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Author: kid

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Post time 5-6-2014 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Tuhan dan makhluk tidak bersatu.

Kami tahu konsep ini, this is the theology of Gaudiya Vaishnava...

Dāsa-bhūto harer eva nānyasvaiva kadācana (Bhakti Vedanta Swami on Dvaita Drisht, 1972)

Serba bernyawa itu menjadi Haridasa (hamba Tuhan).

* Hari means Tuhan Yang Menyinari Sekelian Alam. Malay used this word in their language to mean Day Last edited by vikramavardhana on 5-6-2014 09:47 AM


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Post time 5-6-2014 05:46 PM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 04:58 PM
Maksud kamu Tuhan Allah berada di dalam Syurga? Kosmologi kami melihat Syurga dan Neraka itu berad ...

dalama islam, syurga dipanggil jannah, tapi hinduism/buddhism, jhana tu adalah absorption meditation. yg kamu MAMPU kecapi dalam hidup ni. oleh sesiapa.

dan syurga tidak kekal.. bagi manusia mungkin dilihat abadi, selama lamanya, iaitu puluh billion tahun. adakah anda terfikir bila di sisi allah nak sampai bila? berapa jta tahun? tak fikir? cuma ditolak oleh rasa tamakan syurga

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Post time 5-6-2014 05:47 PM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:36 PM
Tuhan mencipta adam (manusia) dari tanah, elements yang membentuk tanah untuk mencipta itu semua ...

rasa baik dia belajar quantum mechanic / physics

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Post time 5-6-2014 05:50 PM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:36 PM
Tuhan mencipta adam (manusia) dari tanah, elements yang membentuk tanah untuk mencipta itu semua ...
Tuhan mencipta adam (manusia) dari tanah, elements yang membentuk tanah untuk mencipta itu semua mencipta dirinya sendiri?
Tuhan mencipta malaikat dari unsur cahaya, unsur cahaya itu wujud sendirikah? Memang sudah ada?

Baiklah, sekarang ini kita berbincang mengenai tuhan. Perlu kita faham, Tuhan itu sangat tinggi darjatnya, tidak sama seperti yang akal kita fikirkan. Dia alam ini sahaja tuhan telah menunjukkan kebijaksanaannya, cuba lihat sistem alam... kamu akan kagum dengan sistem alam ini, bahkan diri kamu sendiri pun banyak perkara yang kamu tidak tahu. Tetapi tuhan cipta itu semua untuk tunjukkan dia sangat bijaksana dan sempurna.

Tuhan tidak ada yang menciptanya, tetapi dia ada. Dia ada tidak ada permulaan dan tidak ada akhir. Permulaan dan akhir adalah masa. Tuhan tidak ditakluk oleh masa. Istilah ini dipanggil Qadim iaitu sedia ada. Diringkaskan cerita, hanya ada tuhan. Kemudian dia mencipta.... dia mencipta tanah, mencipta roh, mencipta cahaya, mencipta segala-galanya.

Hanya diri tuhan yang layak pada istilah SEDIA ADA. Segala ciptaannya bermula dari tidak ada kepada ada. Makhluk ada setelah tuhan menciptanya.

Last edited by zamkumis on 5-6-2014 05:51 PM


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Post time 5-6-2014 05:51 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 5-6-2014 09:46 AM
dalama islam, syurga dipanggil jannah, tapi hinduism/buddhism, jhana tu adalah absorption medi ...
dan syurga tidak kekal.. bagi manusia mungkin dilihat abadi, selama lamanya, iaitu puluh billion tahun. adakah anda terfikir bila di sisi allah nak sampai bila? berapa jta tahun? tak fikir? cuma ditolak oleh rasa tamakan syurga

Yup, mungkin mereka tak faham... Kita sedang bincangkan mengenai Brahmadev

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Post time 5-6-2014 05:53 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 5-6-2014 09:47 AM
rasa baik dia belajar quantum mechanic / physics

Saya rasa mereka tida faham, saya sudah faham kamu punya pesanan sebelum ini

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Post time 5-6-2014 05:55 PM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 5-6-2014 09:50 AM
Baiklah, sekarang ini kita berbincang mengenai tuhan. Perlu kita faham, Tuhan itu sangat tinggi  ...

