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Author: tig_cun

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Post time 30-10-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
i have finished reading The Outsider by S.E. Hinton
it was published as one of penguin classic novel

The Outsiders is a novel by S. E. Hinton, first published in 1967 by Viking Press. Hinton was 15 when she began writing the novel[1] and 18 when it was published. The Outsiders is the lifestory of fourteen-year-old Ponyboy Curtis. Hinton explores a multitude of themes throughout the story, such as friendship, and coming of age.They are seen by following two rival groups, the greasers and the Socs (pronounced "soashes" by the author, short for Socials), who are separated by status.
The Outsiders is ranked 43rd on the American Library Association's top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000[2] and 38th on their 1990-1999 list.[3] The book was challenged in South Milwaukee because of its portrayal of violence, language, drug and alcohol abuse, and the fact that "virtually all the characters were from broken homes."[[url=]citation needed[/url]].

my comment:

the book is different, i don't know what genre to place the book in.. maybe realistic fiction? teen? the book is realistically potrayed.. and SE Hinton wrote it with first person view of Ponyboy Curtis

Ponyboy was marginalised, since he is from the Greaser group.. and the Socs (the roch kid) group always love to seek trouble with the Greasers

it was a reality of being a teenager, where violence was beautifully written (i never thought i would write this, but SE Hinton wrote the fighting scene and I can picture it clearly in my mind).

I pitied the Greasers and the Socs.. they are teenagers, one group was not privileged, come from broken homes, have to live like that and face social stigma.. Socs: rich kids, love to flaunt and brag their richness, but no one would blame the Socs, since they are from high class society

in the end, 2 of the Greasers was dead (one died because police hafta shoot him) while 1 Soc died because Ponyboy's friend stabbed him in self defense

thus, the Q? where do we stand? what is the use of fighting each other?



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Post time 31-10-2008 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 30/10/08 10:19 AM
i have finished reading The Outsider by S.E. Hinton
it was published as one of penguin classic novel

The Outsiders is a novel by S. E. Hinton, first published in 1967 by Viking Press. Hinto ...

cover the outsider


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Post time 3-11-2008 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Hari Sabtu lepas abes bace Some like it wicked ~ Teresa



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Post time 4-11-2008 10:35 AM | Show all posts
finished reading shoe addicts anonymous by beth harbisson

From Publishers Weekly
Arriving just in time for beach-read season, the effervescent hardcover fiction debut of cookbook author and romance novelist Harbison features four D.C.-area women who meet weekly to swap and chat about... shoes. Trying to get a handle on her massive consumer debt, Lorna Rafferty posts an Internet ad looking to trade footwear with women who have good taste and wear size seven-and-a-half. A senator's trophy wife, Helene Zaharis, is dreaming of escaping her loveless marriage when she stumbles upon Lorna's post. Overweight phone sex operator Sandra Vanderslice struggles to overcome her agoraphobia long enough to attend the shoe meetings. After a few funny missteps, the threesome finds a fourth member, Joss Bowen, the nanny of a shrewish socialite's hellion boys. Joss couldn't care less about shoes, but uses the group as a reason to get out of the house. Harbison does a fine job of showcasing how each woman is trapped桳orna by her debt, Helene by her marriage, Sandra by her self-image, Joss by her employment contract梐nd how the fresh eyes of the group allow them to see themselves in a new light. Harbison creates vivid, convincing characters and handles them well. Reading this novel is like eating a slice of cake. (June)



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Post time 5-11-2008 12:46 AM | Show all posts

last weekend baru je abis baca Twilight...

Synopsis (credit to wiki)

Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona, to rainy Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Ren閑, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player. In Phoenix she was a bit of an outcast, so it surprises her that she attracts much attention at her new school, and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys in the school compete for shy Bella's attention.

When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He even attempts to change his schedule to avoid her, leaving Bella completely puzzled about his attitude towards her. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires. Although she was inexplicably attracted to him even when she thought Edward drank human blood, she is much relieved to learn that the Cullens choose to abstain from drinking human blood, and drink animal blood instead. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love. Their foremost problem is that to Edward, Bella's scent is a hundred times more potent than any other human's, making Edward struggle to resist his desire to kill her. However, despite this, Edward and Bella manage to stay together safely for the time being.

