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Author: Fie'Z'idane

Betulkah teori ni????

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 04:00 PM
api wrne hitam? tatau pun... ...
x alim kot aku nie... kekeke...

1 thing, api wrne hitam, die bebas haba... Black hole x bebas haba kot....

Jika api tu wrne hitam, it means that it d ...

tentang api warna hitam this is the hadis...

[quote]Rasulullah bersabda : 揂pi neraka dinyalakan seribu tahun hingga memerah, kemudian dinyalakan lagi seribu tahun hingga memutih dan dinyalakan lagi seribu tahun hingga berwarna hitam. Dan jadilah neraka itu gelap pekat.擺/quote] ko ade explaination lain selain dari kemungkinan tarikan graviti kat neraka terlampau kuat cam black hole....just nice!!!

sekarang kemungkinan yg mungkin logic bertambah....thanks...

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #223 ussopp's post

kekeke... i dont get it..?..

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:25 PM | Show all posts
saya sbenarnya meneka bahwa api neraka berwarna hitam adalah kerana tarikan graviti neraka adalah sangat kuat sehingga cahaya tak leh keluar.....
sebab tu saya kata ia somehow sama seperti black hole....

dan aku nak tanya pendapat org disini mengenai hal ini.....

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:25 PM | Show all posts
saya sbenarnya meneka bahwa api neraka berwarna hitam adalah kerana tarikan graviti neraka adalah sangat kuat sehingga cahaya tak leh keluar.....
sebab tu saya kata ia somehow sama seperti black hole....

dan aku nak tanya pendapat org disini mengenai hal ini.....

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #222 aku_EnSeM's post

gaduh apanya... takde masanya aku nak gaduh dgn sapa2... buang masa je...

aku cuma mintak tulis dalam bahasa yang boleh difahamilah...

serius aku tak faham post tu sebab macam jumping everywhere... apa2 pun aku mintak maaf kalau tulisan aku tu tak berapa jelas dan macam tak best...

dalam internet ni mudah salah faham. Sori kalau ada misunderstanding. harap jangan ada yang terasa sebab aku sendiri pun takde terasa apa2..

aku masuk sini pun sebab hami jemput masuk...

so, again, all our perception are coloured by our prior knowledge and indoctrination and you might think that you can understand everything. well you can, but the understanding will be different. When we ask people to explain something, we must be honest with ourselves, are we really wanting to hear and understand the other point of view. Or are we really asking the other to explain it in the way that fit our preferred model of understanding.   

If this are set, there will be no one who'll get offended or whatever.

Why would anyone be offended by a strange nickname and bunch of text?

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Post time 13-6-2008 04:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #225 ussopp's post

ooo... hehehe.. ingatkan pemende r kowang borak dr td...

Erm... nk komen.. klu nk compare features of nerakan n black hole, kene define mne event horizon die... In this case, only people out of the event horizon akan nmpk bende tu hitam, org dalam tu pulak, no one knows. But as far as we concerned, mass breaks up into subatomic particle, or even smaller within the event horizon...

In this case, the thing that is black is the fire. Dan the hadith doesnt mention to whose respect is the fire black. If it is with respect to some body in padang mahsyar or in dunia, then we accept that the hell might be a black hole. However, if the fire is black with respect to humans inside the hell itself, I think we just cant comment more on the nature of the hell.

Now aku nk point out persoalan yg perlu dipertimbangkan.
1: Adakah api itu di dalam neraka, atau adakah neraka itu api?
kalau neraka itu api, then the hell might be a black hole.
kalau neraka itu menyimpan api hitam, i cant say more. but i think if this is the case, hell isn't probably a black hole...

Mungkin kite boleh cari lagi hadith yg bercerita tentang nerakan yg boleh menjawab persoalan di atas...

mcm merapu jer aku ni...

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #221 Agul's post

which bit and it's for Hami... so  u could a sk her for clarification. Which part ?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #228 aku_EnSeM's post

if a mass could be "broken  down" into its smaller sub atomic particle, then i would say that black hole is pretty much acts like an energy  / mass crunching - machine, won't it?
it breaks down the particles meaning, in a sense it gives out energy lah kan? energy releasing  entity as any mass would be having the sam fate as when they go near it?

u reckon?

it can surely absorb light, kan?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #228 aku_EnSeM's post

u got apoint u see...but is it logicakl to equate "neraka" and u know "black Hole "

apa macam Ussop?

dan as we know neraka itu ada degree / tingkat so .....u see it 's rather complicated tak eh?

i am actually really wondering yg what lies beyond the black hole...

and of course another new thing coming thru my mind

what about this  so called " worm hole" ni - from what i gather it is just like a "doorway" to another dimension so..could a black hole being proposed as having the "same" function as the worm hole?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #225 ussopp's post

which part of Quan and hadith would clarify that neraka  is having " tarikan  graviti yg kuat tu? " yg i a bit hmm...sceptic any back ups on this Ussop?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 13-6-2008 05:06 PM
if a mass could be "broken  down" into its smaller sub atomic particle, then i would say that black hole is pretty much acts like an energy  / mass crunching - machine, won't it?
it breaks down  ...

aha... but the thing that releases the energy is the particles themselves, and this energy, in the form of photon will also be attracted into black hole.. So no energy or mass are released from the mass that goes into the black hole. However, black holes do radiate particles according to Hawking Radiation.

So if hell is purely blackhole, it will somehow die..