Ya, I know

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Post time 5-6-2014 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 5-6-2014 02:26 PM
Hinduism and Buddhism teaches that Man is just ONE of many species which lives in the World. And b ...
But not Muslims. They are parasites who thinks that the World is created for them. It is these parasitic mindset is the reason why the Planet is such horrible state

why not you try to run a business .....than you know the real me, i give big THANK U to my  muslim friends because they always honour their words compare to tamil hindus...

thats is my experience

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Post time 6-6-2014 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 5-6-2014 06:26 PM
why not you try to run a business .....than you know the real me, i give big THA ...

This is religious discussion board, NOT YOUR PERSONAL BOARD. I don't need to entertain your stupidity here.

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2014 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 5-6-2014 06:26 PM
why not you try to run a business .....than you know the real me, i give big THA ...

By Truth.8

why not you try to run a business .....than you know the real me, i give big THANK U to my  muslim friends because they always honour their words compare to tamil hindus...

thats is my experience

Ouchh thats hurts

I have nothing againts any race, if fact I despise racialism. But sometime racialist people like Sephiroth need to learn the hard way.


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Post time 8-6-2014 08:29 AM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 04:42 PM
Habis, Quran kamu yg menyebut mengenai "Tuhan alla itu lebih dekat daripada urat leher itu" menunj ...

double standard is something that is taught and nutured....

once saw a small.. very small sign on the verge of  bukit tinggi... on speeding highway. di situlah.. ada signboard pointing.... to a institute..

institut latihan memperkasakan umno ... aik/190317164330115

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Post time 8-6-2014 08:33 AM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:36 PM
Tuhan mencipta adam (manusia) dari tanah, elements yang membentuk tanah untuk mencipta itu semua ...

tuhan cakap, ada cahaya, maka ada cahaya lah...

bila tanya cam mana? akan dijawab, tuhan tidak tertaklut kepada peraturan, dia cipta peraturan dia sendiri

tanya bagaimana? akan dijawab, kuasa tuhan adalah lebih daripada logic manusia. otak manusia tak boleh faham.

tanya kenapa? sebab hidup ni adalah ujian supaya kita boleh dinilai.

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Post time 8-6-2014 09:00 AM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:19 PM
Jadi, apa yang tidak logiknya dengan statement, "God is in everyone"? God produces the Roh. Roh  ...

daripada apa yg saya faham, nabi mohd dalam meditation.. terjumpa apa yg buddha jumpa, galacti consciousness, sebab tu cakap tuhan di pangkal leher la etc, kristian pula kata god is evertwhere in HIS creation.

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Post time 8-6-2014 07:38 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 8-6-2014 12:33 AM
tuhan cakap, ada cahaya, maka ada cahaya lah...

bila tanya cam mana? akan dijawab, tuhan tidak  ...

Lepas itu, beritahu pula Tuhan suruh mengkaji alam semesta
Kerana mengkaji alam semesta lah kami recognize 36 tattvas, panch mahabhootas (for Buddhists, chatur dhatu), serta 7 chakras for spiritual and physical healing.
Saya tahu Muslims suka perubatan Homeopathy, tetapi sistem 7 chakras itu cuma dipakai Tantra Hindus, Buddhists serta Hesychasm Orthodox Christians (they're Greeks and some Eastern Greeks from Bactria were Hindus or Buddhists before they become Muslims or Christians)

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Post time 9-6-2014 08:42 AM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 8-6-2014 07:38 PM
Lepas itu, beritahu pula Tuhan suruh mengkaji alam semesta
Kerana mengkaji alam semesta lah ka ...

ni masalah manusia. jika bukan daripada budaya dia, maka haram jadi dah.

chakra adalah sebenarnya sangat biasa punya benda. sebabnya ada unsur hinduism/buddhism, maka jadi larang... tapi tak tengok apa cakra tu dah haramkan cakra

cth: budaya chinese muslim adalah haram, manakala muslim arab adalah halal.... masjid cina ada ciri ciri masyarakat cina diharamkan, kena ada ciri ciri arab

alah, biasalah
Last edited by wei_loon5063 on 9-6-2014 08:45 AM


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Post time 10-6-2014 05:41 PM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:53 PM
Saya rasa mereka tida faham, saya sudah faham kamu punya pesanan sebelum ini

llah creates various jannah layers due to the levels people achieved in the world. According to the tafsir (commentary) and hadith scholars, jannah has one hundred levels.
“Verily, Paradise has one hundred levels and between each level is a distance like the distance between the earth and the sky.” [Al-Bukhari in as-Sahih, Kitab al-Jihad, Bab Darajat al-Mujahidin fi Sabilillah, Fath al-Bari, 6/11]
But the narrations about the number of the levels differ.

