Amyza Aznan keguguran lagi - forummers CARI kena carut ngan Amyza
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toxicated posted on 24-11-2013 01:36 AM
Amyza ni tgh stress pasal keguguran.ade plak artis lain kot yg ckp itu karma segala.pastu terbaca la ...
Betul tu....
Mulut org kn...yg xde imn gtulh berckp..sesuka hti jer..
Pttnya org ditimpa musibh kita simpati..bukn tepuk tgn or keji...
Kat twitter meriah tak?nak tido dh aku ni tp nak skodeng twitter bagai plak hahaha. |
ShaCroft posted on 24-11-2013 01:00 AM
Iols tatau nk takziah kat k.amyza ke kat uols??
comment ni paling epic
mommymonster82 posted on 24-11-2013 02:08 AM
Betul tu....
Mulut org kn...yg xde imn gtulh berckp..sesuka hti jer..
Pttnya org ditimpa musibh ...
Tp amyza pun sepatutnya berehat jgn marah2 lg.lagi stress nnti
toxicated posted on 24-11-2013 02:06 AM
Choi!!!belom tido.tgh sibuk cari cina mana lah owner porem ni.melayu yg gaduh..tepuk tangan la own ...
salam toxicated
awal2 lg owner cari dah mention siap2 okeh
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311gurl posted on 24-11-2013 02:00 AM
X kisah la sape salah..
bayieng pun dh delete post dia
ok obviously..u are too stupid n too lazy to read.
Tak phm aku...sangkuriang yg komen bayieng yg kena carut... lol |
juliez posted on 24-11-2013 02:10 AM
mamat tu pun tgh pening kepala pasal kes dia.. lg nak suruh pantau forum
silap hari bulan ...
Pastu kat twitter si sharnaz siap tag najibrazak.
Kang tak pasal2 najib reply thread saya dan isteri laaagi banyak kat ci..
forumer yg baru bukak akaun twitter pon kena lahar dek kak mija uols |
maxim posted on 24-11-2013 02:10 AM
salam toxicated
awal2 lg owner cari dah mention siap2 okeh
Yela..kan dah banyak kes angkut laptop sebelum2 ni.harusla nokkk
toxicated posted on 24-11-2013 02:10 AM
Tp amyza pun sepatutnya berehat jgn marah2 lg.lagi stress nnti
Itulh..pttnya reht...xyh lyn forum ig tweet sumer tu...
Klu bc bukn lg relax..mmglh lg bertmbh stresss....huhuhu
Klu nk buka forum ni..lyn bod lawak jenaka jer....
311gurl posted on 24-11-2013 02:09 AM
Nmpk sgt kak myza hanya bertapa kat porum ni sbb ada benang cite dia
benang isu zed k ...
erm since kte pn dah tulis kat thread ni, means nanti die pn akan baca gak la psl zed zaidi ni kan
bye miza psl ko la aku x tido2 lg smpai skang
ShaCroft posted on 24-11-2013 02:04 AM
Sure ramai gak yg request ig bayieng :lol
mmg ramai..harus la iols x approve org yg tak dikenali
311gurl posted on 24-11-2013 01:51 AM
Tapi bayieng kau mmg over,,,
Dia gugur kandungan kot,,,bukan dia terseliuh kaki...
Walaupun 'fre ...
Bukn bayieng yg ckp...
Bc betoi2..
Bayieng tu just inform yg betoilh kt miza jer psl cr..skli dia pon kena attack...
311gurl posted on 24-11-2013 02:14 AM
Chill uols,,,
porum je kot
Public apology pls,,bukan kene bayar pun nak ckp sorry
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