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Author: se7enstarz

KOREAN POP NIGHT ~ 31 Dec 08 @ ASTRO CH 713 @ 2PM & 11.30PM

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Post time 12-11-2008 06:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #220 se7enstarz's post

oo...seben yg kat escalator tu ke??
best tol..
tp mesti orng tu sedeh kan sbb pikir"wagghh..orng tak kenal aku..!"(dlm bahasa korea la..)hehehe
saye jealous...!!jealous!!

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Post time 12-11-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #221 fatuz179's post

tu laa... rasa bersalah gile...

seben.. me officially morris fan dah skrg... huhuhu.

dah dpt address dia kat korea nun.. nak bagi surat chenta...

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Post time 25-12-2008 07:01 PM | Show all posts

MTV showing Korean Pop Night @ Singapore [31 Dec]

betul ke post kat sini?
kalau salah sorry.

Date: 31st December 2008
Time: 2pm, 11.30pm
Channel: MTV Asia - 713 (Astro)

* Show Summary

Ina bid to strengthen and celebrate the friendship between Korea andSingapore, the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Embassy ofthe Republic of Korea hosted a K-POP extravaganza on November 4, at theSingapore Indoor Stadium, featuring eminent pop-stars and buddingtalents from Korea in a cultural outreach campaign to youths, studentsand Korean Wave ("Hallyu") fans in Singapore.

Organized by KoreaCulture & Content Agency, the concert featured 9 popular Koreanartists such as the Wonder Girls, Chae Yeon, Andy (from Shinhwa), JunJin (from Shinhwa), V.O.S., Jewelry, U-Kiss, 2PM and Kim Jong Wook.Most of them have played to thousands of fans at sold-out concerts allover the world and their debut here was no exception.

About the Korean Artists

Wonder Girls
- 2007 Debut
- 2008 5th K-POP Music Awards, won Best Dancing & Electronic Music Awards

Thesecute, sexy and talented 5 girls made their debut in 2007 with a songcalled "irony". They are leading trends among the youth with theirfascinate styles. Won 5th K-POP Music Awards in 2008 and Best Dancing& Electronic Music Awards as well. Newly released song called"Nobody" is extremely huge hit in Korea nowadays.

Chae Yeon

- 2003 Debut with the song "It's My Time"
- 2006 SBS POP Music Battle, won Best Female Dancer
- 2006 April, the First Astronaut Project Honorary Publicity Ambassador

Oneof the most sexy female singers, Chae Yon made her debut with a songcalled "It's My Time." Since her debut, she has stayed active andworked to acquire her own attributes as she made appearances in TV showhosts, took commercials and many other entertainment fields. Won BestFemale Dancer Prize of SBS POP Music Battle in 2006.


- 1998 Debut as a member of Shinhwa
- Recorded 8 Shinhwa Albums & 4 Solo Albums
- On the Korean variety TV Program Let's Get Married

Andymade his debut as a member of Shinhwa in 1998, which consists of 6 goodlooking male artists, participating in 8 albums. He started to producehis own music making 4 solo albums. Now he is already famous in themost popular TV Programs and commercials in Korea.

Jun Jin
- 1998 Debut as a member of Shinhwa
- On the Korean variety TV Program Unlimited Challenge

Madedebut in 1998 as a member of Shinhwa, started diverse activities on thevarious entertainment fields including the most famous Korean comedy TVshow called Challenge against Infinity.

- 2004 Debut with the song "The Real"
- 2008 won the 17th Seoul K-POP Awards

V.O.S.,which stands for Voice of Soul, consists of 3 male vocal singers withbeautiful voices. Made debut with a song called "The Real" in 2004 andkeep vigorous performances in Korean Music Industry winning 17th SeoulK-POP Awards in 2008.


- 2001 Debut with the song "Discovery"
- 2005 won the SBS K-POP Awards and other prizes

Consistsof 4 female artists who are famous for their sexy performances on thestage. Since their debut in 2001 with a song called "Discovery", eachmember of Jewelry has continuously been loved for their distinguishingcharacteristics. Their break into Japanese market and other Asiancountries proved their promising career.

- 2008 Debut with the Single Album N-Generation

Consistsof 6 male performers, newly made their debut in 2008 with Single AlbumN-Generation, and starts to be in entertainment activity brisklytriggering public attention.

- 2008 Debut with the Single Album Hottest Time of the Day

Consistsof 7 male performers, making debut with single album Hottest Time ofThe Day in 2008. These promised rookies of JYP entertainments attractpublic with their debut with 2AM who are under the same roof of WonderGirls. They start to be noted by their active performance on the stage.

Kim Jong Wook

- 2007 Debut with the song "oor Love"
- 2007 Entertainment & Art Awards Rookie of the Year

Madedebut in 2007 with a song called "oor Love," have been loved by publicbecause of his smooth ballad songs & sweet voice winning the Rookieof the Year Prize of Entertainment & Art Awards in 2007.

Source: MTV Asia

[ Last edited by  arincute92 at 25-12-2008 07:03 PM ]

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Post time 25-12-2008 07:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 arincute92's post

owhh..korean pop night...nih mesti sempena nak countdown gak nih....
wonder girls bwk 2 lagu xsilap..tell me ngan nobody...kan??

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Post time 25-12-2008 08:28 PM | Show all posts
ala, awat nyer tyg kat MTV. mmg sah2 la aku x dpt nk tgk sbb kat rumah aku xder package variety nih!!

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Post time 25-12-2008 08:58 PM | Show all posts
ak pon x dpt tgk gk r gamatnyer.xbeli channel nih.

