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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini?

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Post time 31-3-2012 03:30 AM | Show all posts
aku suka baca ni....

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Post time 31-3-2012 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Pagi tadi aku mimpi sedang naik kereta, pastu aku nampak kat langit macam ada warni warni. Rupanya larva gunung berapi sedang jatuh menimpa aku. Pastu aku pun terjaga.

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Post time 31-3-2012 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Ada sesiapa yg tinggal di kawasan Sekudai di sini?
Dlm pukul 4.30 pagi, hujan lebat dan bunyi guruhnya sgt pelik.
tak tau mcm mana nak terangkan.

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Post time 31-3-2012 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Ada sesiapa yg tinggal di kawasan Sekudai di sini?
Dlm pukul 4.30 pagi, hujan lebat dan bunyi guruh ...
umisha Post at 31-3-2012 12:56

Umisha ... Saya dengar malam tadi ... Padahal saya tengah tidur punya la nyenyak sbb baru tertido ... Dengar satu dentuman punya la KUAT ... Nak kata guruh bukan tak biasa dengar ... Tapi nie cam bunyi bom pun ada ... Diselangi kilat dan petir sabung menyabung ... Ya Allah bunyi apa tu ... Bunyi sekali jer TUMMMMM ... Kuat betul ...

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Post time 31-3-2012 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Ada sesiapa yg tinggal di kawasan Sekudai di sini?
Dlm pukul 4.30 pagi, hujan lebat dan bunyi guruh ...
umisha Post at 31-3-2012 12:56

    tu la pasal..aku tido lambat mlm tadi,dan aku dengar bunyi guruh tu siap duduk luar jap tengok..
    jarang aku tengok guruh/petir sabung-menyabung waktu subuh ni...

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Post time 1-4-2012 12:45 PM | Show all posts
boring betul
mimpi yg tak tentu hala
kan lagi baik mimpi jumpa neelofa ke
pi dating dgn shah rukh khan ka....................baru best
esok pagi bangun, rasa segar je n SENYUM SELALU

cuba-cubalah belajar mimpi nan indah2
walau hidup sikit sengsara
sebagai pengubat duka nestapa

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Is that Lava coming out from Mount Etna?


Edgar Cayce said:

"The Earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun."

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 01:12 PM | Show all posts
BREAKING - 1st Asteroid this year to hit Earth in April 2012?

IMPORTANTE: Quanto a data da queda do primeiro asteroide, colocamos dia 11/04/12 , mas fizemos uma conta novamente, devido a 2012 ser um ano bissexto, e pode cair um dia antes, ou seja 10/04/12, então como margem de erro, fiquemos alerta entre os dias 10 a 12 de abril de 2012, pois entre esses dias irá cair o primeiro asteroide, que não será letal, não sabemos que tipo de danos irá causar, a mensagem é esta aqui do dia 11 de Abril de 2011 .

A data está sendo marcada pela gente, não está na mensagem, apenas calculamos. O que interessa é  a mensagem a baixo. Caindo 10 ou 11 de abril , não importa.

OBS2:Ainda temos um asteroide maior que deverá cair no dia do Aviso, com seu bólido maior no mar das Antilhas, que mudará toda a geografia da Terra, mas que NÃO é este aqui do dia 10 / 11 de abril. E ainda outro que virá mais tarde, que será desviado por Deus e ocasionará os 3 dias de trevas.

OBS3: Tinhamos lançado  um outro video sobre o asteróide, e colocamo SEM DANOS, mas a mensagem na verdade disse NÃO LETAL. Não sabemos o que isso quer dizer. Repetindo a mensagem disse NÃO LETAL, pode ser em nível de não ser letal a ponto de acabar com a vida no planeta, ou não letal no sentido de não matar ninguém. Agora é esperar para ver.



IMPORTANT: The date of the fall of the first asteroid, put 11/04/12 days, but we have an account again, due to 2012 being a leap year, and may fall a day earlier, ie 10/04/12, then how margin of error, let us be alert from the 10th to April 12th, 2012, because these days will fall between the first asteroid, which will not be lethal, do not know what kind of damage will cause the message here is that the 11th April 2011.

The date is being scheduled for us, the message is not just calculated. What matters is the message below. Falling 10 or April 11, does not matter.

OBS2: We still have more than one asteroid should fall on the day of notice, with its largest meteorite in the sea of ​​the Antilles, which will change the entire geography of the Earth, but this one is NOT the day 10/11 April. And yet another that will come later, to be diverted by God and will result in the 3 days of darkness.

OBS3: We had released another video about the asteroid, and we put NO DAMAGE, but the message actually said NOT LETHAL. We do not know what that means. Repeating the message said NOT LETHAL, may be level is not lethal enough to wipe out all life on the planet, or non-lethal in the sense not to kill anyone. Now it's wait and see.

