent creature of them all.


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