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Author: Cari-Azza

"I Tak Boleh Bernafas, Dada Sakit, Mental Teruk" - Diana Danielle Kong

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Post time 20-8-2019 01:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MenteriWanita replied at 19-8-2019 04:42 PM
Since aku ada pengalaman dengan member yang ada anxiety meh aku kongsi, kalau tak baik jua means tak ...

Thanks for the info. Sgt bermakna. Moga bermanfaat

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Post time 20-8-2019 01:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
generalsoap replied at 19-8-2019 07:28 PM
Denial sekalipun dia jaga anak dia mak dia laki dia elok elok, rmi syg, ko? Siapa sayang? Kalau da ...

Jagalah dh lakinya katanya dpat rm3juta  Dia lalui bnyk benda tu mostly dia yng cari sndiri. Dia mampu ubah tp dia xnk so hadap je la

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Post time 20-8-2019 01:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tengok & tunggu next product. Just saying.

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Post time 20-8-2019 01:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by addamnor at 20-8-2019 03:28 AM

adek2 sekalian..

1) anxiety disorder
2) panic disorder
3) depression
4) bipolar

entiti penyakit di atas ada spectrum masing2, walaupun symptoms selalu overlap dan saling relatable.. tetapi ia berbeza.

utk terjadinya penyakit2 di atas, selalunya akan ada satu atau beberapa episode yang trigger.. we call it as triggering factor/factors
contoh : traumatic life events like being a rape victim, selalu kena kecam di social media , kehilangan insan2 tersayang, ruin family background, bully victim etc

ada kaitan genetik- means it runs in the family too

ada kaitan dengan personality - kalau ada seorang yang neurosis ( jenis easily triggered, kelam kabut, gelabah beruk, jenis tak cool, jenis moody... yes you have higher tendency to succumb to the diseases
berbanding dengan anda berpewatakan riang, tenang, happy go lucky, calm - you have good defense mechanism to put the disease at bay

rawatan :
1) psychoterapy : counselling, group, life style changes, being religious (moderate and positive) is helpful actually because all religions basically teach us to be a good person, positive thinking
2) ubat ubatan (pharmacotherapy) :
anxiolytics eg: midazolam, alprazolam, lorazepam etc (jika anda makan, anda akan tenang dan tertidur)
tricyclic antidepresions (TCAs) : amiltriptyline, amoxapine
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) : fluoxatine, sertraline
lithium : selalu dalam manic eposide
haloperidol : severe psychosis

apa yang DD alami itu (kalau lihat secara postings) lebih kepada vasovagal effect(in lesser spectrum) -lebih kurang panic juga cuma milder version

i speculate lebih pada vasovagal effect sbb mampu utk rakam video, utk berfikir and telling stories to educate poeple.  it is good she used her celebrity title to create awareness pada saat umat tanah air having grey knowledge about mental illness tapi ramai yang duk beri ceramah based on personal experience, mental illness is real ke hulu ke hilir, hujung2 equalizing & genralizing all the mental diseases.. iyalah beliau punya followers are millions compared to kalian marhein yang punya follwers ratus2 je tu pun teman skolah kawan sepejabat yang auto sign in daripada facebook (kau sape dek nak ada follower juta2 macam artis?)

or panic disorder / panic attack in extended version .. selalunya those with panic disorder cant even bother to take photos, selfies, telling things.. never iya sbb anda rasa macam seperti mahu mati, dunia bakal runtuh and you cant even think straight.

those with anxiety disorder will be excessively worried, kalau ada issue apa2 dia lah yang paling gelabah tetek.. boleh jadi very annoying, asking a lot of questions, takut2 utk mencuba, takut jadi benda buruk etc. it can evolve to panic attack

those with panic attack : yang tiba2 rasa semput nafas, jantung bernafas laju, rasa nak mati and require immediate attention

those with depression / kemurungan : ini selalunya taboo dalam masyarakat dan banyak dipengaruhi oleh unsur2 mistik dan alam ghaib (disebabkan oleh faktor sosio-budaya)
pesakit akan rasa letih2, lesu, tidak berminat dalam segala aktiviti (anhedonia), hilang fokus, hilang arah.. keypoints rasa tidak berguna, tiada harapan, tiada hala
banyak berkurung dlm bilik.. ada rasa nak mati (suicidal thought) dan boleh lead to suicidal attemptcontoh : faiz roslan yang tetiba breakdown few month ago (now gigih beliau kembali memondan), students yang bunuh diri sbb tak dapat result yang bagus / gagal mendapat course yang diingini / cikgu dari perak yang brulang 200 km sehari yang hilang kemana entah selama beberapa hari ujung2 netizen duk maki laki cikgu tersebut