Ibn-i Abbas’s point of view is “Jannah has seven levels”

In a narration from Ibn-i Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), it is stated that jannah has seven levels which are “Firdaws, Jannat al- Adn, Jannat-an Naim, Dar-ul Khlud, Jannat-ul Mawa, Dar-us Salam and Illiyyun. In each of the levels, there are degrees and grades which Mumins will have in return for their good deeds and righteousness. (Baydawi)
There are no other narrations about jannah’s being seven levels except this.

According to some scholars Jannah is eight levels

Some scholars express that jannah is eight levels which are described in the ayahs and hadiths as following:

1. Jannat al- Adn:

“Adn” means “recidence” and “eternal place”.

“(If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of 'Adn ['Adn (Edn) Paradise], that is indeed the great success.” (Surah as-Saf 12)

“Allah promiseth to the believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide - blessed dwellings in Gardens of Eden. And - greater (far)! - acceptance from Allah. That is the supreme triumph.” (Surah at-Tawbah 72)
Our Blessed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that:”While the dwellers of Adn Jannah see their Lord, there is just the “Curtain of Glorious” between them and Allah (swt).“ (Bukhari)
"Allah (swt) created Jannat al- Adn, planted its trees meticulously. Then told her (the Jannah) to speak. And she said: “Mumins attended their desires.” (Hakim)
“Adn (Eden) Paradise (Gardens of Eternity) which they will enter, under which rivers flow, they will have therein all that they wish. Thus Allah rewards the pious.” (Surah Al Nahl, 31)

2. Jannat al- Firdaws

“Firdaws” means “garden which has all kinds of plants”. It is also described as the garden therein the grape vines.
“When you ask Allah (pbuh) for jannah, ask for Firdaws.” (Thirmidhi)
Because the Jannat al- Firdaws is over all jannahs and is superior to them, it is advised to be asked primarily. (Kutub-i Sitta)

3. Jannat an-Naeem:

“Naim” means a prosperous and peaceful life, living in wealth, welfare and blessings.
“ Lo! those who believe and do good works, their Lord guideth them by their faith. Rivers will flow beneath them in the Gardens of Delight. (Jannat-an Naim)” (Surah al Yunus, 9)
“And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of Delight (Jannat an-Naim).” (Surah as- Shuara, 85)

4. Jannat al- Mawa

“Mawa” means “place to take refuge; dwelling, home.” This level is also mentioned as the abode for the martyred (shahid) and the Mumins.
“But as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are the Gardens of Retreat (Jannat al-Mawa)- a welcome (in reward) for what they used to do.” (Surah as- Sajdah, 19)
“And verily he saw him yet another descent (the night of Mi’raj- the Ascent) By the lote-tree of the utmost boundary. Nigh unto which is the Garden of Abode. (Jannat-ul Mawa)” (Surah an Najm 13, 14, 15)

5. Dar-ul Khuld:

Khuld means being eternal, everlasting; eternity, immortality.
“Say: Is that (doom) better or the Garden of Immortality (Dar-ul Khuld) which is promised unto those who ward off (evil)? It will be their reward and journey's end.” (Surah al- Furqan, 15)

6. Dar-ul Maqaam:

Means “the essence place to stay, land to dwell eternally, the safe place.”
“Who, of His grace, hath installed us in the mansion of eternity, where toil toucheth us not nor can weariness affect us.” (Surah al -Fatir, 35)

7. Dar-us Salaam:

Means home of peace and safety; abode of well-being.
“Allah calls (you) to the home of peace (to Jannah) and guides whom He wills to a Straight Path.”(Surah al-Yunus)
“For them will be the home of peace (Paradise) with their Lord. And He will be their Protector because of what they used to do.” (Surah al An`am, 127)

8. Illiyyun

The highest level of Jannah…
Abode of the perfect Mumins…
The name of the lounge of the hafaza (protection) angels to where the deeds of the righteous are ascended. It is the closest level to the highest degree, the gate of consent in the hereafter.

