kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #3 bubpallo's post
cubalah cellfood.... best jugak |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #5 bubpallo's post
cellfood ialah oksigen terapi no 1 di dunia , anti-oksida yang bagus + nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh sel kita |
akhirnya ada juga topik nie...minta info bebanyak pasal lelah/asthma...
Baby Sok baru 1 tahun..lahir dulu tak cukup bulan...skang selalu kena lelah...guna inhaler Ventolin ngan flixotide...aritu masok hospital 1 minggu...nebulizer banyak kali dah...kesian tak leh nak aktif sangat.. skang dah better jugak lah...tolong ye kekalau ada ke...kita nak tau sesangat...
ada gak org cakap cellfood..kita pun baru beli....kalau baby nak bagi berapa drop? |
Originally posted by soktau2 at 6-8-2007 17:22
akhirnya ada juga topik nie...minta info bebanyak pasal lelah/asthma...
Baby Sok baru 1 tahun..lahir dulu tak cukup bulan...skang selalu kena lelah...guna inhaler Ventolin ngan flixotide...ari ... ...there are a few threads pasal asthma nie...rajin2 pi selak2 kat >>>sini<<< |
Originally posted by bubpallo at 6-8-2007 08:49
saye pong ader lelah... tapi saye x gunakan inhaler coz takut nnti " ketagih" so Bub ta penah guna.. ad pun try ambik ubat ajerk... Bub ni jenis kalah abok..kene abok ajer abesssssssssssss... ...eerr...there are 2 main groups of medications used in treating asthma....satu yang dipanggil reliever dan yang lagik satu dipanggil preventer...
...relievers are medications that help to relax the muscle around the airway...opening up the constricted airways...ventolin is a reliever...
...the second group is the preventer...preventers are steroids...they reduce inflammation or swelling of the airway lining and also reduce muscus production...preventer doesnt provide immediate relief of symptoms...tapi ianya lebih pada treating the underlying disease...becotide...inflammide...intal...these are preventers...
...kalau ko diserang asthma...u have to take the reliever...kalau ko tak amik...asthma ko bley menjadi makin parah dan bley membawa pada maut...
...bila ko kerap diserangi asthma...dr akan memberi ko the preventer untuk 'menguatkan' lagik your lungs...preventer nie ko kena amik hari2 walaupon ko tak semput...until such time your dr ask u to discontinue... is very important for u to noe the important roles of your medications...jangan sampai ko salah faham konsep kedua2 nie...u wont get addicted to them...not likely...but...there are some side effects though...which u can always discuss with your dr... |
Reply #1 adikkeluangman_'s post
reyne ada athsma since baby lagi, and memang carry inhaler mana2 pergi.....dulu dulu lagi chronic, dalam seminggu mesti 3 4 kali gi hospital amik nebulizer. Cara control is, observe your food intake or things that you are allergic to, meaning kalo your athsma nih disebabkan cuaca or habuk2 or air sejuk so elakkan la benda2 tuh....lagi satu carry ventolin pill anywhere i go, kalo rasa dah pakai inhaler takleh gak jalan amik ventolin then rest kejap about a few hours, usually it will go away.....take care! |
lagi satu, kalo tengah wheezing teruk after inhaler and ventolin, cuba tidor dengan cara duduk susun bantal kat depan tinggi till dada and tidor cara camtuh.....insyaallah it will go away..... |
aku pun baghu dpt turbuhaler.symbicort..chest congestion tuh menyerang biler sejuk2 baru nih..rsnyer turbuhaler nih senang gak nak pakai dr puff bese tuh...kalo diguna dgn cara yg betul insya Allah ia betul msk ke targeted area which is the lungs..dia nih metered so senang nak agak biler nak abis.mmg ah mende nih steroid after u take a puff tuh..u wait kejap then gi kumur.aku dulu penah skali tersilap phm igtkan after take the puff gi minum..menggigil maa...agaknyer gitu le kot rs org high..kak bm..merge je le kan ngan thread yg dulu... |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #7 soktau2's post
cuba dengan 1 titis dalam air masak/RO/mineral ....1 kali sehari |
aku mmg ada lelah. sejak kecik... tp nowadays, under control lah
Anak aku, baru je keluar hospital. Seminggu kena lelah. Dia pakai ventolin and seretide. Singulair kena amik setiap malam. |
Originally posted by <i>opocot</i> at 7-8-2007 05:46 PM <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
aku mmg ada lelah. sejak kecik... tp nowadays, under control lah<br />
<br />
Anak aku, baru je keluar hospital. Seminggu kena lelah. Dia pakai ventolin and seretide. Singulair kena amik setiap malam. <br />
suka tak sekiranya awak dan anak sembuh dari lelah....dengan melihat iris mata ....maka keadaan organ dalam badan diketahui....dan dengan mengunakan pil-pil pemakanan ...dengan izin Allah ....sembuh |
Reply #8 blackmore's post
thanks blackmore for d'link... Sok dah tengok nanti follow up lagi.....skang pun Sok kat sepital pagi tadi masuk kul 3 pagi....anak kena lelah lagi |
Reply #14 kyroll75's post
thanks kyroll75's.....akan dicoba.... |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #18 soktau2's post
semoga cepat sembuh yer.... |
Anak saya umur 3 tahun lebih pun ada lelah..setiap pagi mesti batuk sb tak boleh sejuk kena kipas tapi kalau tutup kipas mula le dia meradang sebab panas..sekarang nie bila batuk aje bagi makan madu tapi tak boleh byk sebab nanti naik rashes gatal-gatal sb madu kan panas sikit... |
Originally posted by askoputra at 9-8-2007 04:23 PM
Anak saya umur 3 tahun lebih pun ada lelah..setiap pagi mesti batuk sb tak boleh sejuk kena kipas tapi kalau tutup kipas mula le dia meradang sebab panas..sekarang nie bila batuk aje bagi makan m ...
mcm saya ler..sejuk natural n kipas tak baper bleh plak skang nih...sejuk aircond ok plaks..
'bout madu..bab naik rashes nih..afraid he's allergic to madu..better u check...cuba calit kat kulit ada tak naik apa2..mcm i telan madu khaula trus rs menyemput..padahal my mom yg lelah ok jek mkn..asthma and allergic nih ada perkaitan yg kuat gaks..
kyroll, oxygen supplement tu mcm best gak yek..mana tau kot leh improve inflammation kat dlm tu ler..myk plak supp tgh dimkn skang nih... |
djlv_vtec This user has been deleted
kalau ada masalah lelah boleh ambil supplement bernama
Supports strong,healthy lungs
Help the body naturally eliminate muccous from lung
Nourishes the respiratory.lymphatic,glandular and gastrointestinal system.
Ambil 3 bulan pastu terus x ada masalah lelah.. |
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