The seemingly perfect state of their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks, and James, a tracker vampire, decides that he wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens plan to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. Bella then gets a phone call from James in which he says that he has her mother, and Bella must give herself up to James at her old dance studio, to save her. She does so, and while at the dance studio, James attacks her. Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescue Bella before James can kill her. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom out of her system before it can spread and change her into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen.

Pada aku novel ni best....tak macam citer vampire lain...takdelah over vampire sangat...focus on perkenalan/hubungan/percintaan this young male vampire (Edward) dengan mortal girl (Bella)...macam mana depa develop hubungan..macam mana Bella discover yg Edward ni she accpet him seadanya...and he love and hunger for her at the same, Edward ni kena resist diri dengan sungguh2 le bila dekat ngan Bella....yg bestnya setiap kali nak jumpa/dating ngan Bella dia kena pi hunt for food dulu..kena makan kenyang2 dulu...Cullens' family ni kategori vampire vegetarian..maklumlah makan haiwan je.....tak makan manusia....

[ Last edited by  forum_aje at 5-11-2008 12:51 AM ]



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Post time 5-11-2008 07:40 AM | Show all posts

Amelia Willoughby has been engaged to the Duke of Wyndham for as long as she can remember. Literally. A mere six months old when the contracts were signed, she has spent the rest of her life waiting. And waiting. And waiting . . . for Thomas Cavendish, the oh-so-lofty duke, to finally get around to marrying her. But as she watches him from afar, she has a sneaking suspicion that he never thinks about her at all . . .

It's true. He doesn't. Thomas rather likes having a fianc閑梐ll the better to keep the husband-hunters at bay梐nd he does intend to marry her . . . eventually. But just when he begins to realize that his bride might be something more than convenient, Thomas's world is rocked by the arrival of his long-lost cousin, who may or may not be the true Duke of Wyndham. And if Thomas is not the duke, then he's not engaged to Amelia. Which is the cruelest joke of all, because this arrogant and illustrious duke has made the mistake of falling in love . . . with his own fianc閑!

my review: the first 10 chapters was okay, but then it went downhilll. i was expecting much more from JQ actually. the storyline was refreshing enough, where the duke of wyndham had to give his title to someone elese after much hassles he had to go through. but when the journey starts to scotland, the pace had slowed down a bit. i was hoping there's no XXX scene in the novel, since i believe the storyline would have been better without it...definitely i would not reread the story



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Post time 8-11-2008 03:02 PM | Show all posts

bulat baru habis baca novel ni...
jalan cerita mmg menarik...
cara penulisan pun menarik...
diselit unsur2 agama & hadis2 yang dipetik dari Al-Quran...
mmg menarik...

Tahniah kepada Diya Nordin sebab berjaya menghasilkan hasil tulisan yg best mcm ni... ;)

Ni amik dr belakang buku ni:

"Naqiah Khalida.. ku reda atas segala takdir...

Hidupnya sebatang kara, tidak punya saudara tempat mengadu. Tidak pernah kenal siapa ibu dan bapanya.
Krisis, ketamakan, dan kerakusan dalam keluarga telah membawanya jauh ke Dunedin, New Zealand.
Keputusannya untuk berkahwin semasa belajar malah terpaksa menangguhkan pengajian semata-mata
ingin menjaga suaminya yang sakit mengundang persoalan kepada semua yang menyayanginya. Adakah
ini satu keputusan yang tepat? Atau dia tersilap hitungan sebenarnya. Berkahwin dan kemudian bergelar balu
di usia yang muda tidak pernah mematahkan semangatnya. Mengapa dia berkahwin walau telah maklum suaminya
tidak akan panjang umur? adakah ia kerana sayang atau sebab lain."

sekarang ni bulat baca Plain Jane lak... byk lagi yang dah queue utk turn nak bace ni..



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Post time 8-11-2008 06:18 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by gorgonz at 14-9-2008 10:36 AM
baca ni lst wk....

gorgonz, dah lama akak cari buku ni. kat mana dpt beli??

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Post time 10-11-2008 09:20 AM | Show all posts

semlm berjaya menghabiskan novel ni dlm mase sehari...

jln cerita menarik... gaya penulisan yg santai dan bersahaja...
buat kite x leh berhenti bace...

anyway, tahniah to nurul syahida for that very nice karya...



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Post time 18-11-2008 07:36 AM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah, dpt habiskan membaca beberapa buah buku....

