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Author: Syd

Pulau di Wilayah Krabi, Selatan Thailand

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Post time 24-10-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2286# aciq

    Tak la banjir tu tak sampai selatan tak payah risau...tapi weather tu tak tentu juga check bahwa hujan atau ribut ke x hari tu kerana itu akan rusing ektiviti laut la...

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Post time 25-10-2011 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2292# marwanee

dah book apasari krabi .. esok pepagi nak berangkat... wish we all selamat pergi dan balik ya

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Post time 25-10-2011 10:26 AM | Show all posts
sapa2 leh rekomen hotel package honeymoon kt krabi bln 12 ni....nak drive je dr a.setar..

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Post time 25-10-2011 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2294# hartanahmalaya

bulan 12 peak season .. ce try cari pakej kat krabi tourism terus

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Post time 31-10-2011 01:39 AM | Show all posts
sy plan nk travel ke krabi by car with my family,disebabkan hari ni baru decide nk gi sedangkan nk travel lg 2 weeks, so i memang x smpat nk habiskan pasal krabi ni..nk tanya from bkh to hadyai...boleh masuk at anytime or ada specific time?...coz sy nyer plan nk gerak ke bkh tu khamis ptg..then maybe akan sampai sana dlm pukul 3-4 it is posible kalau we all terus nk masuk hadyai at that time ...
yg nk uruskan insurance tu..kita hanya perlu bawa salinan geran kereta kan...proses nk buat insurance tu...lama x and ada specific time ke boleh buat dr jam berapa sampai jam berapa..or memang boleh buat jer anytime bila kita nk masuk border...sorrylah kalau banyak tanya ya...tq in advance

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Post time 31-10-2011 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2285# bungacinta2002

from bkh to hadyai...boleh masuk at anytime or ada specific time?  - border buka 6.00am sampai 11pm kot.   

uruskan insurance tu - yup bw geran kereta shj. kejap ja buat - buat di kedai2 tepi jalan .. ada bnyk kedai yg buat tgk signboard je tp tak pasti kol berapa buka. nti stop kat CTC kot2 kat situ buka awal sbb bnyk bas benti situ kalau sampai awal

dah booking hotel kaa?? start nov ni dah peak season kat krabi .. last week aciq p pon ramaiiiinya org especially kat maya beach tu punyalah penuh.. huhu

dah study route mana nak ikut ka?? aciq aritu guna papago tp sampai certain tempat dlm gps x jumpa jalan .. maybe jln baru tp ikut signboard pon insyaAllah senang ja sampai

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Post time 31-10-2011 12:24 PM | Show all posts
border 6am till midnite - bas express sampai kul 3/4 pagi mmg tunggu kat tepi border tu.  ari tu kitaorg nak gie kohlipe, sampai changloon kul 3 am.. rehat kat thotel kat changloon tu.. murah jer rate - kl tak salah xsampai rm100 pun sebilik... bfast leh mkn gerai gulai kat depan tu... hooo liau rasa gulai kambingnya... then maju ke depan gie kat kedai kopi buat insuran & embarkation cards tu seme.. kejap jer..
ikut je highway route  4... insyallah... hatyai - patthalung - trang - krabi - rasanya lah ni lebih kurang lah route nyer.. takes about 3-3.5 + depending speed keta lah..

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Post time 31-10-2011 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2287# adnil

    tq adnil and acik,really appreciate it...kalau ikut adik sy dia ckp mcm masuk anytime..nasib baik sy tanya kat forum ni...skrang ni tgh dok mencari hotel...memang dh peak tgk kat agoda yg nampak mcm ikut bajet we all ao nang paradise and krabi apartment....u all ada experience hotel2 tu ke..or kalau nk suggest ke...lglah sy sy dh baca gak..
acik...maya beach tu kat na plak...masaklah sy ni..nk gi minggu lg seminggu rupanya..ingat lg 2 weeks...semuanya x booking lg..betul2 gamble ar trip kali skrang tgh nk carik kat page baper adnil ada story trip dia ke krabi..sebab sy tahu u gi drive gak leh ar follow sikit2...plan we all nk pi body massage,pastu adik2 nk diving and we all yg pompuan gi snorkelling....pastu nk pi emerald pool and elephant treckking tu..2 tempat tu satu jalan ke eh..sorrylah geng banyak tanya...bukan malas nk x sempat..heheheh

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Post time 1-11-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2288# bungacinta2002

insyallah okay semenye.. emerald pool & elephant ride tu kena take 1 day gak.. we all drive ke emerald pool tp tak minat on the elephant ride tuh so we skipped.  emerald pool tu dlm bahasa thai nya sra morakot.. ni ada panduan nak drive ke sana :-
"you can rent a motorcycle or car and take Highway No. 4 to Khlong Thom District and turn left to Route No. 4038 to Lam Hap Sub-district.  There is an park entrance fee for Khao Phra Bang Khram Nature Reserve / Crystal Pool."
maya beach lak kl ko amik snorkeling package - tempat ni one of the stops.  kat sana ada a few snorkeling packages u can take up.. seme day trip.. phiphi island tour, 4 islands tour, hong island tour, james bond island tour... aku penah gie the first 3 je.  diving - yr bros ada license best lah.. yg tak dak license cam kami ni.. snorkeling jer lah..

