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Author: Parit.Hilton

Fazura bercium di KLIA? UPDATE: Fazura jual fake handbag!

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:44 PM | Show all posts
salmeah posted on 17-5-2014 10:38 AM
Tak yah layan saiko tu

oi saiko, i am not going to dance to you tune ok? u n lofa can go fly kite somewhere

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmeah posted on 17-5-2014 05:40 PM
Dah takde isu Pasal Lola hal yg lama pun jadi LA lepas rindu

Sheolls minat lofa sebenarnya..tu yg gigih tau story mory pasal lofa.


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Post time 17-5-2014 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 17-5-2014 10:30 AM
pasal kes kena halau hotel dan kRU konon2 tolong ni, ada keluarkan artikel dulu, semua  ...

aku mia 3 tahun apa n gossiping is not my forte or my fav board until now so 1 soalan tolong jawab, who starts the twitter row?

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sape ada link thread lama2 pasal dua org ni pls tepekkkk. Bleh buat peneman malam ni i standby lagi. Sobbbs.

Ke bleh search? Lol. Nampak sgt newbie

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:49 PM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 05:46 PM
aku mia 3 tahun apa n gossiping is not my forte or my fav board until now so 1 soalan tolong jawab ...

rajin2 sekodeng thread2 lama fake pada tahun 2011, yg start of kos la fake. ... oyal-after-all.html Last edited by Santeira on 17-5-2014 05:52 PM


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Post time 17-5-2014 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Ko rindu lopa yek nacan

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Air muka fake ni da nmpk sgt kesan muka yg penuh dgn hasad dengki

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Ko rindu lopa yek nacan

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Post time 17-5-2014 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 05:46 PM
aku mia 3 tahun apa n gossiping is not my forte or my fav board until now so 1 soalan tolong jawab ...

So the whole story about lofa kena kurung in the hotel room that you were so eager to mention tu is based on what exactly?

It's weird because you came to the conclusion that lofa was having an affair of sort in that hotel room yet you're not sure, because tmj or lisa did not confide in you?  Yet you're so eager to back up fake walaupun pics dia membirah sana sini is all over the place?? So concrete evidence in your boring little mind is one based on hearsay?

I almost nak rasa sorry for you there. But that would be a waste of brain cells.

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Yuna.90 posted on 17-5-2014 07:59 AM
Kek belacan aka fazura aka bff fazura aka ape2 je lah.. Tak payah nak tegak benang yang basah dan ta ...

MN siapa lah ni......semata2 register sebab marah i bekap fazura kan? apa benang basah yg i tegak kan? dia bercium so mana video nya? dia jual inspired i beli apa masalah nya? i hentam lofa hipo budget cam bagus consider meroyan busuk hati dengan life lofa lah ye? kalau lofake baik sangat sempurna sangat takde la gosip2 liar / pics xsenonoh kan? so terbukti lofa lagi teruk guna ugama jual abaya dan tudong tapi berpakaian singkat tak malu sampai nampak anak seluar.....haters tu semua korang pakistan jer dan wartawan tu pun mesti dari metro tempat notanelopak tak pun wartawan perdana yg kena saman tu. org lain ok jer

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:07 PM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 06:01 PM
MN siapa lah ni......semata2 register sebab marah i bekap fazura kan? apa benang basah yg i tegak  ...

yg nampak spender tu tahun 2010 kot. dia jual tudung dan abaya tahun 2014. manusia tak boleh berubah ke?

ok la kot dr fake umo 30 lebih masih gigih clubbing mcm muda2 remaja gitu, dgn seluar pendek dan bikini top. fake pun ada gambar nampak spender juga.

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:09 PM | Show all posts

all hail the queen!

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:10 PM | Show all posts
mzzenma posted on 17-5-2014 02:03 AM
Yang lahar fake bukan team pakistan ja, team manusia bijak belaka yang tak layan erotic literature ...

so buku tu yg faz baca yg korang kata tak baca sebab korang mengaku bijak so mcm mana jadi best seller n highly recommended? the whole world salah ke korang yg salah?

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:13 PM | Show all posts
mzzenma posted on 17-5-2014 10:16 AM
If putting people down is what you define as having a good life, then fake is definitely #thehappi ...

putting your words in my mouth
so shallow n screw up
korang punya geng gak kan yg kata dia tahu jalan2 jer berholiday
nanti aku beklog balik apa yg aku refer tu

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 06:10 PM
so buku tu yg faz baca yg korang kata tak baca sebab korang mengaku bijak so mcm mana jadi best se ...