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 2-4-2012 00:56


MAR. 12: Massive TRIANGLE-SHAPED hole in the Sun's corona recorded by NASA.  

Triangle / Pyramid Forming On The Sun - March 12, 2012

Apakah segitiga tersebut? Adakah ia sebuah piramid, portal, gas, or...? Adakah matahari sebenarnya adalah sebuah planet yg boleh didiami, dan bukanlah seperti apa yg kita ketahui selama ini? Adakah sebenarnya di dalam matahari itu adalah sejuk, dan bukan panas seperti yg kita diajar selama ini? Adakah piramid ini mempunyai kaitan dgn benda asing yg mempunyai filamen, dan dilihat bersambung kpd permukaan matahari tempohari (sila rujuk previous post)? Pada tahun ini (2012), banyak benda2 PELIK yg dibongkarkan kpd kita, yg sebelum ini tidak kelihatan. Why now? Why 2012? Nampanya semakin jauh 2012 berjalan, semakin banyak perkara2 pelik yg dapat kita saksikan, seolah2, something is building up. As though we are being PREPARED for something.


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Post time 2-4-2012 12:07 AM | Show all posts saya ada nak kongsi pengalaman pasal kejadian tsunami 26 disember 2004...saya bukan mimpi tapi ada perasaan dalam diri mengatakan esoknya mungkin sesuatu akan berlaku...dan memang btol apa yg saya rasakan tu...saya xpernah bagitau kat sape2...rasa yang lain2 pon ada tapi pasal yang tsunami tu paling besar setakat ni...wallahualam

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Post time 2-4-2012 11:12 PM | Show all posts
salam n salam pknalan..i SR je kt bnang ni slame ni..mnat sgt ngn bnang ni cz byak info y bgne..suami i pnah cite ,skrang ni tgh blaku klat mthari..tol ke?

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Post time 2-4-2012 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2191# sakitleher

kilat matahari???tak pernah dengar..
tapi ni baca post kawan kat fb tadi...


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Post time 2-4-2012 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2192# rose_liz
ntah lh,i pn suami y bgtau..dekat mthari 2 blaku nye klat..mde ni dh lme cme skarang klat 2 mkin kuat..suami pn tau dr akhbar or blog..

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2012 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Reply  rose_liz
ntah lh,i pn suami y bgtau..dekat mthari 2 blaku nye klat..mde ni dh lme cme skara ...
sakitleher Post at 2-4-2012 23:57

    Saya rasa yg dia maksudkan ialah Solar Flare/CME. Tahun ini, NASA menjangkakan bahawa matahari akan melepaskan CME tahap max yg belum pernah berlaku sebelum ini, di mana ia bakal mengakibatkan sesuatu yg dipanggil sebagai Ribut Solar. Wallahua'lam...

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Post time 3-4-2012 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Tak payah lah percaya benda2 macam tu, nabi dah ada beritahu tanda2 kecil dan tanda2 besar qiamat, rujuk kat situ cukuplah, mmg tarikh sebenar hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang tau, Rasulullah dan maalikat2 pun tak tau, jadi bila ada yang mengatakan ada firasat ttg hari besar itu dah sah dia penipu besar

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Post time 3-4-2012 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by neofim at 3-4-2012 12:54

Reply 2195# hasbullahtib

Saudara hasbul baru joined cari ke?

  • Reg. Date: 2-4-2012
  • Last Visit: 3-4-2012 02:29
  • Last Post: 3-4-2012 12:35

Lain kali sila baca thread dari first page dulu.. ambil isi2.. kemudian nilai.. baru post komen.. boleh?

Sebab forummer kat cari ni dah naik malas dengan typical yang hanya baca tajuk pastu baca komen sikit2 pastu mencelah macam pandai.. kami kat sini pun tahu yang kiamat tu Allah dah rahsiakan..

kalau boleh sila post berbentuk ilmiah dan bermaklumat..

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Post time 3-4-2012 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2196# neofim

marah ke cik adik manis
alllaaaaa biasa leee kannnnn
ada malaikat ada setan nye
kita......nak jadi apa ya


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Post time 3-4-2012 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Umisha ... Saya dengar malam tadi ... Padahal saya tengah tidur punya la nyenyak sbb baru tertid ...
halimijuliana Post at 31-3-2012 15:25

apeal kejadian petir halilintar kt Sekudai neh mcm sama teradi kt Klang tempat aku neh??[size=14.1667px]

[size=14.1667px] time tu kul 4-4.30 gak lahh.....mmg lain mcm bunyik petir sabung menyabung tuh.....mcm bom meletup gitu.....siap angin ribut rasa mcm nk terbang bumbung umah aku......mmg lebat giler ujan aritu sampai banjir byk kaw....Klang neh dah berpuloh2 tahun tak pernah banjir kilat, tup2 banjir kilat aritu......

