Disclaimer: I am an EXO fan. The Chinaline and EXO M has always been my favourites and I have always thought that Kris was the most good-looking out of all 12 members. However, to be fair - Kris has never been my bias. He has been my second favourite (I have an ever-changing bias list but it has never been him topping it).
This conspiracy theory is simply an educated guess on my part - I have no proof to back it up so take it with a pinch of salt.
I think its an open secret that Kris has wanted to leave before the Wolf promotions. Back then, I remember reading rumours that Kris went to Hong Kong to audition as an actor and try to get a company to buy out his SM contract.I remember scoffing at the rumours and thinking that no company in the right mind would buy out his SM contract - he wasn't worth the $$$ and the effort.
Now, I don't know Kris but I can say this with conviction - Kris never wanted to be an actor at the beginning. If he wanted to be an actor right from the start, he would have never been a trainee under SM entertainment. It doesn't make sense for someone to want to be an actor to go into a country with a foreign language he is unfamiliar with and try to be actor there under a company famous for their bad acting. (Anyway, if you are not Korean, you don't get to be a famous actor in Korea). If he sincerely wanted to be a good actor, he would have auditioned at Hong Kong right from the start and tried to get into TVB or something.
Kris just wanted to be a famous celebrity and being a Kpop idol was a way of getting famous. I have no doubt that he was dedicated to his dream - he didn't waste 4 years of his life training for nothing.
For whatsoever reason, after he debuted, he realized that the idol life just wasn't for him. Maybe its the $, its the lack of exposure, but it definitely wasn't myocarditis. I am sure Kris doesn't have a life-threatening disease. If he did, he could have played this card and get the sympathy of everyone. The fact that the report has been deleted proves that it was created for speculation and to draw people's sympathy. (I hate to bring this up but Hangeng was also suffering from severe medical conditions and now he is suddenly healthy enough to go to space - look up space travel - you have to have a clean bill of health and be physically fit to do space travel. I am not saying he was not overworked but his medical conditions were definitely over-exaggerated for purposes of the lawsuit.)
So anyway, with the lack of takers - Kris had no choice but to return to SM. SM probably thought this was the end of his shenanigans since he tried but couldn't find a way out.
Then, EXO became more and more popular, especially in China. SM started becoming more aggressive in making inroads into the China industry. SM first signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Samhwa Networks to advance into the Chinese video content market. This would threaten the current market leaders such as Tudou/Youku.
Then they signed a MOU with Baidu (China's Google) and Qiyi (Compeititor of Tudou/Youku which is under Baidu) for SM's music, music videos and production of new broadcasting programmes.
This is where it gets interesting - Sina Weibo (Sina is like Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr all in one) has shares in Tudou/Youku and they strategically partnered each other back in 2013 in order to compete with Baidu.
If you noticed, all the SM mudslinging and Kris's support came from Sina. And majority of the malicious searches are from Sina Weibo and Tudou/Youku. I very much doubt this is a coincidence.
And where does Kris comes into play? Sina/Tudou/Youku probably need a pawn to ruin SM's image in China so that people will be inclined to choose them over Baidu. SM is to be portrayed as the bully and Baidu will be portrayed as siding with the foreign bully whereas Sina/Tudou/Youku will be portrayed as the defender of justice and the protector of Chinese.
I very much doubt that Kris is going to win the lawsuit - I am sure after the previous lawsuit, SM has found a way to make their contract as watertight as possible. Plus, this time round, 1 Chinese member is leaving whereas 3 Chinese members are staying on. It would be hard for Kris to use the discriminated-because-I-am-Chinese card. Hence, the need for the dragging the Chinese members' images through the mud.
If Kris was confident of winning the lawsuit, he would have sued SM a long time ago when he first wanted to leave. He wasn't and still isn't confident but now he has found himself a backer.
Hence, this was never about winning a lawsuit - it was about damaging SM's (and more importantly Baidu's) image as much as possible. Hiring Hangeng's previous law firm was a ploy to remind the Chinese of how much Hangeng suffered under SM.
And in return for helping to damage SM's image, Kris gets to leave SM without dealing with the repercussions. And maybe some acting jobs to sweeten the deal even more.
Yes, I realized that Kris's fans must be crying foul now and saying that even if this is the case - Kris never intended for it to hurt his fellow EXO members.
But it really doesn't matter to me what his intentions were - although I doubt it was anything honourable - his actions and his timings has hurt the EXO members, especially the Chinese members. Luhan, Lay and Tao will probably have a harder time in Korea now, Korean fans will be more distrustful of Chinese members. EXO-M will also have a harder time in China now that some of the Chinese will view the Chinaline as traitors for not siding with Kris but siding with a Korean entertainment company instead.