You obviously don't go out a lot now, do you? Pergi bookstore and see how many books actually have best seller written on the cover. Banyak okehh. And there's an entire section in the star on books, and the best selling chart changes on biweekly basis.

Simply because a book is best selling does not mean it's good. It means many people buy the book. If there's a rank for how many books get thrown into the bin, you'll be surprised.

Your mentality is weird...and ignorant.

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 06:13 PM
putting your words in my mouth
so shallow n screw up
korang punya geng gak kan yg kata dia tahu ...

Errr...and your point is?

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Post time 17-5-2014 06:29 PM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 17-5-2014 06:10 PM
so buku tu yg faz baca yg korang kata tak baca sebab korang mengaku bijak so mcm mana jadi best se ...

since when popularity is equal to quality? LOL

Katrina Passick Lumsden's review Dec 04, 13

[url=]1 of 5 stars[/url]
Read from June 01 to 02, 2012

What in the hell just happened? Did I really read that? Oh, my god, I did. I did read that.

Meet Anastasia Steele:

Ana is just a giant mess of a human being. She's insecure to the point of it being laughable, 'klutzy' (even though she only trips twice in the entire book), and a complete ditz. She's a virgin (of course) who's never taken any sexual interest in anyone before. Right. I'm fairly certain there hasn't been a woman this naive since 'round about 1954. At one point, she thinks putting her hair in pigtails will keep her safe from Christian's lusty advances. fxxkin' really? She "flushes" constantly, and on several occasions referred to her hoo-hoo-naughty place as "downthere."

Next, we have Christian Grey:

Christian is a misogynistic, self-loathing, abusive piece of shit. Apparently, his only redeeming qualities are, in this order; his ridiculous good looks, his money, and his giant penis. The only time Ana seems to like him as a person is when he's being "lovable", and those times are few and far between. Most of the time he's serious, brooding, and threatening. How charming.

I knew from the very first line this wasn't going to be good.

"I scowl with frustration at myself in the mirror."

It was cemented that early, my deep, deep dislike for this moronic, simpering asxxxle. Your hair won't behave? Guess what?

My suspicions were confirmed a few pages later when Ana admits that any "sympathy" she feels for her sick friend is "unwelcome". Unwelcome, apparently because her friend is beautiful, even when she has the flu...? What a petty, jealous cunt.

The only thing that made the first 4% of this book tolerable was the fact that I read it aloud to my younger brother, and his frequent commentary was amusingly distracting. Once he gave up, however, I had to travel the rest of the road alone. What a painful journey it was.

My first impressions of Ana were bad (deservedly so). What were my first impressions of Christian? Well...

That's how I felt about Christian Grey. From the beginning. Any time an author tries to sell me on a character's "charm" by waxing hormonal about how "ridiculously good-looking" he is, I snicker inwardly. I can't think why....


Anyway, after reading about the description of Christian's building (hello, first penis metaphor), I had to sit through the awful dialogue between these smarmy idiots and hope beyond hope that something, anything, would distract me enough to see me through to the end. Turns out, I found something about 15% through. I went back and counted, and kept track throughout the rest of the book, and do you have any idea how many fxxkxxxg times Ana said "Oh my" in this monumentally bad missive? Do you? I'll tell you; 79! 79 motherfxxkxxxg times. "He pulled me back against his chest...oh my." "He began kissing a trail down my belly, oh my." "He's an insufferable douchenozzle,oh my!" (I'm just thankful that neither lions, tigers, nor bears were brought into this mess at any point.)

About halfway through, I wished I'd been keeping track of the word "crap" because Ana is constantly saying/thinking it. Crap, Holy Crap, Double and Triple Crap, Oh Crap, This Crap, That Crap, any and all Crap. Speaking of crap, if I ever, ever ever have to hear/read the words "inner goddess" again, I'm going to construct a pyre out of tampons and maxi pads, light it, and toss unsuspecting women into it.

^My inner goddess will cap yours in the face if you don't shut the fxxk up^

I'm sorry, I just couldn't take any of this seriously. His playroom. His playroom? Really?

Or how about his weird-ass issues with food? He wants the girl slim and in shape, yet he won't stop trying to force her to eat!

I simply love the attempt E.L. James made at giving these pathetic shells personalities. Ana wears Converse, drives a vintage car, and likes classic British lit. *Yawn* haven't heard any of that before. And Christian; we know Christian's super deep and sophisticated because he plays the piano and listens to obscure classical music. This is how we know Edward Christian is really just a lost soul in need of love; his love of music. Everyone knows that no one threatening listens to music. Music lovers just aren't capable of doing anything bad.