My Book Information :

Judul : Kisah Saya Saudara Baru

Penulis : Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah
Penerbit : PTS Publications S/B
ISBN : 983-192-099-6
Edisi : 2005
Tema : Kehidupan / Pengalaman
Mukasurat : 280
Kulit Buku : Lembut
Harga : RM 23.50

My Rate : ****

Synopsis From Back Cover :

My Review :

Buku ini berkisar tentang perjalanan hidup penulis sebelum dan selepas beliau memeluk agama suci iaitu Islam. Penceritaan disampaikan dengan penuh bersahaja namun dipenuhi dengan pengajaran yang berguna. Ada masa-masa humor,tegang,sedih dan banyak lagi. Penceritaan diceritakan melalui bab-bab pendek yang memudahkan pembaca. Penceritaan bermula sejak Aisyah kecil sehinggalah Aisyah berkahwin dan mempunyai dua orang anak

Aisyah merupakan seorang yang berbangsa Cina dan telah memeluk Islam seawal usia remaja. Beliau merahsiakan penghijrahan nya kerana takut dimarahi keluarga.

Bacalah dan ketahui lah kesudahan dalam hidup Aisyah, bagaimana hubungan Aisyah dengan kakak2 nya, dengan ibunya,ibu mertuanya, suaminya,anak-anak nya, jiran-jirannya, kawan-kawannya.

terlalu banyak pengajaran yang saya dapati melalui kisah Aisyah.



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Post time 19-11-2008 09:37 AM | Show all posts
finished reading this book

train man by hitori nakano

interesting book since it is styled like a chat board.. macam forum cari ni.. ehehehe

Densha Otoko (電車男, Densha Otoko? translated as Train Man) is a Japanese movie, television series, manga, novel, and other media, all based on the purportedly true story of a 23-year-old otaku (Japanese geek) who intervened when a drunk man was harassing several women on a train. The otaku ultimately begins dating one of the women.
The event, and the man's subsequent dates with the woman, who became known as "Herm鑣" (エルメス, Erumesu?), was chronicled on the Japanese mega-BBS 2channel. This led to the compilation of the relevant threads in a book, followed by several manga versions, a movie, a theatrical play later released as a DVD, and finally a TV series.
Densha Otoko is a popular example of the "nice guy" class of Japanese geeks who wish to lead normal lives, but are too shy to find a girlfriend, or speak openly anywhere but online. The television series uses a large number of computer-bound extras.

A tankōbon called "Densha Otoko" (ISBN 4104715018) was published by Shinchosha on October 22, 2004.
The story is written in the form of message board postings. It takes place from March 14 to May 16. For people who do not know what 2chan is, the book aims to try to convey the feeling of the threads. As it is not a short story, ASCII art directly from the threads are included, as are 2chan vocabulary words and explanations. However, a large majority of the threads that were posted were not directly copied; rather they originated on the "Matome site". According to "Fūin sareta 'Densha Otoko'" (封印された「電車男」, "Fūin sareta 'Densha Otoko'"?) by Kenji Andō, only 6.4% of the sentences published in the special Densha Otoko book were left alone.
The author of the book used the name "Nakano Hitori" (中野独人, "Nakano Hitori"?). This name is a pun on the Japanese term "Naka no hitori", a term that refers to all the people who are part of message boards on the Internet. There isn't a specific person that is credited as the author; rather, it is close to a shared pseudonym.
The editor of the "matome site" said that the fixed username "Naka no hito" (中の人, "Naka no hito"?) was used, and that it was planned to use that name in the publication.
When the story was turned into manga, movie and theater performances, as the number of copies of the book had exceeded 1,015,000 copies.
In July 2006, the English translation of the story was published as "Train Man". It was published by Constable and Robinson (ISBN 1845293517).

my comment:
a very simple story.. about one geek saves a girl being harrassed on a train
girl send hermes tea cup set as gratitude.. and the geek turned to an online board to ask advise on how to tackle the girl
simple love story, but interesting becaouse quoted in message board.. and we know other users's response to this board..

would recommend this novel to manga lovers...

