prof, ajar perkataan ttg alat2 elektronik like tv, radio etc. |
Originally posted by adheq at 17-4-2005 04:36 PM:
prof, ajar perkataan ttg alat2 elektronik like tv, radio etc.
tv = televisi髇 (teh-leh-vee-SEEON)
radio = radio (rah-dee-o)
stereo = est閞eo (es-TEH-ray-oh)
computer =computador/computadora (kom-poo-ta-dor/do-ra)
mouse = alfombrilla (al-fom-bree-ya)
camera = c醡ara (KA-ma-ra)
calculator = calculadora (kal-koo-la-do-ra)
telephone = tel閒ono (teh-LEH-fo-no)
handphone = celular (se-lyoo-lar)
any other electronic items that i missed ouT?? |
you know, i've translated many words here...but pronounciation will be easier for you if you learn the spanish alphabet
A (ah)
B (beh)
C (seh)
D (deh)
E (eh)
F (efeh)
G (heh)
H (achi)
I (ih)
J (hota)
K (kah)
L (ele)
LL (doble ele)
M (eme)
N (ene)
err.. boleh tlg translate tak??
Jeremias - " oco a Poco"
Te dar |
[quote]Originally posted by adheq at 18/4/05 03:45 PM:
err.. boleh tlg translate tak??
Jeremias - " oco a Poco"
Te dar |
take ur time ye. nak tau maksud lagu nih je. dari cerita mi gorda bella tuh...:bodek::bodek::bodek: |
dun know y...not into dat telenovella... |
:stp: alamak xhitorix, panjang sgt ke?? kalau tak bleh tak pe arr.. ajar words yg lain2..~peace~ |
eh...sorry adheq. saya susah nak masuk forum cari nih. asyik2 tak bleh masuk...server down kot.
anyways, adheq, saya ada cuba translate lagu ni...tapi susah lah sebab saya baru belajar spanish ni 1 tahun jer.... saya belajar sambil mengajar kat cari forum...hehe...sajer jer...berkongsi pengetahuan. nanti saya tanya cikgu saya eh...mungkin dia boleh tolong translatekan lagu nih. sorry yerk...saya belum expert lagi.
tapi kalau setakat nak tanya basic sentence structure, new words...tu saya boleh lah ajar kat sini sebab dah belajar.
[ Last edited by xhitorix on 22-4-2005 at 02:34 AM ] |
Originally posted by xhitorix at 22/4/05 02:06 AM:
tapi kalau setakat nak tanya basic sentence structure, new words...tu saya boleh lah ajar kat sini sebab dah belajar.
:ah:dat wud b gud enuff...:hug: |
adheq, hope this makes up for my inability to translate the song. btw, you could probably ask rainbowsix to translate it for you. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Monday = Lunes (loo-nes)
Tuesday = Martes (mar-tehs)
Wednesday = Miercoles (mee-er-koh-les)
Thursday = Jueves (hoo-eh-ves)
Friday = Viernes (vee-er-nes)
Saturday = Sabado (sa-ba-do)
Sunday = Domingo (do-meeng-go)
January = Enero (eh-ne-ro)
February = Febrero (feb-reh-ro)
March = Marzo (mar-szo)
April = Abril (ab-reel)
May = Mayo (mah-yo)
June = Junio (hoo-nee-oh)
July = Julio (hoo-lee-oh)
August = Agosto (ah-gos-to)
September = Septiembre (sep-tee-em-breh)
October = Octubre (ok-TOO-breh)
November = Noviembre (no-vee-em-breh)
December = Diciembre (dee-see-em-breh)
[ Last edited by xhitorix on 22-4-2005 at 03:12 PM ] |
Originally posted by xhitorix at 22-4-2005 02:06 AM:
eh...sorry adheq. saya susah nak masuk forum cari nih. asyik2 tak bleh masuk...server down kot.
anyways, adheq, saya ada cuba translate lagu ni...tapi susah lah sebab saya baru belajar spanish ni ...
:tq::tq:takpe2. tengkiu la bebanyak pasal banyak ajar perkataan2 baru. senang skit nak paham telenovela.:bgrin:.nih adheq blanje makan kek black forest...
![](http://www.koshergiftbaskets.com/images/black%20forest%20cake%20lg.jpg) |
hari ini hari domingo :bgrin:.
xhitorix, kalau kayate maksud dia diam ye?? kalau suita mi maksud dia lepaskan aku ye?? |
Originally posted by adheq at 23-4-2005 08:41 PM:
hari ini hari domingo :bgrin:.
xhitorix, kalau kayate maksud dia diam ye?? kalau suita mi maksud dia lepaskan aku ye??
bukan kayate, tapi callate (ka-jya-teh)...maksudnya "Shut Up!". and bukan suita me, tapi suelta me (soo-el-ta-meh)...and yer, maksudnya..."lepaskan saya". wow...bagusnya jugak adheq dapat tangkap phrase phrase ni dari telenovela mgb. :ah: |
Originally posted by adheq at 23-4-2005 08:37 PM:
:tq::tq:takpe2. tengkiu la bebanyak pasal banyak ajar perkataan2 baru. senang skit nak paham telenovela.:bgrin:.nih adheq blanje makan kek black forest...
[img]http://www.koshergiftbaske ...
muchisimas gracias adheq! |
Originally posted by xhitorix at 24-4-2005 12:18 PM:
bukan kayate, tapi callate (ka-jya-teh)...maksudnya "Shut Up!". and bukan suita me, tapi suelta me (soo-el-ta-meh)...and yer, maksudnya..."lepaskan saya". wow...bagusnya jug ...
lol selalu sgt chiqui ngan olimpia ckp camtuh.. |
Originally posted by xhitorix at 24-4-2005 12:25 PM:
muchisimas gracias adheq!
denada.. hehe..
kalau org tanya "como esta??" jwbnya,"muy bien" kalau baik. kalau tak baik?? :stp: |
Originally posted by adheq at 24-4-2005 02:36 PM:
denada.. hehe..
kalau org tanya "como esta??" jwbnya,"muy bien" kalau baik. kalau tak baik?? :stp:
kalau tak baik boleh cakap
yo no me estoy sintiendo bien (jyo-no-meh-es-toi-seen-tee-en-doh-bee-en) = I'm not feeling well
atau kalau nak pendek boleh cakap
no me siento bien = maknanya kira sama jugaklah |
Hari nihh...
Las partes de una cara (the parts of a face)
cheek/s=mejilla/s (me-hee-ya)
eye/s=ojo/s (oho)
hair=cabello (ka-beyo)
teeth=dientes (dee-en-tes)
hair (on other parts of the body) = pelo (pe-lo)
tongue = lengua (leng-gooa)
mole = lunar (loo-nar)
nose = nariz (na-reez)
lips = labios (la-bee-ohs)
moustache = bigote (bee-hoh-teh)
beard = barba (barr-bah)
forehead = frente (frent-teh)
ear = oreja (o-reh-ha) |
kalau adheq ada aper2 lagi nak tanya, silakanlah. sebab saya pun dah run out of ideas apa nak contribute kat sini....hehe |
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