my oil sebum glands are active anyway
so after stopping the medication it is reactivated
but my sis's friend the oil glands dia just mati cam tujer sebab tu kena pakai cream bila kat UK sebab dak tak der natural protective barrier so oil is important....
ni lah u discuss lah dgn doktor tu
discuss the right make up
the right facial cleanser
i have the oil glands yg active but no more actiove dah lepas tu sunnguh ..the skin is naturally smooth now alhamdulillah |
i tulsi thread ni in 2003 ? sapa up kan thread ni pun tatau naper.. |
hehe..i pun x tau sape up kan balik thread ni.kebetulan tgh study sikit pasal roaccutane ade plak nampak thread "Roaccutane" kat 1st page.i pun baru perasan tread ni start 2003..wah da lame tu..
ape pun thnks 4 ur reply ya! |
thread ni 5 tahun lepas ..so fast masa berlalu napa tersa seperti sekejap semalam? |
Reply #172 debunga_zazz's post
xtaula...ramai tegur ape muke makin gelap eh?itula...tapi ubat nih bagus..powerla...jipo amik kat dr noh...cume itulah....bila orang tegur gelap raser xsedap ati...arituh da mintak tukar cleanser tapi dr tuh lupe kot...still raser pedih pakai cleanser dr kasi...so pakai selang sehari jer...actually jipo ader allergic penislin(cemni ke eja dia?)...biasanya ada dalam antibiotik)...itulah...nak pakai lain takut...hehehe |
Originally posted by jipo3 at 27-4-2008 12:24 AM
xtaula...ramai tegur ape muke makin gelap eh?itula...tapi ubat nih bagus..powerla...jipo amik kat dr noh...cume itulah....bila orang tegur gelap raser xsedap ati...arituh da mintak tukar cleanser ...
u mean jerawat tu hilang ker tak? |
Ikut dari pengalaman korang yg ambil roaccutane:
1.Muke akan jadi teruk ke mase mule2 mkn ubat ni?
2.Berapa lame keadaan macam tu?
P/S: Sy tau setiap org lain tahap reaction die,jz nak tau jer....
thanks in advance! |
muka u kering sebab kelejnar lemak deactivate mulut u kering mngelupas so pakailah cream yg hypoallergenic
u minum ayaq bebanyak sebab nak atasi kekeringan mulut dan tambahkan aiar badan
jgn lupa buat LIVER FUNCTION TEST - ni doktor kena bagi tau
hmm yg lelain side effects i tak rasa .... |
cik Kak,
U tak semestinya ambik ubat ni , discuss lah dgn dermatologist you apa treatment yg dia offer, peratusan pemulihan wajah tu
it's not that complicated, rasanya kot.I can do it so can u. |
Reply #1 mbhcsf's post
ubat tuh berkesan tak???? dah elok kan muka???? |
Reply #186 mbhcsf's post
alhamdulillah jerawat dah completely gone..hehehe...tapi still makan ubat nih sbb muka still berminyak... |
hhahah sapa jawab reply saya?
i am ok.Muka Alhamdulillah ok
minyak tu ada balik tapitak der langsung jerawat dah |
Sekarang ni ade 1 pimple kat dahi
Aduh tensionnyer..rase x saba nak g jumpe skin specialist.
Korang rase mane bagus, skin specialist gov ke private?
Sape2 yg ade experiance if u dun mind share la kat sini..
Skang nak survey which one better.. |
tak kisah
cuba call HUKM tanya u nak buat private appoitment ker aper ...ke depa book masa
private ni bukan tak bagus
tapi kekadang tu ntah takut depa ambil kesempatan
kalau government
- murah
- u boleh cakap kat doc tu kalauu mampu roaccutane tu apa pendapatnya
just try
ni you ounya jerawat teruk ker?
sampai scar ker ni?
setakat satu jgnlah ambil ni untuk yg severe like recurrent dan first line second kine treatment dah tak bagus response ni |
Originally posted by jipo3 at 28-4-2008 08:32 AM
alhamdulillah jerawat dah completely gone..hehehe...tapi still makan ubat nih sbb muka still berminyak...
weh..dear, u buat blood test tak ni?
i makan selama 4 bulan jer , muka i berminay k lepas tu tapi no spots lah ..eh ubat ni not in the long term tau? |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 28-4-2008 11:46 AM
tak kisah
cuba call HUKM tanya u nak buat private appoitment ker aper ...ke depa book masa
private ni bukan tak bagus
tapi kekadang tu ntah takut depa ambil kese ...
hmm itula kalo kat private ni takut kene yg penipu..teruk gak.kalo kat gov murah, tp takut service lambat.
rase nak try g yg gov dulu,tgk mcm mane.kalo x ok baru nak try private lak.
kes jerawat i ni, dulu mmg teruk sgt. skang ni dah kurang la kadang2 tua ade 1 atau 2 kalo x jaga makan.mmg sgt2 sensitif ttg makanan.even ikan bilis pun x leh! ari tu mkn kentang sambal yg ade ikan bilis tu..ni yg naik jerawat lagi.adoi tension la kene pantang2 mkn ni.mmg xde ubat yg leh ilangkan allergic ni ke?
scar ade jugak sikit2..tp biasenyer leh cover ngan foundation yg masalah sekarang ni muke oily la..lepas tu x leh kene panas2 sgt, nanti muke merah.rase mcm kulit dah tipis pun ade gak.sbb dulu penah gune sendayu tinggi habis kulit mcm terbakar.lepas tu da x berani nak pakai ape2 produk lagi, cuci biase je gune shurah susu kambing tu.. |
Originally posted by et_emerald at 28-4-2008 12:39 PM
hmm itula kalo kat private ni takut kene yg penipu..teruk gak.kalo kat gov murah, tp takut service lambat.
rase nak try g yg gov dulu,tgk mcm mane.kalo x ok baru nak try private lak.
kes ...
saya nak cakap pun takut pulak takut dikata mengader bukan
apa u kena guna facial cleanser yg mild - like Simple or eucerin or cetaphil...
sebab ini product skin care dah diuji secara klinikal.
shurah? sendayu well
i tell u i cuba shurah punat antideodorant my armpit kulit mengelupas
i guna sanex - ok pun.
i went to my derm about kulit mengelupas tu and he said u allergic , cheap product stop using it.
tapi ini tidak bermakna secara total yg produk itu tak bagus so sapa yg sesuai pakailah
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 28-4-2008 12:50 PM ] |
oo really??
hmm..dulu penah try jugak loreal.tp macam x sesuai.shurah ni yg paling ok...
cetaphil..? i can get it from watson right? how much is it? |
cetaphil or eucerin ni german - based products so harga you'd budget around RM 50 - 60 ?
tapi i suka eucerin... |
gilah website eucerin or cetaphil... |
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