[ Last edited by  limau_nipis at 19-11-2008 09:38 AM ]



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Post time 19-11-2008 01:22 PM | Show all posts
My Book Information :

Judul : Christianity Through The Lens Of Christian And Muslim Scholars [Book 1]
Penulis : Mohd Amin Yaacob

Penerbit : Perniagaan Jahabersa
ISBN : 983-170-540-8
Edisi : 2004
Tema : Agama / Kupasan Pendapat
Mukasurat : 151
Kulit Buku : Lembut
Harga : RM 18.00

Judul : Christianity Through The Lens Of Christian And Muslim Scholars [Book 2]
Penulis : Mohd Amin Yaacob
Penerbit : Perniagaan Jahabersa

ISBN : 983-170-590-4
Edisi : 2004
Tema : Agama / Kupasan Pendapat
Mukasurat : 155
Kulit Buku : Lembut
Harga : RM 18.00

My Rate : *****

Synopsis From Back Cover :

My Review :

2 buku ini mengupas tentang doktrin-doktrin dalam ajaran kristian dengan mengambil kira pandangan Kristian dan Islam.

Setiap kupasan disertai dengan quotes daripada kitab-kitan Injil,Taurah dan Al-Quran.

Setiap pandangan skolar-skolar juga disertakan dalam buku ini.

Buku ini terlalu menarik untuk dibaca kerana memberi pengetahuan tentang 3 agama samawi ini.

Belilah buku ini, pasti anda tidak rugi mendapat ilmu.

Saya pun terjumpa buku ini di sebuah kedai buku kecil [Kedai Buku Smart ]




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Post time 19-11-2008 05:09 PM | Show all posts

[size=85%]Penulis : Hlovate
[size=85%]Penerbit : Jemari Seni Sdn Bhd
Harga : RM21.00

[size=85%]Bil mukasurat: 539

[size=85%]Sinopsis belakang buku:

[size=85%]揂kak nak bunga apa? Sebut aje.



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Post time 20-11-2008 01:34 PM | Show all posts

Judul : Who Is Simon Warwick?
Penulis : Patricia Moyes
Penerbit : Henry Holt Publisher

ISBN : 0-8050-0719-9
Edisi : 1982
Tema : Misteri/Detektif
Mukasurat : 168
Kulit Buku : Lembut
Harga : -

My Rate : **1/2

Synopsis From Back Cover :

"Here's a fascinating story about inheritance, identities and murder with a couple of neat twists."- San Francisco Examiner

"One of the best Henry Tibbett mysteries in years, this is exceedingly well plotted adn tantalizing...culminating in a denouement that is daring and original."-Publishers Weekly

My Review :

Kisah tentang Lord Charlton, seorang yang amat kaya telah meninggalkan kesemua harta kepada anak saudara lelakinya yang hanya dikenali sebagai Simon Warwick. Simon Warwick telah diberikan kepada pasangan daripada Amerika Syarikat pada Perang Dunia Kedua setelah kematian ibu bapa Simon Warwick.

Lord Charlton, pada ketika itu tidak mahu memelihara Simon Warwick kerana pada perang dunia kedua keadaan huru-hara. Jadi untuk menebus kesalahannya, setelah Lord Charlton meninggal dunia.

Oleh sebab Simon Warwick dibawa ke Amerika, Lord Charlton menyuruh peguamnya Ambroce Quince mencarinya di Amerika....

Pelbagai pemasalahan berlaku...ada pembunuhan yang berlaku di dalam pejabat Ambroce Quince.Mangsa ialah salah seorang yang mengaku bahawa dia ialah Simon Warwick.

Siapa pembunuhnya?

Pada pendapat saya, kisah whodunit kali ini tidak begitu menarik walaupun mendapat review yang menarik daripada piak akhbar dan majalah.



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Post time 30-11-2008 05:44 PM | Show all posts
pagi tadi abis gak baca Salina
ermmm i need to read it back
sebb cam x puas jalan cite nyer

cite nyer ttg salina, pelacur yg "pelihara" abdul fakar
seorg bekas kelasi kapal
dan berlatar belakangkan Kampung Kambing yg dibina oleh Kuppusamy

mcm2 benda terjadi ... pada zaman dulu
minum arak suatu perkara biasa, cam minum air coke
pastu ramai wanita lebih senang jd pelayan dikedai kopi
layan mamat2 gatal pastu ikut "jalan" ...

taraf pendidikan susah ... kalau ada certain certificate
xleh nak keje gomen ...

skrg lak senang sgt nak dptkan certificate
belajar ajer la .. tp nak dpt keje pun susah gak
unless ada cable atau resume mmg power giler
mmg senang dpt keje ...

pastu kalau x dpt masuk university, leh masuk kolej swasta
janji ada duit .. xde duit ....
keje aper2 ajer .. janji leh sara diri

pastu tertanya lak nape salina suh hilmy jumpa dia n hilmy lak cam x sabar jumpa salina
salina ske kat hilmy ke? atau hilmy ske kat salina?
kene baca balik jwpnyer ...