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Post time 1-11-2011 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2289# adnil

    tq adnil...i dh book anantha burin...hajat nk yg direct acces pool tu,tp risau plak mlm2 anak2ku terjun kolam time umi and ayahnya bg kat adik yg baru kawin jerlah...
2 bilik bookings through agoda and yg 1 lagi through website hotel..banyak gak diferennya...agoda so far ok kan..dulu we all pi hk pun booking through agoda gak...mcm ok je...ok sy nk smbung baca thread ni..dh jumpa page yg u start nk gi tu...hehehe...baru page 15...but before dh baca last 10 pages....masalahnya kat opis x smpat nk layan baca dulu kalau ada apa2 tanya kat sini k....out of topic sikit kalau balik dr krabi tu we all nk singgah tido kat hadyai u all rasa best ke..adik sy kata hadyai ada tmpat shopping pompuankan...jln kalau x jumpa tmpat shopping tarak syokkk maaa...

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Post time 2-11-2011 08:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2290# bungacinta2002

   ari tu saya ada pm kan link - kat situ ada skt travelog psl our travelling.  kl nak enjoy a bit more luxury with good prices kat krabi, gie during green season lah.. ie jun-oct - harga mmg jauhhh beza.  we all on our 2nd trip dok kat anantha burin gak.. but mmg tak amik direct access pool room on the same concern gak..
we all mmg jadikan hatyai tu transit.. pegi balik mmg overnite kat sana.. nak kata tak de apa tu not correct.. each destination mesti ada some pro and con kan.. so if me, i akan still pegi gak to see for myself.. if truly nothing, at least you know yourself, bkn thru other ppl's eyes yg mungkin tak sama view dgn kita.  i like hatyai gak.. mmg lah shopping bkn ler cam spore.. but i bkn shopping craze type of ppl... shopping will come much later in my list.. except for destinations mmg for shopping like jkt & bdg (so far tu je yg i dah sampai - spore tak leh masuk in shopping list sbb my families mmg ramai kat sana - mula jenguk family.. xdan ler nak terjah segala malls yang belambak kat sana + now their currency is very very expensive compared to RM - rasa rugi).  i sker kl kat hatyai memalam ronda  pasar malam dia yg serata town tu.. then lepak kat roadside stalls till late minum teh tarik, nasi lemak, pulut mangga, seafood celup tepung etc etc... sambil tgk gelagat org.
so my suggestion to you is.. go and find out for yourself... then you yourself decide - lagiii puas hati.  lagipun you akan pass by this place gak.. why not give that place a chance kan?

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Post time 8-11-2011 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Situation Update: Flooding in Thailand
TAT News
As of November 5, 2011
02:00 PM

Most areas of central Bangkok where tourists normally go are not flooded at this time. The Chao Phraya River, which runs through Bangkok, is at a higher-than-normal level. This is causing some flooding at tourist attractions that are close to the river.

Areas flooded in Bangkok Metropolitan Area includes suburbs in the east and west, the west bank of the Chao Phraya River, and districts in the northern part of the city.

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Post time 9-11-2011 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2291# adnil dh print u nyer travel log tu...nampaknya tu jer yg sy sempat baca...heheheh...tqvm...suppose bertolak mlm...tup2 plak smlm my kids bwk balik surat..esk ada penyampaian hadiah kat sekolah dia org...and dia org memang excited nk naik stage nk amik hadiah...even umi dok pujuk x yahlah dh tukar plan kena gerak pas function tu ke krabi...kononya nk balik on ayahnya plak dpt call monday morning ada interview...adventure betul trip kali ni...heheheh...x pi survey dulu...nanti leh sy call mrs see tu..i ada dpt number dia kat page awal2...u ada post pasal pakej ke phi phi island...dia charge 1400  for adults and kids 850 bargain...dia bg 1300 sy kata nanti sy confirmkan...ada sesiap yg ada contact x...takut esk we all smpai dh mlm...ada ke agent2 yg kat tepi pantai tu sampai mlm kalau sy nk survey pakej2 tour ni...kalau x sy grab jer nk fikir2 lg....kelam kabut 2 weeks nk plan mcm2...kalau hotel tu x confirm lg memang ar sy tukar date...masalahnya booking sy tu dh confirm...huhuhuh...beribu plak harga biliknya sebab amik 3 layankan jer hsbnd baru settle pasport dia...ok kwn2 semua...tqvm for ur info...wish us have a safe trip....jgnle kena banjir...alamak duit x tukar lagikkkk...huhuhuhuhu...

