Reply #2198 platinum8's post
sedapnyer chiffon kek ngan ketam goreng tu..don't mind share resepi & cara buat for kek chiffon pandan..mekachih! |
Reply #2197 platinum8's post
Kasut je yg $500, bag still beribu riban. Yg best nye masuk kedai kat Perth ni, SA dia tak kacau. Tak beli pun muka diaorg tak masam mencuka.
I gi on Monday, bukan Tuesday. Silap haribulan lak.
Off topic, sorry ye.
I masak cottage pie dua tiga hari lepas. I ni hari pun dah lupa.
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Long n Roha
Nak buat kuah satay pakai peanut butter buat macam biasa je. Instead pakai kacang tumbuk, masukkan peanut butter crunchy. OK lah. |
Reply #2201 mallanhead's post
Reply #2203 long's post
Mmg diaorg rugi sbb customer tak beli sbb kesombongan diaorg. Tapi kedai yg pergi hari tu SA dia baik2. Sbb I sempat gak belek LV Tahitiennes tu, Gucci hobos n Bally flatie n brown bag. Berangan jap n posing2. Kalau dpt SA yg sombong tak tentu ni, Long kena buat style Julia Robert dlm Pretty woman. Baru dia tau.
Off topic.
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Sebelum kena marah ngan Mod, ni gmbar kek apple I. Tapi dah lama dah buat. New recipe.

[ Last edited by mallanhead at 15-5-2008 09:41 AM ] |
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Originally posted by long at 15-5-2008 05:38 AM 
sedapnyer chiffon kek ngan ketam goreng tu..don't mind share resepi & cara buat for kek chiffon pandan..mekachih!
Ok Long. Kalau free kat umah jap lagi kita paste resepi. |
Reply #2205 mallanhead's post
Kak Mallan, so tempting your apple cake.Looks so moist. |
Reply #2201 mallanhead's post
Masa kat msia dulu ada jugak dengar orang komplen pasal SA. Especially kedai designer goods. So far I lom pernah ada bad experience dengan SA. Kalau ada SA nak buat muka basi dengan I memang saja cari nahas. I ni macam rimau makan orang tau...... |
Reply #2205 mallanhead's post
My fav. I suka betul resepi apple cake you ni.  |
Reply #2208 platinum8's post
Kat Msia ada satu mat lembut jadi SA kat Ferragamo Starhill. Punya lah sombong. Ingatkan kedai tu bapak dia yg punya. So kalau I nak beli, kalau terpaksa kat sana, I mmg cari SA yg lain. Yg tu bolayan lah. Tapi my fav store kat KLCC. Ada SA Indian girl. Baik orgnye. Kalau tgk muka I, mesti senyum.  |
Reply #2207 sarah_jane09's post
Thnx. apple cake ni sedap makan ngan french vanilla ice cream with a bit of cinamon sugar sprinkle
Reply #2209 platinum8's post
Ni recipe lain. I buat gi BBQ kat rumah kawan M. Yang ni very cakey, yg selalu tu mmg betul2 dessert cake. |
Ni dia resepi pandan chiffon cake yg I dah modified.
Pandan Chiffon Cake
6 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
6 egg yolks
115 g castor sugar
120 g self-raising flour - sifted
7 1/2 tbs water
1 tsp pandan essence + a few drops pewarna hijau
5 tbs corn oil
Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff.
In a separate bowl, beat yolks and sugar until sugar dissolved.
Add in water and essence mixture. Mix thoroughly.
Add in corn oil and mix well.
Fold in flour.
Using spatula combine mixture B into mixture A.
Pour into the chiffon mould and bake at 160 - 170C for 45 - 45 minutes. |
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Reply #2184 bitterchoc's post
Thanks bitterchoc! Nanti I nak cuba la, peanut butter chuncky tu ada kat rumah, so boleh buat this weekend. |
Reply #2199 platinum8's post
Eee..lamanya I tak makan ketam jenis macam ni. Sedapnyaaa! |
Reply #2212 platinum8's post
Larling, Ingat nanti nak buat lah. Lepas hantar anak sekolah, detour jap kedai cina beli acuan. Omar yg fussy tu suka bebenor chiffon ni. |
Reply #2205 mallanhead's post
Mallan, kek apple ni guna kaedah yang sama dengan upside down pineapple cake resipi ke? |
Yup, kaedah nye sama. My resipi I pakai yg ni.
* 100 g butter
* 3/4 cup (125 g) firmly packed light brown sugar
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
* 3 large apples, peeled, cored, cut into rings
* 2 teaspoons lemon juice
* 1 1/3 cups (175 g) plain flour
* 12 cup (125 g) granulated sugar
* 1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 12 cup (125 ml) milk
* 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence
* 1 large egg, separated
Here's how:
1 Preheat oven to 190癈. Melt 60 g butter in 20-cm square baking pan. Add 1/2 cup brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg; mix well.
2 Arrange apples over brown sugar mixture in bottom of pan; sprinkle with lemon juice. Set aside.
3 Combine flour, granulated sugar, remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Cut in remaining 40 g butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
4 Add milk and vanilla essence; beat until dry ingredients are moistened. Beat for 2 minutes more. Blend in egg yolk.
5 Beat egg white in small bowl until stiff peaks form; gently fold into batter. Pour over apples in pan.
6 Bake until toothpick inserted in centre comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Cool in pan on wire rack 5 minutes. Loosen edges and invert onto serving plate. Let stand on plate about 1 minute before removing pan. Serve warm.
credit to : www.bhg.com.au |
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Reply #2212 platinum8's post
timakasih plat |
Thanx lalling. Baru siap buat kek pandan mcm you. :flower:
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