Manchester United..Kuatkan semangat..Mari kita potong tim di atas itu..
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cantona memang legend...respek
[ Last edited by cigaro at 5-3-2008 05:37 PM ] |
Reply #2313 kakarot's post
manucho baru sign tu nak campak mana, parking rezab??? pastu tolak kat ajax free jugak ka |
Originally posted by cak! at 5-3-2008 03:34 PM 
Ferguson hails goal-getting winger Ronaldo
Sir Alex Ferguson hailed Cristiano Ronaldo's winner against Lyon as his most important goal of the 30 he has already struck this season.
The ...
ronaldo yg tk berape perform tuh pon bole score sebijik.. |
Reply #2317 gicks79's post
ntah apsal la tak kluarkan je cr7 tu, kasik la orang lain lak main, dah clear dia off form smalam kecuali gol tu jek, passing pun merapu  |
Reply #2316 ShadowChaser's post
dia kan x dpt permit lagi?so,dia mungkin akan di hantar pegi main kat team2 yg bernaung bwh mu nie...tok alex nak ambik benzema pun sbb nak swap ngan sahak n ben arfa tue sbgai long term replacement for ryan giggs.... |
Reply #2301 pisang69's post
cam cite mahsuri lak 7 keturunan yer..  |
bg aku ler benzema @ ben arfa maybe x akan blah dr lyon..
kalo yer pon seorg jer dr 2 young star depa..
then benzema utk M.U rase cam x match kot.. die lg prefer main kat spain ler esp Real Madrid @ Barca..  |
Reply #2321 aimanutd's post
hurm,tp benzema ni ada skill utk beat defender...tgk mcm smlm defend mu dok kena titik ngan dia nie...n dia pnya skill tue ar yg mnjd faktor utama tok alex nak sgt kat dia nie... |
Reply #2322 kakarot's post
it's rite.. tp nak M.U kalo nak beli top player mane pernah dpt.. lg2 young star cam Benzima nie..
cam cth dulu nak beli Ronaldinho last2 g barca.. then target Roben last2 dpt kat chelsick.. torres pon same gak liverfool yg dpt..
kira camni ler kite cr yg kurang persaingan but very talented cam anderson,nani,park,manucho.. list name nie x ramai yg kenal sgt tp menyerlah kat sini..
jgn jd cam veron,forlan,jemban2,kleberson.. semua tu x menjd sgt..
aku rase cam payah jer nak dpt benzima dr buang masa tunggu die baik gilap bakat cam campbell - reseave stiker,england lak tu.. x pon kalo nak wat top up forward cr yg org x target then senyap2 jer antar bid.. |
Reply #2323 aimanutd's post
ya...mu mmg jrng dpt beli player yg top2...tp depa sentiasa produce player yg sgt brkualiti...striker yg terbaru yg bagi jgkaan aku akn top gndingan cambell ngan macheda...depa nie mmg sempoi..lg sorang welbeck...mu kene smpn 3 org nie... |
bring on those negros from emirates!!! |
Reply #2326 Pak_Jen's post
we want negros! we want negros!! |
Karim Benzema has poured cold water on rumours linking him with Manchester United by declaring his intention to stay at Lyon for another year.
another philipe mexes in making.. org tak nak, tok alex pun tak mahu..
Manchester United goalkeeper Ben Foster could make his long-awaited comeback in Thursday's reserve-team clash with Middlesbrough at Northwich
:pompom: :pompom: |
ben arfa pon bukan bagus mane..
asyik rembat ke langit memanjang.. |
Originally posted by thylord at 5-3-2008 10:33 PM 
another philipe mexes in making.. org tak nak, tok alex pun tak mahu..
:pompom: :pompom:
benzema tu farkov-aah.... |
Fletcher comes to the fore
Sir Alex Ferguson has praised Darren Fletcher抯 patience and determination to be an important squad member for United after turning in another impressive performance, this time against Lyon in the Champions League.
Fletcher went about his work quietly but effectively, breaking up Lyon attacks and displaying his wide range of passing, reason enough for Sir Alex to feel justified in leaving Paul Scholes on the bench.
揑t was a big decision because Scholes |
Reply #2332 hasribus's post
hahaha mane bole lupe..
cuma haku ckp pasal game semalam..
buat nye rembatan dia sume on target..
kelam kelibut vds..haku nengok dia rilek jer semalam.. |
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