^Surprise! Psychos like music, too.^

Since this is considered nothing more than "mommy porn", I will attempt to pander to that particular demographic for a moment. Were the sex scenes well-written? Well, none of it was particularly well-written. The sex scenes could be kind of...honestly, they were kind of boring. I've had more exciting sex myself, so I guess reader response to the sex scenes is dependent on reader experience. There's nothing revolutionary here, and a lot of it is just plain unrealistic. I mean, come on, he pretty much jackhammers her hymen and she walks away with nothing more than a passing, pleasant soreness? Riiiight. How about the time he gives her a handjob with a soapy washcloth? Hello? Apparently neither one of them has ever heard of a urinary tract infection. Oh, or we could talk about her first time giving Christian a blowjob, during which Ana established herself as some kind of Queen of Deepthroat.

Anyone wanna hear about the tampon scene? Oh, you've already heard about the tampon scene? Yeah, same here, although hearing about it and reading the actual scene are a bit different. For some reason, you imagine it being worse than it actually is, while at the same time, reading about it is more horrifying than you could possibly imagine.

"He reaches between my legs and pulls on the blue string...what! And...gently pulls my tampon out and tosses it into the nearby toilet."

Look, I'm not against sex during menses, but a guy plucking out a girl's tampon? Yeah, gross. I'm not a prude, but there are certain lines people just shouldn't cross. What makes it worse is that Christian is just thrilled that Ana's raggin' because he hates using condoms.

Apparently, Mr. GinormoDick doesn't know that a woman can get pregnant while on her period. Which is hilarious considering all the teaching and training he's doing to remedy Ana's sexual ignorance.

Sexual dependence, thy name is Anastasia Steele. We're supposed to believe that this girl has gone 21 years neither having had sex nor masturbating? Hm. Well, Christian's supposed sexual prowess makes a bit more sense now, as does Ana's assertion that he has a giant bologna wand. She has absolutely zero experience, and she's never once had anything "in there". Thing could be the size of a baby carrot and she'd still be like, "Oh, my glob! How is it ever going to fit?!"

It's good that she stockpiled all those potential orgasms, though, because now she's capable of having like, 15 a day or something. It's ridiculous. Come to think of it, Christian's obsession with her eating habits makes a bit more sense now. She was probably beginning to look like something out of a horror movie.

Seriously, though, are we going to take the word of a girl who is apparently so undersexed she's never even masturbated? I guess I can sort of understand this obsession with some kind of an awakening, but...really? "Oh, he's soooo good in bed!" How the hell would she know?! She has absolutely nothing with which to compare, not even her own damn hand!

Now I'll be totally honest, the biggest issue I have with Fifty Shades of Shit is neither the sex nor the horrible writing. It's the plot. Thin as it is, it's still there, its core message being that, given enough time, you can change someone. While I don't have any problem with this if all you're trying to do is help them to lose weight or quit smoking, when you're talking about an emotionally and (dangerously close to) physically abusive relationship, sending that kind of message is ridiculous and irresponsible. Christian is controlling, possessive, condescending, and cruel. He doesn't allow Ana to behave as she normally would, and Ana just puts up with it, insistent that if she can give him what he wants, when he wants, as often as he wants, she can eventually begin to pull his strings. Will it work? In the books, probably. In real life? No. Almost never. How many misguided women are going to waste their lives on some emotionally retarded prick because they've read shit like this and think this kind of fxxked-up fairytale will come true for them? I've known women with this mentality. "Oh, he's so dark and dangerous and threatening, but he's got a sad, lonely side, and if I could just figure out what's wrong, I could change him!"

Wake the fxxk up! He may be hot, he may have a huge dick, he may even be rich, that doesn't make him a good person. It doesn't even make him a potentially good person. Quit.Being.A.fxxkxxxg.Idiot. (Look, I can make my words Staccato like Christian. Now hold still while I choke you until you pass out...)

^Ana and Christian^ - "I said don't roll your eyes at me!!"

Christian stalks Ana (which she turns into a fxxkxxxg joke), and whispers things to her "threateningly". She's constantly afraid he's going to beat the crap out of her, and with good reason as he, on more than one occasion, tells her he's going to/wants to.

