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Author: totokreturn


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:28 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 31-3-2014 08:19 AM
yang confirm, kawan dia capt ni yg pecah lubang terus.... dasar kawan tak boleh simpan ...

Kau dah kenape manan
Perlu ke nak cakap begini sdgkan bukti kukuh pun takde

Ni dh kenape tetibe berite nak salahkan capt zaharie naek balek
Bru sehari dua name die nak dibersihkan kembali
Tetibe pasal marriage problem je teros nak busuk kembali

Abam @kelana36 die ni betul ke kenal rapat ngan capt zaharie
So far kenkawan capt zaharie takde bg testimonial begini skali macam si manan ni

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:29 AM | Show all posts
cloudy_83 posted on 31-3-2014 09:04 AM
heols sendiri pernah nyaris2 terlibat dengan insiden masa naik helicopter kan dulu2?

ye lah. masa tu sibuk kempen kat kawasan dia johore tu, then balik kl jadi camtu.

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:29 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 31-3-2014 09:23 AM
hahahaha, ada dua wive rupanya...
ramai jer pilots yg ada wife lebih dari satu... and theory dia ...

Hahaha kan? lepas satu beban.


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:29 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 31-3-2014 08:46 AM
takkan co pilot pun nak bersiar siar jugak... tunang dok tunggu tu.. takkan cabin crew tak sedar l ...

kalau kapten dah kunci pintu kokpit, koman2 pun leh jer pakai handphone call sapa2 kan masa lalu kat ruang udara Malaysia unless la depa berada di 35000 kaki mmg takde signal..or maybe sbb tu la dia naikkan lebih 40k kaki dgn tujuan h/phone takde signal...

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:31 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 09:21 AM
mungkin ..
menda ni kot ..
yang jadi "rebutan" ?

lebih tepat dihalang dr dpt ke tgn china.... part artikel bwh ni mmg quite disturbing.....

Hijacking the Truth

There is no point in further disparagement of the pilot and co-pilot of the ill-fated flight, given their political connections with a compromised opposition beholden to the colonial past. The practicing with landing at Diego Garcia on the pilot's flight simulator indicates a deep background with the Western intelligence services and probably Israeli espionage operating out of Singapore.

Whatever the role of the plane crew, the NSA and US Air Force Space Command do not need manned piloting, except to maintain the appearance of normality at takeoff from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As discussed in my earlier article, voice communication and navigational signals would have been disabled by a burst of powerful narrow-aperture radar used for electromagnetic warfare. The cockpit computer would then be reprogrammed, using Boeing's own emergency piloting system, expanded with Pentagon and Israeli software.

From the South China Sea to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, the jetliner would be remote-controlled by a drone operator. Its unscheduled flight path would be tracked and subsequently remoted from data records by the NSA listening posts in Sri Lanka and the Jindalee eavesdropping facility in northwest Australia. Radar stations in the Maldives, installed under a US maritime accord, served to guide the jetliner to the southernmost atoll of the archipelago toward Diego Garcia, immediately to the south.

The airliner's descent over the Maldives, according to witnesses, went smoothly, for a safe landing on the long tarmac at the US Air Force Base on Diego Garcia Island, a CIA rendition center with underground hangars and prison used during the Iraq and Afghan wars.

Upon arrival, the passengers would be herded into separate waiting areas, with the prize captives from Freespace sent to a debriefing facility, where their hard drives, laptops and smartphones would be confiscated and data downloaded, while the human intelligence assets were being questioned. The interrogators had a fairly easy task in telling the defenseless programmers: Join us or die with the rest.

The cooperative would be given a new identity, and reintroduction into civilian life in a remote North American community after being administered memory-erasing drugs, similar to the ones first developed in the MK-ULTRA program.

After vetting of all passengers, the uncooperative and high-risk suspects would be drowned and their corpses tossed near a phony "crash site", off the coast of Western Australia, while US submarines discharge other bits of "evidence" into the cold waters. The crew of the plane was probably rewarded with a short walk off the plank into the jaws of waiting sharks. Anyone who puts their trust in imperial power deserves no less.

Once the operation is completed and the media begin the mourning rituals, tearful American diplomats will attend memorial services for the missing victims of a tragic accident. Meanwhile, a cabal of Air Force officers and defense contractors will be clinking beer mugs with their former boss and guru, General Michael Hayden, the bureaucrat who militarize spaced and expanded the NSA into the global monstrosity that it has since become.

MH370 will be remembered on the History Channel as an unsolved riddle wrapped in mystery, but no TV station will mention the other code involved in this dreadful affair - KL02 - cause of the untimely deaths and mangled memories of any survivors.

tak tahu aaa aku dok baca novel sains fiksyen ke ape...
tp mcm adam gak.... kan adam dah kata debris semua tu depa main tabur je..... last2 takde apa2...


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:32 AM | Show all posts

aku igtkan dah senyap teori pilot bunuh diri. rupanya ada lg.

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:32 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 31-3-2014 08:42 AM
ni lah capt manan mansor


Ko carik glemer ye Capt Mansor... ??


