Saya ada masalah makan karbo banyak sikit je perut meragam. Flatulence & cirit birit ...
kita org asia ni byk sangat lactose intolerance .
bunyi nya mcm ni je
sy takleh minum susu dgn perut kosong.. so minum susu hanya after mkn nasi ke etc
so sy slalu avoid makanan yg beri sy effects like what u have too
sy rasa u hv a degree of lactose intolerance too
Post time 28-10-2019 08:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 28-10-2019 07:15 PM
kita org asia ni byk sangat lactose intolerance .
bunyi nya mcm ni je
sy takleh minum susu dgn p ...
Baik. Saya juga rasa I developed lactose intolerant over the years
Mengapa kita boleh lactose intolerant masa dewasa ye Dr. Sedangkan kita membesar minum susu at least sepanjang zaman sekolah
for some reasons, especially dalam org2 yg non-causacsians, bila jadi adults kita tak lagi buat cukup lactase utk digest kan lactose tuh
maka org2 kita, by the time jadi adults, makin becoming lactose intolerant lah, dekat 2 per 3 dari asians tau
Post time 9-11-2019 06:15 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 9-11-2019 06:10 PM
for some reasons, especially dalam org2 yg non-causacsians, bila jadi adults kita tak lagi buat cu ...
Oh..begitu. normal rupanya lactose intolerant bagi adult
Dairy memang tak sesuai utk orang dewasa, kata vegan. Mungkin orang tua2 dulu dah tahu. Dalam diet org melayu memang takda susu
ye miow, byk symptoms dan kesakitan hilang bila jumpa doctor
ini tidak bermakna ianya telah sembuh
ini placebo effect sahaja
sy tak cukup info utk suggest sama ada ini usus atau pon fallopian tube atau kidney atau ovarian atau muscle
tetapi tgk lah if ada lagi next time or with other symptoms, maka boleh pegi lagi jumpa a doctor
Post time 17-11-2019 06:42 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 17-11-2019 05:55 PM
mekasih for the tag
ye miow, byk symptoms dan kesakitan hilang bila jumpa doctor
Actually saya baru habis radiotherapy end of oct . dah bg tau dr masa temujanji susulan, tapi tu la, sakit hilang.
Start rasa tak selesa masa 3rd week RT. Cuma pandai hilang2 muncul balik.
Hope x melibatkan kawasan rahim, sbb that means very bad news for me...
Kebetulan selasa depan ada appmnt, tpi bukan dgn Gyne oncologist.
Kalau boleh, apa prosedur yg boleh saya req dri dr disini untuk pastikan sakit tu puncanya apa, selain dari pegang2 dan tekan2 kat kawasan perut. Like type of scan?
Post time 17-11-2019 08:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by KIM.K at 17-11-2019 09:07 PM
ipes2 replied at 17-11-2019 05:53 PM
tkalah normal tapi common especially in Asians
so, in Asinas, bila dah adult, 1 in 5 aje yg tak l ...
Thank you for your reply. Mesti baca dulu kan sebelum jawab
Kena make effort sikit lagi2 factual discussion
Saya nak tanya satu je soalan lagi Dr. @ipes2
Anytime you are available, no hurry
I watched Dr.Daniel Amen Ted Talk recently about brain scan and psychology. Dia cakap low brain activities menyebabkan all kinds of behavioral issues. So I kinda looking for the same experties in Malaysia, do you know anyone? I taknak common psikiatris, I nak imaging punya just like Dr.Daniel Amen clinic. Imaging, molecular..anyone can speak to me in details. Need to see some graphs
I need to manage few thing in the family, and more important if I'm going to make my millions, brain capacity matter at this point. Information overload for this career path
oh, sorry to hear that; RRx is quite a bit (serious).
but its ok, at least you had it done.
well if you just fin RRx few weeks ago, the GynaeOnc will see you real soon.