There are one hundred levels in jannah

“Paradise is 100 levels; between each level and the next is the distance of 100 years and the Firdaws is the highest of them in degree, and from it the four rivers (of Paradise) emerge. And the throne is above it. So when you ask Allah, ask Him for al-Firdaws.” (Thirmidhi)

“Paradise is 100 levels; between each level and the next is the distance of 100 years (walking distance).” (Thirmidhi)
“Paradise is 100 levels. If all the worlds congregate in one of them, it surrounds in all." (Thirmidhi)
Some scholars indicated that the expression of “100 levels” refers to the “grades” that exist in each level of paradise.
Some scholars stated that expression of “100 levels” refers to the plurality. Jannah isn’t one level. It is 100 levels and the distance of each level is further than the other. The dwellers will dwell in the level appropriate to their deeds. (Kutub-i Sitta)
Hadrat Abdulqadir’i Gaylani wrote about this issue in his book” Gunyatut Talibin” as the following:“Jannah is 100 levels. In this world, just three of these 100 levels are explained through instance. The instances of that level are “gold, silver and light.” It is very hard for brain to comprehend the other levels."

Jannah has 8 doors

Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that our Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever gives two units of sadaqah (charity) from his goods, he will be granted entry through all doors of jannah. Jannah has 8 doors. Those Muslims who are punctual in observing their Salah will be granted entry through “Bab us-Salaah” (The Door of Pray). Muslims who constantly observe the fast will be granted entry through “Bab ur-Rayyan” (The door of fast) Those Muslims who frequently give Sadaqah will be admitted into Jannah through Bab us-Sadaqah (the Door of Charity). Muslims who participate in Jihad will be granted entry through Bab ul-Jihad (the Door of jihad)”(Mukaashafat-ul Kulub)
In the “Interpretation of Abu-s Suud”:
“The reason why there eight doors of Jannah may be so: it is thought that these doors are related to the obliged organs. As is known, man’s obliged organs are eight: Heart, tongue, ear, eye, hand, foot, mouth, genitalia. Seven of these are open, one is secret which is heart. If the heart door-which faces Allah (swt) directly- is open, each of these eight organs -living upon the commands of Allah (swt)- may be an entrance door to jannah. By this way, one enters into the jannah through eight doors.
But, if the door of heart is closed and the soul declines, each of the seven outer organs becomes entrance doors to hell. It is the reason, why the jannah doors are eight while the doors of hell are seven. Allah (swt) knows the best." (Elmalili Hamdi Yazir)

kalau kamu study betul betul dan analyse, jannah islam adalah sama seperti realm of existance / dimension

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Post time 10-6-2014 08:34 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 4-6-2014 05:22 PM
LET ME HELP YOU REPHRASE.....  for people here to understand

we are one galactic consciousnes ...
we are one galactic consciousness and this galctic consciousnesss(god) is within us. including you , cat, pig and car.
Is there any evidence for the claim that God is galactic consciousness (or the other way around)?


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Post time 10-6-2014 08:40 PM | Show all posts
vikramavardhana posted on 5-6-2014 05:19 PM
Jadi, apa yang tidak logiknya dengan statement, "God is in everyone"? God produces the Roh. Roh  ...

Produce/Mencipta tak semestinya membawa maksud Pencipta berada dalam ciptaannya (as in God is in everyone). Contohnya, saya mencipta sebuah meja, sudah tentu tidak bermaksud saya berada dalam meja. Itu sesuatu yg tidak logikal.


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Post time 10-6-2014 10:29 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 10-6-2014 08:34 PM
Is there any evidence for the claim that God is galactic consciousness (or the other way around)?

You can experience it with meditation

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Post time 10-6-2014 10:48 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 10-6-2014 10:29 PM
You can experience it with meditation

That is somewhat subjective. Different people will have different experience. How is it meditation can tell us what/who God is?


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