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Author: ahmad_dhani91

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

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Post time 29-4-2009 12:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #199 totally's post

ekceli, hak yu je yang ada kat tenet pun yang derang duk donlod tu

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Post time 29-4-2009 02:39 PM | Show all posts
sape yg dah tgk cite nie ari nie?amacam best ke x?mesti best kan?

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Post time 29-4-2009 02:42 PM | Show all posts
aku ade dga pasal cite ni da leh donload kat syok...
btol ke??
ta besh la mcm ni...

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Post time 29-4-2009 07:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #201 ShadowChaser's post

hak yu tu mende? ikan yu?

memang terkedu tgk grafik x siap neh...

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Post time 29-4-2009 11:51 PM | Show all posts
aku da tengok arini
jalan cerita ok tak kene fikir2 cam watchmen straightforward katanya
grafik best dan leh tengok wolverine bugil
aku cuma mengharapkan ending yg lagi zas

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Post time 30-4-2009 01:09 AM | Show all posts
mmg best! full of action, & ada sense of humor...... better than movie x-men sblm ni.
paling x sangka bila ada my favorite x-men character in this movie.... x tau pun sbb x buat apa2 research about the movie sblm tgk. yg penting mmg puas hati & 2 thumbs up for x-men origins: wolverine!

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Post time 30-4-2009 06:52 AM | Show all posts

dah tengok last nite -

best juga cerita dia -
hugh jackman berlakon okay la -

tak ada banyak funny scene pun -

semua suspense aje -

lakonan semua pelakon okay la -
yang perempuan tu - mungkin significant
sebab adik dia mutant dan diselamatkan
oleh xavier juga -

anyway - a great action movie

yang jadi apa tu -- yang pandai tembak
dan tangkap peluru tu - hensem gak orangnya -
tapi... jahat lagak nak mampos - ha - biar dia kena -

recommended - 3/5

*mana la mat ni ye - janji kita nak tengok
tapi saya tertengok pula - tak apa ada film lain juga -

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Post time 30-4-2009 09:36 AM | Show all posts
cte nih da ade eh....nak g tgk la esok...

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Post time 30-4-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
bru tgk mlm td...overall best cite aku, lg best dr cite x-men b4 kesian la kt scene org tua tu mati kene tmbak...tak sgke sguh..huhu...aku bg 4/5...

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Post time 30-4-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts
okla citer ni. not bad. tp byk gak flaws. 6.5/10*.
kat rottentomatoes dpt 41% jek.
makin turun. semalam dlm 53%. reviews byk gak teruk.

rasanya citer x-men 2 still lg bagus n jln citer pun kuat. bezanya x-men tu takde fokus mana2 watak sgt... so maybe ramai xminat. aku tau ramai suka citer superhero yg fokus pd sorang super/anti hero jek.

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Post time 30-4-2009 12:33 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-4-2009 02:08 PM | Show all posts
terbaca komen dr imdb psl filem ni, yg mana aku rasa byk betulnya.


Why X-MO:W sucks. (and why I am not a troll)*SPOILERS*         
  by GoRnKyDuDe 2 hours ago (Wed Apr 29 2009 20:12:18)         

Okay, so as not to sound like a "pissed fanboy" i won't mention anything pertaining to changes from comic to screen. Now, there are several major plot points in the film that make absolutely no sense, these are the following:

1. Stryker sends Zero out to kill Logan, knowing very well that Zero's guns won't kill him. We as an audience later discover that Stryker has a gun that shoots adamantium bullets. Why didn't he give this gun to Zero? Futhermore why did he have to send the unfinished Weapon XI after Logan when he could have just used guns with adamantium bullets?

2. The love of Wolverine's life lays "dead" on the ground before him. Instead of calling the police, taking her to a doctor, or even doing ANYTHING at all with the body he leaves his "one true love" to rot in the forest.

3. There are several (perhaps a dozen) mutants locked up together. In cages made of CHAINLINK FENCE. We know for a fact that Cyclops could have blasted out of his cage, and I'm sure that all the other mutants (with the exception of Quiksilver) could find a way to break out also. So are we as a viewer supposed to believe that none of them thought of this?

4. Okay this one isn't as solid but, throughout Origins we see the power of Cyclop's optic blasts. He shoots through his whole school. Yet when Victor is shot with these same beams from Weapon XI in the climax, his clothes don't even rip. One could argue that since these beams were from Weapon XI and not Scott so they are less powerful....HOWEVER, we see later in the climax that they can shoot through a nuclear reactor. So, Sabretooth probably should have had a gaping hole in his chest.

*EDIT: thanks to perseverance-1 for this point.

4.(continued)In X1 the blast did infact send him flying out the statue of liberty. So why in this film did he not fly off the reactor? (also I stand by that in X1 Sabretooth should have had a gaping hole in his chest but, whatever)*

Numerous continuity errors throughout the film and things that don't match up with the already made X-Men films, plus the four things aforementioned, make me come to the conclusion that, "The movie sucks"

PS. IMDb is made for talking about films, not for complimenting films, people say, if you don't like the movie, get off the board. Well where the *beep* else am I supposed to go to talk about the movie? Saying a movie sucks and giving reasons WHY it sucks, is NOT trolling. Saying a movie sucks without reasons IS trolling.

Thank You

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Post time 1-5-2009 12:05 AM | Show all posts
puas hati tgk citer ni....


[ Last edited by  ladydolph at 1-5-2009 00:19 ]

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Post time 1-5-2009 01:57 AM | Show all posts

Balas #205 dreamerzzz\ catat

ko tgk ending after credit tak?apparently ada 2 diff endings.and diff theaters will get diff ending (ni kat US la tak tau kat sini sama ke tak)

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Post time 1-5-2009 08:12 AM | Show all posts
aku sempat tgk scene after credit yg pasal stryker jalan 'till your feet bleeds' tu....

lain2 aku tak sempat tgk..... panggung tak tayang habis.....


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Post time 1-5-2009 04:41 PM | Show all posts
aku tunggu sampia abis kredit.....

sampia Logan lepak kat bar kat jepun...

neeway.. fun movi... ignore those detail cons koment kat IMDB... tak yah scrutinize...

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Post time 1-5-2009 05:25 PM | Show all posts

Balas #214 malygos\ catat

yg di tayangkan time aku tu ye lah Sryker walks until his feet bleeds..then MP comes along to pick him up for the murder that he had done..

Ada sesiapa yg tau ending lagi satu apakah?

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Post time 1-5-2009 05:26 PM | Show all posts

Balas #216 True-X\ catat

aiyoh logan da sampai jepun ka?
takpe Rabu ni tengok lagi hahahahah

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Post time 1-5-2009 06:06 PM | Show all posts
plan nak tgk lagi..... tak puas tgk sekali.... suka Gambit, Zero..... hehehhe...


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Post time 1-5-2009 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Balas #201 ShadowChaser\ catat

off topic jap

ko gi tengok Utd vs Malaysia kat Bukit Jalil ke 18 Julai ni?

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