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Author: Urban_Iz

Kucing Dan Kutu...!!!

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Post time 6-10-2008 01:59 AM | Show all posts
my god.

i just happened to realised that my adoted kitten about 5 months ago, carried ticks with it. and now ticks is all over my house esp at the carpet area. so JUST TO REALISED the reasons why the owner put it up for adoption!!

and tru googling just happened to know this skin disease known as lyme disease becoz of ticks infection!! no wonder ive been having  quite a number of red rashes esp on the feet area.

and no wonder after been trying so hard to get rid of my kitten fleas it doesnt seem to work out coz she keep on scratching.

sincerely i need your dearest feedback here. how to get rid of this ticks once and for all. from the reading it seem like a dangerous thing. worst case, i will return the cat to the adoption centre again. as much as i love cats. health is more important to me.

pls feedback esp for those cat owners who have own many cats.

my advice to you: its best not to adopt kitten or cat at adoption centre where they mix cats and dogs together. its a lesson i learn the hard way now. poor me.

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Post time 6-10-2008 02:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #201 ulatdaun's post

it's ok...they have a solution for that kind of problem.just wait for the expert(s) to post the advice for you.

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Post time 6-10-2008 06:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #201 ulatdaun's post

ati simpati ngan masalah ulat ni..mmg sesetgh owner tak bertanggungjwp akan lepas tgn mcmni
pls take ur kitty to the vet..sbb lau dah jd disease mcmni,needs vet's expert sbb dah nak kena medication ur kitty ni..
for the time being,all u can do is to bathe ur kitty as frequently as possible to prevent the ticks dr trus melekat kt fur/skin die.
shampu ley pilih yg power lam hilangkan kutu/ticks like MALASEB.
and letak Frontline yg titik tu..itu mmg kuat tuk hilangkan fleas/ticks ni.sesambil tu juge,ulat bg supplement like minyak ikan kod
yg lam tiub tu..ley beli kt petshop or any hyperstore..
Good luck ya!

[ Last edited by  ati1402 at 6-10-2008 06:55 AM ]

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Post time 6-10-2008 10:26 AM | Show all posts
rasanya yg kena pada kucing u tu fleas kut sbb tick ni lbh besar dari fleas dan selalunya kena pada anjing. jarang kucing kena tick ni.
ni gambar tick pada anjing... ada rupa mcm ni ke? kalau mcm ni, mesti jangkit dari anjing...

kalau fleas pada kucing, rupanya camni:

kalau kat jari kita besar ni jer...



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Post time 6-10-2008 10:56 AM | Show all posts

Balas #201 ulatdaun\ catat's what u can do.

1) get d pet(s) treated. bathing d cat will not kill fleas, it will come back. before anything get Frontline spray, n spray d pet. it will b covered for at least 1-1.5 months. after that u can use spot on, frontline also has spot on combo which works for ear mites as well. apparently, according to the vet using spot on alone without spraying first will not work properly. so cover all areas, spray ur pet.

2) clean n vacuum bedding, rugs, carpets regularly (once a week at least). if u use d dust bag type vacuum empty n clean regularly. if rajin, u can send ur carpet for steaming. u would need to do this regularly to break the fleas cycle (if betul la ur problem is that serious) as d cycle of an egg to an adult flea takes about 3-6 weeks. so u need to do it continously until u get rid of ALL of them! lagi2 pulak eggs/fleas yg xder host can survive quite sometime jugak

3) ask your vet about Program (by Norvatis), an effective flea control management.

I remember reading somewhere, someone had a bad case of fleas infestation in d household. what she did was (after all of d above la) kosongkan her place (of ppl, children, pets) n sprayed Bygone (i think it was Bygone), kira macam fogging. she went out for a few hours. pastu clean d house balik. ni kalu severe case la kot, never tried it

once all of d above done, u should b ok already. most importanly, get your pet treated coz dia yg host d fleas. if you cant manage to spray d fella on ur own, do like me..take it to d vet n get him to do it for u



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 Author| Post time 6-10-2008 06:36 PM | Show all posts
good info!!! nasib baiklah kucing aku tu tak pandai berkutu...

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Post time 7-10-2008 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bbpie at 6-10-2008 10:56 AM's what u can do.

