Bahan-bahan ( 4 orang )
* 1 cawan pisang yang dilenyek
* 11/2 cawan tepung
* 1/2 cawan gula
* sedikit esen vanila
* 1 sudu kecil baking powder
* minyak untuk menggoreng
1. Campur semua baha-bahan kecuali minyak. Kacau biar rata/ sebati
2. Panaskan minyak. Bila dah panas, ambik sudu dan basahkan dengan air. Ceduklah sikit-sikit masuk ke dalam minyak panas.
3. Goreng sampai perang. Lapik jemput-jemput dengan kitchen paper apabila keluar dari kuali.
4. Siap untuk dimakan |
Balas #2279 poisonrose912\ catat
Mahal kan..kena wt sendiri nie |
Balas #2276 masarju\ catat
ikan cencaru atau kembung direbus dulu dan digoreng tepung.....mkn panas2 cicah ngan sambal pedas, sedaaappp..... |
43a)kuih badak berendam
1 bungkus tepung pulut
15 helai daun pandan, diambil airnya
2 biji kelapa, sebiji diparut dibuat inti dan sebiji lagi diambil santan pekat 2 cawan gula merah
Secukup air
Sedikit garam
Bancuh tepung pulut bersama air pandan hingga menjadi doh lembut. Ketepikan. Kelapa parut dimasak bersama gula merah dan garam hingga menjadi inti.Bentukkan doh lembut bulat-bulat dan isi inti di dalamnya. Letakkan doh berinti di dalam bekas dan tuang santan pekat di sekelilingnya. Kemudian kukus hingga masak. |
43. bahulu
1 mangkuk telur ayam
1 mangkuk gula pasir
setengah kg. tepung gandum
sedikit minyak.
acuan kuih bahulu atau kuih cara.
Goreng tepung sampai masak. Tanda masak tepung tidak melekat pada kuali.Agar kuih jadi ringan.Panaskan acuan yang telah disapu sedikit minyak dalam ketuhar pada suhu 200 darjah agar bahulu tidak melekat.Pukul telur dan gula sampai kembang.Setelah kembang asingkan sedikit dan campurkan tepung sedik demi sedikit dalam bekas yang berlainan mengikut bilangan acuan.Masak sehingga selesai. |
Originally posted by masarju at 29-8-2008 12:47 PM 
Boleh tp nanti rose "atas angin"..tentu xpuas kan?
kak mas dtg jb ler....saya belanja.....amacam??? |
Balas #2286 masarju\ catat
yg sedap mmg keje dia banyak.....  |
Originally posted by hananie at 29-8-2008 12:52 PM 
43. bahulu
1 mangkuk telur ayam
1 mangkuk gula pasir
setengah kg. tepung gandum
sedikit minyak.
acuan kuih bahulu atau kuih cara.
Goreng tepung sampai masak. ...
baulu..kuih wajin masa Raya |
Originally posted by poisonrose912 at 29-8-2008 12:53 PM 
kak mas dtg jb ler....saya belanja.....amacam???
tgk dulu...nanti kita calling2 k! |
Balas #2292 masarju\ catat
tak simple gak, nak kena kopek kulit lg.....klu pecah dah hilang manis  |
cucoq pisang..
Cucur Pisang
1 cup flour
5 mashed Bananas
1/2 cup milk
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
sunflower or corn oil for frying.
1. Place the sifted flour into a large bowl.
2. Add the mashed Bananas, milk, salt and vanilla essence into the bowl.
3. Mix the ingredients until well combined.
4. In a wok or deep pan, heat the oil. When it's hot, use a spoon to scoop the prepared mixture and drop into the hot oil.
5. Do this in batches so that it's easier to manage.
6. Fry the balls until brown and cooked. Scoop them up and place onto a absorbent paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
7. The snack should not necessarily be a perfect round ball.
Malaysians make different versions of this recipe. Any leftover or extra vegetables can be cut up and mixed with the flour and fried.
The savoury versions may have chopped shrimps, coriander leaves or potatoes thrown into it and are served with homemade chilli sauce and it's a common teatime snack. |
cucoq ikan bilis
Ingredients :
| 500gm
5 pieces
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 liter
| wheat flour
ikan bilis (anchovy)
bean sprouts
curry leaves
red chilies, blended dry
large onion, sliced finely
baking powder
turmeric powder
salt to taste
| Method :
Combine red chilies, wheat flour and anchovy in a bowl. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Heat 1 liter oil in a wok over medium fire and deep-fry heaped teaspoon full of the mixture until golden brown. Serve with tomato or chili sauce.
cucoq ikan bilis
Ingredients :
| 500gm
5 pieces
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 liter
| wheat flour
ikan bilis (anchovy)
bean sprouts
curry leaves
red chilies, blended dry
large onion, sliced finely
baking powder
turmeric powder
salt to taste
| Method :
Combine red chilies, wheat flour and anchovy in a bowl. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Heat 1 liter oil in a wok over medium fire and deep-fry heaped teaspoon full of the mixture until golden brown. Serve with tomato or chili sauce.
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Category: Negeri & Negara