stryker ade dlm neh... waa |
Peminat Cerita Korea kene gi tengok pasal Daniel Henney from Seducing Mr Perfect dan My Lovely Sam-Soon belakon gak..Jadi Agent Zero aka David North..  |
baru balik from watching the movie.it was cool la..tatau nape ade bad review.ruginya tak tunggu sampai abes credit.tgk sampai striker tu je.. ..
suka wade..hehe.. |
Balas #216 True-X\ catat
aiyo yo i guess i missed this logan at bar scene.
overall i think its okay but of course they exaggerated wolverines power.
aku tak tau sgt but my bf and his friends mmg follow comics ni semua depa kata they tukar banyak gila and they were pissed.hahaha.
i enjoyed the movie tho.i kasi 3/5 |
aku xtgk lg..
tp aku rasa aku tau nape bad reviews..byk sgt yg dia ubah dr komik-die hard fan xsuka beb..
aku cuma nak tgk aku mmg suka wolverine,and evenmore sbb kali ni je ade gambit. |
sbg org yg tak baca komik tu... aku cukup puas hati ngn film ni..... hehhehe
Pada aku besh la citer ni..not bad..aku tgu smpai credit abes.
Scene logan kt japan.
Nape la xkuar scene lg 1. Katenye scene deadpool hidup lg smbil pegang kepala dia yang dah putus. Mesti besh. |
muka gambit mcm muka tarabas |
rasa macam..nak gie tgk balik..hehehe |
nak tanya sket bleh tak kat sini? you guys kalau subscribe premium account for direct download kan, prefer rapidshare or mega upload? |
aper yg beza sangat yg citer download ngan final punya kat panggung wayang... buleh kabor tak? |
sapa leh bgtau sapa mutant2 yg dikenalpasti ms wolverine lps kan diorg dr cage tu |
bleh thn gak cite neh
sbb aku x minat pon x-men dlu2
ade daniel henney,ryan reynolds, yg ptg hugh jackman
x bleh blah ade will i am
aku curik dvd abg aku |
br je tgk citer ni td..best la gak! tp scene gambit cam sket sngt..xpuas..hehe
agen zero!!
nk tgk lg!!haha
me bg 4/5.. |
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