bipolar : mood nya ada dua spectrum yang berbeza (thats y we call it as bipolar )
boleh jadi in low mood (depression episode)
boleh jadi in high mood (mania episode) : tiba2 highly joyful, segala benda nak bercerita. cakap banyak tapi tiada satu pun on point, meraban, very grandiose, they think they have powers to penetrate alam ghaib, memiliki kuasa sakti etc.. pendek kata sembang babi terbang
contoh retis yang ada bipolar disease : yassin mimpi laila, catherine zeta jones, iqram dinzly(underdiagnose and poor insight sikit mamat ini)
figura lain: ayah pin, sultan melaka - they exhibit grandiosity (delusional disorder is another differential)
orang gila isim yang kalian duk jumpa tepi jalan tiba2 duk bersyarah, busuk serabai itu semua

watak2 significant dalam movies/ drama best to picture the ilness, supaya kalian lebih jelas perbezaan nya
1) russel crowe - beautiful mind : schizophrenia
2) natalie portman - black swan : scizophrenia / delusional disorder
3) erra fazira - hingga hujung nyawa : bipolar mania episode setelah disumpah oleh ayahnya
4)kuza - kekasih ku seru (ini antara garapan bagus bagaimana script writer potray the illness dengan amat tepat dalam drama lokal) - severe schizophrenia in catatonic state overlapping with depression
5)rosyam noor dalam drama kena sihir dgn wan maimunah : bipolar mania state
6)maya karin - jwanita : psychosis
7) anthony hopkins - silence of the lamb: psychosis

sekian sedikit maklumat. harap membantu tentang konsep ini
mental illness is no joke people. you can be very dysfunction, it ruins your life, seize away the happiness and to some extent, you can die from it.please consult the doctors if you have something wrong with you.. avoid self diagnosis by listening to the others about the illness-different person different presentation, different disease

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)is a DIFFERENT ENTITY and has never been classified as mental illness by WHO eventhough it can co exist in those with anxiety or panic attack disoerder
before diagnosing the mental related problem, it is a MUST for the treating doctors to rule out any possible organic causes that can mimic the pyschiatric diseases
i,e: hypothyroidism ( hormon thyroid rendah) can mimic depression
hyperthroidism (hormon thyroid tinggi) can mimic anixiety disorder/ panic disorder
drug induced psychosis
brain infection etc



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Post time 20-8-2019 02:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
notyghosty replied at 19-8-2019 05:06 PM
aku pernah jugak jadi mcm ni, tp x lah seteruk dd.. aku kene lepas beranak anak no 2..(anak no 1 men ...

Ehh sama la kita...iols kena pagi pukul 4 lebih..tiba2 kaki rasa kebas, jantung laju, rasa nk pitam & trus ingat ajal dh sampai ni..trus tringat mcm mana gn ank2, yg kecik tu manja sgt gn i..bangun ke hulu ke hilir nk bg rasa tu hilang but still ada jgk..dekat stgh jam kejut husband ckp i rasa i dh nk bunyi kelakar tp mg i takut sgt2, nasib baik husband take serious masa i kata2 semangat..lps tu takut sgt nk tdur, takut bangun mg kt sana.. pagi tu i nekad, kalau ditakdirkan ajal i pagi tu..i redha.. it happens almost 2 months at certain time. Alhamdullillah mcm u ckp Allah nk bg hint jgn lalai sgt..umur dh meningkat tp tk ingat nk beramal lagi..

Minggu pertama masa kena tu, waktu i solat je rasa aman tenteram..abih solat start balik tp tk seteruk mcm first attack tu..


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Post time 20-8-2019 02:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 20-8-2019 01:12 AM
Ya sis yours normal dan takda inflict anything dangerous. Takda corrupt health or causing family d ...