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #232 mbhcsf's post

aha.. no part in The Quran and hadith says that. I think usopp concludes that hell has strong gravitational force due to the black colour of its flame.

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 05:19 PM

aha... but the thing that releases the energy is the particles themselves, and this energy, in the form of photon will also be attracted into black hole.. So no energy or mass are released fr ...

u meantioned that if  a hell is being tagged as the "black hole" then ,and as it will eventually die down then it can't be as what has stated in the Koran kan the heaven and hell are the  permanent Form of "life" i.e hereafter?

but i have forgotten the source of / the raw material of thsi black hole a gaint star needs to be weighted with certain mass in order to be the next black hole should it died down...

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 05:23 PM
aha.. no part in The Quran and hadith says that. I think usopp concludes that hell has strong gravitational force due to the black colour of its flame.

the  flame has no colour simply becoz the black hole itself  is a light absorbing   celestial entity, kan?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #235 mbhcsf's post

yup.. since hell is permanent, and black hole isnt, hell is not a black hole. even if the life of a black hole is really long, it is still short on cosmological scale...

however, if a black hole is continuously fed with matter, its life will become longer, i think. This is to replace the masses that are lost due to Hawking Radiation. If somehow we arrive to a concrete conclusion that hell is a black hole, so the hell must be continuously fed...

~~ i wonder what feeds the hell if this is true... is it human?

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #236 mbhcsf's post

aha... now it comes back to my previous question. If the flame is black because photons that are emitted from the flame is attracted to somewhere, then the flame is in the black hole. this would then imply something CAN exist beneath the event horizon, and this is something to think about, because as far as we concerned, matter tears apart after leaving the event horizon..

This is, however, based on our current understanding on the black hole.

However, since the universe beyond the event horizon is completely different from ours, physical laws, and perhaps common sense might not apply here. So if hell is indeed a  black hole, there must be some mechanisms or new laws that prevent matter to tear apart beyond the event horizon.

[ Last edited by  aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 05:38 PM ]

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Post time 13-6-2008 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 04:39 PM
ooo... hehehe.. ingatkan pemende r kowang borak dr td...

Erm... nk komen.. klu nk compare features of nerakan n black hole, kene define mne event horizon die... In this case, only people o ...


aku pun tatau hitam tu perspektif org luar neraka ke dalam.....

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Post time 13-6-2008 06:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 13-6-2008 05:12 PM
u got apoint u see...but is it logicakl to equate "neraka" and u know "black Hole "

apa macam Ussop?

dan as we know neraka itu ada degree / tingkat so .....u see it 's rather complicated ta ...

yup neraka bertingkat, so ia macam super creation....pergh!!!
aku tak nak masuk situ....

which part of Quan and hadith would clarify that neraka  is having " tarikan  graviti yg kuat tu? " yg i a bit hmm...sceptic any back ups on this Ussop?

nono....saya cuma beranggapan yg gravitinya adalah kuat barulah apinya warna semua ni hanyaa anggapan saja....
bukan saya kata neraka adalah black hole, cuma terbayang adakah ia seolah2 black hole kerana apinya yg hitam....

lagipun pernah dengar ayat yang kata neraka itu meraung dan menarik orang ke dalam it make sense...
owh....apalah hukum fizik yg ada di situ?
i wonder....adakah black hole itu gambaran neraka ? sebab black hole seolah2 ciptaan Tuhan yg paling menggerunkan...
dan neraka pun menggerunkan....
sure both tak sama, tapi mungkinkah ada ciri2 yg sama....


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Post time 13-6-2008 06:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 05:32 PM

yup.. since hell is permanent, and black hole isnt, hell is not a black hole. even if the life of a black hole is really long, it is still short on cosmological scale...

however, if a black hole is continuously fed with matter, its life will become longer, i think. This is to replace the masses that are lost due to Hawking Radiation. If somehow we arrive to a concrete conclusion that hell is a black hole, so the hell must be continuously fed...

~~ i wonder what feeds the hell if this is true... is it human?

bahan bakar utk neraka adalah manusia...itu yg kita selalu dengar kan?
bagaimana??? hanya Tuhan tau....

tentang eternity.....saya nak tanya....

bagaimanakah masa di event horizon???sebab dikatakan ( correct me if im wrong), kita tak akan melepasi event horizon tapi hanya berlegar2 di situ....
dan masa akan berfungsi seperti jarak( boleh bergerak ke depan dan ke belakang), dan jarak akan berfungsi seperti masa( kita tak leh berundur)....

lagipun gravity yg kuat akan mempengaruhi masa....

so mungkin kah faktor selama-lamanya (eternity) yang Tuhan nak buat dapat difahami? atau dapat dirungkaikan?

[ Last edited by  ussopp at 13-6-2008 06:24 PM ]

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Post time 13-6-2008 06:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #240 ussopp's post

ahaha.. nice, the 'menarik dan meraung' thing... tapi kalau kite accept neraka tu black hole, kite kene accept yg
1: Beyond the event horizon, things (human, fire, etc) can exist without being teared apart
2: Hell is continuously fed with something to make it immortal

And mungkin tidak semua org boleh terima anggapan tu, tapi, mungkin anatomy neraka n black hole ade similarities.... but then mungkin kita x boleh ckp yg neraka tu black hole...

mungkin kewujudan black hole itu adalah untuk manusia berfikir tentang bentuk2 seksaan d neraka bg mereka yg berfikir...

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