SHINee is going to be in MNet's Band Of Brothers (BOB) which will be on air 13/12!!!
For those who have no idea what BOB is, it is a show where four members, consisting of Kim Heechul and Kangin of Super Junior, Jay and Jungmo of TRAX, doing their trials to revive the legendary international and Korean musicians.
BOB had done Beatles, Queen, Wild Chrysanthemum and Bon Jovi.
What will SHINee going to be participating at?? This is a must see!!
Nae. Tengok je masa dorang menang macam2 award tuh. Hyung sumer nangis but baby maintain jek.... Nak tengok dia sengih lebar babas pun idak gak. Muka dia cam biasa jek. Terharu kot.... wakakakaka
aishiiiiiiiii.... muka baby kat bulan october (bday me ) yey..... happynyer me beli menatang kalender neh bila nak sampai ahhh... mencik~~~~~
I cant wait for JH's debut!
JH, tunggu my tenet laju nnt me sedut performance mung yg super HQ pye ok
081209 SHINee showing whats is in their bag (taemin part)
beg taemin miahahaaha...mmg penuh ngan pen/pensel...
taeminho moment alerrrt ..apa la dlm buku taemin tu yg oppa dok kaco
081209 SHINee showing whats is in their bag (jonghyun part) tada ape2 je dlm beg JH...oppa me asyik nak sentuh2 je beg JH...gatal tgn wakakaka ... wallet JH ade gambo dak shinee hehe
081209 SHINee showing whats is in their bag (minho part)
me nak laptop oppa... harus me beli lappy tu sony vaio
oppa me bawa lappy spy senang nak vc ngan me wakakaaka
pen satu je kalo nak banding ngan baby hehe ...oppa nyer yg paling lama stakat nih 4 minit lebih...beg oppa len dr baby ngan JH...
ade ciri kelakian wakakakka
onkey...on the way...x upload g...nak gak taw ape dlm beg dorg..
Wakaka... lom tgk lagi vid ni akibat tenet bengap.
Tapi berdasarkan laporan anda, di sini saya ingin mengatakan bahawa baby mempunyai banyak pen dan pensel kerana ketika sessi penjelajahan persembahan mereka, baby juga turut mengadakan self study. Jadi tak mustahil beliau menyimpan banyak pen dan pensel. (pensel kaler tak de ke? krayon ke... sah sah cam bebudak nak mengkaler buku mewarna wah... selamba ngutuk baby sendiri )
amboi mu borong gak calendar ek.. me maybe bln depan kot baru nk order, tak kesah ler walopon dah terlepas bulan, seb bek dah beli SUJU nye calendar .. wakaka TM tu kalo kita hadiahkan magic pen n stabilo sure dia pakai keh keh keh.. ....
i just finished watching jonghyun's solo. he sounds great as usual. though yeah. the song is really difficult to the breathing is hard to control? ok i dont know. but he still hit the high notes nonetheless. i think i m going to start liking this song even more after the performance. haha.but good job to jonghyun anyway on his first solo performance!(: he looks good too.haha.
anyway. i think some people were asking about the birthday presents given to minho and onew right? smshinee(chinese fansite) has given their presents to minho and onew on the 9th while they were at the rehearsal of GDA. the presents were delivered to onew and minho personally and their manager hyung was around too. onew said thank you twice and also said 'you have worked hard'.and minho mumbled a thank you but it was so soft that it sounded like gibberish instead. and also when the smshinee noonas were at the rehearsal of GDA that day. they met taemin who thought that they were staff crews of GDA and he bowed to them saying 'you have worked'.
so here are the presents. (:
utk minho oppa (^this is a chinese/english/korean electronic dictionary)
utk dubu
utk minho ngan dubu (these are stuff that are sent over to korea from china.they are mostly chinese special products)
(chinese jade stamp with the chinese inscription of smshinee's name. all 5 members have a chinese jade stamp with their names inscripted on it.)
FOR JONGHYUN/KEY/TAEMIN: (traditional chinese costumes: red for key, white for taemin, blue for jonghyun)
(chinese jade with chinese inscription of key's name 'kim kibum'.all 5 members have one if i m not wrong.)
(chinese jade with chinese inscription.if i m not wrong this is taemin's)
bertuah nyer shinee...
nape JH dapat kaler biru
[ Last edited by just_aku at 12-12-2008 09:57 PM ]
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 12-12-2008 05:57 PM amboi mu borong gak calendar ek.. me maybe bln depan kot baru nk order, tak kesah ler walopon dah terlepas bulan, seb bek dah beli SUJU nye calendar .. wakaka TM tu kalo kita hadiahkan m ...
nae nae ^^
banyak kalendar me pi borong tahun ni. nnt kang mai je kalendar tu me tatau mana nak letak dah
madu, jom hantar kaler krayon ngan buku mewarna kat baby jom
~~wooo..celebrate christmas kat sane...mai la mesia raye t~*lmbtla plak....* mai la awl bln depan....den leh sembelih lombu~~
jelesnye ngan taiwan fanz~
yay!! bravo.. bravo.. jh ya gugugu~~~~
best gile babas mung nyanyi.. sama cam dengo kat cd je hee~~~~
me dah tgk clips yg dorg reveal isi dlm bag tuh.. minho.. satu pen je~~ cam me slalu bwk pencil ngan eraser ke mana2 lappy oppa menjadi satu target me nak bli nanti.. ringan babas~~ best sbb klip oppa paling pjg miahahaha^^ bag baby plak byk beno pencils n pens huhu~~~ ntah2 ada yg x de ink pung dia bwk skali miahaha^^ rajin dorg nih bwk buku.. me bwk komik je dlm bag.. wat bekaln kot2 bosan nnt kan taeminho moment huuu~~~~ baby saje x mo bg dorg baca kot2 baby ada wat luahan prasaan kat minho dlm tuh hahahaha*spekulasi*~~ bag jh cam kosong je.. bag aje yg beso lebey