Thank you.. Maybe i kena distract myself dgn benda2 lain lebih lg. I tried but kadang tak boleh control rasa risau yg bukan2 tu even cuba taknak fikir, make myself busy.. Rasa geram je apasal suka fikir pelik2 padahal takde benda pon sebenarnya.. Hahaha

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Post time 20-8-2019 04:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KIM.K at 20-8-2019 04:25 AM
dheya_hanna replied at 20-8-2019 02:42 AM
Thank you.. Maybe i kena distract myself dgn benda2 lain lebih lg. I tried but kadang tak boleh co ...

Certainly not a disorder. Rasa risau dan resah tu bukanlah masalah mental. Nabi pun resah dalam tenang. Kecuali kita dah taknak bangun pagi hadapi hakikat. Kena reach out

I was lucky to have arab doctorate psychologist as bestie. People from war country are the most realistic. All crazy inside but all cool out here. Was more than I could ask for

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Post time 20-8-2019 04:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MenteriWanita replied at 19-8-2019 04:42 PM
Since aku ada pengalaman dengan member yang ada anxiety meh aku kongsi, kalau tak baik jua means tak ...

good info

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Post time 20-8-2019 04:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ctsueraya at 20-8-2019 05:02 AM
julaika replied at 19-8-2019 03:13 PM
yess.. so true.. my sister pun mengalami masalah yg sama. sbb terlalu banyak fikir tentg masalah k ...

I suka dgr jawapan u, mostly nasihat zikir, baca ayat al Quran, i tak nafikan kerohanian penting
tapi kadangkala individu ni mmg ada chemical imbalance, so perlukan ubat/consult psychiatry/peg psikologi
bukan semata2 bodo2 ko nak nasihat dia suh baca al quran zikir bagai ( although mmg ada yg sembuh bila pendekatan rohani)
buka mata, buka minda, anxiety/ kecelaruan mental lain (tak semestinya gila) ia adlh penyakit yg org tak nampak but it happens
pendekatan rohani do help but if u need medicine, go for it, u need councelling/meet psychiatry go for it
sedey tgk spesies katak bawah tempurung yang belum pape/takde pengalaman deal dgn pesakit ni sibuk nk bagi nasihat kerohanian
Allah pun suruh kita berikhtiar,
kalau semua boleh sembuh dengan zikir/solat/al quran semata ( walaupun mmg ada),tak payahlah org belajar ilmu lain ye dak?
sian doktor, psychiatry/psikologis takde kejelah gitu


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Post time 20-8-2019 07:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rob07 at 20-8-2019 10:49 AM
kembangbunga replied at 19-8-2019 12:05 PM
Sian kat datin. Sheols ni boleh dikatakan hidup terumbang ambing. Dibesarkan oleh mak. Kalau x silap ...

Kenapa pulak bapak nya tak mau jumpa?  hairan sungguh ! Kalau dah sah anak kandung dan bapak kandung wajib lah berjumpa beramah mesra.. tambahan pulak dah ada 2 cucu yg comel2 . Lain lah kalau DD ni  bukan anak kandung  bapak nya atau pun anak luar nikah ... memang patut lah “bapak” nya tak nak jumpa.. Nauzubillah .. mintak di jauh kan. Semoga DD tabah dan sembuh seperti sedia kala.Kesian  DD ,  mcm2 dugaan yg dia kena tanggung...

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Post time 20-8-2019 07:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nia_salina replied at 19-8-2019 01:22 PM
again,i agree. can see from the way she talk also. very soft n sound tired. dia penah rebel out se ...

Ya aku sokong. apa yg kau cakap ni memang betol.. Org sekeliling mcm biras , ipar duai pun main kan peranan jugak.. kesian kat DD.. dia tanggung derita sorang diri.. Dari usia muda dah teruk bekerja sampai lah nikah dan beranak , dia masih kerja kuat nak sara diri dan family dia. mcm mana tak stress!

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Post time 20-8-2019 07:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nham22 replied at 19-8-2019 02:04 PM
Selama ni die lepas jumpa DTL terus ade story nanges2... aku bukan tak percaya die ade pro ...

Hahahaha! komen kau ni kelakar betol lah.. sampai nama alif syukri pun terbabit sama..

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Post time 20-8-2019 07:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I wonder adakah title dato datin tu membawa kebahagiaan kepada tuk parid and dd?
She is so soft spoken polite and well groom, kalau kawin dgn org kaya ceo or kerabat molek sangat.. DD u still young, take care of yourself

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Post time 20-8-2019 08:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
addamnor replied at 20-8-2019 01:48 AM
adek2 sekalian..

