Post Last Edit by greenfrog at 21-9-2010 08:57
Reply 2106# muzaa
salam bro
just nak sharing ilmu ape yg penah den baca..harap2 dpt mmbantu..
bab kaki tkangkang tue org putih panggil 'splayed legs'
nak lebih jelas baca kat web nie
Splayleg, or spraddle leg, is a common deformity in very young baby parrots.The most common cause is inappropriate or slippery substrate in thebrooder. This causes the birds' legs to slide out, warping the legsnatural shape. Left untreated, this can become permanent and preventthe birds from perching and walking normally. Splay leg in young babybirds can usually be corrected by fashioning a brace or hobble torealign the birds' legs.