1) get d pet(s) treated. bathing d cat will not kill fleas, it will come back. before anything get Frontline spray, n spray d pet. it will b covered for at least 1-1 ...

thank you for the feedback. right house is still under temporary 'cleaning mode'. we have been cleaning,sweeping,mopping, soaking bedding materials with hot water and wash it.since 2 days ago. will continue to do so for at least few more days. kapet2, toto semua dah hantar laundry.

kucing yg infected to skrg kt kampung, kena tinggal masa nak balik kl haritu, sebab kiteorg satu famili cari dia masa i nak return to kl 2 days ago. since dh lama cari tk jumpe2, my dad suruh tinggalkan dulu kucing tu kt kampung. so now since ada kes ni. dia kena kuarantin luar rumah. i akan balik bawak frontline spray and spot and treat her in few weeks time when i return back to my hometown.

actually, i learned few valueble life lesson from this episode. the hard way. i hope all of you can learn from it too. Esp if your house ada small kids, with loads of ticks playgrounds,bedding,carpets etc....paling teruk habis satu badan kena infection of the ticks bite. It can lead to fever,chill joints. etc etc.kalau budak2 kecik kena.ayo...

so  kalau nak adopt kitten/cats in future, check double check betul2 condition kucing tu harzardous or not to human being esp babies. lepas ni i can say that i wont adopt kitten/cats at adoption centre anymore. kat situ cats/kitten prone to get diseases from others pets and strays, cats and dogs.(Since tempat tu mixed those 2).i wish i have those logic sense before. and for you owners, please lah, be honest, clearly states your pet condition sebelum jual or put it up for adoption. at least the new pet owner boleh bersiap sedia with the risk. honesty is always the best policy kan. naya kalo you bagi problematic pets kt org yg end up jadi mangsa keadaan, kalau tuan baru tu ada anak kecik, risk their children health condition pulak. kalau dieorg tak tanya pun, you kena lah bagitaw every detail of it conditions. personally, kalau kucing2 yg membawa masalah kesihatan pada manusia ni, i rela dieorg di'mati'kan die vet centre dari di beri peluang buang die kt pasar,die akan bawak the problem to other public cats and of course to the comunity aswell.

i make to understand that fleas from cats only attack animal but not human, but ticks,they are hard to be kill,and they suck human blood aswell. squeezing wont kill them.lagi satu die punya lompatan and blood sensor tinggi. yg attack my house to yg kaler hitam. tak seperti kutu. ticks/tungau/sengkenit ni susah nak get rid off.

actually having a cat at home save my house from cockroaches and rats.thats why i forgo jugak bela kucing kt rumah. aman je rumah dari makluk2 tu. tapi datang pulak problem macam ni. right now, untill my house is completely clear, and my cat is clear from ticks i wont repeat the same episode twice.thus moving forward,totally kena clear my house dulu from ticks, then bila kucing tu dah clear from ticks based from ur feedback(spray frontline,taruk spot on, then i nak pakaikan die that neck collar thing) and see for few weeks if she betul2 clear from it baru i take her home.if not. terpaksa lah die jadi kucing yg dibela luar rumah kt kampung.. hmm maybe i wasnt meant to own a cat for the time be it.

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Post time 7-10-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts

Balas #207 ulatdaun\ catat

dont give up dear

its unfortunate u had to go tru this. but yes it is a good reminder to all. bile nak amik pet mmg beso gak responsiblity nye..not just towards d pet but to our other family members. mmg if we take from centers condition dia questionable, that is why we always advice amik, quarantine n get vet to cek first b4 introducing to d household.

kite kene berhati2 with all sorts of condition, ticks, fleas, ringworm n such. even buying from BYB (backyard breeder) or even pet store xdigalakkan, for d simple reason u cant b guaranteed of d condition. beli mahal2 bawak balik with all sorts of penyakit, if external we can see xper jugak..yg xleh nampak..taw2 few months later kiok.

as long as the u take care of d cat, insyallah the cat will take care of u in his own way.

p/s if da spray, n put spot on..u need not put d collar on lagi, it doesnt kill d buggers, it justs repels. d first 2 da combat abis so u should b safe.

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #207 ulatdaun's post

if u nak beli frontline spot-on tu better buy yg combo becoz this one kills the eggs as well... harga pun tak byk beza dgn yg biasa.

