DAP: No more Pakatan - Pakatan sudah tak wujud kata DAP
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Ni kira musim perang parti2 politaikkk kat msia, gaduh sakan sana sini sesama sendiri, seronok jugak tgk lol |
Pakatan, BN in a mess, now anything is possible, says Ku Li
Both Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Barisan Nasional (BN) are now in a mess, which may lead to a realignment of political forces, veteran Umno lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today.
He said all parties go through evolutionary processes and nothing in politics lasts.
"We in BN have our problems, so we are no different (from PR). MIC has problems. Umno appears to have (problems) as well," the Gua Musang MP told reporters in the Parliament lobby.
When asked if this would result in new alignments formed between political parties, he replied: "I've never heard anything is impossible. In politics, everything is possible.
"And nothing lasts. A friend today can be an enemy tomorrow. An enemy tomorrow may be a good friend the day after tomorrow."
Rumours are rife that Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, is being touted to head a possible unity government, a move that even DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang had endorsed last month.
When asked whether BN or PR was in a bigger mess, Razaleigh laughed and said, "I don't know, I'm not in the other mess. I'm only in this mess.
"So, I wouldn't know which is bigger, which is smaller. But problems are problems."
He added that PR's move to dissolve was "good" as it may help strengthen the opposition.
"I think they must be prepared to take bold steps in order to introduce measures that will be in sync. In sync with the young people, especially," said the Kelantan prince.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng this morning announced that PR has ceased to exist, adding that it would only work with PKR and "other forces" to end BN's hold on the federal government. (www.themalaysianinsider.com/mala ... an-is-over-says-dap)
In BN, lynchpin party Umno continues to play a dominant role after its key component partners fared badly in the last general election in 2013.
BN's ethnic Indian-based party, the MIC, for instance, has been plagued with a power struggle and earlier today booted out its president, Datuk Seri G. Palanivel, and made Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam acting president.
Last month, Razaleigh had called for an end to religious- and race-based parties, and urged the country to move towards an open system which accommodates the needs of younger Malaysians.
He added that the concept of being race-based was especially self-defeating for Umno, which he said was facing problems expanding its membership and attracting the youth. – June 16, 2015
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... thash.M8uANbZJ.dpuf |
Adus..pas bentang kt dun kelantan dan disokong oleh semua parti..itu bkn nk laksanakn undang2 hudud ka?usaha pas nk bentang ke parlimen bukan mau laksana undang2 hudud ka??keanjingan apakah soalan ini?
pernah baca ada orang kenal dia,bekas mod katanya,dan juga seorang cikgu sekolah,sapa ada gambar dia boleh PM pada saya.nak tengok
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musim meriah uol... tak padan dgn nak masuk ramadhan
mula la nanti ada org nak jumpa bos aku ajak solat subuh sama2....
macai..... macai....
mod! kalau boleh campak aja macai tu ke lombong |
Edited by atira at 16-6-2015 09:33 PM
so perician perlaksanaan nye mcm mana nanti?amboi... sendiri buat undang2 .. sendiri klem kata undang2 allah..
bila tanya tentang pelaksanaan...siapa hakimnye? siapa pegawai penyiasatnye? siapa saksinye? siapa tukang potongnye.. lobai2 haram tak leh jawab..
paling2 pon dijawabnye dah laksana nanti tahulah..
loklik2 replied at 16-6-2015 08:08 PM
maaf nak tanya.TT adalah seorang bekas mod? merupakan seorang guru sekolah?
Apa kaitan dengan Hudud Pas ..? |
mintak gambar pulak tu  |
atira replied at 16-6-2015 09:34 PM
mintak gambar pulak tu
Haha, lobai hudud tak habis dgn angan2. |
atira replied at 16-6-2015 05:36 PM
meroyan ke bang...?
pas yg mula2 menceraikan dap..
senyum sinis aja la...
Kok ye pun tira..nak ckp biarlah fakta tu betul.
Yg mula2 putuskan hubungan dgn pas adalah dap sarawak..diikuti putus hubungan dgn presiden pas. |
so??? kene bersyukur ke tak ni AN? 
Edited by Anak_Nogori at 16-6-2015 09:43 PM
koliba replied at 16-6-2015 05:42 PM
siang malam macai DAP meratib UG UG UG ...
bila PAS usaha nak bentang RUU persendirian bagi membo ...
Elehhh...baru sekarang nak nampak nak meroyan dgn dap..kalau tak didada karpal ada bulan lah..dap dah terima islam dari umno lah, lim guan eng khalifah umar lah..pemimpin dap dah pandai baca surah aurah lah...berceramah dimimbar masjid ok lah... |
vandergooh replied at 16-6-2015 05:44 PM
rasanya pakatan baru lepas ni dah mula belajar aware bila nak berkawan dengan PAS macam UMNO dah b ...
Hehehe..saya senyum sinis je tengok komen kamu ni...pas pkr dap campur pun tak mampu lawan kerusi umno...dah berpecah..umno risau ye.. |
Itulah meriahhhh sgttt dorg bertempurrr sesama sendiri mana dgn nak bertempurrr dgn musuh lagiiii, tgk nanti apalah kesudahann.
Ape ke bangang statement ni??hukum hudud tu ingat bardasarkn buku impian malaysian malaysia dap ka?kitab roketkini ka? org2 yg diamanahkn utk buat undang2 ni ingat semua akai anjing2 dap ka?ngat sesuka hati sj buat?..xda kajian? anjing dap iyela menyalak sj.sekian
atira replied at 16-6-2015 06:45 PM
senyum sinis aja sis..
itu pon ada hati nak mengkapirkan ummah yg tolak hudud pas.
Baru taw yeee...umno lama kena kapir dah.. |
atira replied at 16-6-2015 09:41 PM
so??? kene bersyukur ke tak ni AN?
Hehehe...sampai mcm tu sekali...
Saya cuma betulkan fakta je..jgn dimalukan lain kali. |
DAP dah takde ni harap PAS berjaya laa wat hudud yerrr...jgn kena kenceng dgn umno lg sudahhhhh...usul hudud kat parlimen smp la ni masih tak diutarakan
kecimpret replied at 16-6-2015 10:31 PM
DAP dah takde ni harap PAS berjaya laa wat hudud yerrr...jgn kena kenceng dgn umno lg sudahhhhh...us ...
Mimpi lah pas nak dptkan kelulusan majoriti mudah diparlimen sekiranya mp2 islam dlm pkr dan dap tidak mengundi atau menentang.. |
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