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Post time 1-12-2008 09:20 AM | Show all posts
semalam masa dok bersenggang kat Borders The Gardens
I reread again Gut by Chuck Palahniuk

it is one of the short stories collection inside Haunted (which I still do not buy, because of the gross factor of the book)

it's a true story about a guy who masturbates in a swimming pool
and it goes wrong, since he has to save himself from drowning.. he has to....

RIP his gut... mmg dia punya itu sudah stuck di bahagian bawah pool

hence the name of the short story (GUT)

and yes, when I reread it again (this is my 2nd time reading Gut in a book store )
my brain would go to 'ting ting ting' mood (the sound of my brain getting an idea)

no wonder more than 70 people fainted during the reading of this short story..
you have to read it, to understand what I am talking about.. when the writer describes the ripping of his gut, I have to calm myself down.. very detailed description

[ Last edited by  limau_nipis at 4-12-2008 03:15 PM ]



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Post time 2-12-2008 12:17 PM | Show all posts
[size=85%]Tajuk: Lili Buat Najah

[size=85%]ISBN: 976-976-5118-02-9

[size=85%]Halaman: 530

[size=85%]Terbitan: Jemari Seni Publishing


[size=85%]Sinopsis Belakang Novel:

[size=85%]Aku dan Najah kenal di depan Stadium Old Trafford, berkahwin sembunyi-sembunyi di Tanah Ratu. Sekembali ke tanah air, aku dan Najah harus pula menjadi pelakon di depan mama yang sudah ada pilihan sendiri.

[size=85%]Itulah permulaan kisah ini... yang bagaikan sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Apakah boleh aku memilih jalan ceritaku sendiri, Najah?

[size=85%]Jika tidak, bagaimana pula dengan perasaan?

[size=85%]Berkorban perasaanlah yang paling memedihkan, kerana perasaan itu tidak pernah ada bau dan warna; lalu sukarnya untuk orang lain memahami, apatah lagi merasai...


[size=85%]Tulis Najah:

[size=85%]apalah maknanya bulan kalau langit diselubungi mendung

[size=85%]apalah ertinya mentari kalau sinarnya dihalang gerhana

[size=85%]jadi bagaimana aku harus terus hidup

[size=85%]kalau mentari tidak mahu berkongsi kehangatannya dan bulan tidak mahu meminjamkan sinarnya...?

[size=85%]Najah, sudah jadi fitrah alam... matahari itu tetap terbit dari arah timur, dan bulan pula tetap setia menemani malam!

[size=85%]Ringkasan dari saya:


[size=85%]Novel yang amat menyayat hati saya. Membaca dari mula memang hanyut dalam kata-kata cinta antara dua merpati, Najah dan Tasha. Mereka bernikah di UK, tanpa pengetahuan kedua orang tua Najah, Tan Sri Hanafi. Mereka berlakon bila mencecah kaki di tanahair. Seolah-olah tidak mengenali satu sama lain. Hanya diketahui oleh kakak Najah. Tasha tidak betah tinggal di rumah umi nya tanpa sebarang kerja, cuma menjadi bibik dalam rumah umi yang tiada penghuni. Namun setiap waktu lunch Najah akan pulang ke rumah umi untuk bertemu kekasih hati sambil makan tengahari.


[size=85%]Tidak lama mereka begitu, kakak Najah memberikan apartment untuk mereka berdua diami buat sementara waktu. Tasha pula mendapat kerja di bahagian payroll syarikat Tan Sri Hanafi di JB. Najah akhirnya nekad untuk memberitakan penikahannya pada keluarga saat makan malam sekeluarga. Mamanya membantah keras dan menghalau Najah keluar dari rumah mereka dan menganggap Najah anak derhaka sekiranya tidak mengikut katanya untuk mengahwini Farah anak rakan baik mamanya.
[size=85%]Najah pasrah, tetapi tetap enggan berkahwin lain. Tasha pula tertekan, dan membawa diri ke kampung halaman uminya di Muar. Tanpa disedari Tasha telah mengandung 2 bulan. Setelah seminggu bercuti, Tasha kembali bekerja dan Najah berusaha memujuknya. Akibat tertekan dengan keadaan, kandungan Tasha tidak dapat diselamatkan dan dia tumpah darah.