RadOnc pon akan juga, Im very sure.
jika bercakap pasal scans for pelvic symptoms, USS is always number one but, in your case, one who has had considerable oher disease in the area), they might opt for a more advanced scan eg CT, or MRI or PET.
mention this symptom top the GynaeOnc
people who have the best chance of attaining something are the ones who thnik of those something often and act on them. no doubt you have started work on your millions so im sure you will be one of them who will get there, bravo
low brain activities in what sense? i didnt watch the vid as im in the hospital library and it disabled the volume from vids.
usually if we talk about brain activities and its scan, we meant fMRI ie functional MRI. These do involve molecular imagings, yes, but at the present time, this is in the realm of research. many graphs or imagings generated from these types of scans will need expertise that are outside of the common medical knowledge. sorry sweetie, but this avenue is as cloudy to me as it is to you (well, you might know more, even).
for the time being, do juggle work and play wisely.
Post time 25-11-2019 11:49 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-11-2019 05:41 AM
thank you for the tag Kim.
people who have the best chance of attaining something are the ones ...
Thank you for your time Dr @ipes2
Belum ada lagi servis ni, that's what I thought too. Takpelah I'll email Dr.Amen later hopefully he won't ask me to go to US
Just doing my best in the business Dr. So much to read, so much to create, need more space on my brain
Post time 28-11-2019 01:27 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Assalamualaikum.... Sy buat FBC.. WBC sy rendah... 2.8.. MCH rendah jugak 26.2...Limfosit plak tinggi 53.8... Nak tanya... Kenapa jd mcmni... Esk kena repeat lg...
Post time 28-11-2019 01:28 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-11-2019 05:41 AM
thank you for the tag Kim.
people who have the best chance of attaining something are the ones ...
Assalamualaikum.... Sy buat FBC.. WBC sy rendah... 2.8.. MCH rendah jugak 26.2...Limfosit plak tinggi 53.8... Nak tanya... Kenapa jd mcmni... Esk kena repeat lg...
Post time 28-11-2019 06:37 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hi dr
Igt nak buat new id sbb cam segan nak tanya tp org kata klu x tanya nnt sesat jln
Mcm ni, last week ms akak tgh beli groceries dan ms nak byr tetiba bdn akak rs ringan dan melayang dan dlm keadaan akak kekalutan tu akak mcm kena panic attack, ni kwn kata bukan akak kata, sbbnya tgn menggigil, rs cam nk tumbang dan etc. Apa akak buat ms tu akak gagahkan diri msk secret recipe sbb tu paling dekat, jln dlm 4 langkah dah smp, so akak order air plum dan kek, lps dlm 20 minutes akak rs okay so cecepat akak blk
Kat rumah cerita lain plk, lps maghrib tetiba akak rs cam ada suatu suara halus kata "mati, mati, mati" repeat bbrp kali kat telinga, akak terus ambil quran dan start baca. Igtkan getting better rerupanya jd worst, rs takut dlm diri menerjah, takut nk tinggalkan anak, takut nk msk toilet dan memcm lg rasa.
Dalam rs mcm tu akak terus buat senaman hiasan iaitu baring dan rapat kan ke dinding, letak kaki ke atas dan buat pelbagai aksi. Alhamdulillah rs gigil dan pelbagai rasa tu reduce tp x hilang
Ms nk tido akak still rs takut, takut klu esok akak x bgn dan memcm akak fikir eg siapa akan jaga anak2 etc
Jd soklan akak ttg situasi di atas, apa yg patut akak buat, so far akak blm jumpa Dr lg. Nak tanya kat cousin dan kwn Dr yg lain rs segan. Boleh bantu
Post time 28-11-2019 10:45 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 28-11-2019 02:46 PM
KIM.K replied at 28-10-2019 12:08 PM
Baik. Saya juga rasa I developed lactose intolerant over the years
Mengapa kita boleh lactose int ...
oh my son keep saying this.. mama i have lactose intolerant.. i cant drink milk in morning only certain hours like in between before lunch, knowing he is only 7yrs old i am impressed, for him to know the terms. Anyway.. when is d best time to take milk? avoiding constipation? is it possible to suddenly become lactose intolerant? I kinda like this wording. Tq @ipes2