1) anxiety disorder

Great posting doc! Thanks.

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Post time 20-8-2019 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Apa2 pun dugaan dan cabaran hidup yang u kene tempuh DD, Saya berharap DD kene banyak2 berdoa kepadaNYA. Mudah saya berkata-kata tetapi susah untuk u hadapai. Semoga semuanya baik2 sahaja

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Post time 20-8-2019 09:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 19-8-2019 03:47 AM
ni bukan anxiety attack, so don't lock it in the mental issues problem, also not thyroid syndrome


Win sangat!

DD ni patut tinggal kan je laki dia tu. Muka ada nama dah ada duit simpanan pun ada rasanya bole hidup sendiri dh dgn anak2 & her mum. Since day 1 lagi mcm2 cerita..

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Post time 20-8-2019 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Well for me yg pernah kena anxiety ni.. Penyakit ni dtg bykan sbb sesiapa tp dia dtg dgn sendiri.. Tp kalau ada benda yg tambah kan lg kerisauan tu tu yg jd teruk. For iolss pernah sampai susah nak bernafas sbb degupan jantung laju selalu kena waktu mlm dan mmg sukar nak tidur. Tak tahu la apa yg kita risaukan. Tp iolss rawat dgn dgr surah yasin je. Masa nak tidur iolss akan keep playing surah yasin tu. Bukan nak kata surah lain tak mujarab tp kat dlm surah yasin tu mcm ada sesuatu yg dpt tenangkan kita. Then penyakit ni kita mmg kena lawan.. Bukan layan je. Pokok pangkal diri kena kuat utk diri kita sendiri sbb sakit tu susah dan membataskan kwbolehan diri kita

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Post time 20-8-2019 09:26 AM | Show all posts
I had panic/anxiety attacks a few times. Each time rasa tak boleh bernafas, rasa macam nak mati. One time I kat hospital waiting for my doctor's appointment. I cannot breath ....menangis non stop. Terus suruh my daughters bawak I pergi ER. Tak boleh pikitr apa dah masa tu.
Tapi I pelik pulak DD ni sempat pulak rekod ehh......

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Post time 20-8-2019 09:33 AM | Show all posts
get well soon.. semoga tabah..

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Post time 20-8-2019 10:13 AM | Show all posts
tu diaa doc addam with his vast experience dah breakdown and list down all that kita dah bincangkan, thank you so much abe weh!

kita tak boleh self diagnose sebab benda ni berkait rapat dgn each other, some of them are quite similar in nature but different outburst.

shin tak dpt nak reply, I don't know nanti dia kata content takda, I read all replies.

to those that are still fighting some sort of illness, please get yourself treated by the professionals, the do's and don't to prevent flaring up. 7 seconds breathing technic etc semua is very helpful for you to feel much better.

some of those sufferers hate the idea that they have to depend on medications, sebab tu mcm bermakna yg dorg tu lemah dan mmg ada masalah, ada kawan shin yg buang her meds sebab dia takmo lemah dan in a daze, which the effect of the medications to calm them down.

Dia ckp rasa lesu, otak kosong takda fikir apa. Her worst case was she try to cut herself, bang her head on the wall, manic outburst amik pisau etc. Her parents called me in panic and I have to force them to call the ambulance or I will call the police as she was threatening to kill herself and her parents. She ended up in straight jacket for 1 week, Doc gave her a choice, nak continue with treatment or get locked up in the mental hospital, she chosed for medications.

tu pun it became worst sebab her parents in denial, dorg ckp anak dorg tak gila, shin jawap mmg dia tak gila, tapi dia going thru some heavy issues and her mind can't take it that she has no control over. That was the last straw for her parents, baru dorg tau how bad it can become if left untreated

yg sorang lagi kwn shin - dia manic depressive, she got it after her 2nd child was borned, I suspect dia kena post natal depression that morphed to become manic because she didn't get the help that she needed to battle the first time. She join suicide watch group, and it was so hard, because once in a while ada jer people from her group that decided that life is not worth fighting for. And ended their own life, for her at times death is so welcoming than the gloom that she faced.

kadang2 dorg update about suicide but very light, kita yg tau they are depressive tau lar that the depression sets in again.. when that happens, shin selalu bagi emoji or text her, hey sweety, the light is just a hands away, reached for it ok? Don't stay too long in that tunnel all alone, come and join us in the light.

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