Potential rape is downplayed. Ana's friend, Jake Jose, starts pushing himself on her rather vehemently when they're both drunk. Ana repeatedly says no, but Jose just keeps trying to go in for the kill. Admiral Chaps busts on up with his riding crop, however, and saves her. Ana (understandably) avoids Jose for a while after that, and when her other friend asks her why, all Ana says is, "He made a pass at me." Later on, she and Jose are friends again, the "attempted kiss" forgotten. *Sigh*

Rapists appear to be a theme. Christian tells Ana that he gets off on having complete and total control over another person. This is not just in the bedroom, but in Ana's overall life. On several occasions, he fails to yield when Ana says no, plunging on regardless, assured she'll like whatever he does, anyway, so why bother stopping?

And there are women out there who think this is romantic.

I wish you the best of luck, ladies. May you get everything your hearts desire And when your dreamboats start giving you black eyes and pushing you down stairs, don't come crying to me.

By the way, for all you ladies bustin' out your toys while daydreaming about Hunky Mr. Grey, I want you to do something for me. It'll only take a moment. Close your eyes. Think about all the things Christian Grey does in the book. Not just those supposed sweet things, but really, everything. His condescension, his control, his insane jealousy, his threats.....and now....imagine he looks like this:

Still turned on?

The end of the book was absolutely hilarious, with Ana fleeing in emotional tumult because Christian can't give her what she needs (love! *sniff*).

And we're treated to her alternately being angry about the pain and humiliation she faced at Christian's hands, and chastisingherself for being a failure and for being mean to Christian. It really is classic abuse mentality. Yet I see her being touted by some as "strong and independent".

It's this kind of ignorant trash that sets feminism back decades. Women who defend this book are, however unwittingly, participating in some of the most blatant misogyny I've ever witnessed, giving the impression that some women enjoy being debased, abused, and controlled (outside of a consensual Dom/sub relationship). This is not a book about BDSM, this is a book about one sick, abusive man and his obsession with a young, naive invertebrate. It's a book about a girl who has absolutely no sense of self, who sacrifices any pretense of individuality in order to hold onto a man who doesn't even show her the faintest glimmer of respect. It's about two attention-starved individuals with the emotional maturity of toilet paper convincing themselves that their relationship is 'like, the best thing ever, OMG'. It's trite, insulting, and dangerous. I fear for any impressionable young women who read this and think thatthis is how an ideal relationship should operate. If nothing else, it should be issued as a guidebook to mothers around the world to show their daughters the kind of man to avoid at all costs. This book does good men (and indeed, all of humanity) a disservice.


A bestseller. They're thinking of turning it into a movie....I can't....

Word Count:
"Oh My" - 79
"Crap" - 101
"Jeez" - 82
"Holy (shit/fxxk/crap/hell/cow/moses)" - 172
"Whoa" - 13
"Gasp" - 34
"Gasps" - 11
"Sharp Intake of Breath" - 4
"Murmur" - 68
"Murmurs" - 139
"Whisper" - 96
"Whispers" - 103
"Mutter" - 28
"Mutters" - 23
"Fifty" - 16
"Lip" - 71
"Inner goddess" - 58
"Subconscious" - 82

Click here for my review of Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades, #2).


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Post time 17-5-2014 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Anyhoo...gua rasa sape2 yang karatsss retis mmg ngek...sbb retis tu sepatutnya adalah for entertainment jah...hipo x yah citer la khennn..cover bagai..konon baikk,sopan,close dgn family yada yada yada.that's just how they portray themselves je.i just dont see the point of backing them up..pathetic tau

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Post time 17-5-2014 07:22 PM | Show all posts
mzzenma posted on 17-5-2014 11:19 AM
You obviously don't go out a lot now, do you? Pergi bookstore and see how many books actually ha ...

i dont go bookstore anymore n why should i if the people i met r more interesting, knowledgeable n can impart tips that u cant get from the books. u think people write about how they make money? u really think it is the truth? u think u can be a better lover by reading sexual books, videos etc? u really think everthg u need to know u do by reading or google up? n the rest of yr life is dedicated to forum life n idolising who else?

oh what a nerd life....pray that u dont die a virgin. u practically live yr life by theories. sorry ye, u r not married right? better do otherwise u will see other people as weird n ignorant..............scary eee Last edited by kekbelacan on 17-5-2014 01:19 PM


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Post time 17-5-2014 07:44 PM | Show all posts
mzzenma posted on 17-5-2014 06:21 PM
Errr...and your point is?

Her/his points are full of craps obviously

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