~KEDAI KAMBENG~ thread anda diserang kambeng? jgn riso.. abg epi ader..
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Reply #183 fairy_hobbit's post
hari ni baru aku nak amek tahu pasal nehh... |
aku malas ler nak update2 nie |
Reply #185 jpl_fan's post
haku try buat.. tak dapet2 :@ :@ |
Reply #186 thylord's post
biler dah dpt bg tau aku.. |
Reply #186 thylord's post
haku dah upgrade.. jenuh bersoal jawab ngan momod kat bod ASD tuh |
Reply #187 jpl_fan's post
tunggu aku rajin.. |
Originally posted by thylord at 27-11-2007 12:58 AM
haku try buat.. tak dapet2 :@ :@
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Aku upkan thread neh je la. Berkaitan sket. Mods, just nak tau camner thread yg dah ditutop?? Tak perlu bukak baru kan? Aku tak paham la kaedahnya camner tapi boleh tak kalo ambil posting2 latest drp thread lama dan diletak dalam thread baru? Let say aku amek benang chelsea. thread tu tutop kat page 1244. Boleh tak thread baru tu nanti start dari posting page 1220 ke? |
Balas #192 tuan_hakim\ catat
pokjeng takdok arineh. ko bukak la tapi haku rasa mod yg akan bukak. |
sabar-sabar... kejap ek.. harap tuan rumah thread yg dah kena tutup tu dapat bukak thread masing2. kalau by esok takder, aku bukak thread tuh (bolatalk's existing mutual understanding basis... tuan rumah normally org kuat club tu ler.. ) |
Reply #194 fairy_hobbit's post
ko ader call aku ker |
Reply #195 jpl_fan's post
haah.. aku call nak ckp pasal ni la.. takper.. ko online..
tuan rumah thread arsenal dan liverpool - nanti tolong bukak thread yer..
shadowmoon yg tgh kat kolej ke dah cuti - thread inter kena bukak..
thread milan ada volunteer tak? if by esok takder, aku bukak jer on behalf...
thread2 lain pown..
thread italy, england, etc... |
Reply #197 jpl_fan's post
nanti aku sms nesta.. kalau dia takmo bukak, bior bbks bukak ler
btw boboi arsenal - the doctor tu.. knapa ko bukak thread baru tuh?
kan ker dah tulis.. tuan rumah thread asal tolong bukak..
this is the common courtesy kat bolatalk k...
org lama bukak thread... |
Reply #198 fairy_hobbit's post
da sms nesta.. nanti dia bukak thread milan yg baru..
maybe nesta aktip semula pasni kot coz nak bakar2 sempena kempen euro 08
tp takder ingurland dia tu.. kalo tak lagi semangat
so milan - nesta13
deutschland - corrie
inter - shadowmoon
england - ???
[ Last edited by fairy_hobbit at 6-12-2007 05:48 PM ] |
wat de hel is hapening rait nauww!!! |
ada kambeng kat thread manyoo pukol 12;57pm:@ (hate kambeng) |
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Reply #201 izat123's post
ya ampun... admin dah beriyer tutup thread... kita da bukak thread baru pun ada lagi kamben??? |
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