Kaaannn, sampai kesudah, mengacau je Hwa Shin ni, padahal dia dah tahu dah masa tu, hati NaRiuntuk dia je, Chi Yeol pun dah jatuh no.2 tau. Mengada betul, selamatlah JungWon selamat sampai hotel tu dengan NaRi, dibuatnya Jung Won larikan NaRi, baruputih mata hang 
Tapi, nada suka betul conversationHS-NR masa akhir-akhir tu.
Nari: Mr Lee, I have something that I’m really curious about. Can I ask?
Hwasin: What is it?
Nari: You must be started to like me because you were jealous whenJungwon liked me, right? If he never liked me, you will treat me forever as youused to do and won’t like me back, right?
Hwasin: I don’t know about that
Nari: You started to say that you don’t know again
Hwasin: Hey! When I was hospitalized with you I have never thought thatwe will get married
Nari: I did think the same
Hwasin: Am I crazy? Why I would introduce you to Jungwon if I want tomarry you
Nari: Yeah
Hwasin: When I was in Thailand, sometimes I was thinking about you Nari: Oh my god
Hwasin: Why are you so shocked?
Nari: Why? Why me and not other women?
Hwasin: I don’t know
Nari: Were you lonely?
Hwasin: I don’t know
Nari: Did you wish that I go to Thailand?
Hwasin: I don’t know
Nari: Why are you keep saying ‘I don’t know’ suddenly?
Hwasin: Just live even though you don’t know about it
Nari: You aren’t a person who know nothing, with your attitude like that
Hwasin: But now I’m next to you. While you are stressed that you don’tknow, I have told you that I’ll be an octopus to you
Nari: Really?
Hwasin: Who knows if we are destined for each other from the day youstarted to fall in love with me. The fortune teller said that you will alwaysbe curious about me. I really like what she said
Nari: I am not though
Hwasin: That’s what you think. While you being curious forever, I’ll love you forever
Nari: Okay
Hwasin: While you being curious forever, I’ll live with you forever
Nari: Okay
Hwasin: But don’t turned me upside down if you are upset
Cr: allerum95@soompi
Nada tengok balik episod 1 masa PD Choi dengan Na Ri dalam van kat Bangkok tu, Betullah Hwa Shin sebenarnya masih ingat dekat Na Ri, sampai PD Choi kacau Hwa Shin, "You obviuosly remembered it. Your face darkened". Dan lagi satu masa Na Ri nak pass ubat tu, bukan main lagi Hwa Shin buka satu butang baju, konon nak bagi nampak macho berbanding Jung Won, last2 Na Ri tak pandang hang pun, haha kesian2 