Balas #220 RikimaruNerDz\ catat
so ape cite? senyap je |
annyeong unnie!
long time no see eh
anyway, smlm kakak bangkitkn 1 soklan.
die tnye sy x nk amik TESL ke. sy ckp la
sy x reti nk aja org. tpi die kte x smstinye
jdi cikgu, leh jdi lecturer. so i nk tanye ur
opinion about TESL ni. ari tu cikgu de ckp
yg TESL ni best, lgi pon skrg ni kurg guru
bi. cikgu ckp kt stu klas tpi pndg sy lbey
kakak tnye gk subjek pe yg sy slalu score.
sy antara account ngan english, slalu score
english lagik. die tnye sy mnat x. klo diikutkan,
my passion towards english smkn lame smakin
bercambah. is it a positive sign? what do u think?
btw, pe beza TESL ngan TESOL?
hope sspe sudi reply before tuesday.
nti da kne blik asrama |
cassiopeia ambik TESL kat U mana skrg? Sem brapa?
By the way, Riki apply je dip TESL kat Unisel tu...assigment2 nya takde la susah mana just wat evaluation and critical study je..tak susah mana pun compared to assignment cos2 pendidikan lain cam BM & PJPK yang memang menyeksa jiwa...TESL la kos paling relax antara kos2 pendidikan lain...ada course yang kene belakon teater etc..tu yg best...nanti dah habis dip and nak sambung degree, apply TESL kat UPM tau coz it offers the best syllabus and has the best lecturers such as Dr Malachi Edwin Vethamani.. |
Balas #222 Zaheera\ catat
yea..u've been so busy eh?
hm, to tell the truth, i really dont know what to say.
i think u sendiri tau kisah hidup i, dan ttg nape i pilih english.
i pun dulu2 tak ske jadik teacher. in fact, i hate teachers (u know why right? or maybe u dah lupa nape but takpela)
mmg btol leh pilih macam2 kerjaya. bukan stakat teacher, lecturer je, macam2 lagi!
u dulu ckp u mmg minat account kan, skg u rasa u minat english plak? well, u really have to ask ur heart yg mana satu u mmg betol2 minat. sebab pasal minat ni, semua org takleh tolong.
i cannot say u kena amik tesl sebab i rasa mesti seronok dan senang untuk u.
what if u amik tesl then later u sedar u tak bape minat or takleh ikut?
tapi, sama jugak, what if u amik account then later u sedar yg minat u mmg dah berubah kepada english?
so, this is the time to make ur own choice. tahun ni tahun penting untuk u, u kena wat pilihan yg u rasa u akan terus minat dan akan dapat melakukan segalanya untuk berjaya dalam bidang yg u pilih tu.
bukan apa, ramai kawan i satu course dulu dah ubah masuk course lain. dorg cakap, rupanya tesl tu bukanla seperti yg dorg jangkakan. i cuma taknak u buat pilihan mengikut ckp cikgu, kawan or family...like them.
u have to make ur own choice.
but anyway, if u really dont know what to do or want to talk more about it, just ask me ok.
jangan lupa, i akan slalu tolong u setakat yg i mampu. *hugs*
u online kat msn tak? |
Balas #223 Rhyno\ catat
hi rhyno~
cassio lom pi mana2 lagik. skang just lepak2 kat umah.
haha..rasa best lak takyah study.
mana nak dapat cuti yg se tenang sebegini..takyah pikir pasal courseworks, etc. LOL
anyway, kalu nak apply masok UPM kena masuk tahun depan kan? |
Reply #224 cassiopeia's post
yeah, da skola kt Sban
blik jek bleh on9 lelame
erm honestly x ingt lgi kot
to tell the truth, i dlu 'ingt' i ske akaun.
sbb actully cite2 nk jdi doktor tpi as i
grew up, i seda i x leh bedah org
so tuka la mnat len. pastu tingin nk
jdi cam mak, jdi pgawai bank. dlu i
igt pgwai bank tu akauntan huhu
time f4, de 4 kli exam akaun. i gagal 2.
gagal kli pertame tu sbb i x de dlm klas
mse ckgu aja bab plg penting (g klinik
sbb pitam kt tangga ) pastu mmg
x phm langsung bab tu. taun ni bru le
akaun i elok. sib baik da insaf huhu
my sister slalu advise i psl bnd2 U ni. die x nk
i jdi cam die. gave up bnd plg die mnt n ikut
kte ayh. die nyesal gle skrg n die x nk bnd yg
sme jdi kt i. ari tu pon die de encourage i amik
TESL sbb kt Msia ni kurg cikgu BI ktenye huhu.