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Post time 8-10-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by boocik04 at 7-10-2008 12:07 PM
if u nak beli frontline spot-on tu better buy yg combo becoz this one kills the eggs as well... harga pun tak byk beza dgn yg biasa.

noted! good info boocik. sejuk hati sket. but all this mmg increase my awareness level in pet adoption lah. like you said, kena double check, quarantine, etc etc.hope others will learn as well. Esp those with children. cant take these things for granted these days.

frontline spot on combo ek.will do dat. thanks alot!

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Post time 8-10-2008 12:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #210 ulatdaun's post

combo leh gak titik lam tinger dia taw..for mites. bb pun nak switch to this next month. previously i use advantage, vet kate its very good as well but dia xcover eye mites. my babies xder pun mites..but yeah, m paranoid!

think aritu my vet kate one tiub of d combo tuh lam RM28..if beli one pack of 3 u can get cheaper (cant remember dia quote bape) but ask around la..m sure ramai kat sini leh tanyer2 kan utk dapat bes deal.

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bbpie at 8-10-2008 12:51 PM
combo leh gak titik lam tinger dia taw..for mites. bb pun nak switch to this next month. previously i use advantage, vet kate its very good as well but dia xcover eye mites. my babies xder pun ...

kalau beli loose mmg mahal sikit tapi kat shah alam ni bole dpt RM 52.00 kat vet sect. 13. kalau kat petshop haiwanku sect. 9, dpt RM 54.00 for one box (ada 3 tiub dlm tu).



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Post time 8-10-2008 04:30 PM | Show all posts
bowl sejak balik dr raya ni...dah pandai ada kutu melekat kat telinga....
bowl sibuk gaduh dgn ada kucing gemuk kat muar

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #212 boocik04's post

RM52 = RM17+ satu..thats cheap..heheheh..i will try n get this price from my vet la..ngam2 utk 3 ekor monyet tuh

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:55 PM | Show all posts
kucen aku kena kutu... tp tiap2 bulan bg ubt kutu .. tp my cat still mengaru... ade ubat terbaik x???

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Post time 8-10-2008 04:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #215 mr.kk's post

gune ubat kutu ape ye?

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Post time 8-10-2008 11:11 PM | Show all posts
mula2 spotline kot, then spray and last mandi pe ntah bagi kutu mati... x tahu mcm mane nak wuat lagi.... de ubat pe lagi yang mujarab...

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Post time 9-10-2008 12:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #217 mr.kk's post

ubat kutu frontline yg dulu punya cuma bunuh kutu yg hidup tu jer, telur2 dia masih lekat kat bulu kucing tu. kalau nak tau rupa telur kutu, u selak bulu kucing, nampak mcm ada kelemumur atau bintik2 hitam kat hujung bulu kucing tu.

tapi sekarang ni dah ada frontline combo. yg ni produk baru frontline & bunuh telur2 kutu sekali. harga pun tak byk beza dgn frontline yg lama tu. kalau kat vet sect. 13 shah alam, harga dia beza RM3 jer... so better beli yg combo.

alhamdulillah, sekarang kucing2 boocik semua dah takde kutu & telur kutu lagi...

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Post time 9-10-2008 10:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #217 mr.kk's post

patut da ok da tuh. da cek kot mende lain. ear mites? fungal? bule gak terai cam boocik cakap tuh..combo. bb nye bebudak aritu gitu gak..da mandi pastu buh spot on..tgk garu2 lagik. tu yg bb pi vet dia gelakkan bb. katenye spot on alone xcukup. kene spray dulu..baru maintain with spot on pening haku sekejap.

so far, 3-3 da kene spray this month. 2 ok..but si comel still garu2. comel ni mmg ade health prob. so imune dia mmg xkuat. taw je la bile imune xkuat mmg senang penyakit kulit. so since first assumption fleas da treat still pas ni nak cek if ade pepe lain pulak.

but if mr. nye kitties sihat cume garu2 jek..could just b fleas ler..

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Post time 9-10-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Baru je balik lepas cuti raya ni. Discovered budak2 tu ada kutu balik, mcm banyak je. So actually camner d best method guna frontline spray tu ekk??My receptionist ckp kalau spray kat tengkuk n sapu bebetul dlm kulit area tu dah cukup dah sbb chemical tu nanti akan gerak dlm saluran darah whc will kill off all d kutu tu, tp x tau la berkesan ke tak. nak spray seluruh badan mmg payah diorg ni, kena spray je dah lari....

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