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Post time 10-11-2011 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Situation Update: Flooding in Thailand
TAT News: November 9, 2011
04:47 PM

The flooding situation in Thailand is mainly affecting the central provinces along the Chao Phraya River including Bangkok. Flood waters are subsiding in Ayutthaya. Other popular tourist destinations in the central region including Pattaya, Hua Hin, Kanchanaburi and Ko Chang have not been affected by the floods. Tourist destinations in the south of Thailand including Phuket, Krabi, Surat Thani, Ko Samui, Hat Yai and Phang-Nga; and in the north including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Sukhothai, also have not been affected by the floods.

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Post time 10-11-2011 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2293# bungacinta2002

  insyallah okay.. psl prices tu susah sket nak komen sbb now kira peak season, adnil pegi krabi both times during green season - harga jauh murah..
apa apa pun have a safe journey and have fun.

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Post time 10-11-2011 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Situation Update: Flooding in Thailand
Announced by: TAT News
Date of published: November 10, 2011

The flooding situation in Thailand is mainly affecting the central provinces along the Chao Phraya River including Bangkok. Flood waters are subsiding in Ayutthaya. Other popular tourist destinations in the central region including Pattaya, Hua Hin, Kanchanaburi and Ko Chang have not been affected by the floods. Tourist destinations in the south of Thailand including Phuket, Krabi, Surat Thani, Ko Samui, Hat Yai and Phang-Nga; and in the north including Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Sukhothai, also have not been affected by the floods.

Flood waters in Ayutthaya and some other central provinces have begun to subside, although many areas are not yet fully accessible. Tourist attractions in Ayutthaya will reopen once they have been restored.

In some areas, tourists may find that there are occasional shortages of consumer products that are in high demand such as local brands of water and locally-bottled beer.  These products are replenished periodically.  Imported products including beer and bottled water are widely available.

The Transport Ministry is preparing alternate routes between Bangkok and the southern provinces in case some parts of Highway 35, a major road to the south also known as Rama II Road, is affected by the flood waters draining to the west of the city.

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Post time 11-11-2011 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Esok my flight to Krabi 4D3N trip!weehoo!tak sabar rasanya..Accommodation dah booked kat Ao Nang Princeville Resort & Spa and Centera Anda Dhevi Resort & Spa..Thanks to all the forumer yg byk bagi info & tips yg sgt berguna..)

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Post time 11-11-2011 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Hi semua.. am planning to go to Krabi Island with my 5 years old bf... so any advice for me.... tempat yang happy-happy sikit for me to take my little one's tu...???

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Post time 12-11-2011 02:04 AM | Show all posts
THAI Offers Special “ Southern Thailand Flood Relief” Fares

Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (THAI) is implementing special reduced fares to Southern Thailand in case the main road to the south from Bangkok is flooded.

Mr. Piyasvati Amranand, President of THAI, said that in accordance with the request made by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and the Ministry of Transport to accommodate passengers traveling to the south of Thailand , THAI will offer “Southern Thailand Flood Relief” special fare tickets by 47-58% from regular ticket prices.   This special fare is effective from 11 November 2011 to 10 December 2011.

THAI will operate flights from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Thailand ’s southern provinces with a total capacity of 5,039 seats per day and will add more flights and changing the aircrafts if needed for accommodating passengers and cargo services.


Bangkok-Surat Thani:        from regular fare of 4,290 baht, reduced to 1,820 baht
Bangkok-Krabi         from regular fare of 4,490 baht, reduced to 1,920 baht
from regular fare of 4,675 baht, reduced to 2,015 baht
Bangkok-Hat Yai:        from regular fare of 5,155 baht, reduced to 2,255 baht
Bangkok-Samui         from regular fare of 6,360 baht, reduce to 2,930 baht

(The ticket fare includes fuel surcharge, but excludes airport tax)         


For more information, please call the THAI Contact Center at Tel. 02-356-1111 or THAI’s ticketing office or

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Post time 12-11-2011 11:43 PM | Show all posts
No provinces in the south were affected by the flood:
Nakhon Si Thammarat
Songkhla (Hat Yai)
Surat Thani (Ko Samui)
Phang Nga

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