last month, i made up my mind between two;
accountancy @ psychology. ktorg 1 family dok
sembang psl tertiary education. die byk dok
ckp psl my twin pnye bdg (civil engeneering)
& seolah-olah i mmg da dtetapkan jdi akauntan
later, i tnye ayh, klo nk masuk bdg plek
sket bleh x? ble i ckp psychology, die
gelak. die kte tu x byk kje n x de kje
dkt2 cni. mle2 i mmg cam marah tpi
ble pk2 blik, de btol gak pe yg die ckp
tu. i tnye kzen2 tpi dorg nyokong huhu
i still have a few months to think and
do research about it. need to have
some info sblm ckp ngan ayh
i online la dri pgi smpai tgh hari td.
pastu x on sgt sbb siblings yg len
men plak. lgipon i smbung stadi.
anyway, i abis paper 1 Dec ni tpi
kne tunggu my twin abis paper
2 Dec. n i dgr rumour blik 3 Dec.
x tau la tpi somewhere around tht.
sorry sbb pnjg. sok pgi da kne nek bas.
Dec bru balik. nnti i msuk cni balik ^_^
see you later then unnie, take
care and wish me luck *hugs* |
Balas #226 Zaheera\ catat
apepun unnie suggest u just blaja leklok skg.
do ur best untuk spm nanti and then u baru fikir nak pilih mana.
dont worry, ada masa lagi nak pikir nanti.
P/S - pasal apa akak u ckp tu, itu jugakla apa yg terjadik kat i dulu. nasib baik hanya time skolah dulu.
anyway kalu sampai skg pun gitu, i takkan dengar dah ckp dorg. becoz this is my life, and i want to do
what i WANT to do. apa guna blaja benda yg kita taknak? seksa je. i dulu paksa2 pun ttp tak score
subject2 tu. bukan takat depressed gile, masa pun byk rugi dan ..ah..semuanya RUGI je la! -_-
akhirnya dorg paham yg i mmg takleh di paksa pun. lol. although skg pun dorg still paksa i
dalam perkara lain, yg pasti dorg takleh paksa i ubah impian i. |
hype sumew!!
sowiee cass kerna sudah lama nyepii..
fuuhh~ giller ar ayat..
x dew ar.. riki da apply da UNiSEL.
riki nak gak masok UPM after thisz...
eMM.. riki mmg suke gler kt english~~
hahax~!! nak tlg bangse sendiri..
kesian nenok my pwen sume..
T.T |
x gilew deyhhh~~ waras agy niey..
kalo x brape nak waras cmne maw berforum??
iskk..cass~!! agak2 jaoh ark hostel uh dgn fkultii..???
kalo jalan ley kematu ark kaky??
P/s: erkk?? mmg gni gayew daku menulishhh~!! |
Balas #230 RikimaruNerDz\ catat
erm, tgk jugak lecturer nak wat kelas katne..
kekadang ada kelas yg jauh2...haha
tapi biasanya kalu amik tesl , fsp..dekat gile..haha
for me i think dekat la... |
Balas #230 RikimaruNerDz\ catat
alo riki~~
so..pe cite? |
senyap betul semua ye.. |
Balas #234 ombakjahat\ catat
halo~ |
me masuk smlm
tpi x tau nk post pe huhu
me serius nk amik TESL ni
hopefully result ok ^^
time wat directed writing tu hepi jek
me de mslh nk timing 1j utk section tu
but my teacher, pas trial tu bgi kitorg sok2ln DW
mse me jwb DW utk SPM, hepi jek sbb cukup sejam
me amik fully stu cte yg me tulis, cume tuka ayt 1st
tu la sokln yg me amik mse 2 weeks nk abiskn
bukan pe, nk pk ending pnye la susah
asyik x btol jek ble pk2 |
Balas #236 Zaheera\ catat
okey le tu. ^^
result mesti okay, don't worry too much. <3
dapat soklan camne? |
Reply #237 cassiopeia's post
erm jap2 kne pk balik
dah lupe
me wat DW yg story
something about friendship |
Balas #238 Zaheera\ catat
oo..bagus la tu.
haha..baru je lepas dah lupa..
ehem...tapi unnie pun dah lupa gak..
tapiiiii....boleh dimaapkan laieee...dah lama spm unnie.. xD |
Reply #239 cassiopeia's post
lupa sbb hepi sgt
time trial tu x sempat abiskn DW
trus trn gred kecewa btol my teacher
u mmg la
klo u ingt mmg i tabik
i pon da lupe soklan PMR
unnie, u kje lgi ke skrg?
i ingt nk start carik info psal TESL from now on~ |
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Category: Belia & Informasi