[size=85%]Dalam pada itu, Najah pula menghidap barah otak dan barah paru-paru peringkat ketiga. Dia merahsiakan dari Tasha. Tidak lama selepas keguguran, Tasha hamil kembar, tapi keadaan Najah semakin serius dan tidak dapat diselamatkan lagi. Kejadian ragut pada mamanya itu telah menginsafkan mamanya. Kebetulan Tasha berada disitu sewaktu kejadian ragut, Tasha telah bergelut untuk menyelamatkan mamanya, tanpa memikirkan kandungannya, dan hampir-hampir Tasha kehilangan sikembar dalam kandungan.

[size=85%]Setelah kelahiran sikembar, Najah sempat bermain dengan anak-anaknya yang masih menyusu. Tidak lama selepas itu, Najah menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. Kenapa perlu ada ending yang menyedihkan?? oh tidak! setelah berpuluh novel yang aku baca, ini lah antara novel2 yang menyedihkan...

[size=85%]Setiap Kehidupan ditemani Kematian. Mati itu pasti.


[size=85%]Rating saya:

[size=85%]**** (best ayat2nya, cuma sedih banget tak sanggup lagi nak teruskan akhir2 chapter - harus ku baca speed reading)



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Post time 10-12-2008 05:03 PM | Show all posts
tengah baca matahari di ufuk gilli dan sepi tanpa cinta

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Post time 11-12-2008 02:34 PM | Show all posts
finished reading this yesterday.. kena bagi otak clear sikit lepas baca buku jodi picoult

Chicago Stars quarterback Dean Robillard is the luckiest man in the world: a bona-fide sports superstar and the pride of the NFL with a profitable side career as a buff billboard model for End Zone underwear. But life in the glory lane has started to pale, and Dean has set off on a cross-country trip to figure out what's gone wrong. When he hits a lonely stretch of Colorado highway, he spies something that will shake up his gilded life in ways he can't imagine. A young woman . . . dressed in a beaver suit.  Blue Bailey is on a mission to murder her ex. Or at least inflict serious damage. As for the beaver suit she's wearing . . . Is it her fault that life keeps throwing her curveballs? Witness the expensive black sports car pulling up next to her on the highway and the Greek god stepping out of it.  Natural Born Charmer is for everyone who's ever thought about leaving their old life in the dust and never looking back.  Chicago Stars Book #7

my comment:
buku ni entertaining... mmg best
especially bila dean reconcile balik dengan parents dia, dan dia dapat tahu dia ada half sister

but then, buku chicago stars lain lagi best kottt



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Post time 12-12-2008 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Harga : RM 18.00
Halaman :496
ISBN : 983-124-162-2

HAZIQAH mempunyai impian untuk hidup bahagia di samping Yusri. Namun, tiada siapa menyangka di saat hari bahagia itu bakal menjelma, ada yang membuat onar sehingga kesucian dirinya dipersoalkan. Lantaran itu, pelamin angannya musnah bersama harapan dan hatinya hancur umpama terhempas!
Namun, Haziqah nekad. Majlis perlu dilaksanakan. Yang penting, fitnah dapat ditamatkan. Biarpun Fakrul tidak pernah dicintai, dia rela asalkan kesucian dirinya dapat dibuktikan. Tetapi malang, perkahwinan yang tercipta itu hanya menambahkan penderitaan yang sedia tergalas di bahu. Dia dikeji dan digantung tak bertali!

Bagi Fakrul, cintanya bukan untuk Haziqah tapi masih untuk Azura. Gadis pertama yang dicintainya... tetapi kecurangan Azura menambahkan kebenciannya kepada Haziqah. Dia benci pada perempuan yang tidak setia. Namun, pertemuan kedua antara Fakrul dan Haziqah membuatkan dia mula yakin bahawa Haziqah adalah miliknya. Bukan Yusri mahupun Hafiz... sepupunya.

Mampukah Haziqah menyambut huluran cinta Fakrul setelah dirinya puas dihina? Haziqah tidak mahu pisang berbuah dua kali! Baginya, kedukaan lalu masih bertapak utuh di hatinya. Cukuplah sekali...

[size=85%]Ringkasan Cerita:

[size=85%]Percintaan terjalin selepas perkahwinan. Itulah tema dalam novel ini. Bermula dengan kahwin terpaksa antara Haziqah dan Fakhrul. Haziqah yang sepatutnya melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan Yusri, tetapi pada hari perkawinannya, Yusri memutuskan untuk menarik diri. Bagi menutup malu, Haziqah dinikahkan dengan anak majikan ibunya, Fakhrul yang kebetulan sedang kecewa dalam percintaan.