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Post time 26-12-2008 12:09 AM | Show all posts
SHINee tak de kan? SHINee tak de aku tamo tengok

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 01:20 AM | Show all posts
la dh tempeks news nih kt sini ek?  seben bru nk tempeks kt rmh kpop night... hehe...advance la ko nih...

mintak tlg mod mergekn bod nih kt sini aje yek?

[ Last edited by  se7enstarz at 26-12-2008 02:00 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HideGulz at 26-12-2008 12:09 AM
SHINee tak de kan? SHINee tak de aku tamo tengok

ko nih lawok la hide (tul ke seben panggey ko nih... ) ko pki ayat recyle jek ek?  nih yg ko post kt rmh kpop night pd 23 Oct 08...

hurm... SHINee takde kan? SHINee takde me tamou pegi... muahahahaha

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Post time 26-12-2008 01:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 se7enstarz's post

wakakakak..........  hebat ko mengorek ayat lama aku   aku pun tak sedo aku ade post ayat yang serupa   pe nak buat wey... kehidupan aku hanya dikelilingi oleh SHINee jek Tak de dorang tak de makna ler aku nak perabih duit gi konsert or tgk show kat tv.. hahaha

p/s: My "Hide" curik dari nickname Hidetoshi Nakata~ Jgn plak pronounce "Hide" = "Menyorok"........ tak seswai hokey~

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 01:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 HideGulz's post

hait, wakarima$hita!  seben tau nk sebut guane sbb ko dh mention kt intro dak2 SO tuh...seben tak suh ko semuyik pong...

kompem la ko nih kipas susah nk mati SHINEe... klu dowang dtg cons kpop ni tawun dpn agak2 ko sanggup ke terjah spore nk nengok dowang?  lagu2 dowang dlm album amigo tuh not bad gak ek?

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Post time 26-12-2008 02:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 se7enstarz's post

cis... hampeh ko   hide n seek permainan kegemaran time kecik~ *merapu*

erks... leh la kata kipas susah mati   thanks kat SHINee ler den baru kenal sapa tu TVXQ, WG, 2PM, FT Island... bla bla bla... Siyes, aku minat K-Pop after SHINee pye debut   sebelum ni aku layan JVK-Rock, J-Pop  jek

Kalo depa wat konsert kat sini, Singapore ke or Thailand (pastikan takde riot kat lapangan terbang   ) dan ditambah plak ngan jadual kerja aku yang free, mmg sah sah aku sanggup pi. Oh, next year bulan 5 aku gi Korea.. hehehe.. leh sambut 1 year of SHINee anniversary? hope so.... ekekekekeke~

Album AMIGO? ekekek... aku dok repeat cd tu sampai dah naik muak

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Post time 26-12-2008 09:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 arincute92's post

wah nie tayang kat mtv ker?.. nasib baik ak langgan canel nie

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Post time 26-12-2008 10:53 AM | Show all posts
ft island , big bang xde ea....

wah ade wonder girl, 2PM lar....

smbt new year kat s'gp0re la d0rg ek......

[ Last edited by  se-Na at 26-12-2008 10:56 AM ]

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Post time 26-12-2008 12:39 PM | Show all posts yg seben pg tgk hr tu kan??

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 03:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 fatuz179's post

yup, ari yg penuh bersejarah tuh ler...

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Post time 26-12-2008 03:45 PM | Show all posts
me jumpa link ni tp file dia rmvb... susah ler nk convert, kalo ade sapa2 taw mcm mana nk convert tolong bgtaw ok.. ni kuar kat channel s'pore... singapore korean night

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HideGulz at 26-12-2008 02:05 AM
cis... hampeh ko   hide n seek permainan kegemaran time kecik~ *merapu*
erks... leh la kata kipas susah mati   thanks kat SHINee ler den baru kenal sapa tu TVXQ, WG, 2PM, FT Island... bla  ...

dak2 SHINEe tuh mmg talented arr...seben waser mmg dowang akan sukses dlm bidang nih...chewah... dgor2 kater kpop cons kt spore nih akan jd annual kompem la seben terjah lg ke saner walau sesaper pn yg dtg...seben dh masukkn event nih dlm planner seben...

wah, bestnyer ko nk melencung ke tanah ayer oppadel... selamat berjln la yek?  klu ader oppa & dongsaeng yg semat2 tuh kasik bungkus bwk balik ek?  wat souvenier kt seben nih...

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Post time 26-12-2008 08:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 se7enstarz's post

woah. annual event?
kalau mcm tu arap2 senang dpt tiket lah.
mmg makan hati ah kpop fans kat malaysia ni. kekeke
takpe2. seb bek sgpore dkt, blh naik bas.
yg susahnye ntah date tu ngam tak ngan mase kite free.

asal KTO malaysia x nak organize gak mende2 camni?

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 Author| Post time 27-12-2008 11:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #17 arincute92's post

dgor2 cam tu ler tp tak kompem lg...tix wise tuh wasernyer klu wat seken event nih dowang lebey 'bijak' kot...haha...takmo jd cam dulu fenin2 seben duk ngejorkn tix...nightmare jgk ler nk dptkn tix time tuh...aissssyyyy...

tu la klu KTO kt msia dgn korean ambassador organize event nih kt msia pn bgs...agaknyer klu ader sponsor atau organizer msia yg approach dowang sure consider kot...event KTO kt spore pn mmg dh masuk dlm planner tourism spore so sebln ader aktiviti psl korea...sonok dowang...siap panggey bboyz lg wat perf, korean food fair, etc

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