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2012 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 4-4-2012 00:19

BREAKING NEWS - Japan’s Strongest Storm Since 1959 Forecast to Slam Into Tokyo!

The storm dumped heavy rain overnight on Japan’s southwest island of Kyushu before moving northeast toward Osaka and Tokyo.

Strong winds in Tokyo on April 3, 2012.
Photographer: Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images

Airlines canceled hundreds of flights, some train services were halted and thousands of workers went home early as Japan’s weather agency forecast the strongest winds in more than 50 years will hit Tokyo today.

A storm crossing Japan from the southwest is forecast to hit the capital with sustained winds of up to 90 kilometers an hour (56 miles per hour), Takeo Tanaka, head of the weather advisory office at the Japan Meteorological Agency, said in a telephone interview today. The winds are expected to reach peak strength in Tokyo between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., the agency said.


Several trucks were toppled by the winds, creating traffic jams in Toyama (AFP, Jiji Press)

Typhoon-strength storm brings travel chaos to Japan Over 240 flights were grounded and train services were suspended.

Forecasters said an expanding low pressure system in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) was forcing a cold front over the country, where it was bringing heavy rains and strong winds.

"This is like the core of a typhoon, but it is staying for a long time, whereas a typhoon usually moves rather quickly," a spokesman for the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

"Winds as strong as this are very rare," he said.

The meteorological agency said on its website the strong winds would move northwards into Wednesday, producing waves up to 10 metres (30 feet) high.

"In particular, ferocious winds are expected at sea (in the north) on the Sea of Japan side. Please be extremely wary of violent winds and high waves."

Japan Airlines cancelled 160 domestic flights, affecting 23,700 passengers, while international flights experienced minor delays.

All Nippon Airways cancelled 83 domestic flights, affecting 8,900 people.

East Japan Railways, which operates a vast train network in the eastern and northern regions, including Tokyo, cancelled a number of long-distance services.


[Weather Alert] Japan may experience typhoon-class spring storm

At 4:33pm, Kobe marked record breaking 36.5 mm (1.43 inches) of heavy rain storm in 10min at 2pm. The heaviest rain storm since 1937 (NHK 4:33p)

The maximum instantaneous wind speeds were 35.2 m/s in Akashi, Hyogo at 3:30pm, 31.1 m/s in Tsunan, Niigata. Nagoya and Saitama recorded over 25m/s of instantaneous wind as well. (NHK 4:58p).

Osaka area is experiencing strong wind at 4pm (NHK 5:06pm).

The strong wind and heavy rain continues in Tokai (Aichi, Nagoya, Gifu, Mie, Shizuoka) and Kanto (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba area) (NHK 4:58p)

As at 3pm, 60 people were injured and 1 person was killed. (NHK 4:28pm)

It is highly recommended that if people in Tokyo are unable to go home due to the train cancellation. YokosoNews strongly recommend people to go back to their office / school / building. Pay attention to the local transportation information.

Stay inside until the weather calms down.


Satu demi satu masalah 'nature' melanda negara Jepun. Gempa bumi, gunung berapi, masalah radiasi di Fukushima yg tidak didedahkan oleh media massa utama, dan sekarang, typhoon yg membawa ombak setinggi 10 meter... why Japan? Ia seolah2 mengingatkan kita kpd kata2 Edgar Cayce, yg mengatakan bahawa suatu masa nanti, Jepun bakal tenggelam ke dasar laut. Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2012 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Breaking News - Multiple tornadoes cause massive damage across Dallas, Fort Worth and North Texas!
By The Dallas Local | Local Dallas – 1 hr 47 mins ago


(Updated at 7 p.m. CT)

By Jason Sickles, Yahoo! Dallas Editor

Possibly a dozen tornadoes rumbled across the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area Tuesday, leveling homes and tossing big-rigs around like toy trucks. North Texans scrambled for cover as warning sirens blared throughout the afternoon.

"Twelve is a preliminary number," said Steve Fano, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Fort Worth. "We won't know for sure until tomorrow when we can get out and assess the damage."

Some injuries, but no confirmed fatalities, were reported. Homes and businesses in at least seven counties were hit hard.

"These weren't small tornadoes," Fano said.

By evening, the most severe storms were moving into Arkansas and Louisiana.

In Forney, a bedroom community 22 miles east of Dallas, officials were inspecting an elementary school that sustained damage. Officials said no students were harmed, but homes around the school were flattened.

"Oh no! Oh no!" a storm spotter witnessing the Forney tornado screamed live on Dallas's CBS 11 TV. "Oh my goodness. I can see the homes just being torn apart."

News Yahoo

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