Indeed, the Chinese fans are already in turmoil now supporting mainly OT12 or Kris. Any OT11 fans are attacked.
So Kris, you have been a irresponsible and selfish leader. (I will like to see someone refuting this comment) Goodbye.
I will remain an OT11 fan and support the remaining members, especially the Chinese members since they are the ones that stand to lose the most out of all.
bookehkahkoh posted on 18-5-2014 12:22 AM
tak silap BAP, taktaulah betul ke tak, ada nampak link tadi tapi malas nak bukak. tapi BAP tu masa ...
hah??? BAP??? sbb ape neh??? alamak... kena godek laaaaa
ai skrg baru nk kenal ngan chanyeol... n trmasuk la kai skali....
ni semua roommate la nye pasal...
boleh sajes tak ape yg ai nk tgk kat YT untuk dekatkan lg ai ngan chanyeol?
nzhass79 posted on 23-5-2014 02:26 PM
hah??? BAP??? sbb ape neh??? alamak... kena godek laaaaa
ai skrg baru nk kenal ngan chanyeol... ...
tu sampai sekarang tak pasti lagi siapa nak saman hahaha hearsay ja kot tapi ramai teka BAP.
kalau pasal chanyeol kalau nak cair dgr suara dia masa rap pi cari lagu exo k - two moons, mesti cair habis dgr suara deep dia sbb SM tak ramai rapper suara best, pastu variety show dia dgn exo biasa je tak kelakar sangat so i suggest jangan tengok variety show depa tapi search part music - dia pandai main gitar, dram tu yg rasa coolnya si chanyeol ni
(nak tambah: kalau kai cari video dia dengan taemin sbb diorg bestfriend pastu diorang jenis open dgn each other so jadi kelakar, masa first time exo menang si kai ni nangis si taemin kuangajaq pi record dia nangis guna phone ) Last edited by bookehkahkoh on 23-5-2014 07:10 PM
Regarding this, some of the members carefully spoke about their reaction to the situation and what it was like to prepare for the concert. EXO-K's leader Suho commented, "During that time, we were just mostly shocked, and as it was a time period right before the concert, all the members were hurting not only physically but emotionally as well... But because of this, we were able to unite even stronger to prepare for the concert, and as we strengthened our teamwork, we successfully concluded two days of the concert [so far]."
Chanyeol also added, "At first it was very confusing and we worried a lot about whether we would be able to show fans a perfect stage... So we talked among ourselves a lot and practiced even more... As we practiced, we were able to strengthen our unity and produce a more perfect stage."
Baekhyun expressed his grateful heart, sharing, "It was hard changing the music or the choreography, but I think the choreographers, the managers, and the staff had an even harder time than us... I'm also proud and thankful of the members for getting through it well."
"There is a saying 'the ground gets harder after the rain', and like this, it seems like the members were able to come together and become even stronger," Chen stated.
Regarding the mixed reactions that have come about, Lay expressed honestly, "We also did an interview with a Chinese media outlet before. This happening is upsetting. If there is something I was hurt and disappointed by, it's that fans were picking sides due to weird rumors and misunderstandings had come about. I hope things like this won't happen again and that we can be an EXO who are one."
Luhan added, "I think the part about this situation that touched me the most is that even though this happened a week before the concert and the stage and choreography had to be all redone, a perfect stage was able to be produced. So I was really moved by that."
When asked about his tears spilled during the first day of the concert, Suho revealed that it was due to once again realizing the love of fans and the strength that he gains from it. "My birthday was on the first concert day... We had a party with the fans and tears did form in my eyes... I suddenly felt happy... Recently I had been wondering about what happiness is... but I think I found my answer through the fans... I also realized that the greatest happiness is that the EXO members and the fans are in this together. Although it was something I've already known, I couldn't help but tear up."
Regarding their future goals and their popularity in China, Tao responded, "We are popular, but I don't think that we are perfect yet... I think we still have a lot that we're lacking in... EXO will work hard and promote as 11 members... We won't stop and we will put in all our efforts and work hard to become a #1 group in Asia and beyond."
