amirdza posted on 30-9-2013 05:45 PM 
Salam, kalau beli tiket train secara online...tiket tu kita print ke macam tiket flight tu ? Atau di ...
Ikut pengalaman beli tiket online utk ke Bicester..., kita print tiket di mesin tiket di stesen yg kita pilih..., cth saya print di Station Marylebone....
mrsd posted on 27-9-2013 04:51 PM 
sy akan ke london pd 7 november nanti, 6 adults and 4 children between 3-7 years old, nak min ...
Waalaikumsalam mrsd,
Budak2 bawah 10 tahun memang naik tube/train/bas/DLR free kalau ditemani oleh org dewasa. (up to four children per adult). Tolong melawat website http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets/14416.aspx dan fahamkan betul2 T&C.
Untuk 7-day Travelcard (both Oyster-based & Paper) - mesti pakai pada hari yg berturutan (consecutive) - tak boleh nak pakai cuma hari2 tertentu.
Tang single ticket untuk daytrip ke Paris tu tak pasti sebab saya tak pernah buat. Sayang info transportation kat ms1 thread ni banyak yg kurang tepat ataupun outdated.
Last edited by Rushrush on 30-9-2013 11:06 PM
Yay...tinggal sebulan jer lagi nak gi UK. tak sabar nak gi.
- Setakat ni, transport dari airport pergi-balik ke rumah anak sedara twin settle.
- homestay kat london settle
transport dari rmh anak sedara twin ke london masih lum book lagi. 
homestay tu twin book ikut roomorama jer. twin tak ambik yg Rush suggest tu sebab budak2 nak duk area Tower Bridge. kita ni bukan pakar area sana...jadi ikut je lah.
Owner yg ni pun kira ok gak sebab masa book tu twin ambik property lain. Lepas dah bayar, nengok2 dia baru up kan satu lagi property dia dekat2 situ yg lagi dekat dengan masjid white chapel station..harga pulak sama dgn yg twin mula2 book. Twin email dia tanya boleh tukar ke. Dia kata no problem. dia dah siap landmark kat google map lagi.
p/s: budak2 = anak2 sedara twin yg umur dari 24 - 29 ..dan dua org tu dah jadi mak-pak budak...tapi twin masih panggil dia org budak2. |
Twin...homestay yg twin book tu area mana? |
Opps..sorry. Baru perasan. Undergroun station yg paling hampir dgn bridge tower tu, stesen apa?
syasya99 posted on 28-9-2013 01:00 PM 
Salamm..i ada duit pound ngan eur..lebih. Sape2nak tykar sila pm ye.
ada byk ka? nk tukar pounds n euroe ni. nk g next month
plan nk ambik tour ni kat london:
http://www.isango.com/united-kin ... ur-from-london_4344
Windsor, Oxford and Stonehenge Tour; Do it your way – from London:
You will be picked up from Victoria Coach Station (Gate 1-5) at 0845h (08:45am) and travel in a deluxe motor coach, accompanied by a guide to visit Windsor, Stonehenge and Oxford.
In each destination you can either spend time at leisure or choose from activities offered by your guide on the day. If you choose these activities, simply pay direct on the day of the tour.
In Windsor your guide will give you the option of joining a tour of the State Apartments and St Georges Chapel (approx GBP16.50). A free walking tour of the town of Windsor will be offered or you can explore the area on your own.
Continue to Stonehenge where you can take an audio Stonehenge tour (approx GBP6.70). This would also be the perfect time for lunch and your guide can recommend an elegant restaurant overlooking the site. Again if you wish you can simply explore on your own.
Lastly you will visit Oxford. You can choose to join a fascinating free Oxford tour; on this walking tour you can see Christchurch College where Harry Potter was filmed, the Bodleian Library and the Sheldonian Theatre. There will also be free time for you to explore Oxford at your leisure.
After your walking tour of Oxford you will be taken back to London. You will arrive at Victoria Station at around 1900h (7:00pm). |
syasya99 posted on 28-9-2013 01:00 PM 
Salamm..i ada duit pound ngan eur..lebih. Sape2nak tykar sila pm ye.
banyak ke kak? saya mmg nak tukar pound sikit jah sbb transit seahri setengah jah pun , akomodasi dan bus pprt ke airport dah beli siap.
euro pun nak tukar juga.
sila PM jikalau berminat dan akak nak jual rate berapa, saya akan travel 31st oct ini.
hermione_twin posted on 2-10-2013 09:30 AM 
yg ni kena tanya forumer yg lebih arif tentang london cam @Rushrush atau akak Lela ke. Twin cuma ...
Might be the different lines for the underground station...
kalau merah, rasenye Central...
certain underground stop ade several lines interchange..
kalau mcm saye haritu, mmg sentiase pegang underground map nie..senang nak plan mane nak pegi and naik line mane...
keyboardmouse posted on 2-10-2013 11:43 AM 
plan nk ambik tour ni kat london:
http://www.isango.com/united-kingdom-tours/london-tours/windsor ...
Saya amik yang ade roman bath & pump room instead of oxford..
from my trip, rase macam a bit rushing ke sini sane..sebab walaupun 3 tpt je..timing untuk ke tpt2 tu agak lama gak..saye pick up kul 800 pg, rase dlm kul 6 ptg baru habes..tp saya puas hati je..sbb name nye nak pegi tpt2 tu sendiri, mmg x reti...so kalau ikut tour ni, mcm senang sket..
hermione_twin posted on 2-10-2013 09:30 AM 
yg ni kena tanya forumer yg lebih arif tentang london cam @Rushrush atau akak Lela ke. Twin cuma ...
Whitechapel station tu ada interchange antara Tube/Underground (warna bulat merah) dan Overground (Bulat Oren), dua2 servis boleh naik kat situ.
Rushrush posted on 2-10-2013 10:51 PM 
Whitechapel station tu ada interchange antara Tube/Underground (warna bulat merah) dan Over ...
Mekasih Rush 
lepas ni nak study yg overground station tu leh gi mana. twin pilih area tu sebab ada bawak budak kecik..jadi senang sikit nak gi ke station.
syasya99 posted on 28-9-2013 01:00 PM 
Salamm..i ada duit pound ngan eur..lebih. Sape2nak tykar sila pm ye.
ade lg x?nak juga bleh tapi x byk la nak tukar, x berduit 
eh sama la tour dgn keyboardmouse 
dah booking sumer tgk email dr isango tu.patotla rate pun sama je  |
Sabtu ni my flight ke london. Berdebar debar sbb travel alone.
Duit yg i tukar - tdpt bbrp 50£ notes yg berconteng. Ok dan boleh guna ke yg berconteng ni? I tsnya MC dia kata ok tapi mcm takut aje tak laku. Byk pulak yu - dlm 6 helai.
Kalaulah tak laku, macamna? |
ade ke apartment murah kat london..utk 8 adult 4 kids.. tulun tulun.. |
Saya pun tengah cari apartment jugak.
kIM_mafia, nak ty you booking tour tu secara online ke? Nanti meeting pointnya kat mana? Bayarannya camana?
Sorry ya banyak tanya pulak. |
uda posted on 3-10-2013 02:52 PM 
Sabtu ni my flight ke london. Berdebar debar sbb travel alone.
Duit yg i tukar - tdpt bbrp 50£ n ...
boleh. sebab hari tu pun masa hidden tukar duit dapat yang de conteng2
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