Originally posted by nadrahim at 16-11-2008 20:12
saya nak tanya ada tak di kalangan korang yang berpenyakit tiroid ni?...aku dah nak kawin,cuma nak tau how seriouse this disease..dan apa potensi untuk saya pregnant ...thyroid disease...if left untreated can have serious consequences over the long term...and...if u plan to get pregnant...please see your physician and get your thyroid problem treated first...having thyroid disorder can affect your chances of getting pregnant...u will also have a higher risk of getting miscarriages... |
Reply #8 blackmore's post
jenguk la umah atas skali skala...... |
for now, i baru lepas ambik darah kat HKL, pas ambik darah tu normally they will refer me to the speacialist ker??i actually dah buat blood test under private hosital,tapi i think theres a certain procuderes needed in HKL bila i bawak hal ni ke HKL. i pun dah bincang dengan tunang i n my family.if doc ckp i kena buang so i buang lah..how does it feel eh...di sembelih di leher??aaddddooooiii!!!!!hmm lega hati i bila ada among of the thyroidist yg dah pegnent...i actually blum kawin lgi, by next year i akan khwin, so thats y i tanya, just a part of the preparation b4 i kahwin. |
thank u so much for all the advices.may ALLAH bless all of you...kalau ada apa2 pandangan atau guideline for me.post jer lah kat sini k. |
Reply #50 manis1977's post
mAnis..macamana rasanya di operate tuh?awak hypothyroid kan...tapi saya hypertyroid |
Originally posted by sygabg1 at 12-3-2008 09:17 AM
Saya baru je dpt result blood test saya untuk hyperthyroid.saya ni dh ada penyakitni sejak tahun 1999 lagi..tapi sbb kurangnya pengetahuan mcmana nak kontrol penyakit ni, saya hnya makan ubat saj ...
oooo akak dah dapat penyakit ni since 1999..so ada masalah untuk hamil tak? |
hai.. kawan liz ni baru je dpt result husband dia kena throid.. kesian .. 3ptg tadi dpt tau result.. esok terus kena surgery,, sbb dah critical.. |
half pun ader throid prob gak..
tp jenis yg x bengkak tu...tp hari2 ken mkn ubat..
mula2 mmg tinggi giler bila g check doc,lepas ikut aturan ubat dia jd makin stable..
tp lepas raya aritu miss mkn dlm 3 minggu coz ubat abis n x dan nk pi amik ubat...
last week check darah naik balik tak ingat la either t4 atau tsh..doc warning jgn miss mkn ubat lagi...huhuh..nyesal tul
mmg throid connect ngan infertility..anyway ader gak kwn half yg berjaya preg lepas buang throid.apa2pun kena mohon pd Allah agar penyakit ni cepat sembuhnyer.. |
cik kambing ada prob thyroid - kelenjar bengkak sebesar telur ayam gred c.err, kecik sikit kot. Tapi TSH normal. So, ada beberapa percanggahan pandangan oleh pakar. since TSH normal, ada yg suh buang, ada yg kata ni kosmetik je. tapi baru nih ada gynea ckp kalau peknen, bengkak akan terus membesar..
Originally posted by cik_kambing at 30-12-2008 11:12 AM
cik kambing ada prob thyroid - kelenjar bengkak sebesar telur ayam gred c.err, kecik sikit kot. Tapi TSH normal. So, ada beberapa percanggahan pandangan oleh pakar. since TSH normal, ada yg suh b ...
mkn aper utk kontrol throid?
half skang amik ppt jer..hari2 4 tab 50mg
x tau plak dia akn besar if get preggy..so,still lena buang ker camner? |
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