Kai also stated, "As we were preparing for this concert, I wondered whether we'd be able to fill up this stadium. But after adding a third day beyond the initial two days, my dream grew bigger. I know that a lot of fans weren't able to come see us, so I hope that we will be able to hold a concert at the Sangam World Cup Stadium in the future... I was really surprised to hear that we would be adding another date, and I thought 2 days wasn't enough time before, so I was really happy to add another day to meet with even more fans."
bookehkahkoh posted on 23-5-2014 07:02 PM
tu sampai sekarang tak pasti lagi siapa nak saman hahaha hearsay ja kot tapi ramai teka BAP.
ka ...
alamakkkk.... aku harap2 la jgn BAP
okeh aku dh dgr two moons... ms aku tgk roommate aku tak tau pon dia terer part... sbb cara dia main gitar, dram seme seolah2 mcm dia pandai compose lagu ... dan aku ingat dia vocal
lg plak ms tu dia x byk sgt ckp.... hanya byk mengiyakan ckp2 org....
sekali bkk growl dgr dia rap... perghhhh.... tangkap leleh dengar suara dia wey... tak sangka... muker cute je.. tp deep voice dia mmg terbaik laaaaa...... bg aku suara dia tak padan ngan muka dia yg cute mute tu
tapi search part music - dia pandai main gitar, dram tu yg rasa coolnya si chanyeol ni
buat ms ni aku takleh tgk lg link YT yg ko kasi ni sbb opis block... kalo yg ko bg ni vid dia main gitar dram segala... thanks la sesangat...
sbb aku siyes tak pandai nk cari depa nye vid yg best kat YT
nzhass79 posted on 26-5-2014 08:31 AM
alamakkkk.... aku harap2 la jgn BAP
okeh aku dh dgr two moons... ms aku tgk roommate aku ta ...
haah aku bagi video part dia main dram & gitar je. jap aku share vid kai dgn taemin pulak, ntah aku rasa comel gila 2 ekor ni bila sama-sama tapi jarang diorg together sbb busy
nzhass79 posted on 26-5-2014 07:50 AM
nak saman sbb ape ye??? mohon pencerahannnn...
sbb diorg xdpat bayaran secukupnye w/pon ade concert sana sini
tp syarikat diorg ckp group ni xbwk untung
mcm2 dah syarikat buat utk diorg still xbwk untung
kiranye concert2 diorg xrmai yg dtg kot
Instiz: After EXO Kris, group A is also... will there be a bunch of lawsuits in music industry?
It looks like Korean music industry will be swept in another lawsuit.
New hallyu-dols, group A, is currently preparing for a lawsuit for their contract termination. The members have spent more than $10,000 and even hired a lawyer.
The biggest conflict between group A and the company is the issue of money. Despite their numerous concerts in Korea and their overseas tours, they did not get paid properly. The company doesn't know what to do because they invested a lot of money on the group and yet the earnings are lower than anticipated.
It differs by the contracts, but usually, idols get paid when they earn more than the invested money. The company says that they're not paying them yet because a lot of money was used for the promotions.
The music industry is in quiet chaos as there will be another lawsuit after EXO Kris. An insider said, "the music industry just came back from the ferry disaster, so I'm worried that the lawsuits will affect it."
bookehkahkoh posted on 23-5-2014 07:02 PM
tu sampai sekarang tak pasti lagi siapa nak saman hahaha hearsay ja kot tapi ramai teka BAP.
ka ...
ok dh tgk... tp cool la dia men drum... lg cool ms main gitar...
aku suka naw org main ketuk2 neh
yg vid lain dia ngan taemin aku lom dpt tgk lg..
tp tang dia nangis tu mmg kelakar... dh la mmg ada bukti.. masih nk nafikan lg...
sekali nk cover lg kata semua nangis...
tp kai ni lain benaw kalu bknn kat atas stage...
Post time 19-6-2014 10:53 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
breaking: baekhyun dengan taeyeon couple. tak dapat tepek gambar sebab on phone tapi untungnya baekhyun start minat taeyeon as a fan ja terus dpt couple
bookehkahkoh posted on 19-6-2014 03:20 PM
Gambar kiss pun ada:
nope.... tanak
tah nape... aku sian kat baekhyun ni... takde la kata aku x suka kapel ni... tp mcm baekhyun jd mangsa je...
bile ada story sal depa ni tros aku bkk wpon sbnrnya aku takde la minat sgt exo...
tp dlm kes ni aku jd cam nak tau je berita sal depa... esp baek tu
bookehkahkoh posted on 24-6-2014 10:31 AM
kena bash teruk whoa dua org ni kesian pdhal ramai je snsd yg dah expose relationship ni siap beli ...
aku rasa sbb org tu adalah bdk EXO... hahahaha
kalo org lain aku rasa tak la seteruk ni...
dn aku terbaca jgk yg baek ni kata yg dia takkan ada kapel sampai umur 35...
tu salah 1 kot rasanya...
atau ni mungkin permainan SM... mungkin... hahahaha...