[size=85%]Pada mulanya Fakhrul membenci Haziqah akibat terpengaruh dengan khabar angin yang mengatakan Haziqah sudah tidak suci lagi, dan dia yang terpaksa menjadi pak sanggup. Dia membiarkan Haziqah selama berbulan-bulan tinggal berasingan di kampung. Haziqah pasrah dengan sikap Fakhrul yang menghukum gantung tidak bertali. Haziqah tertekan dengan keadaanya. Dia difitnah, dan dia hampir hendak melarikan diri dari rumah ibunya, tetapi kedatangan kedua orang tua Fakhrul secara tidak sengaja telah membawa dirinya bersemuka dengan Fakhrul.


[size=85%]Di kampung, Melati yang memang dengki dengan Haziqah, merupakan anak Mak Senah, ibu tiri Haziqah. Bermakna Melati dan Haziqah adalah adik beradik tiri tanpa pengetahuan Haziqah. Sebenarnya Haziqah adalah anak Siti Sakinah, yang ditinggalkan oleh Siti Sakinah kepada Aminah (pengasuh dirumah Fakhrul). Aminah berkahwin dengan adik bapa Haziqah dan tidak mendapat anak, lalu menganggap Haziqah anak tunggal Hassan dan Aminah. Perkara ini tidak diketahui oleh Haziqah sehinggalah Melati menghantar surat layang kerumahnya.


[size=85%]Kebahagiaan Fakhrul mula berputik setelah mendapat nasihat dari kawannya Amirul. Amirul pula berkahwin dengan Radhiah yang bekerja sebagai doktor di kampung Haziqah. Manakala Azura pula kekasih lama Fakhrul, berkahwin dengan Izham, yang kebetulan bekerja dengan Tuan Fuad (bapa Fakhrul). Izham terjumpa dengan Haziqah di Putrajaya semasa Haziqah melarikan diri dari rumah Fakhrul. Izham yang menolong Haziqah pulang ke rumah Tuan Fuad dan kebetulan Tuan Fuad ada di rumah.


[size=85%]Fakhrul cemburu dan egois, terlalu memikirkan diri sendiri, tanpa memikirkan tekanan yang di alami Haziqah. Kehadiran Yusri menuntut semula cinta pada Haziqah dipandang serong oleh Fakhrul. Nyaris-nyaris Fakhrul meninggalkan Haziqah semula.


[size=85%]Peristiwa kebakaran dirumah Aminah, yang sengaja dilakukan Melati telah menyebabkan Haziqah terlantar di hospital dengan keadaan yang terluka. Dia meminta Fakhrul meninggalkan dirinya dan dia tidak mahu kembali ke pangkuan Fakhrul. Saat ini Fakhrul baru tersedar yang sebenarnya dia terlalu banyak membuat hati Haziqah terguris. Dia pergi dan meninggalkan Haziqah, sehinggalah setahun kemudian mereka dipertemukan secara tidak sengaja di pejabat Tuan Fuad dalam urusan perniagaan.



[size=85%]Kesimpulan dalam novel:

[size=85%]1. Fitnah atas wanita yang suci adalah dilarang dalam islam dan hukumnya berdosa besar si pemfitnah tersebut.

[size=85%]2. Dalam rumah tangga perlu ada toleransi, tak boleh terlalu cemburu dan ego. Perlu ada persefahaman supaya tidak berlaku pergaduhan.

[size=85%]3. Pergaduhan kecil dalam rumah tangga adalah asam garam hidup dalam rumah tangga, kadang-kadang perkara kecil boleh membuat hati terguris. Fikir secara positif dalam menangani perkara kecil.

[size=85%]4. Suami bertanggung jawab ke atas isteri, selagi isteri belum diceraikan. Isteri pula perlu bertanggung jawab pada setiap tindak tanduknya. Keluar dari rumah perlu minta izin dari suami dahulu. Haram hukumnya jika keluar rumah tanpa keizinan suami.


[size=85%]Rating saya:

[size=85%]**** (4 bintang, walaupun dah lama saya beli novel ni, tapi saya tak sempat nak selak, bila dah mula membaca, tak boleh dah nak letak...)



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