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:33 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 09:07 AM
ha`ah kan..
ader personal yang dier tak suka..
ni laa kesempatan..

tau tak pe. mungkin da lama nak carik pasal kot

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Bell posted on 31-3-2014 09:22 AM
"'I think . . . everybody would have been trying to break the door open, that's why the aircraft w ...
'I think . . . everybody would have been trying to break the door open, that's why the aircraft went down and up to 45,000 feet.
'The pilot pulled the aircraft to give the passengers negative and positive 'g', to disarm them [make] them stay put and don't disturb me.'

ni kira istilah macam pilot tu tadi seolah2 nak "shake" the plane la kan .. betul ka?

mula2 tu up down up down
pastu +ve -ve +ve -ve  kira kanan kiri kanan kiri ?

At 45,000ft, kalau capt decompress the cabin and disable the passanger oxygen mask, semua dlm cabin akan mati dlm masa seminit.

sebab tu kalo pilot ni nak  " to disarm them [make] them stay put and don't disturb me.' " decompress ja kabin tu dan stop passenger oksigen kan..
tak perlu nak atas bawah atas bawah  
that's why the aircraft went down and up to 45,000 feet.


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Lina66 posted on 31-3-2014 09:06 AM
Simpati aku pada menteri sorang ni... Mr. Hishammuddin..  
Semua kejadian ade hikmah nye... ...

betul tu. 2 tahun berturut-turut di bawah kementerian dia..bukan semua menteri merasa macam ni

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:34 AM | Show all posts
cloudy_83 posted on 31-3-2014 09:14 AM
Intipati PC Abbot tadi adalah:

1. oz dah setup center di Perth, seperti artikel yang kak_sue shar ...

thx dear for the update... abott sangat positif dengan malaysia... mcm pm china jugak... yang selalu bising2 ni rakyat yang sibuk2 je... pegawai yang buat SAR & pihak atasan act very closed antara satu sama lain... sbb tu komen2 kat sini pon boleh tahu taraf pendidikan seseorang forumer tu...

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:35 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku takda sapa yang bersalah, baik kapten ka..anak kapal ka..penumpang ka...
kita cari sampai jumpa dulu baru, siasat.. boleh nak tuduh sapa2.
yg suka tuduh menuduh ni esok mana nak cari org tu nak mintak maaf bagai

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:36 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 31-3-2014 09:10 AM
owh very senior dia ni...  betul la jangkaan ku, dia tak pernah fly airliner..

tang mana yang d ...

mungkin jiran lama kot.

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:39 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 31-3-2014 09:13 AM
Dia kata Capt Zaharie ada second wife yg nak tinggalkan dia... agaknya inilah yg daily mail dok ca ...

eh capt zaharie ada 2 isteri kah? lorr normal lah tu kan..sebok je capt manan ni tau

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:41 AM | Show all posts
dino posted on 31-3-2014 09:31 AM
lebih tepat dihalang dr dpt ke tgn china.... part artikel bwh ni mmg quite disturbing.....
tak tahu aaa aku dok baca novel sains fiksyen ke ape...
tp mcm adam gak.... kan adam dah kata debris semua tu depa main tabur je..... last2 takde apa2...
hahahaha ha`ah ingat g kata2 abang Adam tu
menjadi kenyataan takat ni

Whatever the role of the plane crew, the NSA and US Air Force Space Command do not need manned piloting, except to maintain the appearance of normality at takeoff from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As discussed in my earlier article, voice communication and navigational signals would have been disabled by a burst of powerful narrow-aperture radar used for electromagnetic warfare. The cockpit computer would then be reprogrammed, using Boeing's own emergency piloting system, expanded with Pentagon and Israeli software.


The cooperative would be given a new identity, and reintroduction into civilian life in a remote North American community after being administered memory-erasing drugs, similar to the ones first developed in the MK-ULTRA program.


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:43 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 09:11 AM
amboi ..
yang vietnam china bagai tu

tau tak pe. jenuh lah mintak tuntut kita mintak maaf. kalau mintak maaf then mintak pulak yg lain...

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:43 AM | Show all posts
dino posted on 31-3-2014 09:31 AM
lebih tepat dihalang dr dpt ke tgn china.... part artikel bwh ni mmg quite disturbing.....

So capt sendiri yg colaborate dgn America?

Yg Maldives tu memang mengarut sebab diorg cakap nampak pesawat tu pukul 6.15 pagi waktu Maldives. 6.15 pagi waktu Maldives bersamaan 9.15 waktu Malaysia. Maldives = UTC plus 5. Malaysia = UTC plus 8.


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:43 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 31-3-2014 09:15 AM
semua waris akan di bawa ke sana kalau dah kompom jumpa bangkai mh370 (betul ka pengunaan ayat ban ...

bangkai pun bangkai lah...

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Post time 31-3-2014 09:44 AM | Show all posts

Berita Harian Online
9 mins · Kuala Lumpur ·

Dua pesawat TUDM C-130 Hercules berlepas dari Perth ke Lautan Hindi untuk sertai operasi cari MH370, 9.45 pagi ini.


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Post time 31-3-2014 09:45 AM | Show all posts
scarflicious posted on 31-3-2014 09:32 AM
Ko carik glemer ye Capt Mansor... ??

pemes lah nama kolej dia nanti

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